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  1. When is the old fart planning on coming to Laasqoray for an hour again? Or Badhaan?, where PL is building a university. And don't get me started on Cayn, which is fully under PL rule.
  2. <cite> @SomaliaPatriot said:</cite> They can migrate to Puntland or Gedo. Caabudwaaq is in Galgaduud and will be part of Galgaduud maamul. Or back to civilwar. Choose well niyoow. In warfare the mogadishu clan is superior . Yes indeed you are superior, when your adversary is sleeping and you rally others into your side.
  3. <cite> @HawdMan said:</cite> Buntland is a dangerous hate filled provocateur region. It is constantly in fight with its neighbours both north and south. It is a barren desert with no resources and bankrupt according to is own leader . Today they have done their biggest mistakes going against the formation of Central state and the unity of its people. If Puntland does not stop it wil be dismantled C.Qeydiid will finished his job. What's Qeybdiid gonna do? Attack Galkacyo at 3am again? If HG have an old washed up warlord as a leader and guider then I really pity them. And you say Puntland is the one attacking and causing trouble in the north and south. Tell me is Puntland going into towns in Sool and committing massacres? Is Puntland going attacking settlements in south Mudug? Rather it is SL and the people of the central region who are the hate filled ones. You are so hypocritical. Indeed the northern parts of both Mudug and Galmudug will be part of Puntland and there's nothing Qeybdiid and his millitia and the fed government can do about it
  4. <cite> @Thegoodshepherd said:</cite> The Puntland plan is to start with Saaxo, and then Cabudwaaq and after that Balanbale. Basically take the borders of Puntland right next to Hiiraan. Anything that stands in the way of this must be opposed. This attack has permanently damaged the legitmacy of the so called "central state", and it means that it has lost any support it had among the people of west Mudug and west Galgadud. I see. But would Puntland annexing all that territories be tolerated? And are the people of Cabudwaq wanting to join Puntland?