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Everything posted by silent-sistah

  1. lol..... and i was soo sure it was sprite,,, hmm,,,i guess you are all in america/canada, coss i never heard of that drink.. sure sounds nice though,,,,post me a bottle!!!!!
  2. flying-still Silent sis...We missed you where have you been hiding. I don't know what I was thinking...I should have told her to pray the 2 rakcas along time ago....thanks hon. And as you said allah knows best...insha alaah it will work out for her. 1luv well, i been a little bussy sis, but im back now, and im glad to have caught this topic of yours,,, InshaAllah, it will all work out, dont worry yourself, and tell her not to worry.
  3. inaa lilaahi wa inaa ilayhi raajicun may Allah have mercy on them both.....Amiiiiin
  4. girls girls girls... stop the cat fights and get back to playing cupid..
  5., i grant you the award of your dreams,,,,i beleive you have earned it,, hmm...i would like to award so many of the nomads in here,,,, S.O.L. true friends 4ever award i dont know where else i would get so much advice, support and hmm, where i could scream in a persons ear without getting slapped.
  6. Diamond princess ….that part you said about the Somali people talking about you even when you not around them is true, that’s their style, to talk behind your back thinking that it will never get around to you,,,, When you hang around them, eventually some1 will bring you the news, you ask them (person A) who said it?…they might tell you, you go up to them (person B), (you was never-ever expecting this person to talk behind your back) you ask them to bring the other people involved in the talk so that you could all just end the story, and get to the bottom of it, but this person (B) refuses, saying they will be called a big mouth and that they cannot break the trust between themselves and the person that was spreading malicious lies about you??? Me, if I hear some thing bad about a person, im the type that doesn’t believe the rumour until I see the shiit with my own eyes. Secondly, if I ask a person if a rumours true or false ,,if the words can come out of my mouth, and I know that they are upsetting to the person that im askin, then I should be able to say where I heard the rumour. Im not the type of person to get upset, huff and puff over 1/2 incidents, its happened too many times, and I think that if they cant proof their accusations, they cant give u the chance to disprove them, and they leaving you in a loose-loose situation, then it is safer for you to let them talk behind your back, and you isolate yourself and never hear what they say, be it good or bad. Laba wajiilee – I guess its in our limited vocabulary because so many of our people suffer from the 2faced syndrome. kaafi , i hope that one day i feel as happy as you about our people---Amiin 2 dat!
  7. Magnoona-girl “I GUESS THE WORD SECRET ISN'T IN THEIR DICTIONARY..COZ HEY IF THAT PERSON IS GOSSIPIN ABOUT HER HOME GIRL WHAT WOULD SHE SAY ABOUT ME? HMMMMM I WOULDN'T WANNA FIND OUT ..” Rahma , sister, I try and try, to choose my Somali friends carefully, but the best once let me down. Runaway^virgin , Thanx for your advice sis, I dont think that I have much hope for me and my people ever understanding eachother. Zakariye: “ when something happens to you, tell that you are not somali anymore” I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at that part of your statement. Im Somali. I don’t have much choice obout it, I have to just keep my head up. Modesty…. sister maybe you are right, but honey, im tired of their temper tantrums and back stabbing ways. Rudy…. lol….tribal bullshit pissed me off, walaahi, u help a somali person out, not because of their tribe, or the fact that they are Somali. Maybe because u felt good that day, or you done it to please Allah, and they start talking about your gabiil ,,,, Whats that supposed to be about? Northener , thanx walaal for understanding,,and for listening, Muraad, I don’t listen to the politics, but damn, im glad I don’t , coss I would have lost that hope magoona was talking about. Conspiracy ……”hehehhe what you mean you can't find them ? yo somali ppl are not different from any other nation , treat us good and you get good treatment in return do not judge by individual cases !!” That is not true, and that is what has pissed me off, the number off people that you help out for the sake of God, you don’t ask them nothing in return, and the next day you find out they spreading shit about you. ~they share the same tongue and land with you but they fight over the land, and discriminate against you cuzz of the part of Somalia you are from. and laugh at your somali accent. ~they share religion with you shame they don’t implement it in their everyday life (islam is a way of life. Somali’s should treat it that way, not pick and choose the parts they practice) ~they are your blood/land relative they should act like it. ~they survived for 10 yrs without official recognized government they destroyed the previous government and are ****** to get a new one, if they just swallow their pride , and stop thinking about the gabiil of the person, and the government governed the coutry/people according to the sharia law, we wouldn’t face this dumb problem. ~they always offer helping hand if you ask ooh, they will offer, they may help. But they only go and boast about the help they gave to the helpless little girl. They put you down for asking, or they turn around and say, we all have problems and we deal with them, ----somali’s ppl like to shove problems under the carpet (ignore it,it will go away) or they make it into a headline story (plenty of basbaas and xawaash ofcourse!) che-guevara, lol, maybe we should invent an I hate Somali anonymous group, somealien Psycho-sue , I liked the picture of the fat kid eating cake better than the one you got now. And as for the nationality thing, true, not all people from the same tribe /country are equal, like the sister said, not all our fingers are equal, but I think that children follow their parents, and within a society and community you see patterns(traits) of behaviour, and the Somali traits does not chemically combine with mine to well, I guess im a true fish and chips kinda person. psycho-sue im not stereotyping , I’m saying that I give up, I had enough. Thats all. Harmonyangel[/b…… that story is sick, damn…I hope the girl survived, miskiinada. And I live in London and would hate to come to wherever you are now. “I have always approached members of my race with utmost respect and I will continue to do so. It's only when they do not return that respect (which is more often than not, unfortunately) that I cut them off.” Sis, I started working as a volunteer in a Somali community, I didn’t ask for pay, im on my holidays and wanted to help out these old ladies, suffering with the language barrier, and also the misunderstood and troubled Somali youths, (I recon being closer to their age, and understanding what they are going through gave me a better chance at advising them, compared to and old man that preaches about Somali culture and values.) Well I became the xawaash in their afternoon tea. Ameenah: “It is unfair on you and the good name of the Somali community, because by expecting more, the more likely you'll be disapointd” Lol, sister, I don’t ask for much, all I ask for is some respect, I don’t ask for their help, but I offer mine. Walaahi, I have a lot of pride, I grew up not relying on people. Growing up without your natural parents toughens you up. Walaahi, if a word of what they say is true, I wouldn’t care, but it’s the bullshit lies that they make up that gets to me.
  8. o_g motti...waryaa u keep me sane,,,,u aint going to desert me ,,waar your staying wether you like it or not!!!!... plz i get the feeling from a few of the replies, here that you guys think that something that was said here might have caused or contributed to my feelings... but i would just like to assure your all...that i have met nothing but real nice ppl in here,,,, its just the real-life, everyday somali people that have gotten to me. and the thing is, it isnt 1 person or 1 incident, but many, and thats why im talking so drastically, this feeling might last a few months or even years,,,,but all i know is i didnt have to deal with this bull b4 i started socialising with somali's. the thing is im not the kind of person that is gullable and hangs out with ciyal suuqiin...i do choose my friends really wisely. but if u was in my shoes, and u started hanging with a group of people...for the past 3/4 years,,,and every person that you thought was reasonable, nice, trusty, religious, ect ,,,lets you down,,,, what would you do? i guess im choosing the easy way out, ,before somali people, i used to hang out with other muslims...and kufars,,, and now,,,imma return to my old companies,,,i had less trouble with them,,less let down . like i said, i guess i didnt want to go running to my non-somali friends and tell them the problems im having with somali people, and i dont want to confide or talk to another somali person that i know in real-life- ive lost trust and respect for them,,,,,,,,,,,,i had to scream somewhere, and im sorry to download my problems here. dont take it personal coss it really doesnt concern u , unless i was to meet u. im a muslims and i would respect and say salaam...but i would never get personal with another somali, i just cant play their games
  9. who was the poster,,,,,waryaa/nayaa....u given me nightmares....i know imma get them,,, damn,,,,i was left stunned, and confused, but was too scared to go back and open it to understand it,,, anyways....knowing that im not the only one that is a big fulaay, should have calmed my nerves,,,but my heart is still pulsing! w/salaam
  10. I don’t know what it is about Somali people, I don’t know if it is just our nation that suffers this sick disease, Some times I think that it’s just me, and I doubt myself, I think maybe I got my principles all wrong, I try and try to blend in, I try to ‘get to know’ my people, but I got the formulae all wrong. I think I learnt my lesson,,,, Somali people, ~have some screwed-up loyalties, ~some mixed up principles, ~their priorities are f!cked up, ~they jump to conclusions faster than God knows what, ~they spread malicious lies, without checking their sources, ~they cant handle seeing you successful- envious, ~they cant let you get on with your life in peace they have to mess it up- devious! ~they lie, cheat and never keep a promise. Ok, as a child, I didn’t have any Somali friends, since I moved out my aunts house, I mad a few (I decided to disregard my aunts warning to stay away from Somali’s). Now I wish a stuck with the other races that I used to hang out with, its simple, every Somali that I have met and trusted has lived to shock and surprise me by revealing some unexpected colours. I know that not all Somali’s are the same, (since I’m a Somali and don’t follow the mixed up principles and practices of my folks, I guess there might be a Somali out there like me) but I have tried, and cant find them, and frankly I give up, I’m not quitting the forum, but I’m disassociating and cutting all forms of real life socialisation with Somali people. I don’t know why I’m placing this here, I just feel I have to let my anger out somewhere, and I cant diss my nation to my other friends.
  11. flying ...sis. i totally agree with you, we cannot wait for some one else to build a governemnt, that later we will say we are not happy with,,,it is better that we take our country seriously, we are the future of somalia, and if at the moment it is being ruled by racist eeediots then we shouldnt submit to them, but over throw them, and rule the country our way... im a dreamer, but at least its a possitive dream, and i still got hope on this issue. and yeah,,,InshaAllah this north/south divide is temporary.
  12. you guys are jokers.... me, and money. when i have it, i dont know what to do with it , and i wish i never had it, ,,,,and when i havent got it,,,,i begg my Lord to give it to me, and i can think of 101 things to do with it. its like jamaal said, it comes and goes, and to be honest, i really couldnt careless *(this doesnt mean that im turning down any charity organisations that were planning to fund me!)
  13. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey, what about...bakeeriga warqad ama maro holceeysa la dhex gelinaayo...then qofka dhabarka laga saaraayo.(I think it was used markow muruq kugu jura) Do you remember this? OR I have it wrong -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lol....hmm...walaahi..this is called towbin (taubitaan) i cant really write somali... of my sisters friends learnt it off her sijui/jabouti friend. you get an empty cup, burn a peice of paper, put it in the cup, and before the fire goes out,,place the cup on the aching muscle. the fire, because it is being deprived of oxygen will go out. the air in the cup sucks up the muscle & skin area that it is covering. i dont know how , but this helps break down the lump that you get when you got a cramp in your muscle. well my sister was having some real bad muscle pains, and she was constantly asking for a massage. so her friend tells her that she will taub her, my sister agrees,.. im sitting near by watching and thinking she is brave,,, the first time,,,,mission accomplished,,, second time, they was arguing, my sister didnt want it..but her friend was saying muruuqa muu burburiin,,,so waan ku celinayaa,,,,anyways, she places the cup on my sister,,,and my sister screems, the women tells her to stop being a baby, its just her muscle getting broken down,,, i smell somthing burning and take a closer look, the fire has gone out and i see nothing, and laugh at my sister.... the girl removes the cup.. and starts massaging the area, all i see is my sisters skin peeling off as the women is massaging her,,,,damn....did i screem , and screw, and shout, and almost cry! as she was placing the cup on her back, the paper droppped forward, and caught my sisters skin, because of O2 deprivation, it stoped burning, but it done enuff damage, my sister has the scare on her back! ^---never ever try this !!!! hey ,,,,i dont know if it was cultural/religious or even a figment of my own imagination, (i was only 3) but i remember falling ill, and my father would read Qur'an in whatever it was i was drinking and he would spit in my drink????????? ooh, and eating raw egg-yokes....what was the deal there???
  14. guys before i joined SOL....i used to see my friends checking out the the community section,,, i want that feature back!!!!
  15. brixton, whitechapel, leyton, upton park(sisters circles), Lewisham Islamic Community Center, Finsbery Park, Baker St Mosque,,,,,, as long as they got good salaafi talks, im there....InshaAllah...ooh...and they are all in london- UK ooh, and aslong as they are not organised by somali people (sorry,,,but somali people only bring crying kids to the sisters section,,,and the kids got no discipline- and the mothers act sooo careless...that i feel i have to watch the kids ,,and i find ma self babysitting rather than listening to the talks)
  16. Oh My God i had my 4 year old nephew help me guess the answers ...we just played black-shoe-black-shoe hmm....and we scored ...a miserable cocaine snorter...- you only know about the bad parts of the 80's,,,,damn
  17. you guys are jokes....but i thought that flying-still and clown where already an item....and therefore should not be paired up with anyone but eachother,,,, rudy,,,,hmm,,,,i might have paired me self with you,,,,but after reading your ideals...uuuf,,,,get lost!!!
  18. woooooooooooooow... that was quite challenging,,,because , my actions and religious practicies have gone down-hill dramatically in the last year.... im now a progreesive muslim.... i know that last year i would have done better,,,,and thats quite depressing, as im meant to improve,,not fail.. hmm...enough of me playing the worlds smallest violin,,, congrats,,,all of u that got the traditional muslims spot!!!! MashaAllah my Allah make as all mu'minuuns!!!-----amiiiin
  19. suspicion, is a survival instinct,,, i'm suspicious of everyone that i dont know, specially if im in an unfamiliar surrounding, i think that being suspicious, leads you to be more cautious , and therefore staying on the safer side of life. if you trusted everyone you met, you would be one gullable, neaive, and ****** child! there are alot of sick people in the world...its safer to suspect everyone as a freak/psycho initially ~ till they prove you wrong!
  20. my X... but then he aint no longer a batchelor
  21. SPRITE???? however you spell it thats how i pronounce it...
  22. flyin' Still....... hmm, sorry for the late entrance, im always late with my 'good' advice, well, everything is down to the qadar of Allah, Allah knows best,,, so your cousin, should pray 2 rakaats (istikhaarah) and ask Allah to help her out. personaly, i can see were both side of the arguements are coming from, i agree with both. if i was in that situation, i guess it all depends on how badly i love and want to be with this person... when king45 says u should tell her to get married, i think that he is 100% wrong, this isnt your life, all you can do is give her the advantages and disadvantages of both her options, and let her make up her mind on her own without pressuring her. i guess what she dicides is dependant on how strong her character is,,,,and how deep her love for this guy is... no discission is wrong, but 1 of them is right for HER.
  23. what i would do: ~when you see other girls in hijaab, compliment them to her, and admire them (so she ends up respecting them, and wanting their respect(or wanting to to be respected like that)) ~give her the reasons that girls wear hijaab, (upholding dignity,piety ect). ~tell her to try it , ~then compliment her on it... ~tell her that its not about choice, but the fact that it is compulsary for girls to wear hijaab. ~find out and tell her the punishments for not wearing a hijaab.
  24. Explosion of emotions, Extreme compassions, Betrayed devotions, Damn commotions, Out of control oceans, Unseen collisions, Eyes full of dilutions, Daft illusions, Damn the emotions, Hate this notion, Can’t find a solution, Need a conclusion, Don’t wanna be frozen, -------------------------------------------------------------- The way u swing me, Confuses me, Fills me, Frustrates me, Don’t know the technicalities, Highs, lows or difficulties, I need a coping strategy, This is my tragedy, First you swing me right, Become my life, Wanna make me your wife, For you I will strive, Strive? It’s not a struggle, on your love I survive, Your love, so exceptional, Unexplainable and natural, Feels so eternal and blissful, Your smile, it shines, I know its mine, Your words a wonder, Make my mind wonder, of you, fonder, Your absence, totally unbearable, Undesirable, thinkable, or imaginable, Your presence, a great leisure, Full of pleasure, treasured forever, Your eyes, they glisten, Your actions, I listen, Perfection, nothing is missin’, Loving this feelin’, Can’t wait for your touchin’, Kissin’, I even love your dissin’, Life without you, I can’t imagine! You give me a blow, Swing me low, Never thought you could be so shallow, It’s real hard for me to swallow, Could you step down? HELL NO You waiting for me to say Hello, You swing me slow, Leave me drownin’ in sorrow. I look at what’s at stake, Our life, a beautiful cake, Together we baked, Don’t know about rivers, but I cried a lake, Damn it, stop this ache, This pain, I can’t take, My mind, and heart you break, Believe me, for Gods sake, Trust me this aint fake, Stop it, on my life you skate. Your call is too late, Your excuse, too bait, Your guts, I rate, You was the perfect candidate, Closest to a soul-mate, YOU, I can never hate, Though I cant understand or relate, I’ll try and believe, accept this fate. Though your not around, Your love is profound, Still swinging my moods, Can’t trust new dudes, Some1 help me, Save me, Put me out my misery, Every-day I mope drink coke, Can’t cope, see no hope, I cry,,,,,,,,, Sigh,,,,,,,,, Good bye,,,,,,,,, ------------------------------------------------------------------------ why? why can’t I forget you? Its not like I need you, No matter what I do, In my mind you stew, Like a storm you brew, Time, I shall sue, Coss your never due. Why can’t I get over you? Everyday I miss you, I wish you knew, The damage you do, The stamp of your shoe, Treads on my queue, To declare I do. Why can’t you hear me boo? I’m not talking in Urdu Nor in Hebrew I’m saying -I love you, This love, felt be few, To me it’s new, But undoubtedly true!