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Everything posted by maakhiri1

  1. Very well said Galbeedi, any group that used for election purposes ONLY, and not present, by people or region has to be re-reformed, in this case, SOOL. Beerka JECLI , XAYDHA Jecli attitude of SOOL region will only damage themselves, and ofource PL in the long run, they either have to fully embarase Puntland, join fully SL, or Khaatumo. Meel lugaha ha isku dudeen. But there is another bigger issue, All puntland leaders from day one, are afraid to transfer power to the people, do the ground work, how is it possible that leaders are elected using the temp formula of 1998? Where is the courage to deliver a proper democracy, SL is miles ahead in this area. The more you deliver a better system, the more legitimacy.
  2. If only things were simple as you put, and brute force would solve all problems. have they? dictators, with more powerful force could not curtail these. Anyway, the answer lies dialogue, understanding, and proper communications. The same elders you talking down to , are merely the creators of the government, there is not a proper democracy, where the leaders are accountable to the people, one man, one vote. It is time to think.
  3. Naxar, does it make a difference the war crimes Ethiopians commit now, or in 2007? It is carried out by some people with impunity.
  4. Grievances, oppression, injustice, real or perceived, if not addressed properly can result these, and it is the job of the current state government to win the heart of the people and address these, Not use brute force if few are protesting. People have right to protest, and free speech. The heart of All SOMALIS conflicts, is injustice, real or perceived. I honest blame the problem on failure of leadership, corruption, and nepotism. The few meagre resources , job positions in Bari are given without merit, given by nepotism, to illiterate, uneducated, people , while the young educated locals marginalised.
  5. HCTV has to find another provider, but this is getting serious.
  6. What has Somalis came to, Xoolahani maxay ahayeen? Very low characters, disgraceful.
  7. Very good move, and how how QAT/Khat business as well, I am certain it takes more money for SL, than airline do. IT is time! No Chewing Ethiopian KHat anymore
  8. Common sense needs to prevail, No need of conflict. It seems the people of EAST has long been marginalised, used and abused, but need to resolve these without violence.
  9. Ciidamada Eritrea ASMARA — Dowldda Eritrea ayaa sheegtay in ciidamadeeda ay dileen in ka badan 200 oo askar Ethiopian ah, islamarkaana ay dhaawaceen in ka abdan 300 oo kale, intii uu socday dagaaal xuduudda ka dhacay axaddii iyo Isniintii. Ma jirto cid si madax banaan u xaqiijin karta sheegadan, oo ay dowladda Eritrea ku baahisay war qoraal ah oo ay maanta soo saartay. Wareysi uu siiyey VOA ayaa wasiirka isgaarsiinta Ethiopia Getachew Reda waxa ku sheegay in tiradaasi aysan ahayn mid sax ah, hase yeeshee ma uusna beenin. “Ciidamo dib u garasho ku jira oo jahwareersan ma garan karaan waxa dhacay” ayuu yiri. Waxa uu sidoo kale sheegay in Ethiopia aysan wax dan ah ka lahayn inay baahiso khaariihii ka dhashay dagaalka oo ay qiimeynteeda ku ogaatay. Labada dhinacba waxa ay sheegteen inay ku gacan sareeyaan dagaalka oo Axaddii iyo Isniintii ka dhacay magaalada xududda Eritrea ku taalla ee Tsorona, oo ah magaaladii dhalisay dagaaalkii weynaa ee labada dal dhex maray 1998-kii illaa 2000.
  10. @Tallaabo said: Saalax you are so delusional saaxiib. Waar faanka iyo faataadhugga inaga dhaafoo inoo ducee bishan barakaysan inuu dadkan boqolka milyan ah ee midiyaha inoola soo baxay Ilaahay inaga qabto. Eritreans lates succcess, Xinooyo baa la isku dhaafey, Tiro maahe, waa tayo, iyo wadanimo..
  11. Xidigaha ku MEHERI ma maqashey? If you love this girl, 10K is nothing mate, having a beutiful family, with kids you love , that can come off these is worth 100 times more, Bakhayl weeye nin MEHER ka werweri, work hard, take loan , ask for donation, 10K is nothing, if she is worth. Mida kale xagee geeyn? It is for the family, Just insurance policy.
  12. Good luck, but make decision, before you get kids, as it will way more too difficult. It is normal , we humans make mistakes, make a list of pros and cons of this marriage, and decide to end or move forward!
  13. why not seek a position in Kismaayo under Madoobe instead of Under Gaas?
  14. I don't mean Naturopathy is bad, but it is not just the only thing open your mind to more, and don't believe like religion. The healthy sector is way too big, and some of them still unknown, mystery, for best doctors, best pharmacist companies, in the world. So with your attitude, and indha adeeg, waxba waa aqaan!!! I swear I would never allow you look after my cat.
  15. Can someone please delete this forum, it is very dangerous, and absolutely rubbish. With this attitude and arrogance, soon you barred or end up in jail. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, clearly from anti-vaccination movement group, who brainwashed many gullible illiterate mums including some Somalis who refused to vaccinate their kids and one of them was responsible for the measles outbreak., where unfortunately some innocent kids die. It is very easy for any person, not even health professional to notice, how millions were saved by vaccinations from stats, and it is also known that very few kids have side effect, , at the end, the ends justify the means. who came up with antibiotics? millions used to die from small infections.. Somali kid responsible measles outbreak.
  16. @Bluelicious said: Co-sign! Maxamed - I'm not impressed, humble yourself you aint all that. You're full of arrogance and hurl insults because you can't take criticism. If you continue to behave that way you will get someone killed. Honestly I find you unfit to deal with patients because health care is all about human contact and connecting with people and you seem to lack that. I've seen documentaries about people like you who killed patients because of their personalities/character and thus got jailed and banned from ever working in the health care. Those health care professionals were also arrogant and couldn't take criticism. There's no shame in acknowledging that you don't know everything. You seem to have a problem with that. Well said
  17. Ethiopian intelligence officials are active in many locations where Ethiopian refugees reside, including Kenya and the semi-autonomous Somaliland region of northern Somalia. In Somaliland in particular, there have been repeated incidents in which local authorities have detained refugees and forcibly returned them (under arrest) to Ethiopia, under pressure from Ethiopian security services.
  18. Human Right watch Full report Satellite Images of Villages burnt down
  19. Saalax, don't be fooled by this act, Ethiopia is committed to either ethnic cleanse Somalis, or make them likes of Abdi Eley, and Asad Ahmed who is here. Soomaalida Xalaasha are waking up to this.
  20. Abdi Ilay is different class , we never seen likes of him. Very bad character, and animal, and puppet. Waxaan ba ka Biqi, and believe it can happen, in every Somali region, Mid isaga oo kale ah in la geeyo. kuwa hada joogana wax yar bay ka oodsokeeyaan.
  21. These animals, Liyu Police are Somalis, doing brutality in order to please their Ethiopian Masters, Eebe ha u naxariisto intii dhimatey. Samir iyo Iimaan.
  22. These Liyu police must be stopped, Somalidu waa in ay ka hortagtaa, Their brutality, savoury is behind belief, Waxani maxay ahaayeen mataata iyo caruurta gumaadaaya. Lax walba meesha is dhigto ba lagu qalaa, Soomaali meel walba lagu ogaarsan, waxa u daran, Liyo people are SOMALI slaves working for Ethiopians.
  23. This is nothing but storm in a tea cup, few rogue soldiers selling gas is nothing and not uncommon in Africa. Very senior Somali officers has been caught numerous times working with the enemy of the state, Salaadu meesha ay iska qabsan la'day maaha Amisom forces.