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Everything posted by silent-sistah

  1. cheers luv! 7_steps......well said point exactly!
  2. it is too sooon... he wants to play with her head.,,and probably says 'I LOVE U' to every girl that looks at him twice, this is just his way of dealing with his lust for girls.....i mean one foolish one will think he truelly loves her, and he might use to to trick her into bed...saying the L word increases the probability of meeting the dumb *** that lets him play her. girls are slightly neive and tend to fall for shit like this.. make sure ur friend dont give shiit away, and that she is cautious!
  3. loooooooooooooooooooool i rate this the finniest topic i read 2day ,,,, ok,,,,it was the only topic i read..still it made me laugh u guys are sick though.....the poor guy appologiesed ...PLZ,. SOME 1 ACCEPT HIS APPOLOGY... DAAMN , OG, taking out the trash ,,,,,,thats a blow sis, me didnt know u could diss....what the hell did the guy do to get u in this moood... *(ok...tell me in luuq, and hmmmm accept his appology 4give/4get and all that shiit)
  4. unless your friend wants the boy/man for herself... i suggest she keeps her 'guilt' to herself....i think she should keep her trap shut,,, since everything is going jiggy why spoilt it for your friend and the guy,,,,,,they both like eachother,,,so let them get on with it! plus....i dont think the other girlfriend would talk .....i mean she has too much to loose if she tells the boy she has now fallen for that she had decieved him..
  5. hey,,,,,,,,,,,,,all u people better come online 2night,,,,(saturday 1st may) just incase u think and log-on 2morrow thinking its today im taking special time-out from my studies to 'hang-out' with u u better appreciate it. im not going to have the oppertunity to give u lot this privalige that often ,,,so ur skinny and fat a$$e$ better find a seat in the room! imma park my butt @ around 9pm UK time,,,well thats when i wake-up and the fun begins....(if u see my name before then ignore me im doing other stuff online)
  6. and dont 4get unlicensed taxi drivers... good tips @ libaax,,, girls, 1st oppertunity u get ...hit his bits....when he bends over to hold his bits.......kick him in the throat and chest .... while he tryna get his posture and get his breath back coss, u knocked the air out of him run for your life! shout, but dont wait for help.....people stand by and watch ,,,,u gotta save your self and watch your own back
  7. kynda well, i think its like the sister said,,,,,,when he asks u if u been circumsised, ask him how many inchs his long-john is! i dont think that any man accept your husbanad and doctor have the right to ask you whats between your legs....and your husband can find out on the wedding nite.... i mean, if u dating a guy and he asks u wether u been cirmusised or not.....if the answer isnt going to make a difference to him....why ask?
  8. salaam, kynda : thanx for the quote sis, i really dont regret falling in love, and thats what gets me. see, i could get over him, but the love.....thats got me strung. nuune: walaahi i wish i had selective memory...then i guess i would have a problem with the ka socod! --right? (then again i might make the saem mistakes repeatedly) bambina: sis, u pu t a big rock on my heart, u just told me i got 50/50 chance to live...seriously, im waiting for some 1 to say they felt love, and moved on, i know i probably wont get u said aint no recipe<---i dont want the recipe---i just want an estimated time--how long will it take me to recover...i understand u said u havent experienced love/relationship.......but thanx for your in-put it was great Honey-D well, i wrote a me all the reasons that its best me and him are appart...and when i used to get the urge to call him i would read it, to remind me not to....however, that letter is hidden in an old shoe box ontop of ma wardrobe, and i havent looked at it for while...i know i dont want this guy...but all i wanna know is, how far behind is my heart from my head...since my head realised a year ago it was a mistake, why is my heart so far behind? lucky: :rolleyes: refer to my previous statement...please. let me know if u or anyone u know went through anything similar. kaafi: kadafi.....the thing is, i didnt fancy this guy. and i am the type of person to make a big deal about age and he wasnt my ideal person. and like i said before, i really did try re-bound, but walaahi its a waste of time, there is no point in dating guys if u dont intend to get serious...i mean, i could be in-it for the game then the guy gets serious, and im not even into him.....i know they say what goes around comes around but it aint fair! for me to hurt a guy or play him just coss some git done it to me... salafi-online: walaalo, dont judge me. i said me and the guy broke-up, i.e. ended our relationship and contact over a year ago (2 years in september) i did not say we was dating for 2yrs!,,,,and as for my family knowing,,,i aint with my parents...but all my close family knew.....therefore me and the guys intentions werent bad, we did plan on marriage...and we werent sleeping 2gether if thats what you are assuming. my Aunt says : ' waxii qarsoon qudhun ba ku jiraa' = whatever is hiden has rotten content! therefore i have never found reason to hide much from my family. i would only hide what is ceeb and this wasnt---its part of life. OG_Girl: cheers babes...
  9. [Khutbah] Written in stone ~ tips on memorizing the Qur'an Below are some quick tips that will help you in memorizing the Qur’an: 1. You absolutely must have a teacher. Do NOT memorize on your own. You must have a teacher who you respect and whom you fear. Don’t ask ‘how’ to memorize the Qur’an. Ask where you can find the best teacher. The teacher will then guide you on the ‘how’. 2. Distractions. In memorizing the Qur’an, you must free your mind and environment of distractions. Imagine trying to memorize at a football game? Tough, huh? How about a theme park, could you sit down and control yourself to memorize? Probably not. Getting into a Qur’an Hifdh program with a teacher and discipline will assist you in creating the perfect atmosphere for memorization. 3. Memorize through Audio. A lot of people think they are memorizing the ‘look’ of the Mushaf, but actually you are memorizing the ‘sound’ of Ayat. When I review, I record my recitation on CD and listen to it again and again. The students that read the loudest in class are all the strongest students. Why? Because they can hear themselves the most? When I was in Qur’an school, the boy beside me read so loud. I asked the teacher to ask him to read more quietly. He said a most powerful statement that became my motto: “No, you read louder!” I did and it benefited me unbelievably. 4. Location of the Mushaf. Your eyes follow a specific direction depending on what you are thinking or doing. If you are lying, your eyes go left. If you are remembering something visual, like where you left your keys, your eyes will look upwards. When you memorize, the direction of memorization is right and left, not downwards. The mistake I see people make is that they put their mushaf low on the ground and then try to memorize. In order to fully harness the power of your mind, you must keep the mushaf at eye level, and not dip your head.. 5. Eat brain food. We’ve all heard the advice of uncles that you have to eat Badams (almonds) to improve memory. Well, I’m here to tell you that the uncles were right! The food you eat, the drinks you drink, directly affect your ability to excel in memorization of the Qur’an. Do not eat fatty, unhealthy food. Do not drink soda. Eat a nutritious light breakfast, a nutritious light lunch, with almonds for snacks during the day. Subhan Allah, you will find you accomplish much more in your day. 6. Make everyday a victory. You can move a mountain rock by rock. Enjoy every page you memorize, every Ayah. I am often asked about my secret to memorizing the Qur’an. They are expecting me to teach them a special ‘south-beach-hifdh-diet’ or something. (I call it tip shopping, they are expecting a specific tip). I say again and again, there is no doubt that there are three ingredients. If you have these three ingredients, you will accomplish what you set out for: 1. Dua, supplication (you must always reflect your desire to Allah). 2. Sabr, patience (it will be a testing path, fill your bags with Sabr powerbars). 3. Taqwa, protecting yourself from sin. If you do not remember anything from this article except these three ingredients (DST – Dua, Sabr, Taqwa - DST) then, bi idhnillah, it will suffice. ps. i silent-sistah did not write this, i just reseaved it in my email and wanted to share it with y'all!
  10. well, what can i say ....let me give u a list physically attractive he dont have to be a model, nor does everyone else have to find him attractive, but u have to be attracted to this persons appearance, otherwise when the fire of lust burns out and real life kicks in---u gone look at him/her and think what the helll did i see in this ugly thing lying next to me in ma bed? religion obviously, i really dont think this one needs much explanation ---kids need to parents that can bring them up upon deen. personality well, you need to be able to understand and cope/deal with your patners personality traits and mood swings, study their behaviour patterns at different stages of life, how they deal with bad news/friends/arguemants ext.... education/occupation seriously, as a female, the patner i plan to be with has to be either on the same level of education as me, or more advanced, and i cant be with a drop-out jobseeker allowance claiming failure excuse for a man. if he cant provide for himself - how he gone provide for me and future kids? and wait-dont say Allah provides, i know Allah provides, but u have to work to get the best out of his provissions. i have to go ,,,,,,ill add more at a later date, for no --- u can all ponder over this!
  11. this is me, being real, i really dont know why. but im going to pour my heart out---well half of it, not everything. i just want to know, how long does it take a person to get over love? see, my dilema is, i was seriously in-love with this guy, it was over a year ago, it will be 2 years in september since we broke-up. the thing is i cant cant get back with him because after we split he went somalia and got married. and ever since the second week we broke up, i been regretting breakin-up with him, i really cant get over him. dont laugh, im serious on the real, i never want to get back with him (in my head) that option is never an option, i mean i dont do married men. and he did a few bad things, so most ma family dont like him. i can say i am not as bad as i used to be, i dont cry over him no more, and im over playing with re-bounds, <---i still cant believe i did that) but sometimes, he creeps back into ma head, and the feelings all come rushing back. plz tell me there is hope and that one day i can wake up and not think about him at all
  12. Darmen....wooow, well done babes, my God though, what was u doing reading through a nigerian website, im just curious, when i browse the net, i dont go past english and somali sites, i never venture into the unknown languages,,,i mean if they diss me in whatever nigerians speak, i would get pissed but would probably smile. thinking thy complimenting me,,,
  13. loooooooooooooooool u joka @ MOTTI HEY, thanx for sharring the post rahima, it was great to read, very pleasant, not the content but the way it was contructed, and like motti said, its good to see some people from da west still got a good head on their shoulders.
  14. I HATE FIZZY (SODA) DRINKS, i can never finish a can of coke by myself however im addicted to: tea i was drinking 4/5 cups a day, and i could not physically or mentally function during the day without waking up to a cuppa-tea luckly after being told im anaemic and after getting dizzy spells, i have not had a cup of tea for 3 consecutive days, it would have been 4 if my sister hadnt baught me a cup the other morning. well, let me tell u the effects its had on me,-----im thirsty 24/7, im drinking more water than is required, seriously, and im hungry,,,,,i feel like a smoker who just quit...and no im not a smoker and never have been a smoker, i just know the effects of quitting coss my cousin done it. music i can feel my soul turning dark because of music, but i seriously cannot cook or clean without having music to work with, ooh, i also revise with music playing. internet well, i didnt get broadband to let it just sit there, i have to put it use, get what im paying for Na'mean? verbal diarrhoea boy oooh, boy, when i start talking i just cant stop, i think alot of people on paltalk have notcied this severe addiction.
  15. looooooooooooooooool, qaxoonti, u bloody joka... 1st post inda topic, i said i was halimo-uk....just to let u all know. and now u complaining about ma nick.....aah some people!... :rolleyes: O_G GIRL.....LOOOOL me shukaansi chikcen-abuser,,,,naah sis, it was just a platonic shukanssi or flirting went between us,,,and for the record,,,,i remember who he was,,,and what his nick on sol was..i mean, we were such terrible friends he told me everything,,,' except he had a lil sis stalking him!
  16. i told him to pull the sofas appart,,and he hid behind them... then i told him to smash the tv and he shook his head, but when i told him to lie on the floor, he did it... so am angry ....he isnt well trained and doesnt take commands too well!
  17. *Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings, they did it by killing all those who opposed them. *If you can stay calm, while all around you is chaos... then you probably haven't completely understood the seriousness of the situation. *Doing a job RIGHT the first time gets the job done. Doing the job WRONG fourteen times gives you job security. *Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines. *Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Istupudhity *A person who smiles in the face of adversity... probably has a scapegoat. *Plagiarism saves time. *If at first you don't succeed, try management. *Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether. *TEAMWORK... means never having to take all the blame yourself. *The beatings will continue until morale improves. *Never underestimate the power of very Istupidh people in large groups. *We waste time, so you don't have to. *Hang in there, retirement is only thirty years away! *Go the extra mile. It makes your boss look like an incompetent slacker. *A snooze button is a poor substitute for no alarm clock at all. *When the going gets tough, the tough take a coffee break. *INDECISION is the key to FLEXIBILITY. *Succeed in spite of management. Aim Low, Reach Your Goals, Avoid Disappointment. ^------- ma fav
  18. qaxoonti ......we been 2gether all nite,,,,what u taking about 'karoosing bahal talk' kulaha! walaahi, i love ur broken somali-ingriisi! it was a nice nite lastnght ,,,,cheers for that... i really enjoyed the Islamic quizes, and the other topics we had while butcher was around
  19. O_G. i swear i used to talk to a guy on paltalk called chicken_abuser.... man sure it wasnt a girl,, misee u and ur brother swap the nick...u take it in turns haa... so how am i meant to know who im talking to? get a different nick sis
  20. hey, i was thinking with us having the time difference, and us suffering withthe 10 room limit, and also us not finding the room i thought i just suggests, we all swap paltalk nick-names over here, add eachother to pal-list in advance ...and therefore what ever room we are in, we can drag eachother around and wont loose eachother or leave anyone out in the cold... p.s. make sure u get the spelling of your names right or else it wont work,, and if this idea is bad.....say so ...coss ,,its just an idea! my paltalk nick = halimo-uk
  21. woooooooooooooooooooooow Some great advices guys..... well, imma just cash-in on this topic and not bother with a new one... what do u guys suggest for stretch-marks?
  22. hey ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i totally agree with rudy here,,,, not everything is black and white, there are alot of greys... the 'maybes'.... e.g. maybe the girl had her Meher done earlier than october. and if the 'maybes' dont work out .......... well we all make mistakes and shiit happenes.... and she probably didnt tell u her mishap because, we are told not to wash our dirty linen outside.(we are taught to solve our own problems and not parade it around the town).. i think she was right to get married as soon as possible and keep the pregnancy a secret to keep her name clean .. and her sin is between her and Allah. and Allah forgives all sin (well accept those u commit against others-which then only they could 4give u)
  23. well, i only get 4 weeks this summer, since its my first year and term in uni.... but please......while u guys are all out their partying and having fun.... make sure u have extra fun for me...since imma have my head in a book, or my arms full, comforting the lil kids.
  24. sue...woow.. walaahi . u internet addict ... how u come accross stuff like day google got to ur head haa but nice findings i love the bit about gay men having smaller hypothalamus than the str8 people! i always knew they were retarded!!
  25. i got a whole list..... but 1st, rudy bisinka! and Darman, miskiin....i dont know who to fel more sorry for, u or the lil kitten (lil kitten ofcourse, but still i sypathies with ur story) now my regrets: *trusting people i shouldnt have trusted *not trusting people i should have trusted *not saying sorry to a few people when i was wrong *being too stuborn on many occasions *not being strong enough (weak)to talk/deal with certain things. *being too up-front and hurting peoples feelings *not keeping with my salaat *4getting Qur'an i memorised as a kid *not studying Islam hard anough *not practising it to the best of ma ability *meeting certain guys *having crushed on certain guys *meeting certain girls *going certain places *doing certain things *using&learning foul language however, like the girl said, this is what makes me----me. and withought this experiences, i would still be doing the same mistakes.