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Everything posted by Dahireeto

  1. Thanks Coofle. But I think Ammaan is double “M”
  2. He is aftahan. Attacking Farmaajo without attack.
  3. I don't have deep information about internal Kililka politics, but are the Jaarso looked down upon by other tribes? What do you mean when you say discrimination? Aren't they part of the noble Dir clan?
  4. Xaaji, are you ok? Delusions iga dheh. The white man was in Africa to colonize and exploit, and Somaliland was one of the unfortunate territories. Societies in Africa and other continents resisted colonial rule one way or another, but your family fought for the colonialists, and refused to be liberated. Let me remind you Sheekh Bashiir, the lone man from Burco who tried to resist colonial rule in Burco and your dhabaqoodhi bootlickers killed him on behalf of the white man? You killed the only man who tried to resist colonial rule from and the white man dragged his naked body through the streets of Burco with young women and children watching as a deterrent. This is what Xaaji Aaadan Afqalooc said in his famous poem about Sheekh Bashiir: Duhur baa Bashiir lagu Shannaday Daar Agtiinna ahe Damal la Har galaa bay Jebsheen Waqay Dulloobaane Dahriga iyo Laabtay Rasaas kaga Daloosheene Isagoo Dam iyo Dhiig leh oo maro ku Duuduuban Dadkii uu Nebcaa iyo Kufraa Daawasho u yimide.
  5. Puntlanders did this, puntland did that, all day, every day. Didn't you bring the White man to Somali soil, licking its behind before anyone else. Orod Sayid Maxamed soo waydii dhaqanxumadaadii hore. Ileen ceeb looma dhinto.
  6. Can you eloborate on what you think is coming for Farmaajo? How is that Galbeedi’s concern?
  7. In this new era of Trumpism, the man was a decent Republican.
  8. She is brilliant. Did she say she was born deep inside Afar-Oromo border? She is from Issa tribe most likely. abtigis was selected by the Oromos as he was a big supporter of Abey in social media, so I hope he brings peace to the region. It is a tough job.
  9. ONLF changing its name will not mean anything. All the different tribes in Kililka need to have a stake in any new Somali freedom group.
  10. Somehow this is a popular smartphone in some parts of the world, but I have never seen one here in the US. http://vestelsmartphone.com/
  11. Someone's "alcoholic" is someone else's hero.
  12. This corruption problem is not confined to only Somaliland, but it is a chronic problem everywhere Somalis live. There are vultures who split the donated money before it even arrives from the donors. There is nothing to hide. The SFG government started xisaabtan and accountability program recently, but that is still in its early stages.
  13. Well, typical African mentality at play. What do they gain from using same old tactics of Illey?
  14. lol. Siyaad Barre odayga dhintay maxay ka rabaan?
  15. It is new to me that Caydiid was using Oromo fighters to oppress Somalis in Bay/Bakool