Who the hell is this Ms. Tokhai, my god she has more prejudice, than the guy being accused.
How dare she precondition every question with,
“What else, apart from the fact you are a woman and a Muslim, made you feel discriminated against?’;
That is perniciously what made her feel she was being discriminated against. What the
hell does that even mean, you are supposed to be a judge not removing the persons
arguments. She should bring a case against this Ms. Tokhai, for her unfair questioning
practices. She should have her recuse herself from the panel, she obviously can't judge
fairly. They ask why are Muslims so irrational, maybe because we are constantly
Ms Wang told the tribunal she was returning from a toilet break with Mrs Husen in
November 2013 when Mr Hussain stopped both of them and challenged them about how long
they had taken.
Ms Tokhai said: “On the face of it, you had your own disagreements with Mr Hussain, so
you cannot give an objective view can you?”
-That was her whole argument, how can she manage to turn the fact that she witnessed the
injustice and that she had it committed against her simply by associating with this poor
lady, as grounds for discrediting her, for having had a previous disagreement. Does she
know the meaning of previous, there was nothing stated previous to this instance.