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Everything posted by Adam
Mooge; Hawadi ma kaso baxdeey kkkkkkkkk. Walee Central State is a jewel in the crown waliga noolow haha . Its says black ink on paper Galgaduud and Mudug dont hate .hhhhjjjjjjjjZ
C/raxmaan Tuuryare oo sheegay in la soo xir xiri doono waalidiinta Shabaab,
Adam replied to malistar2012's topic in Politics
What did I just read? Yaaaab -
The People of Palestine. Should they move to the Sinai??
Adam replied to DoctorKenney's topic in Politics
http://m.aljazeera.com/story/2014828451319115. The plastinians sold by the arab regimes and their elite. -
<cite> @cadnaan1 said:</cite> HAG waxay sameystay 3 maamuul goboleed mudug + galgaduud Hiiraan + shabelede sare Shebelada Dhexe + Shabeleda Hose. dadka federalka dabada ka riixaayey sheekada hada ayey la qaraartay oo calaacal ayey bilaabeen. Hear Hear. Let this process continue No to peace spoliers buuqeweyne
Somali MPs from Puntland region withdrew from capital
Adam replied to malistar2012's topic in Politics
http://www.hiiraan.com/images/2014/July/Heshiiska_G_Dhexe.pdf. As promised here is the signed agreement for creation of Central State. No to peace spoilers . -
Somali MPs from Puntland region withdrew from capital
Adam replied to malistar2012's topic in Politics
<cite> @malistar2012 said:</cite> Same Federal camp are upset today good to see MPs going back to their region to be Hold accountability .... Let's see how long they stay in Puntland Parliament is currently closed ....... Let's see what different they make who they dictate ? Yeah lets see something tells me they will come back to Xamar , Bari is a desert after all who can live there.Buqland can not stop the new Central State .A masterstroke by The President and Prime minister. Well done let the Federalism continue . -
@ Kenny, Buddy Central State exist and is already on the ground with the blessing of the United States of America and UN Nickolas Kay I will even link you the full agreementM. With regards to Buntaland I dont want to humiliate them , they humiliated themself by recalling Mps from Xamar and cutting relations with Somalia federal Republic how childish let them stay in Buntland Xamar dont need them buuqland .
<cite> @DoctorKenney said:</cite> The irony...If Puntland wants all of Mudug, then how would that be clan federalism? Do you really expect Puntland to just be restricted to Nugaal and Bari? Who do you think lives there? Which tribe? Face it, Puntland absorbing ALL of Mudug, including South Galkacyo, is actually the opposite of Clan Federalism, as a large number of Puntland's new population are H-Block. The new Federal state is Central state consisting of all Mudug and all Galgaduud get this in your head, the IC has Approved of this state . There is no thing you nor Buntland can about it except to take this bitter pil .The federalism process is full gear and You will be punished if you stand against it.Buntland exist of Bari and Nugaal two regions which make a federal state aswell .So buntland decides to cut relation with Xamar well , nobody cares as buntland is a very small bit of this large process going on and buntland will be forced by International communty to accept otherwise the IC will cut all help to buntland which will collapse Buntland as it is already Bankcrupt.
Calacalka ha joojiyan reeer islaweyn . The international community has approved of The creation of Central state consisting All Galgaduud and Mudug. Now for these hypocrites to cry foul is expected lkn this will not stop the planned 2016 road map. I say welcome To Galcakyo and Central state , no to laangab qabilism .Your childish fits will not be listen to nether acknowledged . You wanted Federalism you pushed for Federalism haha even in Federaralism you loose. Well done To the president and Prime minister succesfull job done.
^ change your name to.....Jeff , problemo solved no need to thank me buddy just run with it.
^ The Signed document says Mudug and Galgaduud united under Central state. Surely Puntland must accept that and Support whats best for the new Federal Somalia just like they arguied for Jubba State . Let Gaclkayo become a model city for the new Federal somalia where Buntland Voleenterily Gives Galcakyo to new Central state and support the Federal Somalia and the leadership of Xassan sheikh . The US , UN and Igad are all behind Central state lets not have qabiil spoilers. Z
^ Ask you self where are those who day in day out call for federalism are now. They will not accept Mudug and Galgaduud Uniting for one reason alone , qabilism. Haha their propganda of qabilism backfired on them. Let Gaalckyo be united under Central state , if they genuienly believe in Federalism or let them shut up. with their devious hypocritical Federalism Somaliweyn .Both the US and UN has welcomed Central state .
So you say you are a part of Somalia lkn the President( Howeyo) is not allowed to come to buntland on the other hand The prime minister who is D-00rd is welcome . Mooge, where are you going with this buddy . Since 1940 the somali people have not had peace due to your Barifamily's hunger for political power leadership , nepotism corruption.
^ Hadaa lagu shekeeyo oo maqaayaad joogted daqanaka somalida waaa cuupka shaaha waa la bixeya as a token of gratitude. Lkn kaas waa daqaanki hore. Btw Xabasha cutaduda waa akhaas.
Still believe in that white supremacy shite. Give a rest. Yea and they include the asians not to look bad. Bullshite.
Ala waa Cowke , Legendary National Icon Cowke nice to hear his distinct Voice. Good Trailer. Qaabil maa Xuma Lkn Qabyaalad baa xum .
So Mooge, where do you want the new capital to be . 1. Garowe. 2 Qardho.3. Bandar Beyla. 4. Your Garage. 5. Socotra.6. Bosaso.7. The International Space Centre. 8. SOL politics Section. 9 . Oppia. 10. Alula. Waa ku qabso kuma qadi weeyasidee .
Haha ahlan wa Sahlan and wlc back old Buddy. SOL is still quit after Ramadan lkn im sure they all here somewhere . Eid Mabrook. Adam Nabadoon Hawdian.
So is it only Jaylida Buntalanda who is going to demonstration against Xassan sheikh or all Sahal? Qalbiga dadi qaabil ka gashy, :-) somaga Mooge Eagleeow.
:-) Ciid waa Aroorta oo malin isniin ah. Dhamaan All SOLers Eid Mubarak
Woow nice pics , haga kasii wad.
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