Deeq A.

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  1. Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta has kicked off a diplomatic charm offensive in Africa, Europe and the Middle East as the dispute with Somalia over maritime resources continues to weigh heavily on his government. The time is running out and Kenya’s options are dwindling as the International Court of Justice at The Hague prepares to start hearings on September 19 on the Indian Ocean maritime border case filed by Somalia in 2014. The dispute has simmered over time, with Somalia accusing Kenya of encroaching on its 100,000-square-kilometre territory with oil and gas deposits. Before the case was filed, bilateral negotiations had dragged on for six years without much success. While Kenya insists that the marine boundary be determined by a parallel line of latitude to the East – as per the standards set by the colonial powers, which were adopted in the marine borders between Kenya and Tanzania, Tanzania and Mozambique and Mozambique and South Africa — Somalia wants it redrawn to a diagonal, an extension of the land border. Nairobi has been pushing Somalia to withdraw the case, but Mogadishu has been adamant, preferring to wait for determination at the ICJ. With this stance, Kenya early this year sought mediation, drawing in the reformist Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to lead the effort. The talks were initiated – Mr Abiy and the Somalia leader Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo met with Kenyatta in Nairobi in March – but the effort soon collapsed. One of the explanations is that President Farmaajo, who is seeking re-election next year, dare not withdraw the case, as it would be seen as giving in to “outside forces” to relinquish what they considers Somalia resources—a sign of weakness. President Farmaajo has since avoided Kenya, even its airspace. Meanwhile, there is little hope in that Mogadishu will consider a bilateral or regional resolution effort; this leaves Kenya with a few options, one of which is a diplomatic charm offensive in Africa and beyond to convince peers that a decision that affirms Somalia’s claim will have security, diplomatic and economic reverberations. Nairobi has assembled a team of international lobbyists to reach out to oil and gas investors, who are said to be keen on the outcome of the matter at the ICJ. According to insiders, Kenya believes that oil and gas companies are fuelling the dispute, with some already taking strategic positions to join the race for exploration soon after the matter is dispensed with by the court. Politically, Kenya is reaching out to international allies to get the much-needed support “to protect its territory,” regardless of the outcome of the case at the ICJ. Already, the Arab League has sent a warning to Kenya, telling it to stop interfering in Somali waters, but insiders say the visits President Kenyatta has been making to Middle Eastern countries are not mere courtesy calls. On a recent tour of China, the president is said to have camped for a few days in the Gulf seeking the ears of powerful figures over the matter. The strategy, according sources, is to consolidate the African voice, which will be key in making collective decisions at the African Union and United Nations once the court has delivered its verdict. But some advisers have also said Kenya could just withdraw from the ICJ proceedings, a recommendation that is not proving popular. These options were discussed at a recent symposium in Nairobi organised by the HORN Institute for Strategic Studies. The consensus, however, was to maintain the diplomatic charm offensive and also forward Kenya’s concerns to the United Nations Security Council and the General Assembly. Roselyne Omondi, associate director at the HORN Institute, said it is prudent for Kenya to move ahead of the ICJ hearing. “Kenya may have made a few wrong decisions since the dispute arose, but it remains one of Somalia’s most reliable security, trade and development partners,” said Ms Omondi, adding that there was still a chance for a solution out of court. Having suffered a defeat during the preliminary proceedings while attempting to show that the court does not have jurisdiction over the matter, after a false start trying to settle the issue through a memorandum in 2009, experts say that Kenya has no alternative but to pursue subtle dispute resolution mechanisms. Monica Juma, Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs, who has been running a covert campaign for support, says that Nairobi has not exhausted all mechanisms for resolving disputes of this kind. She has refused to be drawn into the details of the plan. But Foreign Affairs Permanent Secretary Kamau Macharia said Kenya and Somalia must co-exist and jointly manage resources in the Indian Ocean. “Ultimately, if Somalia is to enjoy its blue economy resources—oil, gas, marine, fisheries etc—a long its maritime boundary with Kenya, it will have to do so in cooperation with Kenya,” Mr Macharia said in an interview with Sunday Nation. As Kenya seeks this resolution hoping for the best, it is also preparing for the worst. So it has kicked off a campaign for support for a seat in the UN Security Council as a non-permanent member. The UNSC is the only UN body with the authority to issue binding resolutions on member states. All member states are obligated to comply with its decisions. Kenya hopes that its membership, which would be the third since the body was formed, will help with conflict resolution in the event of a falling out after the ICJ verdict. If Nairobi loses the case, experts say it will be landlocked, complicating its security and business arrangements. It will need the support of the UNSC and the General Assembly. Several African countries have committed to supporting Kenya’s bid at the 74th session of the UN General Assembly in September. Apart from the EAC partner states and neighbours in East Africa, the Mozambican, Zambian, Namibian and Botswana leaders have all promised to throw their weight behind Nairobi. President Kenyatta is visiting Jamaica this coming week and is expected to seek its support as well. Africa is entitled to three non-permanent seats in the 15-member UNSC. Kenya is vying for the seat for the East African sub-region, which consists of 11 or more countries, including the six EAC members. Harold Acemah, a Ugandan diplomat, who has worked at the UN, told The EastAfrican that the membership of the Security Council is prestigious and provides a country a place at the high table of the United Nations. If elected, the country will for two years rub shoulders with the world’s high and mighty. But Mr Acemah said there is no advantage Kenya will enjoy in the dispute with Somalia. “Unless the dispute seriously threatens regional and international peace, the Security Council cannot force Kenya and Somalia to negotiate. That is a role for the EAC and AU, which I assume and hope they are already playing. The option is for Kenya and Somalia to request the UN Secretary General to mediate,” said Mr Acemah. But still, Kenya is seeking the support of the European Union, the US and the other permanent members of the UNSC—France, China, Russia and UK. Diplomatic sources say that while China, Russia and UK are Somalia-leaning, together with the Gulf States, Kenya has received a positive response from France and the US. Norway, whose companies are also angling for the resources, is reportedly “open for consultation.” While the ICJ decision is final, the court has no mechanism for enforcement and requires the affected countries to still sit down and chart the way forward. This was the case with resource disputes between China and Philippines and Nigeria and Cameroon. In the case of Nigeria and Cameroon in the dispute over the Bakassi Peninsula, which was awarded to Cameroon in October 2002, the UN secretary-general had to call a meeting of the two countries’ leaders in Geneva where they were persuaded to establish a commission chaired by the special envoy to implement the decision. Surv Bashir Shettima, a former director of the National Boundary Commission of Nigeria, said implementation of these matters takes along time and, in the case of Nigeria and Cameroon, they had to establish a sub commission on demarcation supported by a technical team. Source: The Citizen
  2. Muqdisho (SMN) – Dhageysteyaasheena ku xiran website-ka waxaan halkan idin kugu soo gudbineynaa Warka Habeen ee Idaacadda Shabelle. Hoos riix si aad u dhageysato View the full article
  3. Many Somalis believe the unceasing violence in Somalia is sponsored by foreign countries or entities out to advance their economic interests in the impoverished state despite vast untapped resources, including oil and gas. Well, it seems Somalis have a reason to think this way. On 22 July, the New York Times published an expose claiming it had obtained an audio recording from a phone conversation between the Qatari ambassador to Somalia and a Qatari businessman close to the Emir of Qatar boasting about militants who had carried out a bombing in the Somali port city of Bosaso to advance Qatar’s interest by driving out its rivals, the United Arab Emirates. These reports have resurfaced long after the Gulf Crisis, where Qatar was blockaded by its Arabian Gulf neighbours Saudi Arabia, UAE and Bahrain allegedly for what they termed as its support to terrorists. A UAE-affiliated company, DP World, runs the port of Bosaso in the semi-autonomous state of Puntland. The bombing referred above by the businessman took place in May outside a Bosaso courthouse, wounding at least 10 persons, including a judiciary official. In yet another separate attack associated with the above commercial motives, unknown gunmen on February 3 assassinated the Bosaso head of DP World, the same UAE company managing the port of Bosasso. AUDACIOUS ATTACK If indeed the New York Times expose turns out to be true, which is likely to be so given the Times reputation, then Somalis should brace themselves for worst times ahead. Talking of violence, in July alone, there have been three massive suicide attacks in Mogadishu and Kismayu, killing nearly 50 innocent people. This includes famous Somali Diaspora journalist Hodan Naleye, who was killed alongside her husband. Even more sadly, she was pregnant. These three attacks have also wounded close to 100 other people, many of who were unarmed civilians. The latest attack on July 24 was the most audacious. A female suicide bomber blew herself in a hall where the mayor of Mogadishu, Eng Abdirahman Osman Yarisow, was meeting with his District Commissioners to discuss Mogadishu’s security. The blast killed six officials, including three district commissioners and wounded many more, including mayor Yarisow. Al Shabaab claimed responsibility of the attack, saying they were targeting the new UN envoy to Somalia, James Swan, who had just left the mayor’s office moments before the attack. In the wake of the Qatar accusation, the Somalia government must investigate the serious claims as well as any other corroboration that might be linked to the attacks in Somalia that might be foreign-sponsored. Surprisingly, Mogadishu simply defended Qatar, saying they believed Doha’s denial of the New York Times article. Many say since Qatar helped fund the election of President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo, Mogadishu is likely to ignore the latest accusation of supporting terror in Somalia. TERRORISM AND RESOURCES If you look carefully, you will notice a trend of such terror or other private militia linked attacks in most mineral-rich African countries — Nigeria, Mali, Congo, Central African Republic, Somalia, Libya, Sierra Leone and Angola. This cannot be a coincidence. Violence or terrorism seems to be following oil, gas, gold, diamond, cobalt and other rich minerals. Just look at those countries closely and you will also notice the presence of high illiteracy and unemployment rates, weak, divided, corrupt and ineffective governments. All these are good fodder for terrorists to use to further their unholy wars. Somalia is a classic example, with all those characteristics in abundant. For the last 11 years, the world has paid millions of dollars to African Union peacekeepers, whom we must thank for helping to weaken al Shabaab. However, the Somalia National Army and other Somali forces remain weak, divisive, unpaid, underpaid or in some case totally neglected and demoralised. As a matter of fact, foreign forces can never restore order or peace without a properly equipped and professional government forces who are patriotic. Inasmuch as much as the Somalis must fix their own problems, how do we expect them to secure their country when they cannot arm their military because of a UN Security Council arms embargo? SOMALIA POLITICS But that is not the only problem. Politicians are even more divided than the forces. The national government is currently at loggerheads with its federal member states and has of late been acting like a rogue government that has no respect for the law. It has illegally been usurping power by installing their yes men in the federal states. They have already done that in HirShabele and SouthWest States and are currently fixing Galmudug State. The leadership is now fixated on the upcoming Jubaland election, which they also want to control and put their yes man in power. They are apparently doing all this in the hope of getting back to power in 2020 when the next general election in Somalia is expected to be held. We have no problem with them usurping power in all these federal states, but surely if they cannot take care of Mogadishu alone, how will they secure the whole country? If a female suicide bomber can penetrate all the security layers, checkpoints, armed soldiers and barriers to blow herself inside Mogadishu mayor’s office, what can’t those heartless vagabond terrorists not do? How safe is the whole country from these terror cells who seem to be getting a helping hand – from both outside the country and within inside the government? PROXY WAR Mind you, this is not the first time for a female suicide bomber to hit at the heart of government and kill high-ranking officials. A former Interior Minister was also killed in 2011 by a similar female suicide bomber. Somalia must learn its lessons and know the enemy its fighting against. That is the only way it to can tackle this mammoth task of securing itself. These are some of the hard questions the Somali people are asking themselves now that it is very clear the violence that has torn apart their country, killed tens of thousands and virtually left them in limbo, is a proxy war between foreign powers fighting over their resources. But before Somalia can do anything about those foreign legions, it must put its house in order, protect and serve its own people because it is the people who make a nation great. However, as long as the people and their leaders continue to be annihilated like locusts, then there is really a crisis in the making that needs to be seriously addressed by Somali leaders. Source: The Star
  4. The election in the Somalia state of Jubbaland where Sheikh Ahmed Islam Madobe wants to retain the presidency is turning into a battle on land and online. Source: Hiiraan Online
  5. A man in the Midlands has been jailed for more than five years - after finally being granted the right to come to Britain. Source: Hiiraan Online
  6. Kismaayo (Caasimada Online) – Wakiilka Urur Goboleedka IGAD ee Soomaaliya Maxamed Guyow iyo xubno kale oo katirsan Xafiiska IGAD ee Soomaaliya ayaa maanta gaaray magaalada Kismaayo ee Xarunta KMG ah ee Jubbaland. Wafdigan ayaa Saddexda Maalmood ee soo socda ku sugnaan doona magaalada Kismaayo, iyagoo si dhab ah ugu kuur gali doona Xaalada Doorashada Jubbaland ee dhamaadka bishan ka dhaceysa magaalada Kismaayo. Wafdiga IGAD mudada ay Kismaayo joogaan waxay kulamo la qaadan doonaan Gudiga Doorashada Jubbaland, Odayaasha dhaqanka ee soo xulaya xildhibaanada Baarlamaanka iyo sidoo kale ururada aan dowliga aheyn ee ku bohoobey magaca JUNSA. Gaba gabada waxaa wafdigan la kulmi doonan Madaxweynaha Jubbaland Axmed Maxamed Islaam iyadoo aan la ogayn waxyaabaha kulankaas kasoo bixi doona. Beesha caalamka ayaa dhamaan u dheg taageysa natiijada safarka wakiilka IGAD ee Kismaayo kaas oo noqon doona go’aanka ay beesha caalamku ka qaadan doonto habsami u socodka doorashada Jubbaland. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Kismaayo
  7. Burco (Caasimada Online) ― Wararka naga soo gaaraya gobolka Togdheer ayaa sheegaya in maanta dhacdo naxdin leh ay ka dhacday, isla-markaana uu Oday waayeel ah uu dilay saddex Caruur ah oo uu Adeer u yahay. Odayga ayaa waxa uu saddexdan Caruurta ah ku dilay deeganka Dhagax Dheer oo ka tirsan deegaanada hoostaga gobolka Togdheer. Caruurtan la dilay ayaa waxa la sheegaya in dhamaantood ay walaalo ahaayeen, isla markaana uu ugu weynaa Afar jir. Wararka ayaa sidoo kale waxay sheegayaan in Caruurtaasi ay isla markiiba ay ku geeriyoodeen goobtii uu odaygu ku dilay. Gudoomiyaha deegaankaas ayaa xaqiijiyey inuu Carruurtaasi dilay Odey Adeerkood ah oo Maskaxda ka jiranaa, balse ciidamada Booliska Somaliland ay markii dambe ay gacanta ku dhigeen Ninkii dilkaasi u geystay saddexda Carruurta ah ee wada dhashay. Ilaa iyo haddana ma jiro wax war ah oo ka soo baxay Maamulka iyo laamaha amniga ee gobolka Togdheer, balse waxa la filayaa in Warbaahinta uga warbixiyaan dhacdadan saacadaha soo socda. Wixii ka soo kordha kala soco Caasimada Online Caasimada Online Xafiiska Hargeysa
  8. Xubin ka tirsan kooxda Daacish ee ku sugan Bari Kooxda Daacish ayaa sheegatay mas’uuliyadda qarax miino oo saaka gudaha magaalada Boosaaso lagula eegtay wasiirkii hore ee Qorshaynta dowladda Puntland Shire Xaaji Faarax. Qoraal ay daabacday warbaahinta Daacish ee Amaq News Agency ayaa lagu sheegay in ciidamada Khilaafadu ay qarax miino u dhigeen wasiir hore Shire Xaaji Faarax xilli uu marayey nawaaxiga hoteel Shabeelle ee magaalada Boosaaso. Daacish ayaa sheegtay in qaraxa oo ahaa miino dhulka lagu sii aaysay ay ku dhaawacmeen laba kamid ah ilaalada mas’uulka balse isagu ka badbaaday. Balse, laamaha Amniga gobolka Bari ayaa xaqiijiyay in qaraxa uu ku dhaawacmay hal askari oo ka tirsana ilaalada Shire Xaaji Faarax cid kalena aysan wax dhib ah ka soo gaarin. Hoos ka akhriso qoraalka Daacish PUNTLAND POST The post Daacish oo sheegatay qaraxii uu ka badbaaday Shire Xaaji Faarax appeared first on Puntland Post.
  9. Wafdiga Aqalka Sare ee uu hogaaminaayay Gudoomiye ku xigeenka 1-aad ee Golaha Aqalka sare Baarlamaanka Federaalka Soomaaliya oo safar shaqo ku joogay maalmihii lasoo dhaafay magaalada Garoowe ee Caasimada Dowlad goboleedka Puntland ayaa maanta dib ugu soo laabtay caasimadda Muqdisho. Guddoomiye ku-xigeenka koowaad iyo wafdigiisa oo Maalmihii la soo dhaafay ku sugnaa Magaalada Garowe ee Casimada Puntland, ayaa intii ay halkaasi ku sugnaayeen waxay ka qeyb galeen xuska markii la unkay maamulkaasi 1-da Agost 1998-dii. Sidoo kale,guddoomiye Abshir Maxamed Axmed (Bukhaari) ayaa intuu ku sugnaa magaalada Garoowe kulamo duwan la qaatay mas’uuliyiinta ugu sareysa maamulka Puntland iyo Bulshada qeybaheeda kala duwan. Goobjoog News Source:
  10. Dhoobo oo sii saagootiyaya Abshir Bukhaari Guddoomiyaha Golaha Wakiilada dowladda Puntland, Cabdixakiim Maxamed Axmed (Dhoobo) iyo madaxweynihii hore ee Puntland haatana ah, xildhibaan ka tirsan Golaha Aqalka sare, Cabdiraxmaan Sheikh Maxamed faroole, ayaa maanta garoonka diyaaradaha Garoowe ku sii saagotiyay, guddoomiye ku xigeenka kowaad ee Golaha Aqalka sare, Abshir Maxamed Axmed (Abshir Bukhaari) iyo xildhibaanno kale tirsan Labada Aqal ee Baarlamanka Soomaaliya oo dib ugu laabtay magaalada Muqdisho, kadib markii ay Garoowe kaga qeyb-galeen xuska sannad-guuradii 21-aad ee ka soo wareegtay aas’aaskii Puntland. Guddoomiye ku xigeenka kowaad ee Golaha Aqalka sare, Abshir Maxamed Axmed (Abshir Bukhaari) oo ka hor inta uusan Muqdisho ku laaban warbaahinta kula hadlay garoonka diyaaradaha Garoowe, ayaa shaaciyay in xubnaha Aqalka sare ku matala Puntland, ay markii u horraysay xarun ka furteen magaalada Garoowe ee caasimadda Puntland. Hoos ka daawo Muuqaalka iyo sawirada PUNTLAND POST The post Guddoomiye Dhoobo: Waxaa Baarlamanka Puntland ka dhacay waxaan weligiis dhicin oo unique ah appeared first on Puntland Post.
  11. Dhuusamareeb (Caasimadda Online) – War qoraal ah oo ka soo baxay Guddiga qaban qaabada Shirka dib u heshiisiinta Beelaha dega deegaannada Galmudug ayaa Maanta waxaa lagu shaaciyay in dib u dhac uu ku yimid shirka oo lagu waday in uu furmo 5-ta Bisha Agoosto oo ku beegan Maalinta Berrito ah. Sababta dib u dhaca shirka ayay Guddiga Ku sheegeen in ay tahay in, iyadoo la tixgalinayo maalmaha baroordiiqda loo asteeyey iyo munaasabadda maamlmaha Ciidul Adxaa ee foodda nagu soo hayso dib loo dhigay mudada shirkaas. Sidoo Kale Guddiga ayaa tilmaamay in Shirka dib u heshiisiinta Beelaha dega deegaannada Galmudug la qaban doono 17 Bishaan. Ugu dambeyn guddiga ayaa Ergooyinka ka qeyb galaya shirka waxaa ay ugu baaqeen inay tagaan Magalada Dhuusamareeb. Guddigan ayaa waxaa magacaabay Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha Xukuumadda Soomaaliya Cabdi Maxamed Sabriye, waxaana ay qaabilsanyihiin isu keenidda iyo xareynta ergooyinka ka qeybgelaya shirka dib u heshiinta dowlad Goboleedka Galmudug. Waxaa ay horay u booqdeen magaalooyinka Gaalkacyo, Cadaado iyo meelo kale si bulshooyinka ku nool magaalooyinkaas loogu qanciyo ka qeybgalka shirka. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Dhuusamareeb
  12. (SLT-Hargeysa)-waraka aanu ka helayno gobolka Togdheet ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in saddex Carruur ah oo walaalo ah lagu dilay deegaanka Dhagax-dheer oo ka tirsan gobolka Togdheer. Carruurta ayaa lagu soo warramayaa in uu dilay adeerkood oo maskaxda ka xanuunsanaya. Carruurta la dilay ayaa ahaa saddex wiil oo afar jirku ugu weynaa. Booliska Somaliland ayaa gacanta ku dhiggay ninka carruurta laayay. Source
  13. Burco (Caasimada Online) ― Guddoomiyaha gobolka Togdheer, Xamse Maxamed Cabdi ayaa shalay lagu weeraray deegaanka Cali saahid oo ka tirsan deegaanada hoostaga gobolka Togdheer. Weerarkaasi lagu qaaday guddoomiyaha gobolka Togdheer ayaa maanta waxa faah-faahin dheeriya ka bixiyay Guddoomiyaha deegaanka Cali Saahid ee gobolka Togdheer, wuxuuna yiri “Waxaa lagu weeraray saaka rasaas, anigu waan la socday guddoomiyaha, aniga iyo taliyaha qaybtuba, meel magaalada ah oo la yar samaynayo oo buuq yari ka taagnaa ayuu is yidhi gudoomiyuhu soo eeg iyo taliyaha qaybtu saaka”. “Waa meel la isku yar hayo oo magaalada ka yara fog oo buuq yari ka taagnaa oo la deegaamaynayo. Waa dhul daaqsimeed sidaasi ayaanu u diidanahay in dhulkaasi la deegaameeyo”. Wuxuuna intaas kusii daray Guddoomiyaha deegaanka Cali Saahid “Khasaaraha ayaa ah baabuurtii oo rasaasi nagaga dhacday oo aanu siganay”. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Hargeysa
  14. Xoghayaha guud ee xisbiga mucaaradka ah ee Waddani, Khadar Xuseen Cabdi oo maanta shir jaraa’id ku qabtay xarunta Xisbiga ee magaalada Hargeysa, ayaa si adag uga jawaabay eedaymo uu shalay xisbigooda u jeediyay Wasiirka Warfaafinta Somaliland, Maxamed Muuse Diiriye. Wasiirka Warfaafinta Somaliland ayaa Sabtidii shalay guddoomiyaha Xisbiga Waddani ku eedeeyay in uu taageero jabhadda uu hoggaamiyo Col. Caarre ee la’dagaallanta xukuumadda Muuse Biixi, isagoo xusay in jabhaddaasi tahay gabab ka tirsan Xisbiga mucaaradka ah ee Waddani. Balse, Xog-hayaha guud ee Xisbiga Waddani ayaa beeniyay dhammaan eedaymaha xukuumaddu u jeedisay, waxaana uu sheegay in maamulka Muuse Biixi ku fashilmay xallinta tabashooyinka ka jira gudaha Somaliland oo sida uu sheegay u baahan dulqaad iyo mas’uuliyad. Sidoo kale, wuxuu tilmaamay in mowqifka Xisbiga Waddani ee ku aaddan Jabhadda Col. Caarre, uu yahay in wada-hadal iyo dulqaad lagu dhammeeyo tabashooyinka jabhaddaasi, isagoo ka digay in haddii kale ay xaaladdu ka sii darayso. Dhinaca kale, Xog-hayaha Waddani ayaa dhaliilo culus u jeediyay madaxweyne Muuse Biixi iyo xukuumaddiisa oo uu ku eedeeyay in ay fashil ku socoto, isagoo si gaar ah farta ugu fiiqay wasiirka Warfaafinta Somaliland. Halkaan ka daawo shirkiisa jaraa’id oo dhan PUNTLAND POST The post Xisbiga Waddani: Xukuumada Somaliland way qaawantahay anaguna waa sii qaawinaynaa appeared first on Puntland Post.
  15. On July 24, this year, a female suicide bomber walked into a security meeting being held at the office of Mogadishu mayor Abdirahman Omar Osman and blew herself up killing seven and injuring several others. Source: Hiiraan Online
  16. A decision to be taken later this week by the government of Djibouti to apply to the country’s high court to rule all previous international adjudications null and void has been labelled “a complete disregard for and contravention of the global legal system and existing contracts”, by DP World, the terminal operator that was ousted from the country last year. Source: Hiiraan Online
  17. (SLT-Hargeysa)-Dablay Ka Tirsan Khaatumo Oo Weeraray Xero Ay Leeyihiin Ciidammada Millatariga Somaliland, Halkan hoose ka DAAWO Source
  18. The meetings reaffirmed the two countries’ interest in further reinforcing cooperation between Djibouti and Italy. Source: Hiiraan Online
  19. Mogadishu residents are mourning the loss of their mayor, who died Thursday of injuries suffered in a suicide bombing July 24 that killed at least six other people. Source: Hiiraan Online
  20. Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Qaababka kale duwan ee dhaqaale looga abuuro magaalada Muqdisho ayaa kala duwan, iyadoo markaan ay kusoo korortay hab cusub oo ganacsi ah oo dadka dhaqaale looga abuurayo. Muuqaal yaab leh ayaa halkaan idiin kugu soo gudbineynaa oo ah Waraabe shabaq lagu soo xiray oo sameecad cod duuban laga baahinaayo “Daawashada Waraabaha waa seddax kun”. Habkaan cusub ee lacag abuurka ah ayaa dadka qaarkood aad usoo jiido, iyadoo qofka uusan hareer mareyn marka uu maqlo codka lagu baahinaayo daawashada waraabaha. HALKAN KA DAAWO MUUQAALKA IYO MUUQAALLO KALE Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho
  21. Jigjiga (SMN) – Waxaa maanta gudaha magaalada Jijiga ka furmay shir u dhexeeya qowmiyadaha Soomaalida iyo Oromada ee dalka Itoobiya. Shirkan oo socon doono muddo labo cisho ah ayaa waxaa inta badan diirada lagu saari doona xal u helida dhibaatooyinka weli ka dhex jira labada qowmiyadood. Madaxwaynaha dowlad deegaanka Soomaalida Itoobiya Mustafe Muxumed Cumar (Cagjar) oo shirka daah-furay ayaa ugu horreyn ka warbixiyay ahmiyada uu shirkani u leeyahay labada Shacab ee Soomaalida iyo Oromada, wuxuuna xusay inay muhiim tahay in la dhowro degaanaashaha iyo nabad ku wada noolaanshaha deegaanka. Dhankiisa madaxwaynaha deegaanka Oromiya Shimelisa Abdisa oo madasha ka hadlay ayaa dhankiia sheegay inuu soo dhoweynayo isku soo dhawaanshaha labada dhinac, wuxuuna ugu baaqay labada shacab in ay yeeshaan iskaashi buuxa, iyada oo laga wada shaqeynayo nabadda iyo xasiloonida dalka. Waa shirkii labaad oo ay yeelanayaan Soomaalida iyo Oromada oo bilhii la soo dhaafay isku laayey gudaha dalka Itoobiya. Halkan hoose ka daawo Sawirrada: View the full article
  22. (SLT-Hargeysa)-FAAH-FAAHIN: Khasaaraha Ka Dhashay Weerar Lagu Qaaday Shalay Badhasaabka Gobolka Togdheer Iyo Taliyaha Ciidanka Booliska, Halkan hoose ka DAAWO Source
  23. Ciidamada Booliiska magaalada Dayton ee gobolka Ohaio ayaa sheegay in tacshiirad ka dhacday halkaasi ay ku dhinteen sagaal ruux . Dhimashada dadkaasi oo ka dhacday degmada Oregon ee magaaladaasi ayaa lagu waramay in sidoo kale uu dhintay qofkii ka dambeeyay falalkaasi dhimashada ah. Shilkaan oo ka dhacay meel dibadda ka ah Baar ayaa la xaqiijiyay in ay jiraan tiro dhaawacyo ah oo loola cararay cisbitaalada,sida laga soo xigtay warbaahinta Mareykanka. Shilkaan ayaa imaanaya wax yar ka dib kolkii magaalada Texas,gaar ahaan deegaanka El basso ay ka dhaceen toogasho sababtay dhimashada 20-qof iyo dhaawacyo ka badan 2 Goobjoog News Source: