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The minister of internal security for the Federal Government of Somalia Mohamed Abukar Islow is holding talks with security personnel and local officials in Dhusamareb town. The security in and around the administrative capital of Galmudug, Dhusamareb has been heightened on Sunday. Extra Federal security agencies have been deployed ahead of the regional reconciliation meeting in the city scheduled in forthcoming days. Delegates and representatives from various groups from the state have already gathered in Dhusamareb ahead of the crucial conference. Somali Prime Minister, Hassan Ali Kheyre is expected to attend the opening ceremony. The office of the Prime Minister in coordination with the Ministry of Interior and Federal Affairs called for a reconciliation meeting among various communities living in Galmudug state last month in an effort to resolve differences ahead of the upcoming elections in the state. An agreement between the Federal government and Ahlu Suna leadership paved the way for the integration of local forces into the Somali National Army. The local forces were biometrically registered before undergoing Qatari sponsored capacity building. The deal also included the full takeover of security by Somali government forces in the Galmudug state which was already implemented. View the full article
(SLT-Hargeysa)-Xisbiyada mucaaradka Somaliland WADDANI, UCID iyo madaxweynaha Somaliland Md. Muuse Biixi Cabdi, ayaa saaka shir uga socdaa xarunta madaxtooyada. Ujeedka rasmiga ah ee shirka weli lama oga laakiin wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya in lagaga hadlayo khilaafka guddida doorashada oo aan weli xal laga gaadhin iyo weliba xaaladda ka soo cusboonaatay gobolka Badhan. Guddoomiyaha xisbig UCID Eng Faysal Cali Waraabe, hoggaamiyaha Waddani Xirsi Cali Xaaji Xasan iyo madaxweyne Biixi, ayaa kulanka ka qayb-galay. Wixii warar ee ka soo kordha kala soco Somalilandtoday.com Source
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Siyaasiga mucaaradka, ahna guddoomiyaha xisbiga Wadajir, Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishuur Warsame ayaa shaki weyn ka muujiyey xilka qaadistii dhowaan lagu sameeyey taliyeyaasha ciidamada, gaar ahaan kan Xoogga dalka. Cabdiraxmaaan Cabdishakuur ayaa shaaciyey in muddooyinkii dambe ciidamada dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya ay guulo ka gaareen dagaalka Al-Shabaab, isamarkaan ay shaki keeneyso sababtii xilka looga qaaday taliyaha ciidanka Xoogga dalka Indha-Qarshe. Sidoo kale wuxuu tilmaamay in madaxda dowladdu aysan dagaal kula jirin Al-Shabaab, taasna ay cadeyn u tahay sababta 5 taliye loo bedalay labo sano. “Allaha guuleeyo wiilasha iyo hablaha Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka ka tirsan ee dagaalka kula jira kooxaha argagixisada ah ee furamaha dagaalka ku jira. Waxaase shaki abuuraya sababta ciidankii oo guulo soo hoynaya, loo beddelay taliyihii isagoo weliba jiida hore ee dagaalka ku jira. Nin 5 taliye, 2 sano iyo bar ku beddelay Al-shabaab dagaal kulama jiro.kulama jiro.” ayuu yiri Cabdiraxmaan Cabdishuur Warsame. Khamiistii la soo dhaafay ayey aheyd markii golaha wasiirada Soomaaliya ay isbedal ku sameeyeen dhammaan talisyada ciidamada qalabka sida ee Soomaaliya. Tan iyo inta uu jooga xafiiska Madaxweyne Farmaajo oo ah labo sano iyo bar ayaa waxaa la bedelay illaa 14 taliye oo ah dhammaan talisyada ciidamada Xoogga, Nabad Sugida, Booliska iyo Asluubta. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho caasimada@live.com
Muqdisho (SMN) – Guddoomiyaha cusub ee gobolka Banaadir, ahna Duqa magaalada Muqdisho ayaa booqday guriga ay deggan yihiin qoyska uu ka geeriyooday Allaha u naxariistee marxuum Ijnineer Cabdiraxmaan Yariisow guddoomiyihii hore ee gobolka Banaadir ahaana duqii caasimadda , wuxuuna marka hore uga tacsiyeeyey geeridii ku timid marxuumka. Gud. Cumar Finish ayaa sheegay in marxuum Ing. C/raxmaan Yariisow uu dhintay isagoo u adeegaya dalkiisa iyo dadkiisa, islamarkaana uu qabtay shaqo muuqata. Sidoo kale wuxuu intaasi ku daray guddoomiyaha in horumaradii iyo howlihii uu soo waday marxuum Yariisoow haddii Alle idmo ay halkooda ka sii socon doonaan. Guddoomiyaha cusub ayaa waxaa booqashadan ku wehlinayey Ugaas Maxamuud Cali Ugaas Cabdulle, Xildhibaan Cabdiqaadir Carabow iyo xubno kale. Ugu dmabeyn Ugaas Maxamuud Cali Ugaas ayaa Duqa cusub uga mahadceliyey booqashada uu ugu yimid qoyska marxuumka iyo dareenkiisa Soomaalinnimo. Halkan hoose ka daawo Sawirrada: View the full article
Jowhar (Caasimada Online ) – Warar kala duwan ayaa ka soo baxaya weerar xoogan oo xalay Al-Shabaab ay ku qaaday gudaha degmada Balcad ee gobolka Shabeelaha Dhexe. Weerarka ayaa waxaa fuliyey dagaalyahanno ka tirsan kooxda Al-Shabaab oo shalay gelinkii dambe isku uruursaday duleedka degmadaasi. Sida ay sheegeen ilo deegaanka ah raggii weerarka soo qaaday iyo ciidamada dowladda ayaa dagaalamay, waxaana Al-Shabaab u suuragashay inay wareegto qeybo ka mid ah magaalada Balcad. Mas’uuuliyiinta maamulka degmadaasi ayaa la sheegay inay isaga baxeen halkaasi, islamarkaana ay tageen xarunta warshaddii hore ee dharka oo ay fariisin ku leeyihiin ciidamada AMISOM. Dhanka kale wararkii ugu dambeeyey ee ka imaanaya Shabeelaha Dhexe ayaa sheegaya in saaka xaaladdu ay degan tahay, islamarkaana ay Al-Shabaab isaga baxeen halkaasi. Mid ka mid ah dadka deegaanka ayaa warbixiyey sida ay wax u dhaceen. Halkan hoose ka dhageyso Codka. https://www.caasimada.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Balacad.mp3
Hanbalyo Hanbalyo Mahaer Wacan Aabo Naasir Cabdi Cawad Hooyo Faadumo Xasan Warsame Aabe Mustafe Cabfi Cawad Hooyo Xaali Mawliid Cabdi Cawad Bashiir Cabdi Cawad Ayeeyo Safiya Xaaji Axmed Ayeeyo Deeqa Maxamed Iidle Aadan Xaaji Yuusuf Iyo Marwadiis Xuseen Cabdi Cawad Iyo Marwadiisa Ikhwa Axmed Cabdi Cawad Iyo Marwadiisa Ayaanle Cabdi Cawad Iyo Marwadiisa Rashiid Cabdi Cawad Iyo Marwadiisa Abdi Laahi Cali Dirir Iyo Marwadiisa Siciid Xuseen Dhan Cadde Cabdi Warsame Salebaan Qarsame Mustafe Naasir Cabdi Cabdi Maalik Mustafe Abdi Naasir Mustafe Cabdi Raxma Abdi Cawad Maxamed Abdi Cawad Iyo Marwadiisa Sh Ismaaciil Caydaruus Naasir Khaalid Cabdi Suldaan cabdilaahi Suldaan Cali Boqor Cismaan Maxamuud buurmadaw Dhamaan Dadkaasi Waxay Hanbalyo Maher wacan U Dirayaan Boqorka Maxamed Naaair Cabdi Indha Deero Iyo Marwadiisa Badrasa Musatfe Cabdi Source
Balcad (SMN) – Faah faahinno dheeraad ah ayaa ka soo baxaya weerar xalay Al-Shabaab ay ku qaaday degmada Balcad ee gobolka Shabeelaha Dhexe. Weerarka oo ahaa mid culus ayaa waxaa la sheegay in Al-Shabaab ay u suuragashay in muddo kooban ay la wareegaan gacan ku heynta degmadaasi. Mas’uuuliyiinta maamulka magaalada Balcad ayaa la sheegay inay isaga baxeen halkaasi, islamarkaana ay tageen xarunta warshaddii hore ee dharka Xaawo Taako oo ay fariisin ku leeyihiin ciidamada nabad ilaalinta Ururka Midowga Africa ee AMISOM. Xaaladda ayaa saaka degan, waxaana degmada dib ugu laabtay ciidamada dowladda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya. Mid ka mid ah dadka deegaanka oo la hadlay Shabelle ayaa warbixiyey sida ay wax u dhaceen. Halkan hoose ka dhageyso Codka. https://www.radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/cod-guuleed.mp3 View the full article
(SLT-Hindiya)-Waxaa sii kordhaya cadaadiska saaran Muslimiinta ku dhaqan wadamada koonfureed ee Aasiya iyadoo shalay la xusay laba sanno kadib Xasuuqii loo geestay muslimiinta Rohingya. Howlgalo ay ka sameeyeen millatariga Myanmar gobolka Rakhine sanadkii 2017-dii ayaa waxaa lagu dilay dad u badnaa carruur iyo Haween. Inkastoo dowlada Myanmar ay gaashaanka u daruurtay eedeymaha loo jeediyay ayaa hadana hey’adda qaramada midoobay ee xuquuqda aadanaha waxay ku bixisay 28 million oo dollar si loo helo Cadeymo. Dhanka kale dhibaatooyinka haysta muslimiinta ayaa ku baahay wadamada Shiinaha iyo Hindiya oo ka mid ah qaarada koonfureed ee Aasiya. Xukuumada shuuciga ah ee uu hoggaamiyo madaxweyne Xi Jinping ayaa dhanka kale xaryo ku ooday muslimiinta laga tirada badan yahay ee ku nool gobolka Xinjiang. Balse shiinaha ayaa beeniyay eedo wadamada caalamka u jeediyeen waxaana uu sheegay in dadkan la barayo xirfado ay ku shaqeestaan si lagaga hortago weeraro Argagixiso. Dhanka kale dowlada Delhi ee hogaanka uu u hayo Ra’isul wasaare Narendra Modi ayaa todobaadyadii la soo dhaafay kordhisay cadaadiska ay ku heyso muslimiinta Kashmiir. Waa todobaadkii sedaxaado oo xayiraad dhanka socdaalka ganacsiga iyo Isgaarsiinta ay saarantahay gobolka Himalayan. Wadamada Yurub iyo Mareykanka ayaa walaac ka muujiyay falalka islaam Naceybka ah ee ka jira dalalka shuuciga ah ee Aasiya. Source
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Qaar ka mid ah xisbiyada siyaasadeed ee ka jira dalka ayaa warsaxaafadeed ka soo saaray xaaladda cakiran ee dowlad goboleedka Galmudug. Xisbiyada Wadajir, Ilays, Horusocod Qaran iyo xisbiga Nabadda ayaa waxa ay sheegeen inay ka walaacsan yihiin xaaladda Siyaasadeed iyo tan Amni ee maamulkaasi. Sidoo kale waxa ay sheegeen in ay ka walwalsan yihiin waxa ka dhalan kara ciidamada ay dowladda geysay magaalada Dhuusamareeb ee xarunta gobolka Galgaduud. Xisbiyada ayaa tilmaamay in arrintan ay ka dhalan karto amni darro, islamarkaana ay fursad siineyso kooxaha argagixisada, sida ay hadalka u dhigeen. Waxa kale oo ay xisbiyadu ka digeen in la burburiyo Galmudug oo dhismaheedu ku baxay hanti, waqti iyo dadaal badan. Ugu dambeyn waxa ay dowladda dhexe ka dalbadeen inay dhaqan-geliso heshiiskii ay la gashay ururka Ahlu Sunna Waljamaaca. Halkan hoose ka aqriso: Caasimada Online Xafiiska Dhuusamareeb caasimada@live.com
(SLT-Nairobi)-Dowladda Kenya oo olole ugu jirta sidii ay xubin uga noqon lahayd 15 xubnood ee golaha ammaanka ee qaramada Midoobay ayaa warqad qoraal oo ay u dirtay dimplamaasiyiinta 140 wadan waxay ka codsatay Taageero. Toddobaadkii hore , Kenya waxay 37-13 cod kaga adkaatay wadanka Jabuuti codbixin ka dhacday magaaladda Adis-ababa oo ay qaadeen midowga Afrika. Qoraalka wasaaradda arrimaha dibada kenya u dirtay dimplamaasiyiinta ayay ku sheegtay in dowladda Kenya ay fursadan uga faa’iidaysan doono horumarinta ammaanka gobolka, howlgalada nabada ilaalinta iyo fulinta ajendayaasha qaramada midoobay, iyadoo ay u mahadceliyeen Midowga Afrika. Golaha ammaanka ee QM waxaa codka Feto-ga leh 5 wadan oo kala ah Maraykanka, Ruushka, Shiinaha, Ingiriiska iyo Faransiiska, hase yeeshee haddii ay kenya ka mid noqoto waxay awood u yeelaynaysaa inay galaangal ku samayso xubnaha si ay guul u gaadho qorshayaasha u degsan oo ugu horrayso in ururka Alshabaab loo aqoonsado argagixiso Caalami iyo arrinta muranka badda ee ka dhaxaysa Soomaaliya, taasi oo dacwadeedu haatan taallo maxkamada caalamiga ah ee ICJ. Source
The people of Puntland are convinced beyond doubt that the President and Prime Minister Hassan Kheyre are conspiring to destabilize Puntland State of Somalia. In an autocratic approach that has echoes of a bygone era, the president and prime minister were engaged in activities that are detrimental to Puntland State and its security and social cohesion. The legislative branch of the state is effectively rendered inefficient as the majority of the cabinet are drawn from the parliament, which allows the President and Prime Minister to control the federal Parliament and use it as a rubberstamping facility that gives their actions a semblance of legitimacy, however unconstitutional. The election of President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo in February 2017 was welcomed with optimism and was seen as the right person to move the country to the peace and prosperity. Instead of upholding the constitution and working towards strengthening the institutions of government, he and his Prime Minister marginalised these institutions and worked towards changing the federal system into a centralised one with all the power concentrated in his hands, and render the federal members States into mere regions run by governors and district commissioners appointed by the President. Unlike some of the other States, Puntland State proved difficult to be pushed around. This became very clear for all when Puntland closed its borders to visitors during the presidential election early this year. As a result. the Federal Government resorted to underhand and unethical tactics to destabilise Puntland from within. The President and Prime Minister used corrupt methods to create discord between the government and people, which could be tantamount to incitement and potential rebellion. In a recent well publicised incident in Galkayo, PM Hassan Kheyre bypassed the Puntland government’s welcoming officials and instead liaised with private citizens to make arrangements for him, thus painting the impression of parallel authorities in the city, thus creating the illusion that Puntland State is no longer in control of Galkayo. As if that wasn’t enough, the Prime Minister “donated” a large sum of money to a group of young men for the purpose of renovating a football stadium. The donation, welcome as it was, should have been made through the proper official channels. But, Kheyre, who was crossing into the city from the southern Galmudug quarter of the city, wanted to show the people of Puntland that the government in Garowe has no presence in Galkayo. The FG’s destabilization program is not limited to Puntland State. It has previously dealt severe blows to Hiirshabeelle and SouthWest States. The FG used financial and bullying tactics to bring both Member States under its control. In the past three months there was a conspicuous effort by the FG to change the current leader of Galmudug to one who is more amenable to its scheme. The PM spent considerable time shuttling between the various cities and towns of Galmudug and other clan centres in the State to be mandated to have a hand in the selection of the next leader of the State. There is a genuine concern in Puntland that changing the status quo in Galmudug could have a serious repercussion in Puntland. It seems that the Hassan Kheyre is succeeding in overthrowing the current government in Galmudug and replacing it with one of his making. The presence of regular soldiers or armed militias along the border between Puntland and Galmusug could be a cause for concern. Similarly, the FG has put strenuous effort on Jubaland where it is trying to replace the current leader with one of its choice. The consequence of these underhand activities by the FG could make the federal system effectively obsolete, unless it is countered by the collective effort of the member states. The leader of Jubaland is fighting the FG’s destructive behaviour and seems to be winning. The federal government failed to thwart the parliamentary and presidential elections of 22 August 2019 or its outcome: Ahmed Mohamed Islaan was elected president of the State again. When Farmaajo failed to stop Ahmed Islaan’s election, he tried to sabotage the whole election by conspiring to create parallel presidents of the State, so that the whole process would be declared invalid. Fortunately, the attempted political destabilisation of Jubaland has failed – yet again. The FG’s hostility towards Puntland is also reflected in its relationship with Somaliland. The FG is responsible for the maintenance of the integrity of the territory of the Federal Republic of Somalia. Somaliland, a de facto one-clan based secessionist entity claims jurisdiction of the regions of Sool, Sanaag and Eyn, which are part of Puntland. Following the collapse of the Somali State in 1991, and the displacement of the people in many parts of Somalia to their respective clan territories, the regions of the erstwhile Somali Republic were demarcated on clan lines. The regions of Sool, Sanaag and Eyn joined Puntland in 1998 when the latter was formed. The current and previous FG initiated dialogue with Somaliland on a number of occasions without consideration of the position of the Puntland State or the people of the aforementioned regions in clear contravention of the Federal Constitution, which requires the FG to consult the member State in any negotiation that can have detrimental effect on the member State’s interests. Clearly, the absolute unchecked power that President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo and his Prime Minister Hassan Kheyre wield in parts of Mogadishu has clouded their judgement and made them forget that they are public officials that were entrusted with managing the FG affairs. Instead they have embarked in an illegal enterprise to destroy the federal system of governance in Somalia and return the country to the centralised system that was run from Mogadishu. It is irresponsible of the leaders of the FG to undermine the constitution instead of upholding it as they were sworn to do. The use of the much-needed meagre resources at their disposal to destroy the peace that prevailed in Puntland for three decades is really is not only irresponsible but also clearly illegal. PDF strongly condemns the FG’s illegal and irresponsible destabilising activities that are directed at the federal member states, particularly Puntland. It is clear to all that President Farmaajo and Prime Minister Kheyre are violating the constitution and trying to dismantle the federal system in order to recreate the defunct unitary system that was overthrown nearly thirty years ago. PDF calls upon the people of Puntland and other member states not to be used as a tool for the destruction of their State, and by extension the Federal Republic of Somalia. PDF also calls upon the federal government should not collude with foreign government to dismember Somalia, while pursuing other interests that could be facilitate by these foreign governments. Puntland should be involved in any negotiation on the future of Somaliland state, as required by the Constitution as some of the regions claimed by Somaliland are part of Puntland State of Somalia. Failing to do that and ignoring the will of the people of Sool, Sanaag, and Ayn, could be a recipe for future conflicts and further destabilisation. It is regrettable that Farmaajo and his supporters would not give up until they realise their pet dream of reverting Somalia to a centralised political system that is run from Mogadishu. It is time to consider the impeachment of President Farmaajo for treason and his removal from office. Somalia deserves a better leadership than President Farmaajo and Prime Minister Kheyre. AN OPEN LETTER from Puntland Diaspora Forum 25 August 2019 The post Federal Government of Somalia Destabilizes Federal Member States of Somalia appeared first on Puntland Post.
(SLT- Najran)-Xubno ka mid ah millatariga Sacuudiga iyo dagaalyahano ka tirsan dowlada Yemen ayaa ku dhintay duqeyn ka dhacday gobolka Najran ee dhaca ee deegaanada koonfur galbeed ee Sacuudiga. Afhayeenka maleeshiyada Xuutiyiinta Yaxya Saree ayaa sheegay in duqeyn ay ka geesteen xero ciidan oo ku taal agagaarka magaalada Al-Sadiis, oo 844 kiilo mitir dhanka koonfureed kaga beegan caasimada Riyaadh. Warkaan ayaa baahiyay Tv-ga ku hadla afka xuutiyiinta ee al-Masiirah. Afhayeenka xuutiyiinta ma uusan sheegin tirada rasmiga ah ee ku dhimatay Duqeyntan. Dhanka kale dowlada Sacuudiga ayaa ka hadlin sheegashada Xuutiyiinta. Source
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Garowe (SMN) – Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa ka hadlay shika dib u heshiisiinta ee qaar ka mid ah beelaha Galmudug uga socda magaalada Hobyo ee gobolka Mudug. Siciid Cabdullaahi (Deni) ayaa booriyey shirkaasi diirada arrimaha nabad gelyada iyo dib u heshiisiinta. Sidoo kale wuxuu ku baaqay in la dadajiyo qabsoomida shirweynaha dib u heshiisiinta Galmudug ee la filayo inuu ka furmo magaalada Dhuusamareeb ee xarunta G/Galgaduud. Ugu dambeyn waxa uu dalbaday in sidoo kale Kismaayo lagu qabto shir dib u heshiisiin ah, si la’isugu keeno siyaasiiyiinta haatan isku haya maamulka Jubbaland. View the full article
Somaliland: The Bihi Presidency At A Crossroads The Somaliland President Muse Bihi Abdi has just returned from making the Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia. Whilst in Saudi Arabia, he was met with and was rightly accorded the protocol of a Head of State. The social media images of the President aiding his elderly mother around Mecca and Medina not only highlighted his filial duties, but also, showed the humane side of a man often termed as stern, stubborn, unsentimental and strict. The visit to Saudi Arabia concluded with several meetings with senior Saudi Arabian government officials and a well organized gathering with Somaliland community in the Kingdom. There were those among his supporters and detractors who will mention the lack of meeting with the Saudi monarch or crown prince, but, since Somaliland doesn’t currently enjoy de-jure recognition, it was felt that instead of the large ceremonial gathering with the Saudi monarch, a more productive meeting with Saudi Arabian decision makers would be more of a benefit to Somaliland. As for that “infamous” photograph, it was a goodwill gesture on President Bihi’s part used for by the rogues in Mogadishu for infantile public relations stunt. So, it was after this remarkable journey to the Hajj and it’s productive diplomatic elements, that President Muse Bihi returned home to a warm welcome and even a warmer political climate. Because, for all the diplomatic and personal glow from the Saudi trip, the presidency of Muse Bihi Abdi is at a crossroads. The president has returned to the ongoing political stalemate pertaining to the parliamentary and local council elections. The president has returned to the ongoing situation with the Caare insurgency in the mountains of Sanaag. The president has returned to the howls of indignation from his communities in Somaliland who feel marginalized or worse, victimized by the central government, Ceel-Afweine. The president has returned to daily incursion by the rag-tag militia affiliated with the neighboring Somali state of Puntland and defections by Somaliland soldiers from the community in and around Badhan. President Muse Bihi has often stated the “he doesn’t mind criticism, because he had been in opposition all his life. That he welcomes constructive criticism and is willing to debate and engage all opponents through dialogue and discussion”. This is all very commendable, but if one doesn’t, much like history, learn from criticism, then what is point of being open to it? The advice given to this President from many of his more seasoned advisers and more importantly from previous Presidents was, “Don’t isolate yourself, beware of the many, many, people who will trade on your name or position, be a politician, be flexible, be thick skinned, be strong, but most of all be generous, patient and accommodating”. Now, I am sure, President Muse Bihi has taken aboard most of this advice, and has acted upon it. However, you still get the sense, that there are those among his own community, who keep whispering to him, “It has taken us a long time to reach this office, don’t be weak, don’t give in, don’t do that, or this, etc”. I could be wrong. I am sure the majority of the Somalilanders who voted for President Muse Bihi in 2017 were not all from his own community, because they voted for a strong leadership to roll back the malaise and corruption of the previous administration. However, if some voted for the President on community basis, well, after almost two years, not even they bargained for the current predicaments facing the country. Don’t get me wrong, President Muse Bihi has achieved many laudable gaols. I am a great supporter of the National Service. “Shaqo Qaran”. I think it is a wonderful programme that will build self-confidence, self-awareness, knowledge of self, the country and it’s people, in our youth. But, even then this programme has become tainted with nepotism and corruption. The President has campaigned to stop corruption, even sacking some high profile ministers over, alleged, accusation of fraud. The President has also carried on with the DP World Berbera project, and constituted a more focused approach on agriculture, education, health, fishing, commerce and industry, which are starting to show some results. There have also been several historic diplomatic successes during the President’s term in office, the recent visit to the Republic of Guinea, comes to mind. But, where the President, in my opinion, must receive a failing grade or if we are being generous, “must improve”, is domestic political policy. One of the most important government agencies in Somaliland, is the Home ministry. This ministry is in charge of everything within our borders, from Police, Security, Local regions, etc,etc. It is clear that the current minister, Mohamed Kahin Ahmed, is not up to the job. The president remains loyal to his fellow party stalwart, brother-in-arms, and friend. It is laudable that the President shows loyalty to his colleagues and friends, but, Somaliland must be above friendships. If the friendship and loyalty between President Muse Bihi Abdi and Minister Mohamed Kahin Ahmed is as strong as we believe it to be, then the truth between friends should not be painful. Minister Kahin is simply not up to the task. The other torn in the president’s side is the current parliament and it’s destitution. Somaliland has now the longest sitting parliament, without elections, (14 years, 5000+ days), since the “Long parliament of 1642-1653” during the English civil war that cost a King his head. The House of Elders has been sitting for more than three decades ( 30 years) without reform. This is embarrassing! And the worst thing about this situation is not because of a lack of will, support, logistics, data, or due to war, pestilence, drought or worse, but of leadership. The democratic credentials and progression of the country are being held hostage by “parliamentarians” who will not enact the bills to hold elections, by a political party afraid of losing it’s seats and majority in the house, by a opposition party afraid to trust the process, and by politicians who don’t want see their lucrative careers came to an end. Finally, we come to the most alarming failure in domestic political policy. The blatant disregard for the law by both the government and the citizens which is leading to the fragmentation of the society. We have the absurd situation in Somaliland, of a self enthroned “Boqor” raising militias and causing havoc in Sanaag. We have a renegade Colonel in the mountains, we are seeing soldiers from certain communities in the east bolting the country! Mr. President, Somaliland is not just the corridor between, Gabiley, Hargeysa, Burco, Boorama and Berbera. You need to look east. You need to go there, base yourself there, and once and for all, remedy the situation. We also need to invest in the quest for international de-jure recognition. Somaliland is blessed with many talented, urbane, influential and educated people, both at home and abroad. The indefatigable Edna Aden cannot to do it all alone. Empower our representatives abroad to take initiatives, engage the international communities. We need to lobby extensively. We have a strong and just case, and should not feel embarrassed to lobby. I have a great empathy with President Muse Bihi Abdi, because deep down, like all of us, he loves his country and it’s people. All of its people. He just has to show that in deeds rather than words. The president must make sure that the elections take place. That those who feel marginalized become included. That equality, justice and freedoms are protected. That we do not cast “Maandeeq” away, again, like we did in 1960. For all those old enough to have grown up, educated and worked in the region during the ill-fated union know there will always be social, cultural and even economic ties, but not political ties. There is a Somali saying ” Waa habeen xalay tagay”. Wa Bilaahi Towfiiq Ali Mohamed Abokor ruraledcomm@yahoo.co.uk Qaran News
Dhuusamareeb (SMN) – Wasiirka amniga Soomaaliya, Mudane Maxamed Abuukar Islow (Ducaale) ayaa xalay kulamo la qaatay saraakiisha amniga magaalada Dhuusamareeb ee xarunta gobolka Galgaduud. Kulamada oo ahaa kuwa xasaasi ah ayaa waxaa diirada lagu saaray amniga guud ee magaaladaasi. Wasiir Ducaale ayaa saraakiisha ciidanka dowladda ee la wareegay amniga Dhuusamareeb kula dar daarmay inay xoojiyaan nabad gelyada. Dhowaan ayaa la filayaa in la qabto shirweynaha dib u heshiisiinta Galmudug oo ka dhacaya gudaha magaaladaasi. Shirkan ayaa waxaa daah-furi doono Ra’iisul wasaaraha Soomaaliya, Mudane Xasan Cali Khayre oo markael dib ugu laaban doono deegaanada maamulka Galmudug. View the full article
Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Guddoomiyaha cusub ee gobolka Banaadir, ahna Duqa magaalada Muqdisho, Cumar Maxamuud Maxamed (Cumar Finish) ayaa xalay kulan gaar ah la qaatay qoyska uu ka geeriyooday Allaha u naxariistee marxuum Ijnineer Cabdiraxmaan Yariisow. Guddoomiyaha oo booqasho ku tegay guriga ay degan yihiin qoyska ayaa marka hore uga tacsiyeeyey geeridii ku timid marxuumka. Finish ayaa sheegay in Yariisow uu dhintay isagoo u adeegaya dalkiisa iyo dadkiisa, islamarkaana uu qabtay shaqo muuqata. Sidoo kale wuxuu intaasi ku daray in horumaradii iyo howlihii uu soo waday uu halkiisa ka sii wadi doono. Guddoomiyaha cusub ayaa waxaa booqashadan ku wehlinayey Ugaas Maxamuud Cali Ugaas, Xildhibaan Cabdiqaadir Carabow iyo xubno kale. Ugu dmabeyn Ugaas Maxamuud Cali Ugaas ayaa Duqa cusub uga mahadceliyey qoyska booqashada uu ugu yimid iyo salaanta. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho caasimada@live.com
(SLT-Paris)-Wasiirka arimaha dibada Iiraan maxamed Javad Zariv ayaa ka dagay magaalada Paris ee caasimada Faransiiska oo uu ka dhacayo shirka wadamada G Todoba. Wadamada Mareykanka Canada Jarmalka UK Talyaaniga iyo Japan ayaa yeelan doona kulankooda Sanadlaha. Madaxweynaha Faransiiska Emmanuel Macron, oo sanadkan dalkiisa uu marti galinayo shirka ayaa, isbuucyadii la soo dhaafay dadaal ugu jiray sidii loo dajin lahaa xiisada u dhaxeysa Iiraan iyo Mareykanka. Donald Trump ayaa sanadkii hore ka baxay heshiiskii wadamada quwadaha ay la galeen Iiraan, taasi oo labada dal xiisad ka dhex Abuurtay. Inta uu socdo kulankaan ayaa la ogeyn in ay kulmi doonaan Trump iyo Zariv iyo inkale. Faransiiska ayaa doonaya in hab diblumaasiyadeed loo xaliyo xiisada u dhaxeysa wadamada Mareykanka iyo Iiraan taasi oo dhalisay walaac amni oo saameyn ku yeeshay maraakiibta ganacsi ee gacanka Khaliijka Source
Xisbiyada kala ah adajir, Ilays, Horusocod Qaran iyo Xisbiga Nabadda ayaa qoraal ay soo saareen waxay kaga digeen ciidanka ay dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya ku daabuleyso magaalada Dhuusamareeb ee gobolka Galgaduud. Waxa ay sheegeen xisbiyadan in ciidankan la geynayo magaalada Dhuusamareeb ay fursad u noqon karto waxa loogu yeero argagaxisada. Sidoo kale, waxay sheegeen in dowladda uga digayaan iney bur-buriso Galmudug oo dhisamaheeda waqti badan ku baxay. Waxay kaloo sheegeen in dowladda dhexe ay mas’uuliyiinta Galmudug ugu hanjabto xarig iyo xurmo ka qaadis, waa sida ay hadalka u dhigeenne. Halkaan hoose ka akhriso: Goobjoog News Source: goobjoog.com
LA GUAJIRA, Colombia -- It might not be obvious at the supermarket, but the banana industry is fighting to protect the most popular variety of the fruit from a destructive fungus. Source: Hiiraan Online
Muqdisho (SMN) – Halkaan ka Dhageyso Warka Subax ee Idaacadda Shabelle. Hoos riix si aad u dhageysato https://www.radioshabelle.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Warka-Subax-26082019.mp3 View the full article
HARARE, Zimbabwe -- After protests brought Zimbabwe's capital to a standstill earlier this month, Harare has returned to its normal bustle and Tedius Marara is back to his daily business: selling cash at a busy market. Source: Hiiraan Online