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Everything posted by Old_Observer

  1. Thank you. Same here. Kenya in Somali affairs is always influenced by Somalis, almost never by other countries. The Kikuyu knows one fact of life. That is, the Somali nomad will not care if Bolton is in the white house or Boris Johnson in London or Trudeau in Canada. A small sub-clan is enough to create havoc in Kikuyu land. Thus the Somali are always driving Kenya. Somalis have most influence. About Moodabe and Ghelleh. My friend don't kid yourself. ONLF has buried the hatchet with Djibouti, Somaliland and Puntland. They have already fully reconciled. Every Somali should know that ONLF no matter even at its weakest is always best to moderate Ethiopian leaders. ONLF also understands there was nothing all three enclaves could have done against Ethiopia in those days. ONLF never hide the fact that they were the closest to TPLF and never cut their communications even fighting. Farmaajo has really disappointed Ghelleh. Ghelleh had exected for Farmaajo to be favourable to Abiy or Afwerki, but not go out of his way to try and overthrow or humiliate his fellow Somalis. Farmaajo has crossed the red line. Ghelleh will still be diplomatic with Farmaajo since he is SFG/President, but trust is gone. Moodabe is now being supported and sympathised with all unlikely corners. Even those who dislike the man. The reason is he was a man and acted a man, even in the hands of Ethiopians. Puntland lost the most in this Arab fracas. UAE did not do anything meaningful. Djibouti had many plans, but could not do anything, because of Ethiopia and Farmaajo. Turkish had plans to work there in Puntland once Mugadishu was settled and governed, since Puntland is closest and best positioned better than Suakin for both Red Sea and Indian ocean. Projects in Mugadishu slowed down, because of Farmaajo, Ethiopia and Eritrea. Unless there is a coup and somebody saves it, Egypt is dead. To everyone's surprise the Turkish may win Russia away from Haftar and be best positioned to reconstitute Libya. The British will be on their side. One of Sissi jobs gone.
  2. galbeedi, It seems you also have fallen into the most common thinking and sayings these days, like: America is on our side, so its all over for you Ethiopia is on our side, so its all over for you This is the worst kind of culture for any people and even more worst for the independent, confident and free culture of the Somali Nomad culture. But its good you pointed out it is not based on facts on the ground, since the person does not have direct experience or impact from the society. It is closer to opinion and in some cases wishful thinking. Why there is a million projects that come up when somebody is in trouble? From Ports in Somalia to pipelines in Eritrea, so many projects, oil adventures, space travels..lol I wish everyone was like Ghelleh, Illey and Meles on projects. You see them being commissioned, before you hear they are being built or are going to be built. There are about 12 dams in Kililka where nobody heard they were being built, but saw them being commissioned. Not many people knew or heard an international airport was built in Qebri Dahar... By the way the "news" that Bixi asked Ghelleh for weapons purchasing is fake news, gossip that is generated and buing pushed by known quarters and countries. Don't fall for it. I am sure you are intelligent to see for what it is, unless you also have interest in pushing it. Bixi knows he can buy from Ukraine, Bulgaria, Khazakistan..any day without raising questions from America, Bratain or EU and also no questions asked. One ordinary Shiek from UAE can get it delivered. Ghelleh's policy is clear and never compromising: 1. To work to best of his ability and capacity to Somalia to be a country again 2. Failing that Somalia cannot and should not be restored by war, only by peaceful negotiations 3. No war in Somaliland, Kililka and Puntland at the minimum This has never changed from the days Ghelleh was simple officer to now President.
  3. Old_Observer


    It is those bordering separatists that pay the highest price. Meles and Co. acceptwed the situation, because they can see it was hopeless to live in poverty backwardness fighting to stay together when one side does not want. Puntland pays the highest price more than any other region in Somalia with your situation. There cannot be major investments while the situation is not cleared up. Everything of Somaliland and Eritrea is exactly the same: 1. People of Eritrea are same origins, languages, cultures with those on Ethiopian side. People of Somaliland are the same with those in the republic and everybody around 2. Eritrea had different colonizer than those in Ethiopia. Somaliland had different colonizer than those in the republic 3. When decolonized Somaliland united with the republic Eritrea federated with the empire 4. When unity went bad Somaliland wanted to separate. When Federation was eliminated Eritrea wanted to separate 5. After 30 years of war the people in Ethiopia that have relatives in Eritrea were convinced to stop the war. After 30 years of cold war Somaliland has not convinced anyone in the republic to call for referendum and move on. Only no.5 is the difference.
  4. Old_Observer


    Western countries is wrong idea. Will never happen. The best route for Hargiesa Mogadishu talk is Djibouti, Kililka and NFD. Unless you want to be paid money by western countries for sitting and talking to your own brother, the best place to start talking is with other Somalis. One Somali region proposing a referendum for Somaliland is more powerful than America and Britania combined. Example if Hiiran says "if they want to go let them go, enough of this situation", then its all over. That is what happened for Eritrea. They fought, but would never have achieved anything, without the Afar and Tigray saying "enough fighting, if they want to go let them go"...no America, Russia or Britain required. Don't discount opinion even of a small sub-clan of Somalis anywhere. They are more influencial and powerful for the rest.
  5. Its also a contradiction at this time to want centralized rule and reconciliation. Putting cart before the horse. Regional admins are here to stay. No reconciliation, no constitution to even have functioning federal government let alone centralized one.
  6. Kenya figures mainly with Britain, China, India and partly America. Kenya is at this time very close to Djibouti. Kenya has seen the childish activities of Ethiopia, Somalia and Eritrea. Kenya in Somalia can only be affected or influenced by Somalis, not by other countries.
  7. Actually everything I have read so far about this incident talks about the IPO. There is a big fight in the financial and banking world as to who is going to be in charge of the sale. Another conspiracy is that all oil producing countries are suffering with low prices, since Saudi oil is cheapest to extract some 3 dollars per barrel and some countries like Norway, Britain, venezuela...is from 16 to 28 dollars per barrel. I remember an article in a magazine called the EXILE where the War Nerd had written "Now we are in deep Sh-i-at" country, when America and Co. invaded Iraq. When the dust settles if ever, only Turkish, Quwait, Qatar, .will have survived with minimum problems. Egypt, Saudi...will be in tatters or total provinces of America and Israel. All through Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Gulf and Yemen the Shiia are undefeated. Bahrain and Saudi Arabia is temporary suppression. Most Yemen people are very proud of the Houthis even when they don't have same religion. Nationalism is strong organization.
  8. Congratulation is due to all Somalis in general and Djibouti and Somaliland in particular. They refused to be used on the war in Yemen at any price. UAE and Afwerki are now in panic. Greed and short shortsightedness. If Djibouti had participated in the cruelty, would have received money eqal to Abiy, Afwerki, Sudan, Farmaajo all combined. Even more than all the total. Ghelleh has made the Somali people proud.
  9. Great news for Somaliland. The military base was the most controversial. Great news in deed. Somalilanders should celebrate. They were all uneasy about Military base. Ghelleh is now smiling. He was bit worried with base in Assab and Berbera of any false flag operations. Afwerki would have been more than happy to serve some false flag operation against Djibouti. No wonder UAE did not invest anything in Assab, not even a small crane. Abiy and Afwerki were going to build highway, pipeline, railroad...lol
  10. There is always an incident where people remember as game changer. Chernobyl disaster was for Soviet Union. Me thinks there is a gathering of interests here: World economy slowing there fore price of oil will be 10 dollars if they continue to pump to help America Iran had stated "if we can't sell our oil nobody in Gulf will" Yemen will continue to be killer of Empires and wannabe Empires. Egypt never recovered after Yemen catastrophe. Saudi will openly ally with Israel and speak openly against Palestinains
  11. 1. UAE and Saudi will completely divorce in the open 2. UAE, America will find a modus vivendi with Iran 3. UAE will cut down its involvement in Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia 4. Revolution expected iminent in Egypt. That country cannot last a day without oil and dinar pumping from Saudi/UAE 5. Turkish and Syria will reconcile thus Turkish/Qatar being reactivated in Horn of Africa 6. Government of Sudan inviting Jewish community to return to Sudan 7. Djibouti has won by simply out waiting in patience. First Somali to win by patiently waiting his enemies to run out of steam 8. There will soon be a meeting Djibouti, Somaliland, Puntland, in which Moddabe will either meet in person or send delegate. Agjar is too chicken to join. 9. Afwerki is communicating with his Houthi one time friends. Scared of being bombed his shanty conscript villages and 300 prisons. Houthis were his only buddies during the days of Abdella Saleh, Meles, Abdullahi Yusuf and Al Bashir. If it wasn't for Israel Afwerki had offered a port Assab to Iran. People have short memory. 10. The Moodabe effect has been devastating to Farmaajo, Abiy and Afwerki. SWS feels so humiliated now. GalMudug the same, Kililka the same. Sherifka of SWS is agains on the move and realignment has started in SWS. As the oil burn smoke rises and one can see it from Somalia, Ethiopia....it will make people think what it means to them. Israel if under Netanyahoo and America will sign defence pact formally as well. Iran, Turkish, Russia seem to be shaking things. UAE will buy Sukoi aircraft and Saudi are negotiating for S-400 most reliable defense against drones, missiles, aircraft... Turkish are willing to sell the S-400 they have to Qatar and even Saudi since Turkish can afford to wait a year or two.
  12. Does anyone remember when the last time Ghelleh was this busy hosting Somalis and Xabeshis from every shindig? It was Bixi who started it then as well. What were the prevailing circumstances then and what are they now? Is it any wonder that Bixi was with UAE and Ghelleh was most hated by UAE, yet nothing happened between the two Somalis? If it was Farmaajo he would have done something childish, like going to Asmara while Djibouti soldiers are illed and Eritrea was in Djibouti territory, just to work for Afwerki whose only interest was sanctions relief. Farmaajo had to make multiple trips to Asmara and Amxara kilil, but Afwerki had to send on multiple trips to Djibouti and Hargiesa. That is the difference in long term thinking and self respect.
  13. Absolutely. That is the correct way for now and future. What Farmaajo is doing to tell Airlines to come through Garowe or Mogadishu only is childish game of high school kids to get at each other with Moodabe. Not structural, not short and long term system and institution building. Just a quarel of the day, childish.
  14. Bixi has seen the shifting sands. Even Farmaajo seems to have seen that. All Somali leaders should head to Djibouti. Including Abtigis. These are dangerous times and Ghelleh is most experienced, most capable Somali leader. KSA will will side with Djibouti to payback UAE for the mess in Yemen. Will invest in Djibouti. UAE will not match KSA by investing in Berbera/Assab.
  15. Bravo Ghelleh. Djibouti is becoming leader in unique business model. Military bases for who is who in the world plus the guaranteed business of Ethiopia. Next countries tripping over each other to be in Djibouti are India, Turkish, Brazil... The whole world will be working to keep Djibouti safe, secure and center of the globe. Russia has choice of Berbera or Eritrea, but they will also come to Djibouti. When the sands shift: Abiy and Afwerki will be holding UAE empty bag. All Somalis head to Djibouti at the end of the day. __________________________________________ The Arabic-language al-Ahad al-Jadid reported on its twitter account that it has gained access to secret documents which reveal a big deal between Saudi Arabia and Djibouti. The deal includes setting up a center for monitoring and spying on the opposition forces and conducting espionage and hacking operations against the neighboring states, including Qatar, Kuwait and Oman, it added. The report said that the deal is worth $2bln. A report by a Canadian academic lab had found in October that the Saudi government used Israeli-made Pegasus spyware to snoop on the phone of a prominent Saudi dissident living in Canada. Pegasus is a spyware produced by the Herzliya-based NSO Group, an Israeli intelligence firm. Pegasus turns phones into listening devices and works by infecting "targets using Androids and iPhones by sending them specially crafted exploit links", the University of Toronto-based Citizen Lab, which produced the report, explained. "Once a phone is infected, the customer has full access to a victim's personal files, such as chats, emails, and photos. They can even surreptitiously use the phone's microphones and cameras to view and eavesdrop on their targets," it noted. "We have high confidence that the cellphone of Omar Abdulaziz, a Saudi activist and Canadian permanent resident, was targeted and infected with NSO Group's Pegasus spyware," Citizen Lab wrote in the report, released. "Abdulaziz has been outspoken on an ongoing diplomatic feud over human rights issues between Canada and Saudi Arabia. The targeting occurred while Abdulaziz, who received asylum in Canada, was attending university in Quebec," the report read. A report previously published by the lab last September found that at least 36 governments use NSO Group's products, likely including the Saudi Arabian security services.
  16. Unless you are one of the originators, you have been had. Fake news have less effect on Nomadic culture. The reason is when Nomads meet and exchange greetings and information about their families, camels, grass, water, threats..etc they do not lie. There is total trust in the exchange of information. Thus the inclusion of God in so many ways in their conversations. Facebook is Godless. Thus you question everything.
  17. MMA, Thank you for elevating me to such high level, even if it is internet. I never called Mugadishu enclave, it is not even close to be an enclave. The Somali enclaves are: Djibouti, Kililka, Somalialand, Somalia, NFD. Regardless of past history or future dreams you have, these are at the moment enclaves where Somali people administer themselves as unit of territory or people. That is my criterion and I think most SOLers.
  18. Its a bit unusual to see a post like this from you. Just throwing it out there. If true, whose plane could it be? I don't buy the insinuation that its UAE. If there is one region in Somalia that UAE does not want to get close and does not want to go far from it is Puntland. UAE recognizes that Puntland has great location, best organized and best secured region, big influence in the country, but UAE also knows Puntland is very close with Djibouti. That is why UAE is always half hear ted when it comes to Puntland. Who benefits the most from such activity? Could it be the ones who did it are trying to tell all of us that ..it was UAE that did it...misinformaing, misdirecting, deception...
  19. Some of you maybe celebrating this, but is not the best approach. This is based on the tactic that if you create so much inconvenience t the businesses and traveling public, they will blame Moodabe and not TFG. It can go both ways. Don't cry if it goes the other way. The correct approach should be that any region that wants to have international airport should make space for Federal agents to do the border check at the airport. Verfiaying, issuing visa...Otherwise the region looses international status of that airport. It can only be used for in country flights. This is the correct approach and it works everywhere in developed or underdeveloped countries. Kismayu airport is the border if it accepts international flights. The optics of ordering flights to Mugadishu rather than another airport also does not bode well in the current situation.
  20. Bad week for UAE, Saudi, Egypt and their western masters. Western powers will be really angry at the incompetence of their water carriers and financiers. Libya Unity Government Forces Retake Strategic Haftar Base Troops from the Government of National Accord (GNA) in Libya are in full control of Gharyan, South of the capital, Tripoli. [PHOTOS]
  21. He does not even mention it, let alone to take stand and measures. All the persons that participated from the Oromo side are in power. The man who led the security and police of Oromo where they gathered Somalis, telling them they will be protected in police station and then abondoned them to be slaughtered is now the Chief of Security and Intelligence of Ethiopia. That is why the case against Iley goes no where. They just want to punish him not bring him to justice. Abtigis is their main propaganda man accusing Illey not of abuse of power, corruption, violation of human rights...but of being only a separatist. If you are a Somali they tell you Illey was a nazi so we arrested him and will take him to court so those Somalis who suffered will get justice. To the Amxara and most Ethiopia they tell you Illey was separatist. He was preparing the kilil to separate. Abtigis is champion of this angle. By arresting Illey we saved Ethiopia. He will be punished so that no one will even think of separating in the future. To Afwerki, to Farmaajo...they tell you that Illey was working with Ghelleh all the time. They always have secret meetings and Illey has promised Ghelleh that unless the pipeline is through Djibouti, it will not be built and will not function. Which one is the case? Maybe all of them. But which was the most significant. It depends who you are. Even Jawar who had campaigned for Illey arrest from 2 years ago is now disillusioned about the case. Abtigis is getting ahead of himself. Trying to climb the ladder in Ethiopia without a somali base and ground to stand on. The Sidama case has exposed a lot of politicians in Ethiopia, that wanted to pass under the radar.
  22. Lets try some math: Eritrea is anti-Turkish: Afwerki spoke clearly during the Suakin Turkish plans and accused them of supporting Moslems (that card is still useful there) and he is 100% under America, Saudi, Egypt and UAE. Do you agree with those facts? PM Abiy is now fully anti-Turkish. So much so the Turkish projects in Afar, Tigray are on hold. He is under America, UAE and to some degree Saudi. So much so the almost complete GERD is being delayed under various invalid reasons. Farmaajo totally relies on Ethiopia and Eritrea. Only exception is Uganda since Uganda now has more power and support in Mugadishu than Farmaajo himself. Business, security, military connections. What gives? Can you square the circle? When ever Farmaajo is scared out of his wits he makes a trip to Djibouti after getting permission from Abiy and Afwerki. You are here telling us that Farmaajo is so smart, so powerful, so brave to navigate the Arab Sands as well as the Regional mud, and on top of that the Turkish and American undeclared tussle.
  23. USA plans direct talks with Houthis in Yemen. The direct talks with Taliban, bypassing Afghan government, Pakistan and many others have been so successful, now the USA wants to do the same in Yemen, bypassing Hadi, and others. US Plans to Open Direct Talks With Houthis in Yemen - Reports © REUTERS / Khaled Abdullah Middle East WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The United States wants to initiate direct talks with the Houthi movement in an attempt to end the war in Yemen, The Wall Street Journal reported. The Trump administration is looking to prompt Saudi Arabia into taking part in secret talks in Oman with Houthi leaders to broker a cease-fire in Yemen, The Wall Street Journal reported, citing people familiar with the plans. The US plan to open direct talks with the Houthis comes at a time when fears of broader regional war are growing, according to the report. The Trump administration views Houthi forces in Yemen as "Iran proxies" and says Tehran should be held responsible for rocket and drone attacks against Saudi Arabia, the report said. Over recent months, the Houthi militants have conducted several drone attacks on Saudi airports and oil facilities. Yemen has been engulfed in an armed conflict between the government forces, led by President Abdrabuh Mansour Hadi, and the Houthi movement for several years. A Saudi-led coalition has been conducting strikes against the Houthis at Hadi's request since March 2015. The conflict has resulted in a massive humanitarian crisis in the country.
  24. Defeat is an Orphan, Victory has many fathers. Last year: UAE was capturing Hudeida from its totally unfettered, no red line, port base of Eritrea. Saudi Arabia was bringing thousands of mercenaries, intensive bombing and assasinations to capture Seneaa. UAE had Aden, Berbera for granted and for insurance had South Yemen separatists, Somaliland protected from Abiy, Farmmajo, Afwerki...all strictly instructed not to touch Somaliland. Assab of course no need to guarantee, since Afwerki is ultimate guarantee, no threat. 2019: Hudeida has failed. UAE took too much time since Assab was useless for infrastructure Senaa has failed and now frontline moving to Saudi Arabia Aden is dangerous between Separatists, Al Qaeda and Hadi tribes KSA. Djibouti has survived the total encirclement and provocations from Ethiopia and Eritrea. Error free Djibouti. Somalia is almost in the same shape it was and no role to play in the whole activities. Next year will be sanctions if not shooting war between KSA and UAE and regime change in one of them. Iran will be major player and tacitly supported by Oman, Qatar, Kwait, Iraq, Jordan...who cannot wait to see the back of these vulgar, pompeous, cheating, lieing, cowardly Gulf cow boys.
  25. Yemen's Hadi asks Saudi Arabia to expel UAE from alliance. He is in Riyad, he lives there. lol He must have been handed a note and a microphone from Prince Salman, just like Hariri of Lebanon. Yemeni President Calls on Saudi Arabia to Stop UAE Interference in Yemen - Report SPUTNIKNEWS.COM Yemeni President Abdrabuh Mansour Hadi called on Riyadh Thursday to intervene and to stop the interference of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in Yemen and to halt airstrikes against Yemeni government forces...