Assalam wealeykum - Please Help us and Every Somali Brother must Sign the Petition.
This person who persistently preaches hate speech and invites violence against Eritrean Muslims in particular and against other Christian believers who are not of the Orthodox Church needs to be brought to justice and made accountable to his deeds. If you agree, sign the petition
Assalam wealeykum - Please Help us and Every Somali Brother must Sign the Petition.
This person who persistently preaches hate speech and invites violence against Eritrean Muslims in particular and against other Christian believers who are not of the Orthodox Church needs to be brought to justice and made accountable to his deeds. If you agree, sign the petition
Petition · Now we have to stand together against Tesfazion ·
Now we have to stand together against Tesfazion
This person who persistently preaches hate speech and invites violence against Muslims in particular and against other Christian believers who are not of the Orthodox Church needs to be brought to justice and made accountable to his deeds. If you agree, sign the petition
Qofkani waa cunsuri argagixiso Ereteriya oo adeegsada nom de guerre (Amal - Siyoon) oo ku baaqaya nadiifinta qowmiyadaha iyo gawraca dhammaan muslimiinta gobolka Abisiniya si loo hubiyo - sida uu qabo riyadiisa - in laga dhigo gobolka Abisiniya laga xoreeyo muslimiinta si aysan si togan ama si xun u saameynin waddamada muslimiinta badankood ee ku hareereysan Abisiniya; Abyssinia for Zionism caalami ah iyo Gobolka Israel. Koox ka tirsan Kiristanka xagjirka ah ee sheegta inay galeen dambiyo argagixiso oo lid ku ah danaha muslimiinta Ereteriya iyo Ethiopia ayaa ku hareeraysan .. Waxaan rajeyneynaa inaad naga caawiso inaad saxiixdo cabashadan si aad u xirto dhammaan boggeeda warbaahinta bulshada ...
هذا الشخص عنصري ارهابي ارتري يستخدم اسم حركي (امل- صهيون) يدعو الي تطهير عرقي وذبح جميع المسلمين في منطقة الحبشة حتي يضمن -بحسب حلمه- جعل منطقة الحبشة خالية من المسلمين حتي لا تتأثر ايجاباً اوسلباً بالدول ذات الاغلبية المسلمة المحيطة بالحبشة؛ وحتي يسهل تسليم الحبشة للصهيونية العالمية ودولة اسرائيل. قد التف حوله مجموعة من المسيحيين المتطرفين الذين يدعون بتنفيذ جرائم ارهابية ضد مصالح المسلمين في ارتريا واثيوبيا.. نرجو منكم مساعدتنا بالتوقيع علي هذه الشكوي لاغلاق جميع صفحاته في الوسائط الاجتماعية ...