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Everything posted by maakhiri1

  1. Eebe ha u naxariisto intii dhimatey, Waxaan aaminsahaay bulshada qayb ka mid ah, in ay la shaqeeyaan shayaadiintan , for whatever selfish, stupid reason. Ummad heegan, wada feejigan, waxan lamu sameeyn karo.
  2. First this Pro has been nothing but BIG FAIL when it comes to politics, he was better of being academic, which he achieved a lot, and should stay away from politics Secondy, BEERKA JECLI Xaydha jecli does not work, if he ever committed to being politics, and now in SL, flying in, and running back to his high paying teaching job will not work, if he wants to do politics, must dig in, and stay there for years, therefore make a mark, not run away when things get hot or doesn't align with his overrated ego. Somalis want some1 who can deliver, with actions, inspire , does grassroot work, not just usual Samatar talk of I know everything. And thirdly, Why would any part give him a position , while as you put, Raggi kadida usoo cabey, asaasey, fadhiyaan? been there while that party has been through rainy days. Mark my word, he will be bagging his bags and very soon running away from Hargaisa.
  3. @Suldaanka said: Maakhiri, Awoowe, reer Somaliland belief that the 1960 union should not have happened at all, or at least in the way it transpired. It was a daylight robbery of an honest new state by well oiled ex-Mafia Italian Somalia leaders. Walaalkiis, I read and check for verified history without bias, You are absolutely right when it comes to what followed after the unifications, The people, and politicians from former British Somaliland were completely taken for granted, not treated right, alienated and this was shock to many people in the North. and so much distortion, slowly used, Even the name, Somalia given to Italian SOMALILAND, was slowly given the unified country, SOMALI REPUBLIC, and many Somalis have now no clue the origin of the word SOMALIA. Somali government also from beginning faced national issues, that that threaten national security, very tribal society, nomadic based in rural and has no regard for national unity or understanding of concept of government. All insurgent militias started baadiyah The fix was tried, the process of urbanisation, moving people from rural, and putting in urban cities, and if it was successful, would have fixed the problem Ana meesha iska leh, ilaa hada taagan, The Chinese do it as well , force-billy moved 360 million people from rural.
  4. @Tallaabo said: @maakhiri It is not the people of Somaliland who brought down your beloved Siyaad Barre but he and his cronies were to blame. How can you blame a people who were defending themselves against a regime dead set to wipe them out? Who in the North of the former republic would have benefited from the prosperity you are talking about if most of the people who live there were systematically killed or displaced? Is this the new history you teach the gullible youth? The Somali government randomly started killing people from North, There was no insurgency going on?
  5. Oodweyne, Nin meeli u cadahay meeli ka madow, War heedhe waxa ummaddii SOMALI haligmatey, weli ma waxa aaminsantahay in cid wax ka dheeftey dagaalkii SOKEEYE, Weli ma waxa aad haysaa REER hebel annaga ka fiican, Reer hebel baa dawladii SIYAAD nuugayey, Why can’t you move on, Ninkan SIyaad lafahiisii dhamaadeen, weli mala ka cabsanayaa? Many like you, either taken part in bringing down the SOMALI Republic, or were in support of it, Yet, the irony is , you are STILL a victim of your own creation, and worse part is, not knowing it, and still see yourself as winners. The approach that were taken by some SOMALIS to bring down SIYAD, brought nothing but misery to the SOMALI people in general, waa dhici karta kuwa xooga dufana haysta, but overall , the mass SOMALI population got nothing but indignity, poverty, indiscriminate killing, famine , why can’t you not feel/sympathise, those in other regions, as you put gaadhey meel ay kabaha u qaadaan Ethiopia, (Runta hadada rabtid, kuwaas laftigooda SL, waxba kama sookeeyso, fartaa loogu yeedha), It is normal for those who brought down the former national government, or taken part to not see the big picture, to justify their actions, and come up we are better position, better than under the Somali Union, what makes you think SIYAD or his regime, would be still in power? How many nations led by dictators has moved forward without going what Somalis went through? Ugu danbeeyntii, hadii fekerkeeyga ku saabsan Dawladii hore, kaa duwanyahay, iyo sidi wax u dhaceen, maxaad ugu maleeysey in aan wax ka dheefaayey dawladii SIYAAD? ma hal reer baa exclusive u haystey dawladii siyaad , mise XITAA kuwa wax ka nuugaayey baa jira oo kasoo jeeda beeshaada?
  6. Where does morality come from? Where are the sources of morality? Religion, Culture, tradition, customs,rationality, characters, Rights, feelings Good vs Bad,? when all the sources are under great threat? or has been destroyed/corrupted as part of civil war, it will be no surprise as people do/act on what were once considered immoral.
  7. THanks for the podcast, I believe he makes a lot sense, There is something comes way before international investment, i.e security, security, security. As for the youth, the worse and most dangerous thing for youth, even I believe way more dangerous than tribalism of 1990s, is extremism, and completely caqiidada oo kaa khaldanta, Dhalintaas isaga oo qosli buu hooyadii gawrici, masajidada dadka ku gumaadi, hadana isagoo oo isla saxsan, janona u socda! The answer is not fighting them only but re-radicalisation program, Wadaada waaweeyn, sida Umal, oo aan aaminsanahay in kaalintoodii gabeen, waayo wax badan bay u seeta dheereeyeen, expected the good will come out of them at the end.
  8. Most of Somalis, even thouse who were dead against SIYAD, and advocating for war pre 1990, have realised what mess and bad decisions we made, the same way Iraqis, Libyans and so on understand it was worse decision to get rid of their leader. The grass is not always greener by getting rid of bad unjust dictators like Gadaffi, Saddam and for our case Siyad Barre. The question any Somalis with few brain cells should ask is this, Objectively, ask yourself. How many of Somalis (from any region), where under humiliation like this how may were dying of hunger, famine management,(current extreme famine in Somalia) food security now compared to under Siyad How many kids were going to school? Free education? what was the literacy rate? how many maternity clinics were operating under Siyad, with free healthy care? for instance, how many kids from SL were dying hopeless in seas? what was the child mortality rate now and before? Suaalo haas oo badan markaad is waydiisid, si eex la aan ah, waxa cad in xitaa dadka gobolada waqooyi, and those of USC who brought down Siyad barre, things were far better under Siyad, with comparison of today. I don't understand the level of the humiliation that one endures, that can cause people to think irriration,and act irirrational, wax dadkan lagu sameeyey, oo qofi isirkiis ka cararo, instead of iska dhiciyo, xaqiisa raadsado. Forget about false pride, iyo Reer HEBEL baa nuugayey Maandeeq. Nepotism and corruption was extreme under SIyad, and partly responsible for what followed after, since most SOMALIS lack basic understanding of nationalism. Dadka waxay ahayd in waxx badan laga daweeyo cadufada qabiilka, Somalinimo aad loo baro, taasina maaha sympolic iyo qaabil la aasey kuma tagayso but with real action, and walking the talk. Qof QABIIL nacayb, oo iska dhici reer , wax walbana u arka in qabiil xal yahay, JAWAAB saxa ma helaayo, oo ma fiyooba, runtii CADHADAAS buuna godka la geli, oo rajo malaha. WIth anger and emostions, you make silly mistakes, going after fathom dream of recognition, in aad dadkaaga dhinaca ka raaci lahayd. But the reality is waxaad arki mid afka abur ka keenayaaya , gloating, oo leh Dawladii SIYAAD baan ridney, while his community and he live complete utter destitute, saboolnimo, iyo sharaf daro, Ethiopia u naageey? in their reality, that persons believes achieved more, while living now under dark abyss.
  9. waali iyo Nus, classical example of Grandiose delusions by mass.
  10. It seems who ever open this mall, has zero understanding of markets, 9 out of 10, of shoppers are females., not just solving of the problem of selling sensitive women products, but is crucial to have girls in malls, some malls even hire more females. Gawsaweeynayaashani maxay gadi?
  11. I think most Somalis take this xenophobic attitude from the neighboring GULF countries, we have so much in common, not just the religion. and I am really surprised it is the so called Wadaads leading this fear. This idi0t recording the video may himself has been once like OROMOs refugee, unwanted in Europe or America, the same way many of our YOUTH are flocking in TURKEY/Greece, Eurrope and now returned and advocating for xenophobic fear. I honestly believe these people have no harm, this guy along with many SLs says Somaliland has 4 million, Puntland claims to be 3.5 million, while Somalia is just 12 million, it does not add up. And most Somalis, for example in Somaliland and even in Puntland, are really forgetting and not thinking outside the box, The somali FEDERAL constitution says, any refugee, migrant living in Somalia for 5 years, can become Somali citizen,. The answer is to make these hardworking, young, healthy, driving the economy,ambitious people naturalized SOMALI citizens. This idea to give citizens to Oromos or Somali Aaboo, is not new, The Kacaan introduced the SOMALI abaabo in 1977 war, ,and it was away increase population, and defeat the enemy. People are asset, you don't turn away, and with them being fluent in SOMALI and pass citizenship test, and fulfill the legal requirements of being resident for over 5 years, and affirmation and allegiance to the SOMALI NATION and people. You turn it upside down, this can be a leverage against even Ethiopians, of course this is done with proper check and vetting.
  12. Impossible, That is too Cheap, how much revenue did the port used to raise every year?
  13. Lama huraan waa Cawska jilaal, Hassan SH Mahamoud should handshake his bro, Very sad, the reality is noone cares about SL, must realise recognition is NOT coming, not ever!
  14. Not surprised at all, it is just another manifestation of somali civil cycle, Somali warlords, clans competing to in bed with the national enemy. Ethiopia, Kenya. it is no different Putnland, Galmudug, Jubba, SL, and South West State of Somalia going to Ethiopia,Kenya, without the national government The answer is STRONGER, inclusive National government.
  15. Very bizarre, the loyalty to the secessionist is not that extreme, most it is just livelihood. Ilka Xanaf, looked a rare guy who knew and was qualified for this job, I think, the allegations against him, has some truth, he was corrupted, and CULUSOW, is aligning his stars,( he was a show stopper to his grand plans). I wish the best this young guy, who may bring true change, to rotten court system.
  16. 100% AGREE, all you need to do is up skill them, as long as they acquire skills, very low wages, Already lots of industries going there from shoe making, farming,
  17. Lol, Hutu, Mahiga? What you mean? You have better DNA than Hutus? Mahiga? Mahiga has been a great exceptional African Diplomat, me as African, proud of him, ,and He is current Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tanzania.( You figure, who made SOMALI election 2012, possible) If only GAAS had 1/10 of Mahiga calibre, I would continue debating with you.
  18. Tillamook, are you OK, or blinded by tribal, The guy has delivered nothing but misery to the Puntland people. Xagee kaaga bilaaba? The army the police, not paid for 12+ months, the public servants not paid, tax increase, nepotism,incompetence, significance fraud and corruption, censorship, lack of leadership, and many more Sidee wax kaa yihiiin oo u indhaladahay?He is absolute failure. As for impeachment, what army you talking about? there is impeachment process defined under the constitution, which is currently under way, watch this space. He is incapacitated and unable to lead the state.
  19. Education, without right core principles does not make you a good leader, some of the most effective and influential leaders specially in Africa had no tertiary educations. Gaas is a major failure and disaster, traitor, and must be impeached ASAP.
  20. By Boyah J. Farah From the beginning, many Western-educated Somalis welcomed Abdiweli Ali Gaas because he was an outsider and not part of the corrupt Somali political sphere. And who would not welcome a technocrat who holds a master’s degree in public administration from Harvard, a master’s degree in economics from Vanderbilt, and a Ph.D. in economics from George Mason University? In a country where brain drain is at its peak because of a protracted civil war, Somalis looked favorably upon a technocrat like Gaas who was willing to return to Somalia with the hope that he would use his education for the betterment of the country. On Jan. 8, 2014, Gaas was elected the fifth president of the Puntland State of Somalia. Since he came from a country that cherished free press, people, particularly the intellectual class, were overjoyed by Gaas’s arrival. But he did not live up to his resume in delivering the changes promised. To the contrary, Gaas has misled the public, has made free speech a crime, and has been involved in corruption. He began to tighten a suffocating grip on freedom of expression in a major crackdown that led to the arrest of numerous independent journalists, critics, and opposition voices. Political Betrayal The worst part is his blatant political betrayal after rallying thousands of his supporters to oppose the infamous 4.5 clan power sharing formula in Somalia. The 4.5 formula gives equal quotas to the four "major" clans and a half-quota to a coalition of "minority" clans. Because the 4.5 clan power sharing formula had been in practice for four years and had further broken the Somali people apart along clan lines, it was easy for Gaas to agitate Puntland's 3 million inhabitants to voice their opinions in opposition to the 4.5, which was up for renewal for the next four years. As they welcomed his political message, he exploited their euphoria. On Jan. 28, 2016, hundreds of people protested in cities like Garowe, Bosaaso, Galcayo, Qardho, and Ceyn as they waved Somali flags as well as Puntland regional flags demanding the death of the 4.5. “I will never accept 4.5,” Gaas said to the protesters. On March 8, Gaas was welcomed in Toronto, Canada, where he rallied the crowd of hundreds of supporters. "Somalis are more than clans,” Gaas said. “Even if Ban Ki-moon comes, I will never accept the clan formula of 4.5.” He paused. “If Somalia gets the right leaders, Somalia will change,” Gaas said. “And I am telling you I am not among the right leaders.” He said this in a political move to garner trust from the audience. The following week, Gaas stood at Minnesota's conventional hall, where he made a moving speech in front of thousands. He dazzled the crowds, confirming his opposition to 4.5. That same week, the residents of Garacad, a remote fishing town in Puntland, awoke to an estimated 250 well-armed al-Shabab militia walking around, digging in trenches, and preparing to march toward the main cities of Puntland. As Puntland entered a wartime crisis, Said Dheere, commander of the Puntland Defense Forces (PDF), prepared his men and local fighters for war, but Gaas stayed in Minnesota for another day. Then he flew to Washington, D.C. and gave an interview to Voice of America radio. In the interview, he contradicted his own words as he said, “I support the 4.5, but my people oppose it.” He had worked the people up against the 4.5 formula for his own political gain—a strategy to remain relevant—and only later revealed his support for the policy. On April 3, Gaas convened U.N.’s Special Representative for Somalia Michael Keaton, Ambassador Francisco Madeira, Prime Minister of Somalia Omar Sharmarke, and other dignitaries in Garowe's presidential palace. Without consulting either Puntland parliamentarians, who had rejected it before, or his people, Gaas signed the renewal of 4.5. Hassan Sheik, the current president of Somalia, saw the return of 4.5 as a way for him to win a second term. Gaas seemed to get along with Sheik, but if he made any monetary gain, it would be hard to trace in Somalia’s cash economy. Repression of Dissent According to Article 25 from Puntland Constitution, “the person can freely express his/her opinion in oral, press, writing, media, audio-visual, literature and other methods according to the law without any interference.” In direct violation of the constitution, under Gaas’s leadership, even Facebook posts became a crime. In May 2015, Gaas ordered an arrest warrant against Deperani, a journalist working for the London-based Somali Channel, for posting withering criticism on his Facebook page. The National Union of Somali Journalists joined with the Media Association for Puntland in condemning Gaas’s stifling of the journalists’ voices. His government subsequently ordered Golis Telecom Somalia, the largest telecommunication company in Puntland, to block the news media sites,, and Those sites were reporting on the reality in Puntland. Furthermore, Gaas is suspected of misuse of public funds. When Gaas became the leader of Puntland, he implemented a taxation system, increasing Puntland's budget from $29 million to $60 million, but PDF members and other public sector workers have not received their salaries for over a year. Commander Dheere threatened to resign if Gaas continued to lie to the public about paying the members of the armed forces. In a cash economy such as Puntland’s, money is difficult to trace. While Puntland is experiencing a severe drought and its people are in need of relief, it has been reported in Somalia that Gaas made a substantial property investment in the United States. In November 2014, Abdirashiid Dhuubane, a well-known politician, spoke in a detailed manner about the administration’s corruption, the media restrictions, and the long-term consequences of President Gaas’s policies. Gaas ordered the arrest of Dhuubane and he was immediately arrested and remained in Puntland prison for a few nights. Gaas continued to label any dissenting voices as part of a political witch-hunt. According to Article 56 of the Puntland Constitution, the president can be dismissed when he is accused of “direct and secret on the accusation of high treason, failure of responsibility, Constitutional abuse and other serious crimes.” By signing the 4.5 clan sharing formula, defying his words as well as his constituency, and by engaging in corrupt practices, has Gaas murdered democracy in Somalia? By examining his political footprints in a country where men like him do not face any scrutiny, one can satisfactorily argue that President Gaas had committed offenses punishable by his removal from office. ***** ***** Boyah J. Farah is a writer who was born in Somalia, but grew up in the U.S. He is an adjunct professor at Bunker Hill Community College. [Photos courtesy of Boyah J. Farah]
  21. Not surprised at all, Corruption is the norm in Somalia, and I agree there are tiny minority with self respect, and against this evil. As long as majority of Leaders, Mps, Citizens are corrupt, there is a little hope, and agree with Mooge, it will be decades before we see a fix. That is why I always believe a kinda of revolution, like 21st of October, with right people is needed. it is ripe!
  22. well done, while it is hard to implement, most of those drawn were the best and cream of the youth, the most educated who could not find jobs, and became helpless, hopeless. This will not solve the problem I believe, the answer is looking inward, fixing the country, creating jobs, and offering opportunities for these youth. And as for secessionists, they need self reflection and must end these pipe dream, and take part in fixing the whole country, else these cycle will continue.
  23. Pro Samatar ma halkaas baa u danbeeysay!