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Everything posted by Mastermind

  1. These are for PMP, trained & armed by UAE in the last 15 years. It is nothing new and got nothing to do with any geopolitics unless you just woke up from a long coma.
  2. When did that happen? Videos, pictures please?
  3. The Somalia of 2008 and 2010 is not much different than now. For matter of fact Alshabab were weaker than they are now. Now they collect taxes from Xamar at will. This was non existent in 2008/2010. How can you say Somalia have more friends? Are you deaf? He is picking fights with everybody including our tiny brotherly country of Djibouti. He is falling out with donor countries that have been bankrolling the whole government from start. How is that in Somalia's best interest? If you really care about Somalia stop supporting this man. He is a disaster for Somalia's future stability and the sooner he is gone the better. The issue of Somalia's army strength that you and our chief Guulwade resident boast about here is just a bravado. Somalia does not yet have any viable army that can take on Al shabab let alone defend the country. Turkey is doing all it can to help but if Somalis government is using few soldiers that have been trained by them for their personal gain, they must be discouraged by whole thing. I am hearing they promised to take more responsibilities for the soldiers that they train like the Americans do with Danab. If that is true, it must be a welcome change. They should have done that from the start until we have elected government by the people.
  4. Kkkk Cabaadka of Guulwadayaal is beyond believe kkk. The biggest Guulwade a.k.a Galbeedi surely believes his delusion kulahaa Somali people support their government. If that was true you would see big demos in Somali cities and towns. The only place that came out in support was Garbahareey kkkk. That is expected isn't it? Sxbyaal the only way for him now is to resign gracefully and save some face. Otherwise he will be humiliated as badly as he was humiliated back in 2010 when an AMISOM soldier compelled him to go. Winston Churchill once said: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”.
  5. 1. Expresses deep concern over the unilateral action by Somalia’s House of the People on 12 April 2021, of passing a resolution signed into law on 13 April 2021 by the President, superseding the 17 September 2020 Agreement on modalities for the conduct of elections in Somalia;  2. Condemns the actions of 12 April 2021 by the House of People, which extended the mandate of the President and the Parliament, as effectively delaying the elections, thereby undermining unity and stability of the country, the nascent democratic and constitutional processes, which also threaten the relative peace and security, as well as the important gains that Somalia has made over the years with the support of the AU and other partners with huge sacrifices;
  6. Communique of the 993rd meeting of the PSC held on 22 April 2021, on the political and security situation in Somalia Last Updated on Thursday 22 April 2021 3361 1936Google +1 1405 0 comments COMMUNIQUE Adopted by the Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU) at its 993rd meeting held on 22 April 2021, on the political and security situation in Somalia: The Peace and Security Council, Noting the opening remarks made by the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Djibouti to the AU and Chairperson of the PSC for month of April 2021, H.E. Ambassador Mohamed Idriss Farah, as well as the statement of the AU Commissioner for Political Affairs and Peace and Security, H.E. Ambassador Bankole Adeoye; and also noting the briefing by the Special Representative of the Chairperson of the AU Commission for Somalia and Head of AU Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), Ambassador Francisco Caetano Madeira; Further noting the statements made by H.E. Mohamed Abdirizak, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Somalia; the representative of the Republic of Sudan as the current Chair of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD); the representatives of the United Nations; as well as the European Union; Recalling its previous decisions and pronouncements on the situation in Somalia and the activities of AMISOM, particularly Communique[PSC/PR/COMM.(CMLXXVIII)] adopted its 978th meeting held on 9 February 2021; as well as the joint communique issued by the AU, IGAD, UN and EU on 10 April 2021; Also recalling the AU Constitutive Act and the relevant provisions of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance, as well as the July 2000 Lomé Declaration [AHG/Decl.5 (XXXVI)] on a Framework for an OAU Response to Unconstitutional Changes of Government; Reaffirming the commitment of the AU to respect the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Somalia, as well as AU’s solidarity with the Government and people of Somalia; and Acting under Article 7 of its Protocol, the Peace and Security Council: 1. Expresses deep concern over the unilateral action by Somalia’s House of the People on 12 April 2021, of passing a resolution signed into law on 13 April 2021 by the President, superseding the 17 September 2020 Agreement on modalities for the conduct of elections in Somalia; 2. Condemns the actions of 12 April 2021 by the House of People, which extended the mandate of the President and the Parliament, as effectively delaying the elections, thereby undermining unity and stability of the country, the nascent democratic and constitutional processes, which also threaten the relative peace and security, as well as the important gains that Somalia has made over the years with the support of the AU and other partners with huge sacrifices; 3. Further expresses deep concernwith the possible impact of the current political situation and climate on the cohesion of the Somali federation, the unity of the Somali army and security apparatuses, the process of force generation and the capability to continue to degrade Al Shabaab; 4. While acknowledging that the September 2020 Agreement was a result of a Somali-owned and led dialogue among the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) and Federal Member States (FMS) leaders, as well as opposition parties, on the need for timely elections, and that Somalia is unable to implement a one-person, one vote universal suffrage in 2020/21; reaffirms that the Agreement remains the basis and the most viable path towards the holding of timely, transparent and credible elections in Somalia; 5. Urges the Somali political leaders to prioritize the country’s national interests and to immediately resume dialogue, on the basis of the September 2020 Agreement and Baidoa technical committee recommendations, in search for consensual solutions to outstanding issues that impede the organization of elections; 6. Calls on all Somali political leaders to exercise maximum restraint and refrain from any actions that may lead to an escalation of tensions and further undermine the stability of Somalia, the Horn of Africa region and the Continent; 7. Underscores the need for the Somali stakeholders to embrace an inclusive dialogue that ensures participation of women and the youth; 8. Re-emphasizes the imperative of political compromise and broad based consultations, as well as the return to transparent dialogue and nationwide consultations amongst the Somali political stakeholders, including the FGS and FMS; and thereby affirms the readiness of the AU to support such a process of dialogue through facilitation and mediation, which will identify new ways to reach consensus on the elections modalities and workable calendar; 9. Accordingly requests the Chairperson of the AU Commission to immediately appoint and dispatch to Somalia, a High Representative as Special Envoy for Somalia, to work with the Parties and other concerned stakeholders, with the support of the Special Representative of the Chairperson of the Commission and Head of AMISOM, to reach a mutually acceptable compromise, and to report back to Council within the next four weeks; 10. Underscores the need for the Somali Parties to negotiate in good faith in search for an agreement that would allow for the holding of elections and establish a stable and inclusive political atmosphere; 11. Expresses AU’s determination to assist the Somali authorities and stakeholders to implement a consensual electoral arrangement, including through the deployment of a long-term electoral assistance mission to support efforts towards its realization; 12. Requests AMISOM, pending the renewal of its mandate, to monitor the deployment of Somali Security Forces (SSF), and to this end, requests the Chairperson of the AU Commission, to urgently convene a meetings of Troop and Police Contributing Countries (T/PCCs), at ambassadorial level, as well as of the Military Operations Coordination Committee (MOCC) at the level of Chiefs of Defense Staff, to consider the security implications of the current political impasse, as well as to map options for addressing and mitigating them; 13. Calls on IGAD and the International Community, including the UN and the EU, as well as other key bilateral partners, to continue to work with the AU to bring the Somali parties back to the negotiating table and to assist them to reach a peaceful political settlement; 14. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.
  7. Falkii maanta Garoonka Aaden Cade ka dhacay waa sababta Deni U diiday in Ciidamada Farmaajo ay yimaadaan Afisyooni April 22, 2021 admin Shaqaalaha iyo Ciidamada taageersan Madaxweynaha Xilkiisu dhamaadey falkii ay maanta ka sameeyeen Garoonka Diyaaradaha Muqdisho waxay ahayd Fadeexadii ugu foosha xumayd oo soo marta Soomaaliya. In Shaqaalaha Garoonka Diyaaradaha lagu baacsado Wadada Diyaaraduhu ku ordaan Xili ay Garoonka fadhiyeen Diyaarado Caalami ah oo Markhaati ka ahaa wixii maanta dhacay. Nasiib wanaag Ciidamada Amisom ayaa Dhalinyarada weerarka geystay kasoo reebay hubkii ay wateen ka hor intaysan Garoonka soo galin, Ka waran hadii ay hubaysnaan lahaayeen?. Madaxweynaha Puntland markii uu dalbanayay in laga ilaaliyo Ciidamada Farmaajo inay hub lasoo galaan Goobaha lagu Shirayo, wuxuu ogaa in Wiilasha taageersan Ama u jilbaysan Farmaajo ee uu Ciidamada ka dhigtay ay yihiin kuwo aan haba yaraatee Xishood iyo Anshax lahayn Waxaa taas ka markhaati ah Falkii ay maanta ka geysteen Diyaaradaha Muqdisho. Sawirkaan hoose waa wixii maanta ka dhacay Garoonka Diyaaradaha Aaden Cade
  8. Well, meel walba ciyaalkii CBB da loo dhiibay marka wadanka dhanba waxaa maamula ciyaal.
  9. Nin caytamay waa nin laga badiyay Baydhabo lagama yaqaan miyaa kkkkk.
  10. Everyone is getting us kkkkkkkk. We want AU but we don't want IGAD because Abiye is little sick kkkkkk
  11. Wasiir Dube oo hadlay Una gogol xaaray qaabkii ay uga bixi lahaayeen Shirararka soo socda ee Teenada” April 22, 2021 admin Wasiirka Warfaafinta Xukuumada Wakhtigeedu dhamaadey Cusmaan Dube ayaa Kenya iyo Jabuuti eedeeyay, isagoo sheegay inay faragaliyaan Wadahadalada Doorashada ee Midowga Afrika bilaabi Doono” Hadalka kasoo yeeray Dube ayaa u muuqda Gogolxaarid ay Villa Soomaaliya u gogol xaaranayso qaabkay ku diidi lahayd Go’aankii Golaha Amaanka ee Qaramada Midoobay ay Villa Soomaaliya ku amreen iney iskasoo Xaadiriyaan Teendhada Afisyooni iyadoo kolkaan Teendhada fureheeda ay hayaan IGAD. Wasiir Dube wuxuu yiri sidaan… Dowladda waxay ka digaysaa xogaha xaqiijinaya in Dwladaha Kenya iyo Jabuuti ay ka wadaan olole diblumaasiyadeed oo xubnaha guddiga amniga afrika ay kaga dhaadhicinayaan soo qoddobo ay rabaan in lagu daro qoraalka la doonayo in uu soo saaro guddiga amniga Midowga Afrika. Wasiirku wax cadeyn ah ma uusan soo bandhigin laakiin hadalkiisu wuxuu u muuqdaa in Villa Soomaaliya ay ka xuntahay in IGAD loo gacan galiyo Teendhada Afisyooni.
  12. It turns out that it was all over Cadaan blogger and his cameraman. The NISA - Farmajo faction wanted them to go unchecked and not to go through usual immigration rules kkkkk. They love Shisheeye after all kkkk and they definitely do not believe in rule of law.
  13. What is your complaint Yaa Maskiin Reer Baydhabo?
  14. Garoonka Aden Cadde: Hanti Ku Burburtay Isku dhaca NISA iyo Hey’adda Socdaalka April 22, 2021 Hanti dadweyne ayaa ku burburtay iska dhac goordhow dhex maray ciidamo ka tirsan hey’adda sirdoonka qaranka ee NISA iyo hey’adda socdaal iyo jinsiyadaha. Wararka ayaa sheegaya in NISA ay gudaha usoo gashay garoonka kadibna ay isku dhaceen hey’adda socdaalka halkaasina uu ka dhashay burbur hanti qaran oo ay ku jiraan qalabkii lagu shaqeynayey. Mid ka mid ah shaqaalaha garoonka oo la hadlay Goobjoog News, isla markaana codsaday in aan magaciisa la xusin ayaa sheegay in muranka uu socday ilaa shalay, kadib markii ay la isugu dhacay baarista gabar blogger ah iyo rag ajaanib ah oo la socday. Dhacdadan oo saameyn ku yeelatay shaqada garoonka diyaaradaha ee ugu weyn dalka ayaa la sheegayaa iney jiraan sidoo kale dhaawacyo arrinkan ka dhashay. Goobjoog News
  15. Kkk you are trying hard to save face. When did he ever had the mantra of African solutions for African problems? It was always no Shisheeye interference. When did that change?
  16. How can they be an honest arbitrators at same time endorse one side's view point? That is absurd thing to come up with Che. I can see you desperately want someone somewhere to approve Farmajo's extension, so the fact that nothing is forthcoming must be frustrating you.
  17. So in your opinion Puntland should have said yes to everything Farmajo came up with? Puntland wants federalism based on rule of law and not the wishes and wants of one man. We have been there with Siyad and don't have no interest to go back to it.
  18. He likes dictators and corrupt countries. Did you see him call Chad president a "martyr"?
  19. Sanbalooshe says it is FAKE NEWS he did not say that. Anyways, as far as HG concerned there are few PM's sub sub clan that are with the extension the rest are vehemently against it. And PM's clan don't have much influence in the larger HG affair. The AAW subclan call the shots these days.
  20. Waa marinhabaabin. Laakiin xoog xukunka kuma uu joogi doono Somalida buu wakhtiga kadhuminayaa mooyee.