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Posts posted by unixguru

  1. I guess that is one way of looking at it...But to really understand Islam you must not look at it as a police or military force but as a spiritual force.


    Islam is not about nations and empires, Islam is about the individual.



  2. It took me a long time to admit I had a problem. It all started 4 years ago when I first got the internet. Back then not many people had the internet and there where not many forums. But the few that existed, I just could not leave. At work all I did was make posts. I posted about anything. Politics, religion, food, games, anything and everything. Sometimes I would even make replies to my own posts (like am doing now). Eventually I lost my job because my productivity became so low. I spent all work time on forums post after post after endless post.


    At home it was no different. I would do nothing else. Me and Xalimo (my ex-wife) started growing apart. I because more interested in my “posting buddies” then in Xalimo. Eventually Xalimo left me because of my problem, she said she didn’t think I loved her any longer. And sadly it was true, my desire to create a new tread that would get 65 replies was greater then my desire to spend time with Xalimo.


    Then 3 months ago I read in a forum about “Forum Fancy Disorder”, otherwise known as FFD. And that changed my life. I made many “real” friends. We meet once a week and discuses how we are doing. Most of the members are have or have overcome FFD. They say the best cure to FFD is trough having really discussions with real people that you know in person. The more freely a person can speak to real people about what’s on his or her mind, the less of a need he or she will have to rely on forum to speak what they feel.

  3. Maybe that wasn't his picture...I mean, I know guys that meet girls on the net and play around with them, send them fake pics, write them bullsh*t emails, this and that.


    My advice, NEVER BELIEVE ANYTHING ON THE NET, (except if its from news.bbc.co.uk wink.gif)...AND NEVER ON SOMALINET...


    Anyway, if I was a betting man I would say this guy never told you the trueth to start with.


    Oh yea, and that movie "You've Got Mail", that kind of stuff never happens in real life... or maybe it does...I don't know.

  4. LOL...oh, sorry. I thought you wanted to know my life story...:S... I don't have much education bro. I just got out of high school, and am not going to school at this time.


    best ragards.