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Maleeshiyadda Puntland ee Jowhar ku sugan oo Muqdisho ku soo jeedo si ay fariisin kaga dhigtaan Villa Somalia. Waaga Cusub News Online, Jowhar Sida ay xaqiijiyeen saraakiil lagu kalsoon yahay oo ku sugan Muqdisho waxaa socda diyaar garoow lagu soo dhaweeynayo Maleeshiyadda Puntland ee Jowhar ku sugan oo Muqdisho ku soo fool leh. Maleeshiyadaas oo wata 46 gawaaridda dagaalka ah ayaa xarun ka dhigan doono Villa Somalia iyo Degmadda Shibis oo ay ka arrimiyaan Xuseen Maxamed Ceydiid iyo Maxamed dheere. Wararku waxay sheegayaan inay ku imaan doonaan dhinaca Xeebta ee Warshiikh. Degmadda Jowhar ayaa xalay bandoow ahayd waxaana saqdii dhexe soo gaaray 56 Gawaarida dagaalka Itoobiya oo ay la socdeen Saraakiil Itoobiyaan ah iyo Maleeshiyooyinka kilinka Shanaad ee Itoobiya. Taarwalayaasha Jowhar ayaa dhamaantood xabsigga la dhigay waxaana aad u adag sida war looga helo xaaladda dhabtaa ee Jowhar. Qaar ka tirsan fooneyayaasha Fiidoow iyo Buuloburde ayaa sheegayo in wadada ay ku xayiran yahiin Gaadiid fara badan oo Muqdisho uga gudbi lahaa dhanka wadada Jowhar dhexmarta. Ilaa saakay waabarigii waxaa jarnaa Isgaarsiimaha telefoonadda ee goboladda Galgaduud,Hiiraan iyo Shabeeladda dhexe oo hawadda ka baxay kadib markii la damiyay switch-ka weyn ee Jowhar yiil. Qaar ka tirsan telefoonadda beledweyne ayaa goordhaweeyd hawadda ku soo laabtay waloow maqalkoodu liito. Maxamed dheere ayaa mas’uul ka tirsan shirkadaha u sheegay inuu ka hadli doono 24-ka saac ee soo socoto sababaha uu u xiray Xaruumaha telefoonadda. Dadka qaar ayaa iminka waxay adeegsanayaa telefoonadda guur guura Rumming Phone. Dadka Muqdisho waxaa ay saakay ku waabariisteen weji xiisad colaadeed laga dheehan karay waxayna dhegta ku hayaan Idaacadaha FM –yadda ah. 48 Gawaaridda dagaalka ah oo laga saaray Xiradda hiilweyne ayaa la geeyay Garasaale oo 7 KM u jirta halka ay ku sugan yahiin kuwa Puntland iyo Amxaaradda kilinka Shanaad. Garasaale waxaa hore u joogay 35 Gawaaridda dagaalka ah oo uu leeyahay Wasiirka Ganacsigga Xaaji Muussa Suudi Yalaxoow. Maxaakiimta Islaamka ayaa subaxnimadii hore qudhooda bilaabay dhaqdhaqaaq xoogan waxaana ay shir la leeyahiin Ganacsatadda Muqdisho raga ugu tunka weyn. Waxaa soo baxaya Warar sheegayo inuu duulan xoogan ku wajahan yahay Jowhar hasse ahaatee dhab looma qaadan karo marka dib loo eego hadaladii hore. Cismaan Caato ayaa Idaacadda Hornafrik Hanjabaad kulul ka jeediyay taas oo laga dheehan karay inuu dagaal Iclaamiyay. Inta badan dadka Muqdisho ayaa aaminsan in Maleeshiyadda Puntland iyo kuwa Itobiya hubka u soo qaadeen kuwa Reer Muqdisho. Saraakiil Melleteri oo ka tirsanaa Xukumadii Siyaad Barre ayaa rumeeysan in uu dhici doono dagaal lagu kala baxayo hasse ahaatee waxay walaac wayn ka muujinayaan hadii Xuseen Ceydiid isku dayo inuu Muqdisho ku martigeliyo Maleeshiyadda Puntland . Si kastaba ha aahaatee lama ogga Xaajo halka ay saldhigan doonto waxaase sare kac weyn ka muuqdaa xaaladda Jowhar iyo Muqdisho. Dahir Abdulle Alasow. Muqdisho Somaliya waagacusubonline@yahoo.com
Maleeshiyooyin kale oo reer Puntland oo soo gaaray gobolka Sh/dhexe Jowhar Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Jowhar ee xarunta gobolka Sh/dhexe ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in maleeshiyooyin kale oo ciidamada Puntland ah ay soo gaareen xerada Kong oo 7 Km dhinaca Koofureed ka xigta magaalada Jowhar ee xarunta gobolka Sh/dhexe. Maleeshoyooyinka reer Puntland ee soo gaaray maanta magaalada Jowhar ayaa ku hubeysan 18 gawaradi dagaalka oo isugu jiro yar yar iyo waaweyn iyo waliba 30 Baabuur oo ah kuwa xamuulka oo siday sanada Militariga loogu tala galay ciidanka Magaalada Jowhar ee xarunta gobolka Sh.dhexe oo fariisin u ah garab ka mid ah dowladda FS ayaa waxaa shalay soo gaarey maleeshiyooyin reer Puntland ah oo ka soo baqoolay degaanada Qurac Joome ee gooblka Bakool iyo degmada Mustaxiil ee wadanka Ethiopia. Ciidamadan oo bilaaw u ah ciidan qaran oo loogu tala galay in ay amaanka ku soo celiyaan magaalada Muqdisho oo 15 sano ee la soo dhafay aheyd meel leysku goowraco dadka tabarta yarna aysan wax xaquuq ah ku laheyn Source Dayniile.com
Maalmaha soo socdo oo ciidamada qaranka DFKMG u daacada ah Madaxweyne Cabdulaahi Yuusuf oo kala bar magalada Muqdisho gacanta ku dhigi doono!!! Sida ay xaqiijinayaan wararka laga helaayo ilo muhiim ah ee ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho ayaa sheegay in ciidamada qaranka DFKMG u daacada ah Madaxweyne Cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed ay si dhib la´´aan ku imaan doonaan kala bar magaalada Muqdisho ayadoon dhiig ku daadan ,masuulkaan oo sheegay in ay intabadan hogaamiyasha Muqdisho ay wax la wadaan dhaq dhaqaaqa ciidan ee madaxweyne Cabdulaahi Yuusuf uu wado asagoona sheegay in mucarad nimada ay sheeganayaan ay tahay mid lagu qaldayo taagerayashooda si loogu arag kuwa wax la wado . Madaxweyne Cabdulaahi Yuusuf oo ah nin in uu wax xukuma ka go´´antahay ayaa marnaba ka weecan hadafkiisa siyaasadeed ee uu ku doonaayo in uu dalka ku qabsado halka Hogaamiyaasha Muqdisho yihiin kuwa si weyn ugu qanacsan in ay isbaarada uu dhigtaan shacabkooda marna aan dooneyn in uu xukumo wax ka badan inta uu hadda xukumo asagoona u arko in ay ku filintahay in mar walba la yiraahdo hogaamiayaasha xukumo intaasi. Shacabka Muqdisho oo ay dan ugu jirta xukun hal qof ah ayaa intabdan shacabka xooga lagu heysto ay taageersan yihiin dhaq dhaqaaqa ciidan uu wado Madaxweyne Cabdulaahi Yuusuf si uu gacanta ugu dhigo caasimada Soomaaliyeed si loogu soo celiyo nidaamka iyo kala danbeenta . Madaxweyne Cabdulaahi Yuusuf oo hadda taageero caalami ay heshay dowladiisa ku sugan Jowhar ayaa la rajeenayaa markuu gacanta ku dhigo Muqdisho in uu helo taageero ka badan inta uu hada heysto Source Dayniile.com
Mog owned media such as the press and broadcast went ballistic in the last days. The hysteria is quite unbareable to read, listen and watch. All I've to say is: "Can't a Moryaan get a little peace "it's war in the streets (of Mog)," " like in the middle east"!!!!
This is the time I have been wating for.One person must get the upper hand in Somalia and that would be the winner of this up coming War. I sincerely hope that it will not come to war bro. Let not the Moqadisho spin doctors fool you. In whose interest is it to wage a new war or in soomaali a "dagaal cusub oo ahli ah"? I believe no one. Mog gangsters have to act because literally they've got a gun on their neck. It is them who makes this fuss and no one else. Let them deal with it, I believe that they've "the brain", logistics and military manpower to overwhelm and overpower some 2100 soldiers.
What I cannot apprehend is the "mass hysteria" and fear that suddely struck our fellow countrymen in Moqadisho. The media went crazy, it is second to none to the famous "British Tabloid" phenomanan that surpised me most. I believe that Abdullahi certainly does not have any chance against the mighty USC and allies because I believe that the USC is full of resources such as weaponary, manpower and other military and finachial hardware and support. Abdullahi must be dreaming to think that he can take Mog doesn't he know that there are 60.000 armed milita men in the town who are armed to the teeth? Juma don't worry brother, you don't have to run around like headless chickens like your friends of Dayniile.com, Onkod, Hornafrique, Hobyo and Waagacusub just relax because at the end you will gain the upper hand sooner rather than later inshallah.
Stunning Landscape of Puntland and ****** Mountainous Ranges
Yoonis_Cadue replied to wacdaraha_aduunka's topic in Politics
Pictures were presented by Garoweonline.com and originally came from allsomalia.blogspot.com regarding the locatinons of the picture it says: Garowe Online brings you stunning photos taken from some of the most beautiful landscapes of Somalia. Breathtaking images, from Puntland, the ******, Sool and Sanaag regions of Somalia and Somaliland i.e. This picture is Laag Qofkii dal aqoon ahi wuu garanayaa inanay sawiradani Puntland ahayn. Fish and chip kana loo sheegi maayo Maybe you can identify the exact locations of some of those pictures as you're apparently someone who is "Dal yaqaan".. Clearly the majority of those pictures are from Ugaadeenia, Puntland such as Bari, Sool and Sanaag and some parts of Western Sanag. -
Madaxweyne kuxigeenka Puntland oo caawa madaxtooyada ku qaabilay saraakiisha Unicef Garoowe - 05.September.2005: Kulan ballaaran oo caawa ka dhacay xarunta madaxtooyada ee magaalada Garoowe ayaa waxaa halkaasi kulan ku yeeshay madaxweyne kuxigeenka Puntland ahna kusmaha madaxweynaha Md. Xasan Daahir Afqurac iyo madaxa hay’adda Unicef ee Soomaaliya iyo wakiilka Puntland ee isla hay’addaas. Kulankan ayaa waxaa looga gol lahaa sii xoojinta xiriirka dawladda Puntland iyo hay’adda Unicef. Sidoo kale, casho sharafta uu madaxweyne kuxigeenku saraakiisha hay’addaas ugu sameeyey madaxtooyada magaalada Garoowe ayaa lagu soo qaaday habsami u socodka barnaamijyada ay hay’adda Unicef ka fuliso deegaannada Puntland ee ku aaddan dhinacyada waxbarashada, caafimaadka iyo biyaha. Kulankan ayaa waxaa dhinaca haya’dda Unicef u hadlay madaxa hay’adda Unicef Somaaliya, Mr. Christian Baseu Osel iyo madaxa Unicef ee Puntland Al-Xaaji Baah. Kulankan ayaa waxaa uu caawa ku soo dhammaaday jawi aad u wanaagsan iyada oo ay labada dhinaca ku ballameen iskaashi iyo wada shaqayn. Casho sharafta caawa ka dhacday madaxtooyada magaalada Garoowe ee lagu qaabilayey saraakiisha hay’adda Unicef ayaa waxaa sidoo kale goob joog ka ahaa wasiirro iyo wasiirro kuxigeenno ka tirsan maamulka. --------------- roaming the streets of Mog thinking you're the Mob, the Bomb but you ain't nothing when I'll give you the flop and then the drop sooner rather then later I'll also hit them up and hunt them down with their own dog, with my AK I'll pull my trigger-trigger happa-aay, then you realise that you've to go with your famila-aay but hey look at the clock it suddenlay stopped at zero-zero, yeah you hear me right rambo, it's Somalia's stunde null and reawakening to a better future, that is full of hope,promise, glory and an economical boom...without having you as doomed waste room!!
Madaxweyne Ku Xigeenka DGSPL Ahna Sii Hayaha Xilka Madaxweynaha Md. Xassan Daahir Afqurac Oo Cisbitaalka Garoowe Ku Booqday Dadkii Ku Waxyeeloobay Shil Baabuur. Garoowe(Radiossc.net):-Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Ahna sii hayaha xilka madaxweynaha ayaa booqasho ugu tagay dadkii ku waxyeeloobay shilkii baabuur ee Galabnimadii Shalay ka dhacay duleedka magaalada Garoowe, waxaana halkaasi warbixin ku siiyay Agaasimaha guud ee Cisbitaalka Guud ee Garoowe Dr. Max’ed Xassan Carabey. Dr. Maxamed Xassan Carabey Dr.Max’ed Xassan oo ka war bixinayay dadkaasi waxyeelada ba’ani soo gaartay ayaa sheegay in la keenay Cisbitaalka 4:00-tii galabnimo ee shalay, ayna ahaayeen 19-qof oo dhaawac ah oo u badan dad Itoobiyaan ah, lix iyo toban ka mid ahi ay garaabo ahayd. Dr. Carabey waxaa kale oo uu intaasi ku daray in loo sheegay in shilkaasi sababay laba baabuur oo isku dhacay oo midkood ay lugi ka qaraxday, kan dadka dhibaatadani gaartayna uu ahaa mid ka yimi dhinaca Woqooyi Galbeed ee Soomaaliya kaasoo siday dadka intooda badan oo itoobiyaan (Oromo) u badan. Dhaawicii la keenay ayuu Dr. Carabey sheegay in uu saaka subaxnimadii ka geeriyooday hal nin oo la garan waayay Magaciisa, balse nin ka mid ahaa dadkii dhaawaca ahaa oo magaciisa la yiraahdo Shaamil Max’ed Siciid ayaa sheegay in ninka geeriyooday ay walaalo ahaayeen nin la yiraahdo Axmed Ayelo oo jooga Magaalada Burco oo laga helo Tel.No. 00 252 2 438459. ninkaasna la raadin doono. Agaasimaha Cisbitaalka Dr. Carabey waxaa kale oo uu sheegay in Cisbitaalku uu ku filan yahay dawada iyo dhuuniga dadkaasi ayna hadda u dalbeen Xoolo loo qalo iyo dharba, waxaana uu beeniyay warbixintii shalay galabnimadii ka baxday idaacadda BBC-da taasoo uu sheegay inay tahay waxba kama jiraan. Madaxweyne ku xigeenka ayaa aad uga mahad celiyay Maamulka iyo shaqaalaha Cisbitaalka dadaalka ay sameeyeen waxaana uu sheegay in Dawladuna ay dhineceeda ka geysanayso wixii gar gaar ah. Madaxweynaha ayaa waxa booqashadiisan ku weheliyaan Wasiir ku xigeenka Wasaaradda Caafimaadka Md.Cali Cigaal Afgaab iyo Agaasimaha guud ee Caafimaadka Md. Cabdi Qawdhan. Dhanka kale Madaxweyne ku xigeenka DGSPL ahna sii hayaha Xilka Madaxweynaha Md. Xassan Daahir Afqurac ayaa xafiiskiisa kulamo gaar gaar ah kula yeeshay qaar ka mid ah Maamulka iyo Odayada Degmada Burtinle iyo qaar ka mid ah Beelaha Dega Gobolka Sool. Madaxweynaha ayaa warbixinno ku saabsan horumarka iyo wax qabadka Degmada Burtinle oo uu ka dhagaystay Maamulka iyo Odayada Degmadaasi waxaa uu ku dhiiri geliyay sidii looga fekeri lahaa horumarka Degmada iyo Dar dar gelinta Canshuuraha, taasoo uu sheegay inay hadii la sameeyo ay suuro gal ka dhigi karto in wax qabad la taaban karo ay ku tillaabsato. Madaxweyne ku xigeenku waxaa kale oo uu sheegay in adeegyada bulshadu ay yihiin kuwa ugu horeeya ee ay tahay in wax laga qabto isagoo carabka ku dhuftay Dhinacyada waxbarashada iyo Caafimaadka. Sidoo kale ayuu Madaxweynuhu la kulmay Maanta qaar ka mid ah Beelaha Dega Gobolka Sool, kuwaasoo uu kala hadlay in ay muqadas tahay jiritaanka iyo midnimada guud ahaan Soomaaliya iyo weliba gaar ahaan Puntland waxaana uu sheegay in wacyi gelinta iyo ka gacan geysiga arrintaasina ay tahay mid looga wada baahan yahay Dawladda iyo Wax garadka guud ahaan reer Puntlandba. Faa'isa Cabdi Dhalac Radiossc,net Garoowe, Puntland State of Somalia!!!
Let's imagine for a sec that the United Nations and the international donar countries are looking for ways in which they can help our country to return to its gone glory once again in our lifetime's. They've talked to Pres Abdullahi Yusuf and the the Mog opposition in which they achieved a verbal agreement that they can look somewhere else in persuit via/of a third party to help them get over their disputes, disagreements and political deadlock. On top of that they've also agreed on that they will accept any outcome or ruling off the third party involved. So in persuit of a third party who can help with the deadlock, the Secretary-General of the UN comes to "SOL" to find a suitable person who can be a spokesman/woman of all the nomads. This spokesman/woman will be identifying suitable ways in which he/she can break the deadlock and at the end of their solutionfinding mission they'll be asigned to address a full UN Convention of all the Presidents of the World in New Yorks. Therefore after He/She finished whatever the proposal is the international community will take it into consideration. Therefore my question is dear members of SOL to nominate a suitable spokesman/woman who can speak from the entire race of our people. The responsibilites on the shoulders of that person is extremelly mindblowing and if they get it right it could lead into the resurrection of the Somali nation and then inshallah every Somali will be living in peace and harmony on the contrary if they get it wrong it could mean the extinction of the entire Somali race. So iam asking you to nominate a suitable spokesman/woman who can represent and talk for "us". That person should be full of credibiliy, integrity and must love his/her country of origin i.e. Somalia. As the people who discuss the politics section know each other quiet very well, I'll suggest that they nominate that person a "political ambitious genius" from amongst them because in order to fulfill that role one must be aware of the political situation of the country we're trying to solve the problems off. Start nominating now folks.
Baran: Guddoomiyaha degmada Baran oo dadwaynaha degmada ka codsaday inay dhaqso u soo gudbiyaan xubanaha golaha deegaanka. Baran(AllPuntland)- Guddoomiyaha degmada Baran Faysal C/laahi Faatax ayaa dadka degmada Baran ka codsaday inay guul ka gaaraan muranka aan sidaa u waynayn ee beeluhu ay kamuujinayaan qaybsiga xubnaha golaha deegaanka. Md: Faatax wuxuu sheegay in shacabka degmada Baran loo baahan yahay inay horumar ka gaaraan dhinaca golaha deegaanka si ay ayagu u noqdaan dad isku tashta oo hawlohooda fushada. Marka la eego qaabka qaybsiga xubnaha golaha deegaanka ee degmada Baran ayaa maraya heer gabo gabo ah inkastoon wali si rasmi ah loo dooran guddoomiye iyo guddoomiye kuxigeen. Duqa cusub Baran wuxuu sheegay in degmadu dhinaca horumarka ay tahay mid uu gaabis ka muuqdo loona baahan yahay in golaha deegaanku ay arintaasi xalkeeda gaaraan. Dhinaca kale guddoomiyaha oo saxaafadda u waramayay ayaa sheegay inuu bartanka uga jiro hawlo lagu hor marinayo dhinaca nabadgalyada degmada . Wuxuu sheegay inuu maalmihii ugu danbeeyay kulamo la lahaa waxgaradka kala duwan ee degmada Baran asagoo kala tashanaya sidii la isaga kaashan lahaa ammaanka Baran. Degmada Baran ee gobolka Sanaag marka loo eego gobollada kale ee Puntland waa magaalo ka yara durugsan wadada laamiga ah , mana ka muuqdaan inta badan mashaariic horumarineed oo si toos ah uga soconaya degmadaasi, golaha deegaanka ayaa ah fursadda kaliya ee maagalada Baran ay kula jaan qaadi karto magaalooyinka kale ee Puntland.
I'm not a great fan of the brother called Windtalker but I find the remarks and reply posted by Tolstay very offensive indeed. These should be a civilised debate where people debate their different opinions but it should be not a debate where people insult each other personally. Walaal Tolstoy you've lost the debate and hence the plot, that you thought to yourself that the only way you can defend your views were to make a personal attack on the brother Windtalker. Walaal you should consider apologising for your remarks or other wise consider quitting the forum.
Walle Somalis are the most racsist and rudest people on universe. Have you seen the guy shouting from his mini Bus "Go back to your country" to the poor dutch freelance journalist. Amazing is that the Somalis hospitality...
Madaxweynaha Maamul Goboleedka Puntland oo kulammo la leh shirkado dhowr ah Dubai(Radiossc.net) Madaxweynaha Maamul Goboleedka Puntland ayaa ilaa shalay kulammo is daba joog ah la lahaa shirkado Shisheeye ah oo maalgelin ku sameyn doona kheyraadka Baddaha iyo Berriga deegaannada hoos yimaadda Maamul Goboleedka Puntland. Madaxweynaha Maamul Goboleedka Puntland Mudane Cadde Muuse oo hadda ku sugan Magaaladda Dubai oo ah caasimaadda labaad ee dalka Isutaga Imaaraadka Carabta ayaa kulammo is daba joog ah ilaa shalay la lahaa shirkado dhowr ah, howl galna ka bilaabi doona deegaano dhowr ah, shirkadahaas ayaa shaqadooda ugu badan saari doona kheyraadka baddaha. Shirkaddaha waxaa hormuud u ah shirkad Australian oo fadhigeedu yahay Dubai oo la yiraahdo Consort iyo shirkado kale oo ka shaqeyn doona dhinacyo kala duwan. Wasiirka Maaliyadda Maamul Goboleedka Puntland Maxamed Yusuf Gaagaab oo ka mid ah waftiga la socota Madaxweynaha oo aannu khadka telephoneka kula xidhiidhnay ayaa nagu wargaliyay inay kulammo ay la leeyihiin shirkado dhowr ah oo ka qeyb qaadan doona dhinaca kobcinta dhaqaalaha Kulanka shirka waxaa soo qaban qaabiyay ganacsato u dhashay Puntland oo ku sugan waddanka Isutagga Imaaraadka Carabta. Madaxweyne Cadde Muse oo wali ku sugan Dubai ayaa saacadaha soo socda la kulansan mas'uuliyiin sar sare oo ka tirsan Dowladaha iyo gacansato waxayna ka wada hadli doonaan arrimo dhowr ah, wixii ka soo baxa waanu idinla socod siin doonaa.
Somalinet Interview with Michael Everson. Michael Everson 1. Could you please briefly tell us about your areas of research interest and expertise? I am an expert in writing systems with a good deal of training in linguistics. I have for the past decade or so put nearly all of my energy into studying the writing systems of the world for the specific purpose of encoding them in Unicode. I'm also a font designer. 2. Could you please share with us what spurred your interest in the Osmania script? And when? I think it was in January 1998 that I first started looking into it. It was a year later that the first Unicode proposal document was written. What spurred my interest? Nothing in particular. It was one of several simple alphabetic scripts that I looked into at the time. It wasn't until a member of the Somali community made contact with me that I became more interested and involved. To put it another way, I love writing systems of all kinds, and was doing preliminary work on a number of them, Osmanya included. 3. Are there groups or individuals who assisted you in your research in the Osmania script, such as locating material, getting access to public and private collections, and making contacts with people who are authority on the Osmania script? I am very grateful to Osman Abdihalim Osman Yusuf Keenadiid and to his family for the support they gave this project. It is, as it turns out, difficult to find accurate information on Osmanya. Many books about writing systems repeat the same alphabet, showing the same untransliterated and untranslated sample! Osman Abdihalim Osman sent me a photocopy of a book which made the encoding of the script possible. 4. Are there any tangible results from your considerable research in the Osmania script? If so, how did you disseminate that information? The first proposal to encode Osmanya can be found at http://www.dkuug.dk/JTC1/SC2/WG2/docs/n1948.pdf. It was written in January 1999. Osman Abdihalim Osman found the paper on the web and contacted me about it. Working together with him, I published the final proposal, written in July 2001, which can be found at http://www.dkuug.dk/JTC1/SC2/WG2/docs/n2361r.pdf. Both of these papers were submitted to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG2 and to the Unicode Technical Committee, the groups responsible for the Universal Character Set. 5. How far along are you into your efforts to digitize the Osmania script and when can we expect to have Osmania script fonts for computers? Osmanya has been accepted for encoding in Plane 1 of the Unicode Standard, and is out for ballot in JTC1/SC2. That ballot will close in November 2002, and the amendment will be published some time the following year. I designed an Osmanya font very quickly to prepare the script proposal. That's why the fonts in the proposal documents are -- in my own opinion -- very rough and crude. Recently I began to "clean up" my fonts, to give to them sharp and typographically professional shapes. I expect that some time next year I will release them to the general public. I can say one thing -- if I were able to get hold of an original printed source it would be easier to improve the font, because an original document would be superior to the photocopy which I have at present. I am also interested in providing a method for keyboard input. I believe that a QWERTY-based keylayout would be the most convenient input method, especially as it would be easiest for Somalis to use since they are already used to the Latin orthography. 6. What are the barriers or problem you have encountered in conducting and, perhaps, expanding your research on the Osmania script? As I said, it was difficult to find information about it. There is surprisingly little on the internet about the script, considering that Osmanya was in active use until at least 1972. I am surprised not to find it used in more Somali websites, even just as decorative graphics, given its cultural and historical importance. Perhaps there are political issues of which I am unaware? I don't know how many books were printed with the script, or if newspapers were. I have not seen them, in any case. I have put a PDF file of the entire book http://www.evertype.com/standards/iso10646/pdf/afkeenna-iyo-fartiisa.pdf Afkeenna iyo fartiisa on my website. This is a large file, about 7 MB. It is the source book which we used to prepare the proposal. 7. Somali, as you are aware of, is currently written in the Latin alphabet. In your opinion, how difficult would it be to reintroduce the Osmania script to the Somalis or in Somalia? Certainly in this day and age, with the Latin orthography in use for thirty years, it might be difficult to replace Latin with Osmanya. But it is an important part of Somali culture, and I would hope that the script would form a part of the school curriculum in Somalia. In Sweden and Norway, for instance, children learn about the ancient Runic alphabet in school, and certainly some of them learn it and write notes to one another in Runes for the fun of it. Calendars, restaurant menus, T-shirts, and other kinds of "public text" could make use of it in conjunction with the Latin script. Other countries do similarly with their scripts. Why not Somalia? 8. Given your considerable expertise in extinct scripts, how would you characterize the foundations and the structure of the Osmania script? Structurally, Osmanya is a simple left-to-right alphabet with 22 consonants and 8 vowels. Three of those vowels are long vowels; the consonants WAW and YA are used to represent the other two long vowels UU and II. The Osmanya alphabet is very well suited to represent the sounds of the Somali language, in just the same way as the new Latin orthography does. The alphabetical order of Osmanya shows the influence of the Arabic script. The shapes of its letters are simple, to recognize and easy to write. It is a marvellous invention. 9. What do you know about the creator of the Osmania script, Mr. Osman Yusuf Kaynadid? Not as much as I would like. In searches on the web, I have found out that he was a very religious man. I was interested to learn that the reason he kept his mouth covered was "to avoid sin". I think that it would be a great thing if someone would write a biography of this important man. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to answer our questions. "It has been an honour for me to work on the encoding of the Osmanya script." -- Contact: Michael Everson *** Everson Typography *** http://www.evertype.com
Nothing to thank for Walaal, Yeah as you put it there are more at the above link you posted but actually one of them i've posted way back before i got banned of course but that's history folks we do not with to indulge to any further, the other video deals with the dilemma of the somalis in Eastleigh where the government of Kenya announced last june that all the somalis without proper papers have to leave the country. But overall the dude, Ruud Elmendorp who is a dutch freelance journalist commentators about different events in the whole of africa which the international community does't report enough off, that include massacres, weather disasters like the tsunami and much more.
Walaal Thanks for posting the letter, Is it a private letter forwaded and formally addressed to you or did you find it on the net and if so can you give us the source please. Much appreciated, Thank you Walaal.
Bossaso, evening A sunny evening on the streets of Bossaso, commercial capital of the Punland state in Somalia. Short Video Clip Duration 1.43sec. http://www.ruudelmendorp.dds.nl/bossaso2.wmv by Ruud Elmendorp, Dutch Freelance Journalist
^^ Mind you it's war deg deg News; top headline of the day at your favourite news outlet/source aka Dayniile.com Holla and correct me if I have misrepresented you.
Puntland iyo shirkad Australian ah oo caawa heshiis wada saxiixday!!!!! Dubai-30.August.2005Wararka naga soo gaaraya magaalada Dubai dalka Isutagga Imaaraadka Carabta ayaa sheegaya in halkaasi ay heshiis kuwada saxiixdeen maamul goboleedka Puntland iyo shirkad Australian ah oo lagu magacaabo Concort. shirkaddaasi ayaa waxaa la sheegay in ka baari doonto gobollada Puntland khayraadka dabiiciga sida shidaalka iyo Macdanta. heshiiskan ayaa caaway lagu kala saxiixday xaflad ballaaran oo lagu qabtay Hilton Hotel oo ku yaalla magaalada Dubai. dhinaca maamul goboleedka Puntland heshiiska waxaa u saxiixay madaxweynaha dowlad goboleedka Puntland Jeneraal Maxamuud Muuse Xirsi (jen.Cadde) halka dhinaca shirkadda Consort uu u saxiixay Eng: Black. waxaa saxiixitaanka xafladdaasi dhinaca dowladda Madaxweynaha ku wehliyay wasiirka maaliyadda ee dowlad goboleedka Puntland Maxamed Cali Yuusuf Gaagaab. sidoo kale xafladdaasi heshiiska ay ku kala saxiixdeen shirkaddaasi Australian-ka ah waxaa goob joog ka ahaa ilaa 40 ka mid ah ganacsatada waawayn ee reer Puntland oo ay ka mid yihiin: Khaliif Ciise Mudan Yuusuf C/laahi Saalax Deer Shire Xaaji Faarax Maxamed Huruuse Bile C/laahi Warsame Faarax Xaaji Mire Cabdi Bootaan Maxamed Siciid Heshiiskan ay kala saxiixdeen Puntland iyo shirkadda Australian-ka ah ee Concort ayaa wuxuu dhigayaa in shirkaddu ay laba todobaad gudohood ka hawl gasho Puntland. Madaxweynaha dowlad goboleedka Puntland Mudane Maxamuud Muuse Xirsi oo ka hadlay xafladii Saxiixitaanka ayaa wuxuu u mahad celiyay dowladda Australia iyo shirkadda isagoo u sheegay in maamul goboleedka Puntland uu hoos yimaado dowladda Federaalka. balse uu xor u yahay inuu ka shaqeeyo horumarka shacabkiisa. wuxuu kaloo Madaxweyne Cade halkaasi ka sheegay in shacabka Puntland ay ku wargeliyeen in deegaamada Puntland laga baari doono shidaal iyo macdan ayna taa raali ka yihiin shacabka. Eng: Black oo u hadlay dhinaca shirkadda Concort ayaa isna sheegay in ka shirkad ahaan ay aad u danaynayeen weligood inay heshiiskan oo kale la saxiixdaan Puntland. Eng: Black wuxuu mahadcelin u soo jeediyay dowlad goboleedka Puntland iyo madaxweyne Cade Muuse. wuxuuna ballan qaaday inuu ka shaqayn doono sidii ay shirkaddu ku heli lahayd khayraadka Puntland si ay uga faa'iidaystaan shacanka shaqo la'aanta haysata. si kastaba ha ahaatee heshiiskan ay kala saxiixdeen maamul goboleedka Puntland iyo shirkaddaasi ajnabiga ah ee dalka Australia laga leeyahay ayaa soo baxay laba maalmood ka dib markii ra'iisal wasaare Cali Maxamed Geedi uu sheegay in maamul goboleedyadu aanay heshiis la geli karin shirkad ajnabi ah. cidii ku dhaqaaqdana uu sheegay in dowladda federaalka ay tallaabo ka qaadi doonto.
I appologise if I have caused any controversy but I guess you've to put up with it cause I cannot edit it. I've nothing against the country called Ethiopia because I'm an Ethiopian myself and my whole family is from Ethiopia I just think that people here are too narrow minded because if you look at the "joke" section everything goes you know what I mean? THere are jokes about women being not smart or lacking the ability to think even other "jokes" in here are extremly vulgar. Can I ask you why are you not offended by these jokes? Or is it cause one of you mate's posted it therefore no need to be offended or complain. Grow up people and open your eyes there all kind of jokes in here which I personally find racist, disgusting and vulgar. Thank you!!