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Everything posted by FBISOMALIA

  1. We thanks our Turkey brothers for the Musjiid. But brother you have to change the name of mosque. Mosque its the house of the mosqutoo. So Please change it to Musjiid.
  2. Good Job Jeegaan, Dont put your money on fitnaa between brothers. We dont want to deal with you just leave our lands on Sool.
  3. Today Achievements we should thanks ex.Faroole,Gaas and President Deni. PL should reach every inch of State. Bari Sanaag today is over. Next Sool let the rumble begin.
  4. this car is PL clan melitia right loool. this is warning, next time any Jeegaan will be jailed period!.
  5. If the real talks for union Start and stop Ictraaf bullshit. They should start from 1960 Union Agreement.
  6. Reer Awdal killed on sanaag galbeed ,we didn't hear moan from so called Musa Jeegaan.
  7. How she praise British is clear sign who fought with and against British.
  8. Great News, now alkabab route enforcement closed, PL delegation now on Badhan for Local council, Soon we will go to lassqouri to build local council and PMPF base.
  9. Xamar militant think president and PM safety its more important then other Somalis.
  10. Those moneys on galgacayo PL government was there.
  11. Great days ahead let us make Jeegaan suffer more. Tax and air flights great start. Next improve our ports.
  12. PL is land of law and order. Next time anyone try to play tricks on the law, PL will not be easy on him, we are not like Jeegaan or South Somalia.
  13. GUDDIGII DHISMAHA WADADA BOOSAASO OO XABSIGA LAGA SII DAAYAY Maxkamadda derejada kowaad ee gobolka Bari ayaa maanta xorriyaddooda dib ugu celisay afar xubnood oo ka tirsan guddiga dib u-dhiska wadada bartamaha magaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta gobolka Bari. Saddex xubnood oo guddiga ka tirsan ayaa Khamiistii hore xabsiga la dhigay kadib markii ay dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya ka guddoomeen lacag deeq ah oo aan soo marin nidaamka Maaliyadda Puntland taasi oo dowladda Federaalku ugu deeqday dib–dhiska wadada bartamaha Boosaaso. Sidoo kale guddoomiyaha guddiga dib-u-dhiska wadada bartamaha Boosaaso Sheikh Maxamed Macallin Axmed ayaa isna xabsiga la dhigay laba maalmood ka hor isagoo ka soo laabtay safar uu puntland uga maqnaa. Xubnaha la xiray oo dhammaantood duhurnimadii maanta la horgeeyay maxkamadda derejada kowaad ee gobolka Bari ayaa xorriyadooda dib loogu celiyay kadib markii sida la sheegay wax dembiya lagu waayay. PUNTLAND POST
  14. N&N yes we fight them but regarding Jeegaan we are on the same page. All states should understand this is Somalia. If they dont want they can go to Djibouti.
  15. Col.caare is great ally to PL.Our forces near to him, Any help we are there.
  16. Jeegan if they work on their triangle state instead of pushing propaganda to other somali state, today we would be great country.
  17. PL has law and its apply to all. Sorry but we are not that soft. Deni has Puntlanders 100% support.
  18. PL will not be tricked by those called media. Soon we will hear the truth. But first Qataris should bring atam to PL.