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Everything posted by Dhaqaale

  1. So it is written and so it shall be. Somalia is entering the final chapters of this Kacaan legacy. We will have a strong central government or we will collapse into nothing.
  2. Khat is used to numb the psychological pain the inhabitants feel. The mental traumas needs therapy in order to heal and not drugs.
  3. It is obvious that Al shabab is used by outside forces to keep Somalia unstable and poor so foreigners can control the region. Follow the money, as they say, and you will know who gives life to Al shabab. We Somalis made mistakes but our continuing dysfunction is fuelled by darker forces.
  4. Somalis in the end will realise their internal squabbling is meaningless when face with extinction. I believe if Somalia does not have a strong centralised government that can meet the needs of its people in a fair way soon. Somalia will lose its sovereignty and Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti will absorb north, central and south Somalia into their countries. So if this happens the Somali story comes to an end.
  5. This is the reason I believe Somalia will loose its sovereignty. Oil, gas, uranium, iron and cooper will go to Ethiopia when they annex Somali lands. Somalis have been blessed with natural resources, a homogeneous country and located on a premier trade route between east and west. But did they turn their country into Singapore? No. Somalis are a foolish people that will go extinct.
  6. Reduce to rubble by a western covert program of elimination.
  7. I was walking the street in Oxford city around 2011 and a old woman ask me "where am I from" in a condensing way that was ugly. I was kind of shocked as I have been here for over 20 years at that point and never had anyone ask me such questions. Even going to school in the UK i have never been racially bullied or effected by it. You are right the eastern Europeans are very rude and cannot hide their racism but I can see them a mile off and avoid them.
  8. Is there anyone from the UK here experiencing an increase in racism? People looking at you funny or just people agitating for no reason? I have been away from the UK for ten years and the white people here in London are fucked up. Is there anyone else feeling an increase in racism?
  9. Do we even know if the assassination of Ali Sharmaker the second president of Somalia was done by a angry body guard? How much was he paid to get rid of a elected president? Why was there a coup 20 days later lead by a soviet trained army general named Barre. Why did Barre align with the Russians so quickly and blindly? Di he know that they would betray him if he entered the Ogaden? Somalis never ponder these things as our country was ripped apart by foreign powers nobody ask the serious and important questions about our history and contact with the west. 300 years of contact with the Europeans and we cannot speak of it was a positive encounter. There is strong evidence to say the opposite. We have been left brain dead as a group, left to our own meaningless squabbles.
  10. No. It is not good. Somaliland politicians need to be able to travel to other federal states in the union. This is simply pure qabilist control chain to keep the pro unionist in line.
  11. What If I was to tell you that Ethiopia with all its ethnic groups is far more united than Somalia with only one ethnic group but many clans. How ironic.
  12. Nothing but hogwash from low iq 68 Somalis. America is a 21 trillion dollar economy if it falls most of the planet will fall too.
  13. Xaaji, a simple question. After their fact findering mission in 2005, as you say, to determine if Somaliland is different to Somalia. Why hasn't the international community given you recognition? What is the hold up? PS I know Ethiopia does not control the U.N I was alluding to the fact if a nation state gives an unrecognised country recognition they you would get a seat at the U.N.
  14. Can I ask you a simple question why hasn't Ethiopia (the seat of the A.U) given Somaliland a seat at the U.N? 30 years is a long time with no end in sight. You were promised statehood if you rid Somalia of Barre but in 1990 you realised it was not coming but still declared independence but not all agreed. Abdirahman Ahmed Ali Tuur wanted a unity government with USC. By 1991 things changed again and hard-line secessionist took full control of Somaliland and the south descended into darkness. One wonders if the SNM were ever hip to the game, history say no.
  15. The coin will fall on one side or the other. Somaliland will either return back to Somalia or Ethiopia may give Somaliland its long overdue international recognition it has suppose to get in 18 May 1991. Time is running out for the Somali people, either they form a unity government based in Mogadishu or they fall to Ethiopian colonisation. tick tock.
  16. Mark my words Iran is the only country in the Muslim world with a strong history and real nationalism. Their identity predates Islam by 1000's of years, so for Iran it is not really about being Muslim but Persian. Cultural identity is special in Iran and maybe the only country left in the region after the destruction of Saudi Arabia which is happening as we speak.
  17. Ethiopia problems of ports will be solved by annex and consolidated Somalia soon. The issue of Ethiopia descending into a Somalia like chaos and anchary is slim. Somalis had a chance at self governing and failed. The sweet irony is that while Somalia fight each other based on clans the rest of the world see you as a single unit. You need to read my posts careful next time so I am not repeating my self.
  18. There are multiple generations of Somalis that have never seen Somalia at peace. They see the older generations as having squander the peace that Somalia had (1960-1988). Nobody under the age of 40 remember Somalia as a peaceful country. So the incentive to build is low. Mogadishu has been on fire since January 1991. That's almost 30 years. The risk of Somalia losing its statehood rises every year it fails to make peace.
  19. The plot was to bring down the Somali government and make sure it did not return as a threat to Ethiopia. It is well documented that the SNM was funded and encouraged by the Mengistu government of Ethiopia 1981-1988. The plan worked well but the SNM have egg on their faces because the international recognition did not come. Admit they were played...now Somalilanders wallow in poverty and social stagnation.
  20. I think you underestimate power of Ethiopia and its plans for the region. They let Eritrea get Independence (24 May 1991) before Somaliland (18 May 1991). Even though Somaliland declared independence before Eritrea, so they could show Somaliland who is boss. They have a bigger prize waiting for them the largest coastline in Africa. Remember the SNM got its funding from the communist government of Ethiopia, which promised SNM if they help bring down Barre they will get a new country. Somalilanders were tricked into poverty and stagnation.