Deeq A.

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  1. Somaliland can provide enough to satisfy every person’s need, but not every government officer’s unlimited greed Every human being has the right to freedom from oppression. Let me begin by first saying that I basically wrote this article for the advocacy of Somaliland poor people who are in a poverty rate of 73%, according to UNDP statistics; a country that has 70% of its population under the age of 30 with a wide range of social, economic and political challenges facing them; a people governed with inequality of opportunities in an unfair and cruel way, prevented from having freedom. I also write this article to point out that what made Somaliland people poor is not the country, it is by those who govern and the way they govern it. The root cause of poverty of a country is social injustice and the bad government that abets it. Let us remember that leadership service demands selflessness and the willingness to give their honesty and ambitions fully to the cause of the betterment of their poor people. I am of the opinion that the selfless strived speeches of the candidates in the election campaigns was never meant for the self-glorification or gratuity of those who won the elections and rule the country. But rather it was meant to serve; yes to serve the people, to serve the down-trodden poor, to serve the have-not community in the IDPs, to serve the children paving their way to a better future, to serve and develop the livelihoods of our rural population. Somaliland people passed through long journey of oppression type of rule, ethnic cleansing genocide, forced displacement, refugee life style sufferings, destructive struggle for freedom and the loss of over hundred thousand of their beloved ones. After they regained their political independence that was lost in 1960 the people of Somaliland again experienced another 28 years passed bye with tolerance, endurance, courageous resistance and withstanding ability of the pains, difficulties and unpleasant hardships resulted from their endless lack of the essential human needs. Somaliland peoples’ tolerance for that long time was just because of their ultimate hope to see one day a Somaliland free from injustice, inequality, corruption, nepotism, favoritism, power abuse; poverty, unemployment, and from selfish exhausted compromised and visionless leadership long on deceiving ideas and short on actionable plans. There are a number of elements within our inner side lives that are not known to others, that actually define us and have played a significant role in making us the persons we are in front of others. In Somaliland such elements within our political leaderships and government political elites showed us that they have an excessive greed to possess the public assets as their private belongings and lust for public money thefts. I remember of the words with great icon that Mahatma Gandhi said “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed”. May I equally say that “Somaliland provides enough to satisfy every person’s need, but not every government officer’s unlimited greed”. When we change our mindset based on material and selfishness to moral value and national success; we can change the living standard of our people. This philosophy of selfishness that every man and every woman who has to take up government responsibility is thinking to get much money and many properties in the period of his/her service destroyed Somaliland and does not work anymore. A country can go forward and develop when its leaders and others in the government services love their people and are ready to serve them better; when they become humble to consider the problems of the different social groups and diverse their opinions in order to choose the best path. This means this country has hope only if our leaders, cabinet ministers, MPs and government officers change this selfish greed and become selfless persons ready to serve for the common good, not aiming only their self-glorification and gratuity. Somaliland government was not and is not working on a Plan based on building a nation inspired by a bright vision; a nation featuring highly in social development indexes that our country be connected and open to neighbors and the world. Politically it is necessary to work on to improve governance and regional integration. The government should work for the vision enabling Somaliland to promote its economy and become socially, economically and environmentally in a sustainable development. We need to see Somaliland transforming itself to become among the most efficient food producers in the region and Africa; we need to see Somaliland become a country with booming and innovative industries; we need to see Somaliland become a supplier of products to the outside world besides its import needs. Somaliland is rich with all economic development sectors like agriculture, livestock, minerals, natural energy, sea resources and architectural areas for tourism; it is also geopolitically strategic in location with good climate and very efficient people. But unfortunately it is one of the poorest countries in the world. In order to make use of all these economic development resources; we need economic development re-orientation plan and a procedure of its implementation; beginning from an assessment of the most important investable sectors in our country like agriculture, fisheries, livestock, minerals, energy and infrastructures. The 2nd step is to create easier and encouraging investment policies; and invite foreign and local companies to invest the country through the foresaid sectors. The government must develop national policy supporting and encouraging agricultural production and implement it through government decisions and directives. The government has to organize and lead a massive national campaign with all private, public and social sectors to put their commitment on the desk of investing their money through the identified investable sectors; instead of importing goods that can be produced or processed within our country. The government should introduce a monetary exemption which refers the removal from import taxes, service charges and municipal taxes on all imported agricultural motor items, agricultural machinery and equipments. At the same time the government must prepare and make available all the proper tools and mechanical instruments of the country’s different types of farming; with a procedure enabling the farmers to use these tools and instruments. The government must conduct training workshops that develop or modernize the methods of farming and must improve the technology employed in that sector. The government should set a strategy that encourages the commercial corporations, companies, firms and business enterprises of the country to upgrade their innovations and innovators further to push the country from importer to producer. The government can introduce a technique making them understand that their main task and objectives should not be only to generate income through importing goods; but to accept and take their social responsibility to invest their money in their country and produce what they select from the nationally assessed and evaluated list of the investable agricultural, industrial and marine production. In this strategy they can generate easier income and they can create more jobs for their people; on whose account they have become so rich. The government should make tax exemption on all the imports they need for their Manufacturing processes; if they make such local investments; it must also push tax raising reforms on the rich monopolies in the country to help small and medium-sized enterprises flourish; if they fail to take their part on the country production booming campaign. Somaliland currently has a demographic bonus, 70% of its population is young, under 35 years. I f Somaliland government develops such vision with a plan to implement, this can open opportunities of hiring and contracting our local repressed scholars who have the talents and expertise to the fields of the related investments; a vision that grantees our young people, our skilled workers and none skilled workers get jobs. If we need to create job opportunities to our young graduates and to reduce the 90% unemployment rate of our youngsters as much as we could; we need to make non-stop work directed by intellectuality and selflessness. Then we can orientate our educated youngsters to work for the good of their people, enjoying with a democratic, supportive, transparent statehood that promotes equal opportunities for all. God bless Somaliland; guide and support her poor people; bless all her children and give her peace, development and urgent recognition ISHA ALLAH. Adam ALI Younis E-mail: Qaran News
  2. Guddoonka Golaah Shacabka ee Baarlamaanka federaalka Soomaaliya Maxamed Mursal Sheekh, ayaa guddi u saaray baaritaanka shaqaaqooyinkii ka dhacay magaalooyinka Gaalkacyo iyo Dhuusa-marreeb ee Galmudug Gudoomiyaha ayaa magacaabay guddi ka kooban 13 xubnood oo xildhibaano ah, ayadoo loo idmaday in ay baaritaan ku soo sameyaan dhacdooyinkii dhawaan ka dhacay magaalooyinka Dhuusamareeb iyo Gaalkacyo ee deegaanada Galmudug, taas lagu dilay dad ka soo jeeday deegaanada Koofur galbeed Soomaaliya. Gudiga ayaa waxaa ka mid ah xildhibaano Miisaan ku leh golaha shacabka, ayagana oo tagi doona goobihii ay wax ka dhaceen si ay soo celiyaan xog ku aadan wixii dhacay. Xildhibaan Axmed Macalin Fiqi. Xildhibaan Cali Jaamac Jangeli,. Xildhibaan Cabdullaahi Abuukar Xaaji, Xildhibaan Cali Sheekh Maxamed Nuur. Halkaan ka aqriso Goobjioog News Source:
  3. (SLT-Qaahira)-Morsi wuxuu ku dhashay deegaanka Al-Cadwah oo saran Webiga Nile ee gobolka Sharqiyah, sannadkii 1951. Wuxuu culuumta Injineeriyadda ka bartay jaamacadda Qaahira sannadkii 1970kii. Ka dib wuxuu shahaadada PhD ka soo bartay jaamacad ku taalla dalka Mareykanka. Soo Ifbixii Morsi Doorashadii baarlamaan ee ugu horreysay ka dib markii xilka laga tuuray Mubaarak, sannadkii 2011kii, Ikhwaanka waxay sameysteen Xisbi ay ku magacaabeen Xuriyadda iyo Cadaaladda (FJP). Waxay ku guulleysteen kala badh kuraastii baarlamaanka. Morsi ayey u doorteen inuu hoggaamiye u noqdo xisbigaas siyaasadeed, kaas oo ku guulleystay doorashadii madaxweynaha. Inkastoo uu hogaaminaye ahaa wakhti dheer haddana waxaa loo arkay inuu ahaa nin aamusan oo dadka aan soo jiidan karin. Morsi ayaa u balanqaaday dadka cadaalad iyo horumar iyo inuu Masar oo dhan hoggaaminayo inakstoo natiijada doorashada aad la iskugu dhowaa. Xilligaas ka hor ayaa siyaasadda lagu arkay. Wuxuu u tartamay xildhibaan inuu noqdo sannadihii 2000 iyo 2005tii. Dadka isaga dhalleeceeya waxay sheegeen inuu ku guul-dareystay inuu waxqabto sannadkii uu xafiiska hayay. Waxay sheegeen inuu Islaamiyiinta u ogolaaday inay siyaasadda galaangal ku yeeshaan ayna dhaqaalaha si xun u maareeyaan. Morsi ayaa noqday madaxweyne ka dib markii Mubaarak xilka laga tuuray Dad dowladdiisa ka soo horjeeday ayaa sababay isu soo bax malaayiin qof ay ka qeybgaleen, maalintii uu u dabaaldegayay sannadkii uu xafiiska hayay ee 30 June 2013kii. Habeenkii 3dii Juley ayey ciidammada laaleen dastuurka, waxayna ku dhawaaqeen dowlad ku meel gaadh ah oo dalka doorasho ku hoggaamisa. Morsi ayaa tallaabadaas ku tilmaamay afgembi, waxaana lagu xidhay xabsi ay millatariga leeyihiin. Ururkii uu ka tirsanaa ee Ikhwaanka wuxuu Masar ka jiray ku dhowaad 90 sanno. Maxamed Morsi wuxuu noqday madaxweynihii ugu horreeyay ee Masar ee si dimuquraadiyad ah lagu doortay. Ururka Ikhwaanka oo muddo Masar mamnuuc ka ahaa, markii ugu horeysay ee siyaasadda ay u tartameen waxay ahayd 1980-maadkii. Waxay ka qeybgaleen doorashooyiinkii 1984 iyo 1987. Sannadkii 2000, waxay noqdeen mucaaradkii ugu weynaa dalka Masar. Maaxamed Morsi oo dhowr goor oo maxkamad la geeyay, waxaa lagu kala riday xukunno kala duwan, sida xabsi iyo dil. Maxkamadda sare ee Masar ayaa ka dib go’aamisay in la joojiyo dilkii lagu xukumay madaxweynihii hore, waxayna amartay in dacwada mar kale la qaado. Source
  4. (SLT-Tehran)-Afhayeen u hadlay hay’ada Nuclear-ka dalka Iran ayaa sheegay in Iran ay kordhinayso tayaynta heerka macdanta uranium-ta ee loo adeegsado hubka wax baabiiya ee Nuclearka, isla markaana uu dalkiisu mudooyinkii u dambeeyey uu dadajiyey tayaynta macdantaasi. Hadalkan ka soo yeedhay Afhayeenka hay’adda Nuclear-ka ee dalka Iran ninka la yidhaa Behrouz Kamalvandi ayaa soo beegmaya xili ay xiisad adagi ka taagantahay gacanka Persianka oo u dhaxaysa dalka Maraykanka iyo Iran. Waxaanu sheegay afhayeenka u hadlay hay’adda Nuclearka dalka Iran in ay kordhinta macdantaasi ay ka bilaabeen 3.67% taas oo ay hoos u dhigtay heshiiskii ay wada galeen 2015-kii Iran iyo dawladaha aduunka ee awooda leh, wakhti xaadirkana ay u baahdeen inay talaabadaasi ay ku kordhinayaan tayaynta uranium-ta inay qaadaan. Mr Behrouz Kamalvandi oo ah Afhayeenka hay’adda Nuclear-ka ee dalka Iran ayaa sidaasi ku sheegay mar uu warbaahinta dalkiisa uu la hadlayey. Source
  5. Garowe (Caasimada Online) – Golaha wakiilada maamulka Puntland ayaa haatan dib u eegis ku sameynaya heshiiska Dekedda Boosaaso oo ay xukuumaddii Madaxweyne Gaas bishii April 2017-kii ay la saxiixatay Shirkadda DP World ee Imaaraadkaa Carabta. Sida ay ogaatay Caasimada Online, ajendayaasha horyaalla baarlamanka ayaa lagu daray dib u eegista heshiiskaasi. Xubno ka mid ah golaha wakiilada dowlad goboleedka Puntland ayaa soo jeediyay go’aankan, si mar kale looga dodo danaha shirkadda DP World. Sidoo kale warar hoose ayaa sheegaya in inta badan Xildhibaanadu ay soo jeediyeen talo ah in gabi ahaan la laalo hehiiskaasi. Heshiiskan oo uu qalinka ku duugay Madaxweynihii hore ee maamulka Puntland Cabdiweli Maxamed Cali (Gaas) ayaa soconaya muddo 30 Sano ah. DP World ayaa horay u sheegtay in ay ballaarin doonto dhismaha Dekedda Boosaaso, kuna dari doonto 450 mitir oo ballac ah, taas oo ay tilmaamtay in ay ku bixi doonto lacag dhan 336 Milyan oo doollarka Mareykanka ah. Shirkaddan oo laga leeyahay dalka Imaaraadka Carabta ayaa tan markii ay la wareegtay Dekedda weyn ee magaalada Boosaaso waxa ay isku dhaceen ganacsatada badeecaha kala soo daga halkaas, sababo la xariira is-beddal lagu sameeyay canshuurta laga qaado dekeddaasi. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Garowe
  6. (SLT-Hargeysa)- Iska Hor-imaad Banka Wajaale Ku Dhex-maray Ciidamada Millatariga Iyo Dad Shacab Ah, Halkan hoose ka DAAWO Source
  7. Muqdisho (PP) ─ Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Somalia, Xasan Cali Khayre ayaa la kulmay maanta maamulaha guud ee hay’adda horumarinta caalamiga ah ee Maraykanka (USAID). Mark Green iyagoo si wadajir ah ugu dhawaaqay dib u hawl-gelinta Xarunta USAID ee Somalia oo la xiray sannadkii 1991-kii. Khayre iyo Mark Green ayaa ka wadahadlay dadaallada ay DF ugu jirto dib u soo kabashada dhaqaalaha, deyn cafinta iyo dib u habaynta hannaanka guud ee maaliyadda dalka si loo xaqiijiyo koboc dhaqaale oo waara. Sidoo kale, Ra’iisul wasaaraha Somalia ayaa tilmaamay in xukuumaddiisu ay mudnaanta kowaad siinayso sidii ummadda Soomaaliyeed loo gaarsiin lahaa isku filnaansho iyo dib u soo kabasho dhaqaale, isla markaasna ay soo dhawaynayso wada shaqaynta Hay’adda Horumarinta Caalamiga ah ee Maraykanka. Dhanka kale, Mark Green ayaa ra’iisul wasaaraha la wadaagay hawlaha ay hay’adda USAID ka waddo Somalia iyo qorshayaasha lagu dardar-gelinayo mashaariicda lagu taageerayo danyarta Soomaaliyeed si ay uga baxaan saboolnimada iyo shaqo la’aanta, una gaaraan isku filshaansho dhanka dhaqaalaha ah. Mark Green in furitaanka xafiiska USAID ay timid kadib markii ay dowladda Mareykanku ay xaqiijisay in hoggaanka dalka ay ka go’ntahay horumarinta iyo ka guul gaaridda hadafyada waawayn iyo himilooyinka ummadda Soomaaliyeed, wuxuuna dhanka kale ku dhawaaqay in USAID ay dowladda Soomaaliya ku caawinayso $185 Milyan oo wax looga qabanayo arrimaha bini’aadnimada dalka. Ugu dambeyn, Green ayaa sidoo kale xusay inay bilaabayaan barnaamijyo lagu caawinayo dadkii ay saameeyeen fataahadihii dalka ka dhacay, isaga oo ballan qaaday in hay’addiisu ay sii dardar-gelinayso barnaamijyada horumarinta iyo shaqo abuurka dhallinyarada Soomaaliyeed. PUNTLAND POST The post Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Somalia iyo Madaxa Hay’adda USAID oo ku kulmay Xamar appeared first on Puntland Post.
  8. Qaahira (PP) ─ Madaxweynihii hore ee dalka Masar, Maxamed Mursi ayaa geeriyooday xilli maanta lasoo taagay makxamad, sida ay baahisay warbaahinta Masar ee ay maamusho dowladda. Telefishinka Qaranka Masar ayaa sheegay in Mursi uu si lama filaan ah ugu geeriyooday isbitaal loola cararay, inkastoo aysan jirin faahfaahin intaas ka badan uu bixiyay telefishinka. “Wuxuu ka hor hadlayay garsoorka maxkamadda muddo 20-daqiiqdood ah, balse si lama filaan ah ayuu u tabar-beelay, waxaa loola cararay isbitaalka halkaasoo uu goor-dambe ku geeriyooday,” ayaa laga soo xigtay garsoorka makamadda. Maxamed Mursi oo ahaa 67-jir ayaa sannadkii 2012-kii loo doortay inuu dalka Masar ka noqdo madaxweyne, wuxuuna ahaa madaxweynihii ugu horreeyay dalkaas oo si xor ah loo soo doorto, kaddib kacdoonkii dalkaas ka dhacay sannadkii 2011-kii, kaasoo xilka looga tuuray madaxweynihii isaga ka horreeyay Maxamed Xusni Mubaarak. Sidoo kale, Mursi ayaa waxaa xukunka ka tuuray millateriga dalkaas, kaddib markii la dhigay dibadbaxyo sannadkii 2013-kii, taasoo keentay in Mursi la dhigo xabsiga, laguna eedeeyo inuu ku kacay falal qayaano Qaran ah. Dacwadaha loo haystay marxuumka ayaa waxaa ka mid ahaa inuu ka mid ahaa urur ay ugu yeereen argagaxiso, kaasoo ah Akhwaanul Muslimiinka oo dalkaas laga mamnucay, wuxuuna dhawr jeer iska diiday dacwadihii lagu soo oogay. Mursi ayaa lala xukumay 23-ruux oo kale, waxaana mar ka mid ah isaga iyo dhawr qof oo kale lagu xukumay dil toogasho ah, inkastoo mar kale ay ku xukuntay maxkamad kale xabsi muddo dheer ah. Ugu dambeyn, Lama oga halka lagu aasayo iyo cidda ka qayb-geli doonta, waxaana geeridiisa ay kusoo beegmaysaa iyadoo dalkaas uu weli xukumo madaxweynaha talada maroorsaday ee C/casiis Al-Siisi oo ka tirsan muddo dheer millateriga dalkaas. PUNTLAND POST The post Madaxweynihii hore ee Masar oo geeriyooday appeared first on Puntland Post.
  9. (SLT-Qaahira)-Warar degdeg ah oo hadda naga soo gaadhay magaalada Qaahira ee dalka Masar ayaa sheegaya in madaxweynihii hore ee waddankaasi Maxamed Mursi uu ku dhintay maxkamad ku taalla magaalada Qaahira. Wakaaladaha wararka ayaa sheegaya in Maxamed Mursi xilliga uu dhintay uu ku sugnaa Maxkamad ku taalla magaalada Qaahira. Maxamed Mursi oo ka tirsanaa ururkii Akhwaanul Muslimiinka ayaa madaxweyne loo doortay sannakdii 2012-ka, hase yeeshee sannad kadib ayaa waxaa xukunka kala wareegay millatariga oo uu hoggaaminayey madaxweynaha xilligan Cabdulfataax Al-Siisi. Source
  10. Wasiirka wasaarada arimaha gudaha ee dowladda Puntland Cabdiraxmaan Dhaban Cad ayaa maanta daah furay kalfadhigii 14aad ee golaha deegaanka ee degmada Burtinle ee gobolka Nugaal. [...] Source
  11. Maxamed Mursi, madaxweynihii hore ee Masar ayaa goordhow geeriyoodey isaga oo la maxkamadeynayo. Wararku waxaa ay intaasi ku darayaan iney socotay maxkamadeyn la xiriirtay arrimo Jaajuusnimo dalal ajnabi ah iyo xarakada Xamaas. Maxamed mursi ayaa ahaa hoggaamiye shacabka reer Masar ay soo doorteen kaas oo ka socday Ururka IQwaan Muslimiinka oo dalka si aad ah ugu xoogan. Ciidamada Milatariga oo uu hoggaamiyay Cabdi fitaax Aziizi ayaa xilka ka tuuray ayadoo Maxamed Mursi xabsiga la dhigay. Maxaweyne Mursi ayaa caawa geeriyooday xilli ay socotay maxkamadeynta eedeymo loo heystay oo ku aadan inuu ahaa jawaasiis. Goobjoog News Madaxweynihii hore ee dalka Masar Maxamed mursi ayaa geeriyooday waqti uu taagnaa ay Maxkamadda, Mursi ayaa loo heystay kicin dadweyne asaga oo hoggaaminayay Urufurneed kiis dacwadeed loo heystay. Madaxweynaha ayaa Source:
  12. Dowladda Puntland waxaa ku soo fooleh mashaariicdii ugu badnayd ee abid ay hesho, kadib markii ay heshay aqbalaada iyo balan qaadka mashaariic horumarineed oo lagu [...] Source
  13. Egypt's former President Mohamed Morsi has died after appearing in court, according to state media. Source: Hiiraan Online
  14. (SLT-Boorama)-Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, mudane Cabdiraxmaan Cabdilaahi ismaaciil (Saylici) ayaa galabta safar shaqo ugu baxay gobolka Awdal, iyadoo si balaadhan loogu Soo dhaweeyey duleedka magaalada Boorama. Source
  15. Qaahira (Caasimada Online) – Madaxweynihii xukunka laga afgambiyey ee dalka Masar, Maxamed Morsi ayaa ku dhex geeriyooday maxkamad ku taalla dalkaas oo maanta lasoo taagay, waxaa sidaas ku warramay taleefishinka dowladda ee Al-Ahram. Naga filo faah-faahin dhowaan Insha Allah. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Qaahira
  16. Dowladda Puntland ayaa wada qorshe balaaran oo dhinaca horumarinta iyo sho abuurka laxiriirta, taas oo lagu shaqo siinayo in ka badan 10 kun oo dhalinyaro [...] Source
  17. PRESS RELEASE The Dangote Group deploys Freshworks to unify information technology (IT) service management across its 19 subsidiaries Freshservice, ITSM software by Freshworks streamlines workflow management and improve response time by 38% in a year LAGOS, Nigeria, June 17, 2019/ — The Dangote Group (, the largest indigenous industrial conglomerate in Sub Saharan Africa has deployed Freshservice by Freshworks (, its cloud-based service desk software that helps modernize the IT teams along with other business functions. Integration of Freshservice offers a host of ITIL-aligned features, workflow automation, and powerful analytics, all accessible through a clean and intuitive interface. The Dangote Group is the leading provider of essential needs in food and shelter in Sub-Saharan Africa with sustained market leadership in cement manufacturing, sugar milling, sugar refining, flour milling, operation of cement terminals, port operations, packaging material production, and salt refining. The integration with Freshservice allows over 150 IT support agents, to streamline workflow management for over 10,000 + employees across its 19 subsidiaries, enabling them to seamlessly work across geographies. The integration is supported by AI-powered self-service, an employee-facing mobile app, that resolves IT issues swiftly with immediate ticketing of incidents and requests whenever and wherever they occur.. Freshservice supports Dangote group’s IT teams in the following ways: Improved operational efficiencies and effectiveness as well as streamline compliance. Increased insights into how service management team are working, map their productivity and effectiveness – letting IT support managers identify areas to focus to improve employee on-boarding and service resolution. Added contextual support- IT service agents can start a remote session to troubleshoot an end-user or customer problem from within Freshservice, where the agent has context about the issue across group companies. Previously, The Dangote Group’s traditional ITSM setup relied heavily on disparate technologies and processes. After implementing Freshservice, immediate gains were achieved: Average response time reduced from 7.5 minutes in 2017 to 5.4 minutes in 2018 — a 38% improvement in the average response time 32.4% increase in known tickets requests from 2018 from 2017​ Percentage of tickets resolved on first contact nearly doubled, increasing from 9% of total tickets logged in 2017 to 16% in 2018 Prasanna K Burri, Group CIO, The Dangote Group, said, “Rather than simply finding replacement system to our on-premise solution, we wanted to transform the way our IT teams work, with Freshservice we knew we had an opportunity to undergo a complete transformation of our IT service management, to add more value to our business by improving productivity at all levels” “With the changing business needs of diversified conglomerates, there is an urgent need for agile software that can effectively manage complex business requirements at scale. With Freshservice, we are able to bring operational efficiency and service reliability to transform the way teams work across 19 subsidiaries of The Dangote Group” said Saurabh Prabhuzantye, Head of Business for Middle East and Africa, Freshworks. Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Freshworks. Qaran News
  18. (SLT-Hargeysa)-Xisbiga UCID Oo Boqor Buurmadow Ka Difaacay Eedeymo Madaxweyne Muuse Biixi U Soo Jeediyey, Halkan hoose ka DAAWO Source
  19. If you cannot read that message click here. APO Group content is copyright free and can be republished at will. Shift Social Development PRESS RELEASE 2019 Africa Shared Value Summit Calls on Business to Take Action for Profit with Purpose The Summit’s theme, Africa’s Business Growth – Grounded in Collaboration, was reflected in the message shared by many of the speakers NAIROBI, Kenya, June 17, 2019/ — The third annual Africa Shared Value Summit ( took place last week in Nairobi, Kenya – the first time the event has come to East Africa. The diverse programme of thought leaders engaged a packed hall of delegates with thought-provoking insights and Shared Value case studies over the two days. The first of its kind in East Africa, the Summit was sponsored by local telecommunications giant Safaricom, as well as Old Mutual, Enel Green Power, Absa, KCB and the World Food Programme. The Founder and CEO of Summit organisers the Shared Value Africa Initiative (SVAI), Tiekie Barnard, opened the Summit with strong words for the African business community: “We as a collective have a responsibility to run sustainable businesses that grow our economy and bring about change to the people whose lives we touch.” “A really sustainable competitive advantage,” noted keynote speaker Mark Kramer, co-creator of the business concept and MD at FSG, in his opening plenary address, “comes from picking the particular customer segment you want to serve and designing every activity in your organisation to serve their needs better than anyone else.” Shared Value thinking is not about after-profit philanthropy or once-off PR moments – it’s about genuine differentiation and market leadership. Instead of competing for profit-margin percentages, business must rethink ‘business as usual’ to make operations more efficient, motivate and empower employees, and serve consumers better. Africa’s greatest challenges are ripe to become our biggest business opportunities – but it will take innovative, collaborative thinking to drive our continent’s economic growth. This is the essence of ‘profit with purpose’. The Summit’s theme, Africa’s Business Growth – Grounded in Collaboration, was reflected in the message shared by many of the speakers. As Moses Muthui, Country Strategy Director of Barclays Bank of Kenya (part of Absa Group), noted on the second day of the Summit, “We can compete for profit, and collaborate for purpose.” Muthui emphasized the need to invest in the industrialization of Africa in order to promote growth, create jobs and enable us to navigate increasing urbanisation and the Fourth Industrial Revolution. As with previous years, the UN Sustainable Development Goals were a theme at the Summit, underlining their usefulness in focusing a business’s purpose and providing tangible goals that business can contribute to achieving as a collective. “We believe that the Sustainable Development Goals provide the opportunity to really engage in a purpose-driven business, and business that is both sustainable and inclusive,” said Bob Collymore, CEO of Safaricom. At the end of the Summit, it was announced that the 2020 Africa Shared Value Summit will take place in Kigali, Rwanda. The Shared Value Africa Initiative has since shared the proposed dates – 25-26 May 2020. The event’s continuing proximity to Africa Day (25 May) emphasises the SVAI’s commitment to building Africa’s most powerful Shared Value business network, connecting businesses across industries and borders to create change – and economic growth – at scale. To join the Shared Value movement in Africa, visit or find the Shared Value Africa Initiative on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. For 2020 Africa Shared Value Summit sponsorship enquiries, visit Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Shift Social Development. View multimedia content Media Contact: Email: About the Summit: The Africa Shared Value Summit ( aims to raise awareness and advocate for the success of the strategic implementation of the Shared Value business model – profit with purpose – in Africa. Hear from business thought leaders and changemakers about how Shared Value thinking can take business to the next level and make Africa an economic powerhouse. Engage on the pressing issues facing African businesses with speakers and panellists at Q & A sessions and breakaway discussions. Plus, the Shared Value 101 Masterclass offers the opportunity to take a deep dive into the business case for making the shift to profit with purpose. Website: Facebook: Africa Shared Value Summit Twitter: @AfricaSVS LinkedIn: Africa Shared Value Summit Hashtag: #ASVS19 About the Organisers: The Shared Value Africa Initiative (SVAI) ( is a Non-Profit Organisation that aims to build a collaborative Shared Value network to accelerate sustainable change on our continent. The SVAI is the regional partner of the global Shared Value Initiative, the Australian Shared Value Project, the Hong Kong Shared Value Project, and Shared Value Initiative India. Website: Facebook: Shared Value Africa Initiative Twitter: @SVAItweets LinkedIn: Shared Value Africa Initiative Youtube: Shared Value Africa Initiative Hashtag: #SharedValueAfrica Shift creates and facilitates partnerships, initiatives and collaborations that drive social impact in Africa. We build and utilize our network to connect business, civil society, philanthropic foundations, non-profit organisations and government departments to leverage the resources to create inclusive growth and collective social impact at scale, aligned to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Facebook: SHIFT – Connect Scale Impact Twitter: @ShiftImpact LinkedIn: SH!FT ( Website: SOURCE Shift Social Development Qaran News
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