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Everything posted by Dahireeto

  1. Woow. Once Galbeedi calls for Abtigiis ouster, you know Cajar has become a total failure.
  2. Hargeisa's lunch is eaten by Mogadishu. People are struggling to survive.
  3. Tolka iska dhaaf Gooniyoow.
  4. Puntland is alive. What is buried is its good people. lol
  5. Civilians should never be kidnapped. Biixi needs to be caught and taken to Daalo mountains, not this guy.
  6. There are many purist Muslims who fall back on the undisputed-100%true-never-in-doubt word of Allah in times of uncertainty. As long as you believe the authenticity of the Holy Quran and that Mohammed, Peace Be Upon Him, was the true messenger of Allah, you are a Muslim in my eyes.
  7. Nabad iyo Nolol bots can now predict the future with 100% certainty. .
  8. Stunning and amazing. That is our true lifestyle. We totally forgot about our roots and we came from. We are all chasing burgers in the Western world.
  9. What are Reer Gedo doing in Lower Juba? It is weird bro. Are you sure that is not somewhere in Gedo?
  10. Maybe he wants the Jaad to be smuggled from Somaliland where he has business interests.
  11. The little girl denounced Islam and started wearing shorts. Why wouldn't the West jump on her story. In the mean time, thousands of innocent Muslims are being slaughtered in Burma and the West turns the other way.
  12. Waxaa si aada hoos ugu dhacay lacagta dollarka marka loo badelaayo shillinka Soomaaliga, horay suuqyadda Puntland waxaa halka dollaar lagu sarafi jirey 35,000 oo Shillinka Soomaaliga ah, halka uu maanta maraayo 30,000 oo Shillin isaga oo u muuqda inuu hoos uga sii socdo. Arintan ayey si aada u hadal hayaan dadweynaha reer Puntland iyagoo u yeelaayaa sababo kala duwan, waxaase sababta ugu weyn ay tahay lacag dollar ah oo aad u fara badan oo maalmihii u danbeeyey si xoogan usoo gashay suuqyada Puntland taas oo ka timi musharixiintii ku loolamaayey doorashadii madaxtinimada. Waxaa la qiyaasayaa inay suuqyadda Puntland soo galleen in ka badan shan iyo toban milyan oo dollar maalmihii u danbeeyey. Dadka muruq maalka ayaa soo dhaweeyey hoos u dhaca dollarka, waxayna sheegeen inay sicir bararka sarifku uu dhibaatooyin badan ku hayey. Sanadihii u danbeeyey degaanada Puntland waxaa si aada hoos ugu dhacaayey qiimaha lacagta shillinka Soomaaliga, taas oo sababtay sicir barar baahsan oo laga dareemay Puntland. PUNTLAND POST
  13. The place is a war zone. Nothing particularly successful to speak of.
  14. Can you post that here for us to see it please?
  15. Rooboow would have been elected fairly without corrupt money.
  16. This is a bigger farce than Puntland election. We have the dumbest leaders running the show. Their priorities are all messed up.
  17. Mr. Jebiye earned his money in America and he didn't want to lose it that easy. It was gentleman's agreement to return the money if the MP found better offer. Return the $50,000 if Deni offered 95K. It is a simple demand I think. 34 X $95,000 = $3,230,000 Even though the above figure says 3 million, a candidate is in good shape to be elected if he lands in Garowe with 2 million dollars in his pocket, because the package sometimes is not cash. You gaurantee a position instead of giving cash. It is a farce!
  18. Galbeedi, we agree the people that live there are the deep state themselves and they keep this jugjug setup in place. But at what point do they get fed up with all of this and say enough is enough. Why doesn't the public (deep state) hold these leaders accountable for their lack of vision to bring about a change or any kind of improvement? If I was the deep state, I would always demand improvement and nothing less. The corrupt leaders keep replacing each other. They come, they go and nothing changes. Faroole's family is back.
  19. Puntlanders habaar baa haysta. No way out of corruption, nepotism, backwardness and poverty. The longer this goes on, the more these traits become part of population DNA according to Charles Darwin.
  20. Lacagta ka soo xarootay murashaxiinta madaxweynaha waa $420,000 halka ku-xigeennada ay ka soo xarootay $110,000, guud ahaan lacagta waa $530,000.
  21. I saw some proof that some have paid. I don't know about all. I think when they say "all requirement", that means they paid the money.