Deeq A.

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Everything posted by Deeq A.

  1. Sweden and Switzerland have offered to help Somaliland build their economic capacity as the country continues its push for international recognition. Source: Hiiraan Online
  2. Beledweyne (Caasimada Online) – Guddoomiyihii Maamulka gobolka Hiiraan ee uu dhawaan xilka ka qaaday Madaxweyne Waare xilkaasi diiday Yuusuf Axmed Hagar (Dabageed) ayaa sheegay in markii saddexaad uu ka badbaaday dil qorsheysan. Shir Jaraa’id uu xalay ku qabtay Baladweynhe ayuu ku sheegay in shalay la soo weeraray, isla markaana Ciidamo Soomaali iyo Ajnabi ah ay soo weerareen si ay u dilaan balse uu dilkaasi ka badbaaday. Yuusuf Dabageed ayaa intaas ku daray in dulmi cad lagu haayo Shacabka reer Hiiraan, isla markaana mas’uul uu ka yahay Madaxweyne Maxamed Cabdi Waare iyo xulufo uu wato sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Madaxda Dowladda Federaalka iyo Beesha Caalamka ayuu ugu baaqay in talada hiiraan las oo farageliyo,isla markaana laba sano iyo bar dhibaato lagu haayao Shacabka Reer Hiiraan. Hadalka Yuusuf Axmed Hagar (Dabageed) ayaa kusoo aadaya xilli Maanta la sheegay in Hoyga uu degan yahay ay tageen Ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa AMISOM,walow markii dambe xiisad ka dhalatay ay odayaasha Dhaqanka xaliyeen. Hoos ka dhageyso codkiisa ka daawo wararka oo muuqaal ah Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  3. Guddoomiyihii maamulka gobolka Hiiraan ee uu dhawaan xilka ka qaaday Madaxweyne Waare xilkaasi diiday Yuusuf Axmed Hagar (Dabageed) ayaa sheegay in markii saddexaad uu ka [...] Source
  4. Garowe (Caasimada Online) – Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Mudane Siciid Cabdullaahi Deni ayaa shalay qasriga Madaxtooyada Garoowe qado sharaf ugu sameeyey qaar ka mid ah Janaraalada Puntland oo uu kamid ahaa Madaxweynihii hore ee Puntland Janaraal Cabdisemed Cali Shire. Kulanka qado sharafta ah waxaa Madaxweynaha ku weheliyey Madaxweyne ku-xigeenka Puntland Mudane Axmed Cilmi Cismaan Karaash, Saraakiil ciidan iyo la-taliyayaal Amniga oo kulanka qeyb ka ahaa. Xubnaha uu u yeeray Deni ayaa waxaa ka mid ah Jeneral Maxamed Saciid Xirsi Moorgan oo aad looga yaqaan Soomaaliya. Madaxweyne Deni ayaa wada qorshe xooggan oo lagu tayeynay ciidamada Puntland, taasi oo qeyb ka ah ballan-qaadyadii uu sameeyey intii aan la dooran, isaga oo sheegay inuu soo celin doono dhammaan dhulka laga haysto Puntland, oo ay haysato Somaliland. Deni ayaa sida uu sheegay tiigsanaya dhismaha ciidanka iyo in ahmiyadda kooowaad la siiyo waxtarka iyo dhiirigalinta ciidanka qalabka sida, si loo soo afjaro kooxaha xagjirka ah ee Al-shabaab iyo Daacish, sidoo kalena la sugo amniga xuduudaha dalka. Ugu dambayn, Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Mudane Siciid Cabdullaahi Deni ayaa masuuliyiinta kala tashanaya xaaladdaha amni ee dalka maadaama Puntland ku dhisan tahay wada-tashi, talo-wadaag iyo wax wadalahaansho dhanwalba ah, Janaraaladuna kamid yihiin waxgaradka iyo indheer garadka dalka ee arrimaha Amniga. Halkan ka daawo wararka oo muuqaal ah Caasimada Online Xafiiska Garoowe
  5. Hargeysa (Caasimada Online) ― Somaliland ayaa maanta markii u horeysay shaacisay inay deeganadeeda ka musaafurisey Nin haystay dhalashada dalka Mareykanka oo in muddo ah magaalada Berbera ku faafinayey diinta Kiristaanka. Isku duwaha wasaaradda Diinta iyo Awqaafta Somaliland ee gobolka Saaxil oo maanta la hadlayey warbaahinta ayaa waxa uu ka dhawaajiyey in Ninkaasi faafinayey diinta Kiristaanka uu magaalada Berbera ku soo galay qaab Ganacsi ahaana. Isku-duwe Maxamed Axmed Xuseen ayaa waxa kale oo uu sheegay in Ninkaasi u dhashay dalka Mareykanka, lagana musaafuriyey magaalada kadib markii ay ogaaden in uu faafinayey diinta Kiristaanka, oo uu qeybinayey buuga Baybalka, wuxuuna yiri “Waxa jirta hadda muddo laga joogo labo bilood nin dhalashadiisu tahay Mareykan oo muddo sanad ah joogey wadanka, Ninkaasi run ahaantii markii ugu horeysay wuxuu ku soo galay sifo Ganacsi, muu aheyn suxufi, sifo sharciyana wuu ku soo galay, Ninkaasi waxa dabo-gal aad u balaadhan ku sameeyay Maamulka gobolka Saaxil”. “Ninkaasi waxa uu faafinayey diinta Kiristanka oo Baybalkii oo Af-Somali lagu turjumay xagiisa dambena waxa ku yaala kitaabka quduuska, Ninkaasi markaan in badan daba-gal ku sameynay waxanu ogaaney in howshaa uu wado”. Wuxuuna intaas kusii daray “Wasaaradiisi siisay ruqsada ganacsiga ayaa warbixinta siiyen maamulka gobolku, markay cadaateyna in ninkaasi howshu wadaa ayna aheyn qorshihii wadanka u yimid, dib baa looga saaray wadanka waana la tarxiilay”. Halkan ka daawo wararka oo muuqaal ah Caasimada Online Xafiiska Hargeysa
  6. Hargeysa (Caasimada Online) ― Danjiraha Mareykanka u fadhiya Somaliya, Donald Yamamoto oo u waramayey mid kamida telefishanada Somalida ayaa waxa uu ka hadlay doorashooyinka Somaliland iyo wada-shaqeynta Somaliya iyo Somaliland. Danjire Yamamoto ayaa sheegay in Mareykanku aaminsan-yahay in xasiloonidu ay ku imanayso dowlad wanaaga iyo in la oofiyo balamaha dhowrista dimuquraadiyadda ee loo qaadayo hogaamiyeyaasha iyo guud ahaan bulshadaba. Yamamoto ayaa sidoo kale waxa uu ka dhawaajiyey in cid kasta oo dooneysa inay maal-gashi ka sameysato Somaliya ay marka hore daraasad ku sameyn doonto dawlad wanaaga ka jirta deegaanadaasi. “Waxaa imanaysa in hadda kaddib ay ku soo jeestaan indhaha dunidu. Taas macnaheeduna waa in Soomaaliya iyo Somaliland-ba si gaar ah indhaha loogu hayn doono sida ay ula macaamilaan xuquuqda aadamaha, hay’adaha xuquuqda ee rayidka, ammaanka, sida ay dadkooda ula macaamilaan Iyo sida oo kale, habka ay haweenka iyo carruurta ula shaqeeyaan” ayuu yiri Danjiruhu. Danjire Yamamoto ayaa waxa kale oo uu hoosta ka xariiqay in Somaliland aysan weli aqoonsi ka helin beesha caalamka, sidaasi darteedna uu Mareykanku u arkayo in uu xooga saaro in Dowladda Federaalka, Somaliland iyo dhamaanba maamul-gobaleedyada dalku ay sameeyan is dhex-gal, xaga dhaqaale iyo xag walba ah. Yamamoto ayaa si gaara u cara-baabay is dhexgalka Somaliya iyo Somaliland inuu wax badan ka badali doono sida ay hadda yihiin, wuxuuna yiri “Runtii haddii aad eegto Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya horusocod ayaa ay samaynayaan. Waana ay caawinayaan in hore loo socdo, hore ayaa ay u socdaan. Waxa aanan filayaa in shanta sano ee soo socda aad arki doonto in ay aad uga duwanaadeen sida ay hadda yihiin”. Ugu dambayntiina, Danjire Yamamoto waxa uu ka dhawaajiyey in Somaliya iyo Somaliland ay ku qasban yihiin inay yeeshaan wada-shaqayn dhinacyada oo dhan ah, si ay horu-socod u noqdaan oo ay u horumaraan. Halkan ka daawo wararka oo muuqaal ah Caasimada Online Xafiiska Hargeysa
  7. <a href=””>Click here Qaran News
  8. I request parliamentarians in this workshop to advocate for ‘one-person one-vote’,” Halima Ismail Ibrahim, chairperson of the National Independent Electoral Commission of Somalia (NIEC), urged Somali lawmakers on Saturday. Together with African Union (AU) officials and members of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), Somali officials and advisers gathered in the Ugandan capital to discuss security and ways forward to prepare for possible universal elections in 2020. For Somalia, such an election would be the first universal suffrage polls in half a century. Somalia’s last universal vote was held in 1969, shortly before the coup that brought military leader Siad Barre to power. Following two decades of civil war and then rule by a transitional government, backed by the United Nations and the African Union, Somalia has slowly been inching its way toward universal polls. Three previous presidential elections in 2009, 2012 and 2017 were decided in a system where lawmakers were voted in by about 14,000 clan delegates. The lawmakers then in turn elected a president. The clan-based election system has been widely criticized for marginalizing young people, women and ethnic minorities. Yet both Somali and African Union officials hope that 2020 will be different. In December 2017, the NIEC launched a five-year plan to draft electoral laws, plan voter registration and work on setting up the right mechanisms to hold an election. Since then, 22 political parties have registered themselves for the polls. The electoral law is still waiting for approval from parliament. “We are all aware that Somalia has not had this type of election for the last 50 years,” said Ssebirumbi Kisinziggo, AMISOM’s senior political officer. “The essence of planning, coordination and having a strategy in place is what we are working on at the moment.” Security remains an issue After years of civil war, Somalia’s transitional government and the current government under President Abdullahi Mohamed have struggled to contain the threat from the terrorist group al-Shabab , who have over the years controlled parts of the country. “Somalia is still highly insecure,” explains Omar Mahmood, an Addis Ababa-based researcher at the Institute for Peace and Security Studies. “I don’t think there’s been a great change in the past year. We might even have some backsliding in certain areas.” While major urban centers could possibly be secured for the polls, people outside these areas would probably face difficulties voting or even traveling to the urban hubs. NIEC chairperson Ibrahim admits that security is still a major concern for her electoral body. “Without security you cannot conduct an election. We are doing now the verification of the voter registration centers and we want that our security sectors sit together and see where it is safe where it is not safe,” she told attendees at the workshop in Kampala. “[Security forces] have to direct us where NIEC will go, and without that election cannot happen.” The preparations for the elections come at a difficult juncture. While AMISOM has been mandated to help the Somali government prepare for elections and to also provide security during the voting process, the troops are at the same time in the midst of cutting down their presence in the country. “We envision that by 2021 Somali security forces will be ready to take over security responsibilities from AMISOM fully,” Francisco Madeira, special representative of the chairperson of the AU Commission and head of AMISOM, wrote in a guest column last week in the South African daily Mail and Guardian. He explained that the force had managed to withdraw 1,000 troops from the country, handing over security for facilities like the Mogadishu stadium, the university and military academy. “The withdrawal process for AMISOM has been driven more by external funding considerations and less by conditions on the ground,” said Mahmood. “There is some donor fatigue creeping in, and that spurred a lot of thinking in terms of exit strategies.” Uganda, the biggest contributor to the AMISOM force with 6,400 troops, has also been very critical of the troop withdrawal. In March, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni threatened to take all Ugandan soldiers out of Somalia if the force was to be reduced even further. Burundian President Pierre Nkurunziza had previously made the same threat. AMISOM’s funding relies heavily on donor money coming through the UN, and the decision to scale down the operation came from the UN Security Council. Observers have also warned AMISOM that the withdrawal could empower clan-based structures and it also provide an opportunity for al-Shabab to exploit the divides in the country’s political scene. Obstacles along the way Aside from security, there are still other obstacles that could pose a problem for Somalia’s election plans. Mahmood said there’s still a great amount of tension between Somalia’s federal state government and the member states. “Many of the states are not working with Mogadishu,” he said. “This affects security relationships, political relationships, institution building, state building — the constitution is provisional, but there is supposed to be a finalization of it.” Without any cooperation between the states, very little progress can be made, he added. Other obstacles include the right processes, the technical and logistical requirements that still need to be put in place before an election can take place. The hope is, that with AU backing, steps toward such requirements can be made in order to once again inch a little closer to a process in which all Somali citizens can take part. “Successful elections,” Uganda’s electoral commission chairperson Simon Byabakama said at the Kampala meeting, “provide a foundation on which all the other major sectors like the economy, social progress and security can base their footing to realize progressive development.” Source: DW
  9. With frosty relations between Kenya and Somalia which has seen the former close its borders and bar flights to and from Mogadishu, Kenya Airways is considering Hargeisa as its next destination in the Horn of Africa. This will be a massive boost for trade between Kenya and Somaliland. Kenya Airways has previously done a feasibility study on Hargeisa with the parliament too giving an okay for the national carrier to fly to Hargeisa but this is yet to happen. An estimated 15,000 Kenyans are living and working in Somaliland in the hospitality and education sectors. Somaliland Managing Director of Civil Aviation and Airports Authority Abdi Mohammed Rodol recently visited in Nairobi to hold discussions with authorities in Kenya on the suitability of Hargeisa as a destination for Kenya Airways. So far, Ethiopia Airlines flies twice every week to Somaliland between Addis Ababa and Hargeisa. Fly Dubai also has flights between Dubai and Hargeisa bringing business people to Somaliland from all over the world. With plans to open a consulate in Hargeisa still on, the Kenya Airways sees this as an opportunity to introduce flights to the country which parted ways with Somalia after the start of the 1990 civil war. Last month, the Foreign Affairs ministry directed Mr Philip Mundia Githiora to establish the mission in the Somaliland capital. Ethiopia and Djibouti have already set up diplomatic missions in Somaliland. By Odindo Ayieko Source: Business Week
  10. (SL-TBurco) Cabdishakuur maxamuud Xasan (Ciddin) maayirka hadda ka arimiya magaalada berbera waa nin reer burco ah waa dhalinyaradii kusoo barbaaray xaafada Qasabka ee magalada Burco, Halka Maxamed Yuusuf Cabdiraxmaan (Muraad), maayirka Burco uu isna kusoo barbaaray xaafada Kenya-da ee magaalada Burco, Marka loo eego labada xaafadood waa laba xaafadood oo aad iskugu dhaw, iskana jaara xaafadaha kale ee magaaalada burco laakiin waxa ka dhaxayn jiray xammaasad gooniya, xafiiltan dhalinyara-nimo waxaaanay isku ahaayeen (Derby) Marka laga yimaado xaafadaha ay jaarka ku ahaayeen burco, waa laba nin oo isku adeer ah, maayir muraad iyo cabdishakuur ciddin aabihii ayaa ilma abti ruma ah sidaana waalid ugu toosan maayir cabdishakuur, Maayir Ciddin Iyo Maayir Muraad, haku kala waynaadaan da,da laakiin isjiidad koodu maaha mid hadda bilaabmay, In kabadan shan jeer ayey warbaahinta sitoosa iska weerareen lakiin waxa kabadan inta ay sida tooska ah isku weerareen, Khilaaf kooda hadda waxa dibadda usoo saaray waa nidaamka midaynta cashuuraha Gobolada Somaliland oo uu sii dejiyey Allaah haw naxariistee Madaxwaynihii hore ee Somaliland, Maxamed xaaji Ibraahim (Cigaal) taaso dhigaysa in xoolaha sayladda burco sitoosa loogu cashuuro Ber-bera, Maayir muraad isagoo arintaasi ka biyo diidsan ayuu marar badan hortagay Baarlamanka Somaliland waxaanu ka codsaday in wax laga bedelo “nidaamka midaynta cashuuraha” waxaana ka dhego daygay xildhibaanadii uu ugudbiyey cabshada iyo xukuumadii dalka ka talinaysay ee Axmed Siilaanyo, Intii ay jirtay xukuumada madaxwayne Muuse Biixi ayuu hadana hortagay golaha baarlamanka,Maayir Muraad iyo xildhibaano katirsan Golihiisa Degaanka Burco, waxaanay usheegeen Gudoomiyaha golaha baarlamanka Somaliland Baashe maxamed faarax, in uu hoos u eego wax ka badalna lagu sameeyo “nidaamka midaynta cashuuraha” Taas badelkeeda Maayir Ciddin, wuxuu marar badan sheegay in uu saxyahay “nidaamka midaynta cashuurahu” Berberina aanay qaadin cashuur aan teeda ahayn, Laakiin majirto colaad kale oo udhaxaysa Maayir Muraad Ciddin, Labada Nin Ee Reer Burco ee kala hogaamiya Burco iyo Ber-bera, iskuma hayaan colaad kale laakiin waxay isku afgaran la,yihiin “nidaamka midaynta cashuuraha” oo uu gobolkasta wixiisa umadax banaanaado, Xukuumada ayaa looga baahan yahay in dejiyo xaalada udhaxaysa Ciddin iyo Muraad, kulanna si wada jira ahna lala qaato, lagana arinsado arinta Cashuuraha kaliya ayey ubaahan tahay, Ciddin waa Muraad, Muraadna Waa Ciddin W/Q Maxamed Jokar Source
  11. Dhuusamareeb (Caasimadda Online) – Wafdi uu hogaaminayo Ra’iisul Wasaare Xasan Cali Khayre oo ayaa Casir liiqii Maanta gaaray magaalada Dhuusamareeb ee xarunta gobolka Galgaduud. Ra’iisul Wasaare Kheyre iyo wafdigiisa ayaa waxaa si weyn ugu soo dhoweeyay garoonka diyaaradaha Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha dowlada Federalka, mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan dowla goboleedka Galmudug gaar ahaan garabkiisa Ahlu Sunna iyo dadweyne. Booqashada Khayre ku tegay Dhuusamareeb ayaa ku soo beegmaysa kadib markii uu isga tegey magaalada Dhuusamareeb Madaxweynihii Galmudug Axmed Ducaale Geel Xaaf isla markaana ay Wasaarada Arrimaha Gudaha soo saartay warsaxaafadeed lagu sheegay in doorashada Galmudug ay ka dhici doonto magaalada Dhuusamareeb 4ta bisha July ee sanadkan. Ujeedada ka dambeyso safarka Kheyre ee Magaalada Dhuusamareeb ayaa ah inuu wada hadal la furo Maamulka Ahlu Sunna si ay labada dhinac u kala saxiixdaan heshiis. Ra’isulwasaaraha ayaa qodobada uu Ahlu Sunna kala hadli doono waxaa ugu muhiimsan: 1) Inay Ahlu Sunna aqbasho soo wareejinta Ciidamada ku sugan Dhuusamareeb iyo Guriceel, isla markaasna halkaas ay ka taliyaan Ciidamo ka amar qaato Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya, taasoo ah qodobka ugu adag oo ay labada dhinac isku hayaan. 2) Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa Ahlu Sunna ka rabto inay joojiso magaca Ahlu Sunna ee loo isticmaalayo Siyaasadda isla markaasna wixii hadda ka dambeeyo ay cid kasta xilka rabto u raadsato qaab qabiil. Labadaan qodob ayaa ah kuwa ugu muhiimsan oo uu Kheyre kala hadli doono Ahlu Sunna, inkastoo ay jiraan shuruudo kale oo ay Ahlu Sunna wadato oo ay kamid tahay in la siiyo lacag 4 Malyan ah, in xil loo magacaabo wiilka uu dhalay Macalin Maxamuud ee Cabdisamad iyo in Macalin Maxamuud loo xukmiyo guri ku yaal Muqdisho oo uu muran ka taagan yahay. Ra’isulwasaaraha ayaa la filayaa inuu halkaas ku sugnaado dhawr maalin, wuxuuna sidoo kale la kulmi doonaa Odayaal dhaqmayeedka kasoo jeedo deegaanadaas. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  12. PRESS RELEASE International Monetary Fund (IMF) Staff completes mission to Comoros on possible emergency financial assistance following Cyclone Kenneth IMF assistance would help address Comoros’ budgetary and external financing gaps arising from reconstruction and humanitarian needs WASHINGTON D.C., United States of America, June 24, 2019/ — IMF mission reached a preliminary staff-level understanding on a possible emergency financial assistance to Comoros, following tropical Cyclone Kenneth; IMF assistance would help address Comoros’ budgetary and external financing gaps arising from reconstruction and humanitarian needs; the assistance could also play a catalyst role in securing grants from development partners and the international community. An International Monetary Fund (IMF) team, headed by Montfort Mlachila, visited Moroni, Union of Comoros, from June 10 to 21, 2019 to explore a possible emergency financial assistance under the IMF’s Rapid Credit Facility (RCF) and Rapid Financing Instrument (RFI), following tropical Cyclone Kenneth. The request for IMF assistance, supported by a preliminary staff-level understanding, is expected to be submitted to the IMF Executive Board for consideration in mid-July 2019. At the end of the mission, Mr. Mlachila issued the following statement: “The Comorian authorities and the IMF mission discussed potential emergency financial assistance under the Rapid Credit Facility (RCF) and the Rapid Financing Instrument (RFI). The financial assistance is intended to address large budgetary and external financing gaps arising from reconstruction and humanitarian needs created by tropical Cyclone Kenneth, which caused several fatalities, human displacement, and loss of physical and productive capacity, including subsistence and export crops, and infrastructure. Emergency assistance and reconstruction costs are significant. Disbursement of IMF assistance will help address immediate financing needs and play a catalytic role in securing grants from development partners and the international community. “Repercussions from cyclone Kenneth will exacerbate fiscal difficulties, which will require reallocation of budget resources to critical spending on buildings and infrastructure rehabilitation, including schools, and humanitarian assistance to the affected poor. The Comorian authorities remain committed to macroeconomic stability to create fiscal buffers and to improve the economy’s resilience, including in preparation for possible future calamities and climate change. Measures under implementation to enhance revenue mobilization and public financial management are in line with technical assistance recommendations. They focus on increasing fiscal credibility and realism, rationalizing current expenditures without lowering services, finalizing Treasury Single Account (TSA) implementation, improving tax compliance, and eliminating tax arrears. “The authorities are committed to strengthening transparency, governance, and accountability. An inter-ministerial committee to coordinate post-cyclone reconstruction, humanitarian assistance and related spending decisions has been created. Funds provided to the government will be channeled through the budget and will be subject to enhanced budgetary procedures and controls, including regular reporting and audit. “The mission thanks the Comorian authorities for their hospitality, cooperation, and constructive discussions.” The mission met President Assoumani, and held discussions with Minister of Finance and Budget Chayhane, Minister of Economy and Planning Tharmidhi, Central Bank of Comoros Imani, Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance and Budget Ahamada, Permanent Secretary of the Economic and Financial Reform Unit (CREF) Oubeidi, and other senior government officials. Distributed by APO Group on behalf of International Monetary Fund (IMF). SOURCE International Monetary Fund (IMF) Multimedia content Qaran News
  13. A foiled coup in the Ethiopian state of Amhara that left five senior officials dead, including the army’s chief of staff, has thrust ethnic militias in one of Africa’s fastest-growing economies into the spotlight. Source: Hiiraan Online
  14. Waxaa tacsi loo dirayaa Ehelkii, Qoyskii iyo Asxaabtii Aqoyska Alla ha u naxariistrr Marxuum Dr. SSaalax Xaaji Maxamed Bilcil oo geeriyoodey. Waxaan Illaahay uga baryaynaa [...] Source
  15. (SLT-Hargeysa)-Wasiirka Wasaaradda Maaliyada Somaliland Dr. Sacad Cali Shire, ayaa magaalada Hargeysa ka furay mashruuc ay maalgalinayaan midawgo Yurub oo, oo lagu maamuli doono khayraadka biyaha iyo dhulka, kaas oo ay ku baxayso 3.6 Million, oo Euro. Mashuruucan oo socon doona muddo laba sanno ah, ayaa waxa lagu maamuli doonaa ka faa’iidaysiga khayraadka biyaha iyo dhulka ee Somaliland, kaas oo lagu magacaabo (Swalim). Mashruucan ayaa waxa si wada jir ah u fulinaya hay’adda cuntada iyo beeraha u qaabilsan qarammada midoobay ee (FAO). Mashruucan waxa kale oo fulintiisa qayb ka noqon doona, hay’ado ka tirsan Somaliland oo ay ka mid yihiin wasaaradaha Biyaha, Deegaanka, Beeraha, xannaanada xoolaha, Qorsheynta iyo hay’adda u diyaar-garawga aafooyinka. Mashuruucan ayaa waxa Somaliland loo dhisayaa xarun lagu maamulo xogta maamulka dhulka iyo biyaha si loogu diyaar-garoobo aafooyinka dabiiciga ah iyo abaaraha soo noq noqda. Waxa xafladaas hadallo ka jeediyey Eng Xuseen Ibraahin Buuni Wasiir ku-xigeenka Wasaaradda Qorsheynta iyo horumarinta qaranka oo ka hadlay furitaanka mashruuca, ayaa uga mahad celiyay midawga yurub maal-galinta mashruucaasi. Siidoo kale waxa halkaas hadallo ka jeediyay wasiirrada wasaaradaha biyaha, Saleebaan Yuusuf Cali Koore, deegaanka, Shugri Xaaji Ismaaciil Bandare, Horumarinta beeraha, Axmed Muumin Seed, Xannaanada xoolaha iyo horumarinta kalluumaysiga, Xasan Cali Gaafaadhi, guddoomiyaha hay’adda u diyaar-garaawga aafooyinka iyo kaydka raashinka qaranka Faysal Cali Sheekh. Masuuliyiintaasi waxay sheegeen in mashruucan maamulka khayraadka biyaha iyo dhulka ee ay Somaliland laga fulinayo waxana ay u mahad celiyeen midawga Yurub, iyagoo tilmaamay in mashruucaasi dabooli doono baahida Somaliland u qabtay mashruuc noocan oo kale ah, kaas oo lagaga faa’iidaysanayo khayraadka dabiiciga ah ee biyaha iyo dhulka. Ugu damabayn wasaaradda horumarinata maaliyada Somaliland Dr. Sacad Cali Shire oo mashruucaas si rasmi ah u furay, ayaa sheegay in mashurucani qiime weyn ugu fadhiyo Somaliland, si wada jir ahna fulintiisa iyo ilaalintiisaba la is-kaga kaashan doono. Source
  16. (SLT-Hargeysa)-Xukuumadda Somaliland ayaa deegaannadeeda ka mamnuucday in laga daawado Telefishanka Qaranka Soomaaliya ee SNTV. Amar ka soo baxay xafiiska Wasiirka Wasaaradda Warfaafinta Maxamed Muuse Diiriye, ayaa lagu faray shirkadaha Recieverada in ay TVga Qaranka Soomaaliya ka saaraan khadkooda. Source
  17. (SLT-Berbera)-Mujaahid Cabdi Xirsi afbakhaare oo hore Badhasaab uga soo noqday gobolka Saaxil ayaa farriin hanjabaad ah u diray Madaxweyne Muuse Biixi, Halkan hoose ka DAAWO Somalilandtoday/Berbera/Office Source
  18. It also applies to Mr. Musa, to days President of Somaliland From: Ibrahim Mead. Executive Director Somaliland Watch Group To: The President of the Republic of Somaliland Mr. Ahmed M. Siilanyo Cc: UN World Food program International Development law Organization (IDLO) Sustainable Development Institute (SDI) Centro Terra Viva (CTV) Somaliland Watch Group (SWG) All Concerned Oct 05, 2012WARARKA O October-5-2012 Date: September 13, 2018 This article was first published in October-5-2012. As the problem still exists and even worsened, republishing this article was sought warranted, at least to call the attention of the present Administration! Introduction: Tugwajale plateau resources were a source of food, shelter and economic developmenFor the Gabiley Region population before the land was grabbed by the Somali successive governments and the owners of the land were displaced and chased away from their land. The Land was integral to the displaced community as guardians of their land for future generations. It played an important role in cultural, social and political relationships. Tugwajale community depended a lot on their land resources and relied on the rural subsistence economy. The land was managed by the indigenous people there such that they divided it in to agricultural section, a grazing part and settlement part. They were better in land management then the successive governments who grabbed this plateau without Consultation, without consent and without Compensation!!! The displaced Tugwajale community relied on the (Banka wajale) Tugwajle plateau resources to generate most of their livelihood. The uses of these resources were wide-ranging and adaptable to varying circumstances. The management of land-based resources–including cropland, grazing land, and settlement Sustainable management of land resources is very important. It underpins the achievement of sustainable livelihoods for the displaced Tugwjale community. Part of the Tugwajaale plateau was lend to the Military as a temporary program so that the Military could grow wheat to support their families until the government finds enough financial resources for them. That was during President Egale when we just came back from exile. That was sharing and compassion on the part of Tugwajaale community. Your soldiers changed that. They started selling the grass! For that reason they are considered undesirable as far as the rural community there is concerned Out of compassion and nationalism Tugwajaale people agreed to share even when that was on the expense of the (owners) local people whose ancestors have lived this land for generations and whose livelihood depends on the animals graze there and the produce they grow from there. On the other side Mr. President tell me any other community you would tell them “your camels can not graze your land, otherwise you have to buy the grass there as your soldiers did and doing to the compassionate Tugwajaale community who accepted to share their land with the Military!” there is a clash of cultures there! Tugwajale (Gabiley Region) Community’s livelihood has been destroyed by the successive governments in Somaliland Mr.President; The compulsory and uncompensated seizure of land from their owners by your administration as was the case for your predecessors was and is illegal and uncalled for and it ought to stop. Mr. President: remove your army from Tugwajaale plateau otherwise they will be considered as an occupation army by the dismissed and displaced community there Economic strangulation against a people is not less than an act of war. Indeed it is considered an act of war under the law of common sense and under the international law as well. Tugwajaale plateau villagers were put under economic strangulation by the governments before you and by your administration even after you promised us that the victimized community of the Gabiley Region will get their land back; that you will correct the wrongs done by your preceded administrations and compensation will be given to the victimized community for what they have lost and the pain and suffering they have endured for so long! You did not fulfil your promise; on the contrary your Kulmiye administration did even worse than the preceded administrations. The confiscation of Tugwajale plateau from the villagers of Tugwajale which their livelihood depended on that piece of land for farming and for grazing without consulting and with out consent and compensation is illegal!. Your administration and the others preceded you denied them to farm. The Military who were given to farm so that they produce their food from there did not do that. They sell the grass to the inhabitants who were driven away from their land and to the higher bidder too for their own profit! The livelihood of these communities has been taken away by the army. Their farms have been taken away from them and they were told to pay the army if and when they need grass to feed their livestock!! That is what is happening there! Mr. President: you not only have a huge responsibility here but you also have a tremendous opportunity to right the wrongs done on these decent farming and rural communities Mr. President you may or may not be fully informed such horrible things happened and happening now, however it happened and it is happening right now! a)To intervene and stop this robbery which never even happened during Siyad Barre’s Regime right away is the right thing to do immediately b) To investigate and punish the arbitraries of this cruel act is second. c) To pay compensation to the Tugwajaale farming communities is third. d) To give the land back to their owners who can manage and produce food better than the army or Government is indeed the right way to correct the wrongs done before. That way is the right way to address such serious and shameful acts against loyal citizens. Not to do something about this is the height of irresponsibility on the part of your administration and on the part of all concerned. The administration of justice is the unyielding pillar of a credible government. Mr. President: the dismissed and displaced Tugwajaale villagers are calling for justice, not more not less. They could take the law in to their hands like the rest of Somaliland communities do and by that they are heard very well! The Gabiley people did not do that but they insist their rights be restored. Clash of culture! . How sharper than a killer snake’s teeth, it is to have a thankless administration which allow injustice take root against the very people who were the first community to repel the criminal regime of Siyad Barre and as a result founded this Republic. As an informed person and a witness of how much Tugwajaale community paid for this Republic in blood and treasure more than any other community, being the home of “Afraad” and how much they defended and supported you and how much they delivered to win the presidency, they were not expecting this (injustice) return from your administration! You wouldn’t allow this to happen in your region or in any other place, would you sir? Why Tugwajaale community then!? Tugwajaale community was denied to feed their animals in their ancestral pastoral land unless they pay the government soldiers for the grass there! Can this happen in your tribal land Mr. President? The answer is no, therefore why are you accommodating and or tolerating this unseen injustice to affect the first Mujahedeen of Somaliland! They never thought they will get such rotten return from their sacrifices! Tugwajaale rural community wondered whether the right path to gain back their land and their rights from those cashing in the grass their animals would be grazing is “kalshaale and Buhoodle”way! It seems that violence pays in your administration while decency, compassion and sharing do not pay. In fact the later is considered weakness as it is apparent here in Tugwajaale case! Let the indigenous inhabitants of Tugwajaale plateau use their land and let the outright robbery and land grabbing by the government soldiers be stopped and stopped now. This never happened in Siyad Barre regime. It never happened in any other place I know, it never happened anywhere in Africa I can remember and nowhere in the world. This Evil enterprise must be stopped, unless there is a hidden agenda to destabilize Somaliland which I don’t think there is I however call you Mr. President not to push these decent nationalist Mujahedeen who paid a lot of blood and treasure to create this Republic to call your soldiers an occupying army with all the consequences entailing this declaration! Consequences included questioning the honesty and the legitimacy of your government. I hope it never goes that far Unfortunately your soldiers have grabbed this land and refused the inhabitants to feed their animals in their own land unless they pay them! The communities there don’t want to lose their land to shameless carless and corrupt entity with guns because they want their children to inherit it and not move away from the area. It is their land, it is their livelihood, it is their right and it is your responsibility to protect their rights. Let us not push the decent community to a fight a fight they already fought. Conclusion: 1-Let us not re-live the experience of death and destruction. Let us not “Kalshalize” the matter1 I think we are better than that. Mr. President, call your soldiers back to where they belong. Back to the camps I hope you heed our call and take action and remove your soldiers from Tugwajaale plateau as soon as possible. they must stop selling the grass to the highest bidder forthwith, 2-Let the indigenous owners of the land own their land back. 3-let the owners of the land grow crops from their taken away farms and let them feed their animals the grass that grows there, and in that way the government will get even more revenues. They are givers and not takers. Takers take more and givers give more. The parasites are respected but the givers gets rap instead; in your administration and others before you. That is a nomadic culture infused in to governance. This does not have a place in a government from the people and for the people. Dispensation of justice is needed here even when it is late and even when the nomadic instinct of not appreciating decency is bothering us. The memory of just is sanctified but the name of the wicked shall not Peace and prayers for those who may heed thus act. Ibrahim Mead Executive Director Somaliland Watch Group Qaran News
  19. Muqdisho (Caasimadda Online) – Shabakadda Caasimadda Online ayaa heshay xog aad loogu kalsoonaan karo oo ku saabsan inay dowladda Soomaaliya wax ka ogtahay qoraalka uu Xalay soo saaray Madaxweynaha Galmudug Axmed Ducaale Geelle Xaaf. Sida ay illo ku dhow dhow Xaaf u xaqiijiyeen Shabakadda Caasimadda Online, madaxweyne Farmaajo iyo taliye xigeenka NISA Fahad Yaasiin ayaa qoray Waraaqda uu soo saaray Xaaf, waxaana labada dhinac dhex maray is faham iyadoo madaxweyne Xaaf la siiyey Lacag. Dowladda ayaa isticmaaleyso dooqa Koowaad iyo Dooqa Labaad oo kala ah Ahlu Sunna oo awood ku heysto Guriceel iyo Dhuusamareeb iyo Xaaf. Dowladda ayaa Xaaf kula heshiisay inuu u yahay dooqeeda labaad haddii ay Ahlu Sunna diido inay Dowladda ku wareejiso Ciidamadeeda isla markaasna halkaas la geeyo Ciidamo ka amar qaato Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya. Haddii ay Ahlu Sunna diido qorshaha Dowladda, waxay ku badalan rabtaa Madaxweyne Xaaf oo Doorashada ugu qaban doono Magaalada Cadaado. Haddii ay Ahlu Sunna aqbasho sida ay Dowladda wax u rabto, Madaxweyne Xaaf ayaa qeyb ka noqon doono qaban qaabada Doorashada, wuxuuna imaan doonaa Magaalada Dhuusa Mareeb. Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa ciyaareyso siyaasad heerkeedo ay aad u sareyso, waxayna markii hore ka shaqeysay inay kala disho Xaaf iyo Ahlu Sunna si ay labada dhinacba heshiisyo kala gooni ah ula saxiixato. War Saxaafadeed uu soo saaray Madaxa Xukuumada Galmudug Sheekh Maxamed Shaakir Cali Xasan ayaa taageeray go’aan ka soo baxay dowlada Soomaaliya oo ku aadan qabashada doorashada Madaxtinimada Galmudug oo ka dhacaysa Dhuusamareeb. Sidoo kale warsaxaafadeedka ayaa lagu sheegay lagu sheegay in doorashada madaxtinimada Galmudug la qaban doono 4July 2019. Madaxa xukuumadda ayaa dhammaan shacabka Galmudug ugu baaqay in ay taageeran doorashada xukuumadda Soomaaliya ay ka qabanayso dowlad goboleedka Galmudug islamarkaana u istaagan midnimada wadajirka iyo ilaalinta heshiiskii Madaxtooyada Soomaaliya lagu saxiixay ee midaynta Galmudug. Halkan ka daawo wararka oo muuqaal ah Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  20. PRESS RELEASE UNHCR to launch first Global Refugee Forum The event, which is being held at Ministerial level, will be co-hosted with Switzerland and co-convened by Turkey, Germany, Ethiopia and Costa Rica GENEVA, Switzerland, June 24, 2019/ — UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is pleased to announce the first ever Global Refugee Forum, which will take place on 17 and 18 December 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland. The event, which is being held at Ministerial level, will be co-hosted with Switzerland and co-convened by Turkey, Germany, Ethiopia and Costa Rica. Additional co-convening arrangements are being explored and will be announced in due course. The Secretary-General of the United Nations is expected to attend. With tens of millions of people affected by war, conflict and persecution, the Global Refugee Forum will be an opportunity for countries to take stock of today’s situation and to strengthen the international response. It follows the new Global Compact on Refugees that was agreed last December by the UN General Assembly, and is part of its implementation. The Global Compact on Refugees – in line with the principle of equitable burden and responsibility-sharing – seeks to improve the global response to refugee situations by providing stronger support to the countries and communities welcoming refugees and simultaneously equipping refugees with the means to become more self-reliant. It also aims to increase resettlement spots for the most vulnerable refugees and other legal pathways for admission to safe third countries, and improve conditions in the refugees’ countries of origin. The Global Refugee Forum is a unique occasion for States and others to come together and announce bold, new measures they will take to ease pressure on host countries, boost refugee self-reliance, and search for solutions. The Forum will bring together governments, international organizations, local authorities, civil society, the private sector, host community members, and refugees themselves. New contributions and proposals to advance these objectives are expected during the Forum and after. The Global Compact on Refugees provides a basis for host countries and communities to receive support that is timely, predictable, and sustainable. It enables host countries to tap into additional development cooperation, alongside, and as a complement to, ongoing humanitarian assistance. It also ensures that solutions are front and centre from the outset. “Refugee situations send ripples across entire regions and beyond. Dealing with displacement challenges cannot be done alone and requires unity of vision and ambition among all countries coupled with real, concrete action. This is the goal of the Global Compact on Refugees and it is what we will be working towards through the Global Refugee Forum”, said UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi. The Forum also provides an opportunity for States and other actors to showcase good practices, both with respect to specific refugee situations, as well as at a global level. These experiences illustrate how comprehensive responses are already transforming the lives of refugees and host communities in many parts of the world. They are also essential for inspiring the international community to develop impactful contributions in the future that carry the momentum of the Global Compact forward. The first Global Refugee Forum will focus on six areas: arrangements for burden and responsibility-sharing, education, jobs and livelihoods, energy and infrastructure, solutions, and protection capacity. Distributed by APO Group on behalf of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). SOURCE United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Qaran News
  21. Bihi’s achilles’ heel: The military land grab in Tog-Wajaale Plains Dear Friends, Part of the Tog-wajaale Plains was lend to the military as a temporary program so that the military could grow wheat to support their families until the government finds enough financial resources for them. That was during President Egal when we just librated the land. That was sharing and compassion on the part of Tog-wajaale community, and was never intended a total grab of Wajaale Plains by the military Your soldiers changed that. They started selling the grass! For that reason they are considered undesirable as far as the rural community there is concerned. Out of compassion and patriotism Tog-wajaale people agreed to share even when that was on the expense of the (owners) local people whose ancestors have lived this land for generations and whose livelihood depends on the animals graze there and the produce they grow from there. On the other side Mr. President tell me any other community you would tell them “your camels can not graze your land, otherwise you have to buy the grass there as your soldiers did and doing to the compassionate Tog-wajaale community who accepted to share their land with the Military!” there is a clash of cultures there! Tog-wajaale (Gabiley Region) Community’s livelihood has been destroyed by the successive governments in Somaliland. Writes Mr Ibrahim Maed on his republished op-ed piece. Read the whole article Please after you read it post a comment. Ali Mohamed Editor, Covering The Horn of Africa region Lewis Center, Ohio Qaran News
  22. (SLT-Hargeysa)-Maayirka Burco Oo Si Qaawan Oo Anshaxa Ka Baxsan Uga Jawaabay Eedaymo Ugu Yimid Dhiggiisa Berbera, Halkan hoose ka DAAWO Source
  23. Riyadh (Caasimada Online) – Dowladda Sucuudiga ayaa shuruud hor dhigtay maamulka Somalialnd, taas oo la xiriirta Xoolaha Soomaaliya ee sanadkan loo dhoofinayo dalka Sucuudiga. Dowladda Sacuudi Carabiya ayaa Somaliland u dirtay warqad ay ku sheegeyso in warqadda caafimaadka xoolaha Soomaaliya ee xajka sanadkan ay bixineyso dowladda federaalka ah, halkii ay ka bixin jirtay Somaliland. Wasiirka xannaannada xoolaha iyo kalluumeysiga Somaliland ayaa sheegay in aysan aqbaleyn go’aanka dowladda Sacuudiga ka soo baxay. Xoolaha Soomaaliya ayaa inta badan laga dhoofiyaa dekadda magaalada Berbera ee ay maamusho Somaliland, waxaana ay bixin jirtay warqadda caafimaadka xoolaha. Sanadkasta ayaa xoolo malaayiin ah oo kala ah ari, lo’ iyo geel loo dhoofiyaa Sacuudiga,w axaana dowladda Sacuudiga ay hadda go’aansatay in xoolahaas ay kala xiriirto dowladda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya. Lama oga go’aankan Sacuudiga sida uu u saameyn doono xoolaha loo dhoofiyo Sacuudiga ee inta badan loo adeegsado udxiyada xajka kaddib. Somaliland ayaa hadda wajahaysa laba darran mid dooro oo ah, inay hoos tagto Somaliland iyo inay wayso malaayiin dollar oo kasoo gali jiray dhoofka xoolaha. Halkan ka daawo wararka oo muuqaal ah Caasimada Online Xafiiska Hargaysa
  24. (SLT-Addis Ababa)-War hadda soo dhacay ayaa waxaa uu sheegayaa in ciidammada ammaanka dalka Itoobiya ay toogasho ku dileen Ninkii ka dambeeyay isku daygii afgambi fashilmay ee ka dhacay Ismaamulka Amxaarada ee dalka Itoobiya. Ninkaas oo lagu magacaabo Jenaraal Asaminew Tsige ayaa waxaa raadinayay Ciidamada Itoobiya tan iyo maalintii sabtida aheyd ee uu dhacay afgambigii fashilmay. Isku daygii afgambigii fashilmay ee ka dhacay Ismaamulka Amxaarada ee dalka Itoobiya ayaa waxaa lagu dilay Taliyihii Guud ee Milliteriga dalkaasi, Jeneral Seare Mekonnen iyo Madaxweynihii Maamul-gobaleedka Amxaaradda, Ambajew Mekonnen iyo La-taliyihiisii oo la odhan jirey Ezez Wasiye. Tan iyo markii uu Raysal-wasaare Abiy Ahmed tallada la wareegay sannadkii hore waxa uu isku hawlay sidii uu Isbedel Siyaasadeed ugu samayn lahaa dalkaasi oo ay ku nool yihiin 100 million oo qof. Source
  25. (SLT-Hargeysa)-Xeer Ilaalinta Somaliland Oo Ka Hadashay Wararka Sheegaya In Afar Dumar Ahi Wiil Ku Kufsadeen Magaalada Hargeysa, Halkan hoose ka DAAWO Source