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Somaliland: No Attack On Defence Forces Near Tukuruq The Commander of the Eastern Sector of the Somaliland Defence Forces, Brigadier-General, Ali Barre, has denied that an attack was launched against his forces in the area around Tukuruq by a rag-tag militia sent from across the border with Somalia. Speaking to the media, Brig-General, Ali Barre stated ” there were reports in the press that our Defence Forces were subjected to an attack few days ago in and around Tukuruq. This is not the case. About eight kilometers away gun-fire was reported, but, it is the usual ruse by these militia to claim that they had attacked Somaliland forces as a means of raising funds from abroad”. Brigidier-General, Ali Barre, Commander of the Eastern Sector of the Somaliland Defence Forces continued by stating “it is not the interest of anyone in the region to instigate hostilities and to lie to people overseas to send money in order to cause mayhem and death. Somaliland will defend it’s citizens and it’s borders. We want to peace to prevail in the region, and sincerely hope that those who want to send money to inflame hostilities, would be better advised to send these funds to support their loved ones, and to invest in their towns and villages”. This is not the first time that rag-tag militia have claimed to attacked Somaliland in order to try and raise money to justify their existence. Qarannews.com Qaran News
A teenager found injured near a train station died from a stab wound to the heart, an inquest heard. Fahad Mohamed Nur, 18, was found near Cathays train station in Cardiff …. Source: Hiiraan Online
The products banned from the market are found without proper labels that indicates manufacturer address and other related requirements of the authority. Source: Hiiraan Online
Nairobi (Caasimada Online) – Kooxda Al-Shabaab ayaa howlgallo ay ka fuliyeen deegaano hoostaga magaalada Wajeer ee Gobolka Waqooyi Bari ee dalka Kenya waxay kusoo qabteen askari ka tirsan booliska Kenya. Askartan oo ka mid ah qeybta loo yaqaan “Ilaalada Guryaha” ayaa laga afduubtay deegaanka Kontonka oo hoos-timaadda maamul goboleedka Wajeer ee Waqooyi Bari Kenya. Qoraal rasmi ah oo kasoo baxay Al-Shabaab ayaa lagu sheegay in ciidamadoodu ay la wareegeen gacan ku heynta deegaanka islamarkaana ay soo qafaasheen ciidamo ka tirsan booliska Kenya. “Howlgal qorshaysan oo mujaahidiintu ay ka fuliyeen deegaan hoos yimaad magaalada Wajeer ayay ugu suurtagashay in ay la wareegaan gacan ku heynta deegaanka ayna soo qafaashaan ciidamo katirsan Booliska dowladda Saliibiyadda Kenya” ayaa lagu yiri warka kasoo baxay Al-Shabaab. Sidoo kale Al-Shababa waxa ay sheegeen inay soo qabsadeen Mooto ay askarta lahaayeen, hase yeeshee faah faahin dheeraad ah ma aysan bixin. Todobaadkaan gudihiisa ayay aheyd markii Al-Shabaab ay meel u dhow deegaanka Amuuma oo hoos taga Gaarisa ay ku weerareen Kolonyo ay wateen ciidamada Kenya. Illaa iyo hadda wax war ah kama soo bixin dowladda Kenya oo ku aaddan la wareegidda Al-Shabaab ee deegaanka Kontonka iyo askarta lagasoo qafaashay. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Nairobi caasimada@live.com
Malayshiyaadka Al-shabaab ayaa sheegay in hawlgal qorshaysan oo ay ka fuliyeen degaanno hoos yimaada magaalada Wajeer ee gobolka waqooyi bari Kenya ay ku soo afduubteen askar ka tirsan Booliiska dalka Kenya. Qoraal ka soo baxay Al-shabaab oo lagu daabacay warbaahinta taageerta ururkaasi ayaa lagu sheegay in Al-shabaab ay askar ka tirsan Booliiska Kenya ku soo qafaasheen weerar qorshaysan oo ay ka fuliyeen degaan hoos yimaada magaalada wajeer ee gobolka Waqooyi bari Kenya islamarkaana ay gacanta ku dhigeen laba mooto iyo agab ciidan oo kala duwan kadib markii ay qabsadeen xarun Booliis. Dowladda Kenya weli wax hadal ah kama soo saarin sheegashada Al-shabaab ee ku aaddan in ay soo af-duubteen askar ka tirsan Booliiska Kenya iyo in ay gacanta ku dhigeen agabyo kala duwan oo ciidan. Dhinaca kale dowladda Kenya ayaa sheegtay in saddex xubnood oo loo malaynayo in ay Al-shabaab ka tirsanaayeen ay Khamiistii shalay la qaraxday miino ay ku aasayeen kaynta Boni oo ku taalla degaanka Lamu ee dalka Kenya. PUNTLAND POST The post Al-shabaab oo sheegatay in ay soo af-duubatay askar ka tirsan ciidamada Kenya appeared first on Puntland Post.
Somali journalists on Thursday launched the country's first environmental network to help increase reporting on ecological challenges and opportunities in the Horn of Africa nation. Source: Hiiraan Online
Garowe (SMN) –Saraakiisha Ciidanka Kenya ee Gobolka Lamu ayaa sheegay in Afar ka mid ahaa Al-Shabaab ay ku dhinteen qarax , markii ay la kacday Miino ay iyagu aasayeen Shalay. Saddex ka mid ahaa Al-Shabaab ayaa isla goobta ku dhintay, halka Ninka Afaraadna meydkiisa laga helay Keyn wax yar un u jirta halka uu Qaraxu ka dhacay, isagoo isku dayay in uu baxsado, sida uu sheegay Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Lamu, ahna madaxa howlgalka Keymaha Boni, Joseph Kanyiri. Qaraxa oo ka dhacay meel u dhow Omollo Bridge, oo ka tirsan Gobolka Xeebta ee Lamu, ayay Al Shabaab doonayeen in ay la eegtaan Gaadiidka Gaashaaman ee Kenya sida uu shegay Maamulka Lamu Ciidamadda Kenya ayaa Baaritaano ka sameeyay goobta uu qaraxu ka dhacey. Dhanka kale Majirto War kasoo baxay Xarakadda Al Shabaab oo ku aadan weerarkaasi qaraxa loo adeegsaday. View the full article
Garowe (SMN) –Ciidamo ka Tirsan Kuwa Maamulka Puntland ayaa lagu daad gureyay degmadda baran iyo Deegaano kale oo katirsan Gobolka Sanaag, Xili ay Gobolkaasi ka taagan tahay Xiisad u dhaxeysa Maamul Goboleedyadda Puntland iyo Somaliland. Cidamadan ayaa Durba shaqooyin baaris ah ka bilaabay gobolkaasi, iyagoo dadka deegaanka kala kaa shanaya arimaha amaanka. Askar Ka tirsan Somaliland iyo Saraakiil Ciidan ayaa dhawaan kazoo goostay Maamulkaasi, waxaana soo dhaweeyay Dowlad Goboleedka Puntland. Madaxweynaha Somaliland Mudane Muuse Biixi Cabdi ayaa dhawaan Xaalad deg deg ah kusoo rogay Gobolka Sanaag, iyadoo deegaano ka tirsan gobolkaasina ay Soomalailand usoo daabushay Ciidamo Militari ah. Madaxweyne Ku xigeenka Maamulka Puntland Axmed karaash oo ka hadlayey Xaalada ay Somaliland kusoo rogtay Sanaag ayaa sheegay in Puntland ay wax ka qaban doonto dhamaan Baahiyaha ka jira Deegaankasi, wuxuuna Hey’adaha Deeq Bixiyaasha ah ugu baaqay in ay dhagaha ka fureystaan amarka Somaliland oo Gobolkaasu uu yahay mid Xasiloon. View the full article
A newly built dam in northern Somalia’s drought-ravaged Nugal region is giving a reprieve to thousands of families who have lived through perennial water shortages. Source: Hiiraan Online
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa markii ugu horreysay shaaca ka qaaday siyaasadda ay ku wajaheyso tallaabooyinka is-daba jog joogga ah ee ay Kenya qaadeyso ee ka dhanka ah Soomaaliya. Balse, Wasiirka waxbarashada Soomaaliya, Cabdullaahi Goodax Barre oo ka hadlay magaalada Baardheere ayaa sheegay in siyaasadda dowladda Soomaaliya ay tahay kaliya inay Kenya ugu jawaabaan aamusnaan. “Hadda siyaasadda Kenya iyo Soomaaliya iskuma dhuunduleesho. Walaaleheen xagey garruun ku dhuftaan; xagey bud ku dhuftaan; xagey dhagax ka tuuraan. Anaga aamusnaantaas ayaan doorbidnay, taas ayaana wadeynaa.” Ayuu yiri Goodax. “Wixii ka xanaajiyayba, haddii ay xanaaqsan yihiin, illaa ay degaan waan sugeynaa. Waa inaad walaalkaa u sugtaa intuu ka soo miyirsanayo. Anaga siyaasad noocaas ah ayaan ku dhaqmeynaa”, ayuu hadalka ku daray, wasiir Goodax Barre. Goodax ayaa sheegay Soomaaliya ay “leeyihiin Soomaali; ayna ka shaqeynayaan Soomaali” una fikirayaan dad Soomaali ah. “Wixii intaa ka baxsan, waa inaan cagaheena ku doonanaa dhibaato. Waad la socotaan siyaasaddu marba meel bay aadeysaa”, ayuu yiri. Kenya ayaa bilihii ugu dambeeyay qaaday tallaabooyin culus oo ka dhan ah Soomaaliya, balse jawaabadaha ay dowladda Soomaaliya ka bixisay ayaa aad u koobnaa. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho caasimada@live.com
To believe something is one thing but to be loyal to what is believed and to sacrifice everything for it is another. Throughout human history and across all cultures there have been people who paid everything for the defence or the promotion of the principles, ideologies or the faiths they followed. There is no better example for those who sacrificed everything for the cause they believed than the companions of our beloved prophet peace and blessing of Allah be upon him. Among them were some who abandoned all their property, their wealthy, families and friends for the sake of their faith. Some even chopped off the heads of their fathers or other family members in a battle. Some sacrificed the relationship between them and their parents for the sake of their country and the values they hold dear. Among the latter is Umair binu Sa’ad. Umair Binu Saadi was very young when his father passed away leaving him and his mother poor and destitute. His mother remarried to one of the wealthiest merchants of Medina by the name Julas who belonged to the powerful tribe of Al-Aws. Julas looked after Umair and cherished him very well. He gave that love and compassion a father would have given to his son. Umair knew this and reciprocated it with the same level of love, respect and obedience. When he was about ten years of age, Umair became a Muslim and maintained the presence with the prophet (PBBUH) and his companion in the mosque. However, a moment, when Umair’s steadfastness in his faith and his loyalty to his principles were tested, had come. In the year 630 (9th year of the Hijra) the prophet PBBUH decided to lead an expedition to Tabuk against the Byzantine forces. He informed his decision to the companions and requested them to prepare themselves and the rich among them to finance the mission. Usually, when the Prophet was about to go to war, he would not announce his precise plans in advance for security purposes and to constrain information leakage. But, he did this time because of the distance of Tabuk to Medina, the enormous difficulty ahead of him and the overwhelming power of his opponents. All the wealthy men and women came forward one after one to make donations and pledges while Umiar was watching and waiting for his stepfather’s turn. However, Julas had never come forward. Umair liked to see his stepfather among those whom the prophet had blessed and prayed for. He witnessed people like Uthman Binu Affan who donated so much that the prophet was so pleased with him insomuch that he said about him “it will not hurt Uthman whatever he does after today” meaning all his past and future sins are pardoned. The following few days, Umair indirectly reminded his stepfather his wishes by naming those, like Uthman, who paid so much money, gold and transportation for the sake of Allah. However, Julas ignored his stepson and continued his daily business. On the final days of the preparation, while having lunch together, Umair brought the matter to the conversation and directly told him that he wished to see him among the righteous men who acted upon the prophet’s call and generously contributed to the good cause. To motivate him, Umair told him that there were so many young men who enlisted their names for the mission but were left out due to insufficient means of transport. Julas’s response was sharp and outrageous. He raised his head and said to his stepson “If Muhammad is true in claiming that he is a Prophet then we are all worse than donkeys.” Hearing this, Umair was shocked and baffled. He paused for a moment to digest and contemplate what he heard. On one hand, in front of him was the man who took him when he was a weak orphan and treated him as his own son with kind and compassion. On the other hand, he was a man who demonstrated signs of hypocrites and traitors. Now he had to choose between his father and his religion and obviously, the latter was the only choice for him. He then raised his head, looked his stepfather in the eyes and said to him “dad! There is no person on earth after the prophet dearer to me than you. but you spoke words, which if I mention them would humiliate you and expose what your heart concealed for long and if I hide it amounts to treason thus destroying my religion and whole my life. Hence, I would go and inform the prophet of what you have uttered, it is up you to explain you meant. He then stood up and left for the mosque to see the prophet. When Umair narrated the story to the beloved prophet, he sent someone to summon Julas and soon afterward, Julas arrived. The prophet asked him what he said to Umair. Julas denied everything and accused Umar of fabricating baseless allegations against him. Hypocrites around them immediately began to blame Umair for defaming his stepfather who did so much for him. Umair was trembled with embarrassed and tears followed from his eyes. He then asked his Lord to verify what who was wrong which Allah has answered with Qur’anic verses. As the companions turned to Umayr, they saw that the prophet was inspired. Having received the revelation he recited: يَحْلِفُونَ بِاللّهِ مَا قَالُواْ وَلَقَدْ قَالُواْ كَلِمَةَ الْكُفْرِ وَكَفَرُواْ بَعْدَ إِسْلاَمِهِمْ وَهَمُّواْ بِمَا لَمْ يَنَالُواْ وَمَا نَقَمُواْ إِلاَّ أَنْ أَغْنَاهُمُ اللّهُ وَرَسُولُهُ مِن فَضْلِهِ فَإِن يَتُوبُواْ يَكُ خَيْرًا لَّهُمْ وَإِن يَتَوَلَّوْا يُعَذِّبْهُمُ اللّهُ عَذَابًا أَلِيمًا فِي الدُّنْيَا وَالآخِرَةِ وَمَا لَهُمْ فِي الأَرْضِ مِن وَلِيٍّ وَلاَ نَصِيرٍ “(The hypocrites) swear by God that they have said (nothing wrong); yet most certainly they have uttered a saying which is a denial of the truth, and have thus denied the truth after having professed their self-surrender to God; for they were aiming at something which was beyond their reach. And they could find no fault (with the Faith) save that God had enriched them and (caused) His Apostle to enrich them out of His bounty. Hence, if they repent, it will be for their own good; but if they turn away, God will cause them to suffer a grievous suffering in this world and in the life to come and they will find no helper on earth, and none to give them succour.” (The Qur’an, Surah at-Tawbah, 9:74). Julas shuddered with fear at what he heard and in his agony, could hardly speak. Finally, he turned to the Prophet and said: “I do repent, O Rasulullah SAW. I do repent. Umayr ibn Sad al-Ansari RA told the truth and I lied. I beseech Allah to accept my repentance. Later in life, whenever Umair was mentioned at his presence Julas used to say “My Allah reward Umayr with goodness on my behalf. Umayr ibn Sad al-Ansari RA surely saved me from kufr and preserved my neck from the fire of hell”. What distinguishes Umair from the rest of other companions is the nature of the offence and the choices he had. Those who confronted and slashed the heads of their family members in a fight had only one choice: to kill their opponents or be murdered by them. In battlefields, there is no room for rethinking and contemplation about the taken decisions. A hesitation of one second could cost one’s life thus swift action should be taken. Nonetheless, Umair had plenty of options which could allow him to remain a firm believer and also hide his stepfather’s disgrace. Firstly, Julas’s hypocrisy has been in his heart for a while and there was no clear imminent danger coming from him so leaving him alone would not have caused any harm to the state. Secondly, there were only two of them in the room when the felony had occurred. This could entice Umair to ignore and keep whatever he heard in his chest to maintain the good relationships both with his stepfather and with the Ummah. Thirdly, Umair could give his father a warning by telling him if he did not repent what he said he would report him. Despite all these, Umair did not waver what to do for a second because his love of the prophet, that of his country and his comrades were far greater than that of his all family members. Umair saw that the welfare of the state and the common good of the Ummah were above anything else. Therefore, Umair honoured his trust and carried out his responsibilities and that is what loyalty and patriotism are all about. By: Ibrahim Aden Shire Ishire86@gmail.com follow him at: Humbaale.com
Riyadh (Caasimada Online) – Sacuudi Carabiya ayaa qosheeneysa inay soo iibsato habka difaaca gantaalaha Israel ee loo yaqaan Iron Dome, si ay uga hor-tagaan gantaalaha ay soo tuuraan Xuutiyiinta dalka Yemen. Arrintan ayaa ka dambeysay kadib markii habka difaaca gantaalaha Mareykanka ee Patriot System, oo balaayiin dollar uga baxday Sacuudiga, uu ku fahsilmay inuu qabto inta badan gaantaalaha Xuutiyiinta. Gantaaladan ka hor-taga gantaalada ee Patriot System oo la dhigay wax 20 km ka yar u jira xuduudda Yemen, ayaa noqday lacag khasaartay, oo xitaa awoodi waayey inay qabtaan gantaalo aan sidaas u horumarsaneyn oo Xuutiyiinta ay farsameeyeen. Xuutiyiinya ayaa ku riday Sacuudiga in ka badan 200 oo gantaal, waxaana la rumeysan yahay inay ku dhinteen shacab gaaraya illaa boqol qof. Sacuudiga waa qariyaan xaqiiqda gantaalada Xuutiyiinta iyo dadka uga dhinta, sidoo kalena ma doonayaan inay si shaacsan u dhaliilaan gantaalaha Mareykanka, ayaga oo ka cabsanaya dowladda Mareykanka, hase yeeshee waxay si hoose u qirsan yihiin in lacag laga qaato, wax tayo lehna aan la siin. Iron Dome oo Israel ay u adeegsato inay kaga hortagto gantaalaha kooxda Xamas, ayaa la rumeysan yahay inay 90% qabtaan gantaalada kusoo socda Israel, kana wanaagsan yihiin kuwa Mareykanka. Fahad Al-Qahtani oo ah Sacuudi dhaliila siyaasadda dowladda ayaa yiri “Patriot waa guusha Trump Abu 500, balaayiin dollar oo ay u baahnaayeen saboolka Sacuudiga ayaa ku baxday, waana khasaaro.” Sacuudiga ayaa la sheegay inay Israel ka codsatay in Iron Dome marka hore ay ku tijaabiso xuduudda Yemen, kadibna haddii ay ku guuleystaan qabashada gantaalaha Xuutiyiinta ay iibsan doonaan. Dalka Sacuudiga waxaa dalka ugu soo hub iibsashada badan caalamka afartii sano ee tagtay, hase yeeshee militarigooda waa mid ka mid ah kuwa ugu taagtay darran dunida. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Qaahira caasimada@live.com
Four al-Shabab militants were killed after an improvised explosive device (IED) they were setting up apparently detonated prematurely in Kenya’s coastal Lamu region early Thursday, the police confirmed. A number of militants were also injured in the 3 a.m. incident near a bridge in Lamu East, said Lamu security operation director Joseph Kanyiri. “I can confirm that four of the militants died from an IED explosion,” he said. “It seems the device went off before they were done setting it up, killing three militants on the spot while another died a few minutes later. “Three badly charred bodies were recovered on the scene while another was picked up a few meters away. It seems he was trying to get away but succumbed to injuries,” Kanyiri added. The area falls within the infamous Boni forest where a security operation, dubbed Linda Boni, has been underway since 2015 to flush out militants there. The militants have been using the forest to stage attacks on local civilians and security personnel. Kanyiri said three loaded AK-47 magazines, 12 loose rounds of ammunition and a magazine pouch were also recovered at the scene. The tourism resort region of the coast has been a target of terror attacks in the past, often staged by al-Shabab terrorists who waged a war against Kenya soon after it deployed its military to war-ravaged Somalia in October 2011. Kenyan police believe al-Shabab remains a major threat in the border areas, noting that the terror group’s targets include security personnel and establishments along the border as well as commuter vehicles plying routes along the border and coastal regions. View the full article
Somalia said Thursday it is tackling environmental degradation which is closely linked to desertification, drought and unsustainable livestock and agricultural practice. Hussein Sheikh Hussein, minister of livestock, forestry and range said that the government is committed to eradicating deforestation by availing alternative options to communities. “We are in the process of offering communities alternative livelihoods for livestock production and alternative energy for cooking,” Hussein told a forum on unsustainable production and illegal export of charcoal in Somalia organized by the UN Environment. He noted that over-exploitation of forest and rangeland resources causes frequent drought and floods that affect communities and create a chronic humanitarian crisis in the country. The minister said that unsustainable production use and illegal export of charcoal remain the main cause behind deforestation and land degradation in the country. He attributed the situation to weakening of traditional systems of decision-making on access to resources, absence of alternative sources of energy and limited livelihoods options have led to unsustainable production and trade of charcoal. “We are making progress following charcoal trade ban by the UN Security Council in 2012, and we continue to work in partnerships in stopping the trade and providing alternatives to charcoal,” he added. Hussein said the joint Program for Sustainable Charcoal Reduction and Alternative Livelihoods is providing an integrated approach to address the issues. The program that is a partnership between the government, United Nations Development Programme, UN Environment and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is focusing on priority actions in the areas of policy support, capacity development, advocacy and providing alternative energy and livelihood options to charcoal use and production in the country. Hussein said the government has intensified efforts to stop the illegal trade. “The annual wholesale value of Somali charcoal ending in Middle East markets is estimated at 150 million U.S. dollars,” he added. The minister noted that the government, in a survey found that about 8.2 million trees were cut down to make charcoal between 2011 and 2017 alone. “It is this destruction of trees for charcoal that leads to degradation of land, destruction of the ecosystems and as a result causes greater susceptibility to flood and drought,” he added. Hussein noted that the livestock sector that gives the country 70 per cent of export earnings is most affected. View the full article
Baydhaba (Caasimada Online) – Laba habeen ka hor waxaa deegaanka Dhiin Waris oo 18 dhanka Bari ka xiga Magalada Dhuusamareeb lagu dilay 4 Ruux oo ka Shaqeynayay Goob lagu xanaaneyo Shinida , isla markaana Malabka looga dhaliyo, kuwaas oo deegaan ahaan kasoo jeeda Koonfur Galbeed. Hase yeeshee dhacdadaas ayaa waxaa si kulul uga hadlay maamulka Koonfur Galbeed, iyaga oo sheegay inay aad uga xun yihiin falkaas, waxaana ay baaris deg deg ah ka dalbadeen Madaxda Maamulka Galmudug. Wasiirka Wasaaradda Warfaafinta Koonfur Galbeed Xasan Cabdi Maxamed (Ugaas Xasan) ayaa ugu baaqay in Madaxda Maamulka Galmudug ay baaris dhab ah ku sameeyeen dadkii ka dambeeyay dilka Afarta Ruux ee Shacabka ah. Waxa uu sheegay inay aaminsan yihiin inaysan raali ka aheyn Madaxda Galmudug wixii ka dhacay duleedka Magalada Dhuusamareeb, hayeeshee ay ka sugayaan inay jawaab deg deg ah kasoo siiyaan dilkaas loo geysta dadka Shacabka ah ee kasoo jeeda deegaanada Koonfur Glbeed. Dhinaca kale Madaxa Xukuumadda Maamulka Galmudug Maxamed Shaakir Cali Xassan ayaa sheegay in ka Galmudug ahaan ay aad uga xun yihiin dilka dadka rayidka ah loo geystay, isla markaana ay wadaan baaritaano ku aadan dadkii ka dambeeyay. https://www.caasimada.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/cod-1-konfurgalbed.mp3Caasimada Online Xafiiska Baydhaba caasimada@live.com
A workman has alleged that he was forced to kiss the feet of the Saudi crown prince’s sister as part of an ordeal lasting several hours in which he was punched and his hands were tied. The 54-year-old plumber reported Princess Hassa bint Salman, 44, King Salman’s only daughter, to police, claiming that she had ordered her bodyguard to assault him. During the incident at the princess’s apartment in Paris, she shouted, “Kill him, the dog, he doesn’t deserve to live”, according to Le Point magazine. The princess, whose brother, Mohammed bin Salman, is the powerful heir to the Saudi throne, is also accused of theft because she allegedly confiscated the plumber’s tools before letting him leave her apartment. She is to stand trial next… Source The Times Qaran News
Wasiirka warfaafinta Soomaaliya, Maxamed Cabdi Xayir (Maareeye) ayaa shir guddoomiyay kulankii Labaad ee guddiga qaban-qaabada maalmaha xorriyadda Soomaaliya oo ku beegan 26-ka June iyo 1-da Luulyo. Wasiirka warfaafinta Soomaaliya, ahna guddoomiyaha guddiga qaban-qaabada maalmaha xorriyadda ayaa warbaahinta Qaranka uga war bixiyay sida loogu siyaar garoobayo xuska maalmaha xorriyadda, wuxuuna Shacabka iyo Safiirrada caalamka ka jooga Soomaaliya kula dardaarmay in ay dhankoodana u diyaar garoobaan weyneynta maalmaha xorriyadda. Kulanka ayaa waxaa goob joog ka ahaa Wasiirka dhalinyarada iyo ciyaaraha’ Khadiija Maxamed Diiriye, taliyeyaasha Ciidanka qalabka sida, xubno ka socday Xafiiska Ra’iisul wasaaraha, maamulka Gobolka Banadir iyo Abwaanno. Shirka ayaa lagu lafa guray, sidii loo diyaarin lahaa goobaha ku habboon ee lagu qaban doono xuska iyo xafladahaha dabaaldegyada, adkeynta amniga iyo diyaarinta Suugaanta xoriyadda, in la diyaariyo goobo wacyi galineed oo dadka lagu xasuusiyo waddaniyadda iyo halgenkii loo soo maray madaxbannaanida. 26-kii June 1960-kii oo ah markii ugu horreysay ee Calan Soomaaliyeed laga taago Ciiddeena, ayaa waxa ay gobollada waqooyi badax bannaanidooda ka qaateen gumeystihii Ingiriiska, waxaana Shan Cisho ka dib 1-dii July gobanimada ka qaatay Isticmaarkii Talyaaniga gobollada Koofureed ee dalka, iyagoo isla xilligaana ku midoobay Jamhuuriayadda Soomaaliya. Guddiga qaban-qaabada xuska maalmaha xorriyadda ee maanta yeeshay kulankoodii Labaad, ayaa waxaa 9-kii Bishan magacaabay Ra’iisul wasaaraha dalka, Xasan Cali Kheyre, si ay u abaabulaan xuska maalmaha xorriyadda ee foodda nagu soo haya. View the full article