Deeq A.

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  1. (SLT-Boorama)-Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, mudane Cabdiraxmaan Cabdilaahi ismaaciil (Saylici) ayaa galabta safar shaqo ugu baxay gobolka Awdal, iyadoo si balaadhan loogu Soo dhaweeyey duleedka magaalada Boorama. Source
  2. Qaahira (Caasimada Online) – Madaxweynihii xukunka laga afgambiyey ee dalka Masar, Maxamed Morsi ayaa ku dhex geeriyooday maxkamad ku taalla dalkaas oo maanta lasoo taagay, waxaa sidaas ku warramay taleefishinka dowladda ee Al-Ahram. Naga filo faah-faahin dhowaan Insha Allah. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Qaahira
  3. Dowladda Puntland ayaa wada qorshe balaaran oo dhinaca horumarinta iyo sho abuurka laxiriirta, taas oo lagu shaqo siinayo in ka badan 10 kun oo dhalinyaro [...] Source
  4. PRESS RELEASE The Dangote Group deploys Freshworks to unify information technology (IT) service management across its 19 subsidiaries Freshservice, ITSM software by Freshworks streamlines workflow management and improve response time by 38% in a year LAGOS, Nigeria, June 17, 2019/ — The Dangote Group (, the largest indigenous industrial conglomerate in Sub Saharan Africa has deployed Freshservice by Freshworks (, its cloud-based service desk software that helps modernize the IT teams along with other business functions. Integration of Freshservice offers a host of ITIL-aligned features, workflow automation, and powerful analytics, all accessible through a clean and intuitive interface. The Dangote Group is the leading provider of essential needs in food and shelter in Sub-Saharan Africa with sustained market leadership in cement manufacturing, sugar milling, sugar refining, flour milling, operation of cement terminals, port operations, packaging material production, and salt refining. The integration with Freshservice allows over 150 IT support agents, to streamline workflow management for over 10,000 + employees across its 19 subsidiaries, enabling them to seamlessly work across geographies. The integration is supported by AI-powered self-service, an employee-facing mobile app, that resolves IT issues swiftly with immediate ticketing of incidents and requests whenever and wherever they occur.. Freshservice supports Dangote group’s IT teams in the following ways: Improved operational efficiencies and effectiveness as well as streamline compliance. Increased insights into how service management team are working, map their productivity and effectiveness – letting IT support managers identify areas to focus to improve employee on-boarding and service resolution. Added contextual support- IT service agents can start a remote session to troubleshoot an end-user or customer problem from within Freshservice, where the agent has context about the issue across group companies. Previously, The Dangote Group’s traditional ITSM setup relied heavily on disparate technologies and processes. After implementing Freshservice, immediate gains were achieved: Average response time reduced from 7.5 minutes in 2017 to 5.4 minutes in 2018 — a 38% improvement in the average response time 32.4% increase in known tickets requests from 2018 from 2017​ Percentage of tickets resolved on first contact nearly doubled, increasing from 9% of total tickets logged in 2017 to 16% in 2018 Prasanna K Burri, Group CIO, The Dangote Group, said, “Rather than simply finding replacement system to our on-premise solution, we wanted to transform the way our IT teams work, with Freshservice we knew we had an opportunity to undergo a complete transformation of our IT service management, to add more value to our business by improving productivity at all levels” “With the changing business needs of diversified conglomerates, there is an urgent need for agile software that can effectively manage complex business requirements at scale. With Freshservice, we are able to bring operational efficiency and service reliability to transform the way teams work across 19 subsidiaries of The Dangote Group” said Saurabh Prabhuzantye, Head of Business for Middle East and Africa, Freshworks. Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Freshworks. Qaran News
  5. (SLT-Hargeysa)-Xisbiga UCID Oo Boqor Buurmadow Ka Difaacay Eedeymo Madaxweyne Muuse Biixi U Soo Jeediyey, Halkan hoose ka DAAWO Source
  6. If you cannot read that message click here. APO Group content is copyright free and can be republished at will. Shift Social Development PRESS RELEASE 2019 Africa Shared Value Summit Calls on Business to Take Action for Profit with Purpose The Summit’s theme, Africa’s Business Growth – Grounded in Collaboration, was reflected in the message shared by many of the speakers NAIROBI, Kenya, June 17, 2019/ — The third annual Africa Shared Value Summit ( took place last week in Nairobi, Kenya – the first time the event has come to East Africa. The diverse programme of thought leaders engaged a packed hall of delegates with thought-provoking insights and Shared Value case studies over the two days. The first of its kind in East Africa, the Summit was sponsored by local telecommunications giant Safaricom, as well as Old Mutual, Enel Green Power, Absa, KCB and the World Food Programme. The Founder and CEO of Summit organisers the Shared Value Africa Initiative (SVAI), Tiekie Barnard, opened the Summit with strong words for the African business community: “We as a collective have a responsibility to run sustainable businesses that grow our economy and bring about change to the people whose lives we touch.” “A really sustainable competitive advantage,” noted keynote speaker Mark Kramer, co-creator of the business concept and MD at FSG, in his opening plenary address, “comes from picking the particular customer segment you want to serve and designing every activity in your organisation to serve their needs better than anyone else.” Shared Value thinking is not about after-profit philanthropy or once-off PR moments – it’s about genuine differentiation and market leadership. Instead of competing for profit-margin percentages, business must rethink ‘business as usual’ to make operations more efficient, motivate and empower employees, and serve consumers better. Africa’s greatest challenges are ripe to become our biggest business opportunities – but it will take innovative, collaborative thinking to drive our continent’s economic growth. This is the essence of ‘profit with purpose’. The Summit’s theme, Africa’s Business Growth – Grounded in Collaboration, was reflected in the message shared by many of the speakers. As Moses Muthui, Country Strategy Director of Barclays Bank of Kenya (part of Absa Group), noted on the second day of the Summit, “We can compete for profit, and collaborate for purpose.” Muthui emphasized the need to invest in the industrialization of Africa in order to promote growth, create jobs and enable us to navigate increasing urbanisation and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. As with previous years, the UN Sustainable Development Goals were a theme at the Summit, underlining their usefulness in focusing a business’s purpose and providing tangible goals that business can contribute to achieving as a collective. “We believe that the Sustainable Development Goals provide the opportunity to really engage in a purpose-driven business, and business that is both sustainable and inclusive,” said Bob Collymore, CEO of Safaricom. At the end of the Summit, it was announced that the 2020 Africa Shared Value Summit will take place in Kigali, Rwanda. The Shared Value Africa Initiative has since shared the proposed dates – 25-26 May 2020. The event’s continuing proximity to Africa Day (25 May) emphasises the SVAI’s commitment to building Africa’s most powerful Shared Value business network, connecting businesses across industries and borders to create change – and economic growth – at scale. To join the Shared Value movement in Africa, visit or find the Shared Value Africa Initiative on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. For 2020 Africa Shared Value Summit sponsorship enquiries, visit Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Shift Social Development. View multimedia content Media Contact: Email: About the Summit: The Africa Shared Value Summit ( aims to raise awareness and advocate for the success of the strategic implementation of the Shared Value business model – profit with purpose – in Africa. Hear from business thought leaders and changemakers about how Shared Value thinking can take business to the next level and make Africa an economic powerhouse. Engage on the pressing issues facing African businesses with speakers and panellists at Q & A sessions and breakaway discussions. Plus, the Shared Value 101 Masterclass offers the opportunity to take a deep dive into the business case for making the shift to profit with purpose. Website: Facebook: Africa Shared Value Summit Twitter: @AfricaSVS LinkedIn: Africa Shared Value Summit Hashtag: #ASVS19 About the Organisers: The Shared Value Africa Initiative (SVAI) ( is a Non-Profit Organisation that aims to build a collaborative Shared Value network to accelerate sustainable change on our continent. The SVAI is the regional partner of the global Shared Value Initiative, the Australian Shared Value Project, the Hong Kong Shared Value Project, and Shared Value Initiative India. Website: Facebook: Shared Value Africa Initiative Twitter: @SVAItweets LinkedIn: Shared Value Africa Initiative Youtube: Shared Value Africa Initiative Hashtag: #SharedValueAfrica Shift creates and facilitates partnerships, initiatives and collaborations that drive social impact in Africa. We build and utilize our network to connect business, civil society, philanthropic foundations, non-profit organisations and government departments to leverage the resources to create inclusive growth and collective social impact at scale, aligned to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Facebook: SHIFT – Connect Scale Impact Twitter: @ShiftImpact LinkedIn: SH!FT ( Website: SOURCE Shift Social Development Qaran News
  7. Siyaasiyiinta ka soo jeeda gobolka Sanaag ee ku sugan dalka dibadiisa ayaa maalmihii udambeeyay soo gaarayay degmada Baran ee gobolka Sanaag. Cabdikariin Cali Suldaan oo [...] Source
  8. Waxaa shalay oo ahayd Axad 16.06.2019 lagu qabtay magaalada Copenhagen-Denmark munaasibad aad u weyn oo kulmisay shacbiga Somaaliyeed ee ku nool magaladaas,xafladaas oo aheyd mid [...] Source
  9. (SLT-Nairobi)-awladda kenya ayaa bilawday dedaal cusub oo ay ku doonayso in wadaxaajood ay kula yeelato dawladda soomaaliya, si loo soo af-jaro Muranka badda ee ka dhexeeya Soomaaliya iyo Kenya kadib markii ay burbureen wadahadaladii labada dhinac. “wada-xaajood waa sida ugu fiican ee lagu xallin karo Muran u dhexeeya laba Dal,taasina waa dariiqa aanu hadda qaadanay…” ayuu yidi afhayeenka dawladda Col (Rtd) Cyrus Oguna, oo la hadlay wargayska Daily Nation, ee kasoo baxa magaalada Niarobi. Dawladda kenya ayaa sheegtay inay dacwad ka gudbisay Dawladaha Norway iyo ingiriiska kuwaasi oo ay ku eedaysay inay hurinayaan khilaafka labada dal ee ku saabsan muranka badda. Prof Peter Kagwanja, oo ah khabiir ku xeel dheer Amniga,dawladnimada iyo Istaraatijiyadda sidoo kalena ah madaxa Mac-hadka siyaasadda Afrika oo falanqeeyay Muranka u dhexeeya soomaaliya iya iyo Kenya ayaa yidhi. ” Halka ay Kenya waxay gudbisay hal xidhmo oo ah warqadaha ay ka jawaabayso dawadda ICJ, Halka ay soomaaliya Gudbisay 10 Xidhmo oo mid kastaaba ka kooban tahay 250 bog. Waxay u muuqataa in Reer Galbeedka iyo Gacmo shisheeye ahi ay Soomaaliya ka caawiyeen dhinaca sharciga iyo dhaqaalaha ku baxay gudbinta dacwaddaasi” Saraakiil sare oo ka Tirsan dawladda kenya oo xog siiyay Wargayska Daily Nation ayaa ku eedeeyay Madaxwaynaha Soomaaliya Maxamed Cabdilaahi Farmaajo iyo Raysal wasaare Xasan Cali khayrre inay gacan saar la leeyihiin dalal Reer Galbeed ah taasi oo Muranka sii xoojisay. “Madaxwayne Farmaajo wuxuu haystaa dhalashada Maraykanka, RW khayrena waxaa madax ka ahaan jiray shirkad Saliidda dhoofisa (Soma Oil and Gas) waxaana uu haystaa dhalashada Norway” ayay yidhaahdeen sarakiil la hadlay wargayska Nition. khubaro badan oo Kenyan ah, ayaa dawladda Uhuru Kenyatta kula talinaya inay ka baxdo dacwadda Maxkamadda ICJ isla markaana ay daba ka riixdo in murankan lagu dhammeeyo heer gobol. Source
  10. (SLT-Hargeysa)-Golaha Wakiillada Oo U Jawaabay Golaha Guurtida, Halkan hoose ka DAAWO Source
  11. Hay’addada socdaalka iyo jinsiyada dowladda faderaalka Soomaaliya ayaa xafiis ku leh magaalada Baran ee gobolka Sanaag, iyadoona bixisa baasboorada Soomaaliya oo looga yimaada deegaamo katirsan [...] Source
  12. Narobi (Caasimadda Online) – Xisbiga Amni iyo Cadaalad ee Maamul Koonfur Galbeed Soomaaliya ayaa Magaalada Nairobi ee Caasimadda dalka Kenya ku qabtay shir saxaafadeed ay kaga hadlayeen dad lagu laayey Magaalada Gaalkacyo oo kasoo jeeday Deegaanada uu Xisbigaan ka dhisan yahay. Shirka Jaraa’id ayuu xisbiga tacsi kadib farriin ugu diray Dowladda Federaalka iyo Maamulka Galmudug, waxaana lasoo saaray qodobada soo socdo: 1) Xsibiga wuxuu tacsi u diray dadkii kasoo jeeday Koonfur Galbeed ee lagu kala laayey Gaalkacyo iyo Dhuusmareeb 2) Xisbiga wuxuu Maamulka Galmudug ka codsaday in Cadaaladda la hor keeno dadkii dilkaas ka dambeeyey oo uu xisbiga ku sheegay inay yihiin dad la yaqaan. 3) Maamulka Galmudug ayuu xisbiga u sheegay inuu isaga mas’uul ka yahay dadka kasoo jeedo Koonfur Galbeed ee halkaas ku sugan haddii aysan amnigooda damaanad qaadi karin wuxuu xisbiga ugu baaqay inay dadkaas kusoo celiyaan deegaanadooda. 4) Xisbiga ayaa Laanqeyrta Cas iyo Bisha Cas ugu baaqay inay magangalyo siiyaan dadka kasoo jeedo Koonfur Galbeed ee la xasuuqayo si loo badbaadiyo. 5) Xisbiga ayaa Shacabka Koonfur Galbeed ugu baaqay inay isugu imaadaan kulan ballaaran oo looga tashan doono aayaha dadka Koonfur Galbeed kasoo jeedo. Ugu dambeyn Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga Amni iyo Cadaalad ayaa sheegay in dadka Koonfur Galbeed si gaar ah loo ugaarsanayo taasina ay caddeyn u tahay inay Dowladda Soomaaliya Guddi heer wasiir ah u saartay hal qof oo lagu dilay Beled-weyne halka uu sheegay inaan lasoo hadal qaadin dadkii lagu laayey Baydhabo. Sidoo kale Guddoomiyaha ayaa sheegay in Mukhtaar Roobow uu u xiran yahay Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo Al-Shabaab uuna jiro xiriir u dhaxeeyo Villa Somalia iyo Al-Shabaab. Dhanka kale Guddoomiyaha ayaa sheegay in Dowladda Soomaaliya iyo Al-Shabaab ay iska kaashadeen qorshihii dhawaan la doonayey in lagu dilo madaxa Xukuumadda Galmudug Shiikh Maxamed Shaakir. Halkaan hoose ka daawo hadalka Guddoomiyaha iyo Shirkii Jaraa’id Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  13. Kadib dood dheer oo socotey muddo laba maalmood ah xildhibaanada golaha wakiilada ee dowladda Puntland ayaa waxa ay isku raaceen ajandayaasha ay uga doodi doonaan [...] Source
  14. Xildhibaanka Maxamed Nuur Cirfiid oo ka tirsan kuwa Hirshabelle, kana mid ahaa wafdi xildhibaanno iyo wasiirro ah oo gaaray Baladweyne, si xal looga gaaro khilaaf ka dhashay xil ka qaadistii guddoomiyihii gobolka Hiiraan Yuusuf Dabageed oo diiday in uu xilka wareejiyo, Xildhibaanka ayaa sidoo kale ka warbixiyay xaaladda guud ee magaalada. Xildhibaan Cirfiid oo la hadlay Goobjoog News ayaa sheegay in xaaladda magaalada ay deggan tahay, dadkuna ay is dhexmarayaan, waxa uuna rajo ka muujiyay in xal laga gaaro arrinta khilaafka dhanka maamulka ee magaalada Balaweyne. “ Wafdi wasiirro iyo Xildhibaanno isugu jiro ayaa waxaa aan ku aadnay magaalada Baladweyne oo maallmihii la soo dhaafay ay shaqaaqooyin siyaasadeed ay ka jireen, inaan xal raadinana waxa ay nagu aheyd wax waajib Xildhibaanno iyo wasiirro ahaanba” Sidoo kale Xildhibaanka oo hadalkiisa siiwato ayaa xusay in aysan jirin magaalada in ay ka xiran tahay dadkana ay isku socdaan ayna is dhexmarayaan, assago oo sheegay in ay la kulmeen madaxweyne Waare iyo Ugaas Xasan. “Sawirkii iyo waxyaabihii naloogu sheegay wax ka duwan ayaan ku aragnay, waxaan la kulanay madaxweynaha Hirshabelle, Maxamed Cabdi Waare, waxaa aana ka dhageysanay caqabadaha jira, sidoo kale waxaan la kulanay Ugaaska beesha Xawaadle Ugaas Xasan, runtii aad ayuu noo soo dhaweeyay, talooyinkiisa waan ka qaadanay” Dhanka kale Xildhibaan Maxamed Nuur Cirfiif ayaa sheegay inuu la soo xariiray Yuusuf Dabageed, asaga oo ku wargaliyay inuu diyaar u yahay inuu wada xaajood galo, aad ayuuna u soo dhoweeyay inaan la kulano “ Xalay ayuu nala soo xariiray, aad ayuuna u soo dhaweeyay inaan la kulano waana ku wajahan nahay”. Baladweyn ayaa waxaa todobaadyadan ka jiray degenaanshiyo la’aan dhanka siyaasadda ah iyada oo qalalaaso arrintan ka dhashay ay keeneen khasaare naf iyo maaleh. Goobjoog News Source:
  15. Abha (Caasimadda Online) – Kooxaha Xuutiyiinta ee Yeman ayaa mar kale Duqeyn loo adeegsaday diyaaradaha aan duuliyaha laheyn ku garaacay Garoonka Diyaaradaha ee Magaalada Abha oo Caasimad u ah Gobolka Asir ee dhaca Koonfur Sacuudiga. Kooxaha duqeyntaas geystay ayaa sabab u dhigay inay u aargudayaan dadka aan wax galabsan oo ay Sacuudiga ku xasuuqayaan gudaha Yeman Afartii Sano ee lasoo dhaafay. Garabka Ansarullah ayaa garoonka Diyaaradaha ee Abha duqeysay iyadoo adeegasneyso Diyaarada Qasef K2 oo ah nooca aan duuliyaha laheyn Axaddii sida uu baahiyey Talefishinka kooxdaan ee Al-Masirah TV. Garoonka Diyaaradaha ee Abha ayaa ku yaal Buurta Caanka ah ee isla magacaas wadato taasoo ku taalo Koonfur Galbeed ee Dalka Sacuudiga. Duqeyntaan ayaa kusoo aadeyso xilli Sabtidii duqeyn loo geystay isla garoonkaan iyo Gobolka kale ee dariska la ah ee Jizan, waxaana duqeyntaas iyadana loo isticmaalay isla nooca diyaradda ee la adeegsaday duqeyntii Shalay. Xuutiyiinta dalka Yeman ayaa muddooyinkii dambe sii xoojiyey duqeymaha iyo weerarada ay ku qaadayaan gudaha Sacuudiga, waxayna inta badan beegsadaan Jizan, Najran, Abha iyo Khamis Mushait. Duqeyntii ugu darneyd ayey kooxdaan Bishii hore ka fulisay Goobaha shidaalka laga soo saaro ee ku yaal Caasimadda Sacuudiga ee Riyadh. Kooxda Xuutiyiinta ayaa horey ugu hanjabtay inay duqeymo ka geysan doonto dhammaan Garoomada Sacuudiga ku yaal ee qeybta ka ah howlaha Militari ee ka socdo Yeman inta ay Sacuudiga iyo Xulafadeeda ku sugan yihiin Garoonka Caalamiga ee Diyaaradaha ee Sanca. Dowladda Sacuudiga iyo Xulafada ay hoggaamineyso ayaa dalka Yeman ku dilay ilaa 15,000 kuwaas oo intooda badan ahaa dad rayid ah oo aan waxba galabsan. Halkan ka daawo wararka oo muuqaal ah Caasimada Online Xafiiska Jeddah
  16. The girl had been working at a brothel in Nairobi’s Eastleigh area before falling pregnant. Police officers raided the brothel and arrested a woman believed to be behind the illegal child sex trade. Source: Hiiraan Online
  17. Iran has said the country plans to quadruple production of low-level enriched uranium and will reach the limit of the stockpile allowed under the nuclear deal within days. Source: Hiiraan Online
  18. Abal (Caasimada Online) – Maleeshiyada daacadda u ah Mukhtaar Roobow Abuu Mansuur ee loo yaqaan Caaro Caaro ayaa goor dhow sheegtay inay dileen sarkaal sare oo ka tirsan kooxda Al-Shabaab. Maleeshiyada ayaa sheegay inay weerar gaadmo ah ku qaadeen xubno sare oo ka tirsan kooxda Al-Shabaab oo ku safrayey deegaanka Kulanjeer ee gobolka Bakool, halkaasi oo ay ku dileen dhowr maleeshiyo. Kooxda Caaro Caaro ayaa shaacisay in dadka ay dileen uu ku jiro Maxamed Xasan Baarqab oo ahaa madaxii Zakawaatka kooxda Al-Shabaab ee gobolka. Ma jirto ilaa iyo hadda cid si madax banaan u xaqiijin karta sheegada kooxda Roobow. Sidoo kale kooxda Al-Shabaab ayaan weli wax jawaab ah ka bixin dhacdadan. Kooxda Caaro Caaro ee Roobow ayaa waxaa saldhig u ah deegaanka Abal oo dhowr KM u jira magaalada Xudur ee xarunta gobalka Bakool, waxaana halkaas ku sugan ku dhowaad 500 oo Askari. Ciidamadaan oo aad u qabalabeysan ayaa wali ku sugan furimihii dagaalka iyo Jiidda hore ee aagga dagaalka kuwaas oo ku dhowaad 10 sano ka hor uu sameeyay Sheekh Mukhtaar Roobow kadib markii uu la dagaalay Al-Shabaab. Caasimada Online ayaa ogaatay in ciidamada Abuu Mansuur ay helaan taageero caalami ah oo dhan kasta ah, oo ay siiso dowladda Mareykanka si ay ula dagaalamaan Al-Shabaab. Halkan ka daawo wararka oo muuqaal ah Caasimada Online Xafiiska Baydhaba
  19. MOGADISHU, June 17 (Xinhua) — A senior UN official expressed optimism about the state of political and economic relations between the world body and the Somali government. Bintou Keita, Assistant Secretary-General for Africa in the UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs and Department of Peace Operations, made the remarks after wrapping up her five-day familiarization tour of Somalia. Keita said her discussions with Somali officials focused on the participation of women in the country’s political process and economic reforms, and the relations between the UN and the government. “We discussed the vision around where the country has to be in the medium term, and it has a lot to do with political governance, the establishment of federalism as well as the economic situation, particularly the decision point for debt relief,” Keita said in a statement issued by UN Assistance Mission in Somalia. The Horn of Africa nation is lobbying international creditors to cancel its foreign debt, most of which was accumulated prior to the outbreak of the civil war in 1991. The Somali government maintains that debt relief will help the country invest its resources into reviving the economy and creating more jobs for its youthful population. In her meeting with Somali women leaders, Keita urged women to fight for their rights and vote for female candidates who vie for positions of leadership in order to increase their participation in the country’s decision-making process. Somali women activists have been lobbying members of the parliament to approve a pending electoral reform bill that would enshrine the 30 percent gender quota in the country’s future legislatures. Asha Abdulle Siyad, chairperson of the Somali Women’s Leadership Initiative appealed to the international community to continue supporting the women of Somalia in their quest for gender parity. “We need to have an article (in the constitution) that specifically says the minimum 30 percent (of parliamentary seats) should be (reserved for) women,” said Siyad, who also warned that implementation of such a principle will present another challenge for Somali women. As a result of the 2016 electoral process, female representation in Somalia’s federal parliament rose from 14 percent in the outgoing legislature to 24 percent, but it still fell short of the 30 percent quota goal, according to the UN mission. Keita also held discussions with representatives of youth groups, whom she urged to initiate a process that would help the UN and the broader international community to engage more effectively with young people on various issues concerning them. “The youth are the leaders of today and the leaders of tomorrow. You are part of (Somalia), which means that the engagement, the participation and the political participation are all part of that path for leadership,” Keita said. Source: Xinhua
  20. Somaliland ayaa xabsiga ka sii deysay xildhibaan Maxamed Axmed Dhakool oo muddo ka badan bil ku xirnaa Magaalada Hargeysa. Xildhibaanka ayaa la xiray kadib markii uu maalinta 18-ka May ee ay Somaaliland u calaamadeysay gooni-isu-taaggeeda uu ku sheegay in ay tahay maalin ay leeyihiin beelo gaar ah halka Somaliland looga aqoonsanyahay maalin xuriyad. Xildhibaanka ayaa sheegay in Beelaha Somaliland aysan u dhameyn maalinta 18-ka May, isaga oo intaasi raaciyey in aanu ka qeyb galeyn. Xildhibaanka Dhakool ayaa dhowr jeer laga dalbaday mudadii uu xirnaa inuu raali galin ka bixiyo hadlkiisa, lakiin Dhakool ayaa iska dhaga tiray haladka loo soo jeedioyay. Wararka la helayo ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in sii deynta Xildhibaan Dhakool ay timid kadib markii beesha uu ka soo jeedo ay raaligelin ka bixisay hadlkii Xildhibaan Maxamed Axmed Dhakool uu ku sheegay in maalinta 18-ka May ay tahay maalin ay leeyihiin beelo gaar ah aysan aheyn maalin qaran, Goobjoog News Source: