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Everything posted by Yoonis_Cadue
I can guess everyone can create his own map and country nowadays. I gonna draw my own country soon to be called "The Kingdom of Yoonis_Cadue". If you wanna become a citizen you can apply online www.yoonis-cadue.gov/foreign-ministry/immigrationapplicationform.asp You have to be outside the "Kingdom of Yoonis_Cadue" prior to your application to get a permit visa to my country. Only permit visas will be issued to those wanting to settle here forever and permanetly otherwise you're not welcome. Each new citizen has to adhere to a code of practice and conduct and make an oath to uphold the rule of law. This is my own country and you might find certain things a little bit odd but then don't they say "different country, different culture&tradition". From now on as this is my own country you're allowed to break any SOL rule you wish this is ofcourse when I have checked your application and gave you the approval to settle in my Kingdom. I ask the moderators in here to leave me alone in my country and not to disturb me after all it's my Kingdom. I'am going to moderate this "thread" officially it's called "the Kingdom of Yoonis_Cadue" short version is KYC. So leave it to me. In my next post I will break every SOL-rule there is to break. I'll make a mockery of those moderators because I can do so because this is after all my own country. You understand? Stay tuned.
TFG Delegation about to enter Garowe City... Some of the TFG and Puntland officials. Prime minister Gheedi greets some of the people who welcomed the TFG delegation Islaan Ciise and Suldaan Saciid taking part in the welcoming ceremony of the TFG some 22 kilometres outside the city... Citizens of Garoowe welcoming the President and PM some 22 kilometres of the city of Garoowe... President Yusuf greets Nugaal intellectuals and traditional leaders. Welcoming committe of the puntland women organisations... Women organisation...
Dentist finally finds suitable teeth implant for toothless Castro!
I never liked those Iranians. Now it's official that the Shia's are indeed crazy. But what was he so angry about. The killings of muslims by the Jews and Americans to hell with them. If so I can understand his anger and frustration but if it relates to another issue like that he suddenly gone crazy in front of the camera and live iranian telivision audience I have to say I can only laugh at his head beating. It's totally taken out of context. I'd like to hear the arabic script and his cursing of the enemies of Islam that would be fantastic. I can only sympathy with him in the difficult situation he's finding himself in. But why do Iranians like to beat themselves up, I never understood that. They always inflict injury to their body for some strage reason.
I don't know what you're trying to achieve here but could you tell us if you've got some ulterior motive couldn't you come up with a better picture. People starting to go into some dangerous territories. Heaven, hell and Jesus was already mentioned since when do we Muslims make jokes about hell! Really disappointing to see how people are reacting.
confused...halal food (bacon crisp=suitable for vegetarians) wtf?
Yoonis_Cadue replied to Urban's topic in General
I was confused like you the other day when my relative wanted to buy a pack of crips. I guess you lie in the UK and are talking about Walker's crips. They originally had cheese&onion, vinegar and plain crips. Blue, Green and red but now they have added brown and other colours and flavours which they accidently call beacon, chicken and beef and I was disgusted when I saw that. I chose to stay away and not to purchase it and going for the usual Walker crips who were suitable for vegetarians. I don't trust this manufactures the slightes like some of my friends drink a lot of ginger-beer, which I find horrible because you see lots of white and afro-carribean mainly drinking it but somehow they say that it's halaal and that isn't real "beer". They just want us to confuse us further in order to make us eat that dirty pork of their's because if you today buy beacon crips tommorrow you'll purchase beacon-meat from your local british butcher. So beware! Don't touch it. -
Askar Hore Uga Tirsanaan Jirtay Ciidanka Booliska Hargeysa Oo Carmo U Siijeeda. Dec 19, 2005 By:Radiossc.net Laascaanood(Radiossc.net):-Waxaa ilaa shalay magaalada Laascaanood dhinaca Boosaaso ugu sii qulqulayey askar ciidanka Booliska Soomaaliya hore uga tirsanaan jirtay oo ka soo jeeda gobollada Waqooyi Galbeed oo ku sii jeeda dhinaca Xarunta Tababarka ee Degmada Carmo, kuwaas oo ka yimi dhinaca Hargeysa. Askartan oo saarayd Gawaadhi ku sii jeeday dhinaca Bari ayaa waxa lagu wadaa in ay ka mid noqon doonaan ciidamada tababarka lagu siin doono xarunta booliska ee Carmo, ee ay dhawaan furiyaan madaxda Dawlda Federaalku. Maaha markii koowaad ee ay Askar ka tirsan maamulka Hargeysa u soo baqoolaan dhinaca Dawlada Federaalka, muddo haatan laga joogo lix bilood ayaa waxa magaalada Laascaanood lagu arkayey askar ka timi dhinaca Hargeysa oo ku sii jeeday Magaalada Jawhar ,kuwaas oo doonayey in ay ka mid noqdaan ciidama Qalabka sida ee dawlada federaalka. Radiossc.net
Wefti Ciidamada Daraawiishta Puntland Ka Tirsan Oo Soo Gaadhay Buuhoodle Dec 20, 2005 By:Radiossc.net Buuhoodle(Radiossc.net):-Abbaaro 5 galabnimo ee galabta waxaa Buuhoodle soo gaadhay wefti millateri oo ka socda taliska guud ee ciidamada Daraawiishta Dawlad Goboleedka Puntland. Waxana la xaqiijiyey in weftigaasi ay u socdaan hawlo dhinaca kormeerka ciidamada ah. Saraakiil sarsare oo ka tirsan ciidanka Maamul Goboleedka Soomaaliyeed Puntland oo uu horkacayo G/sare Shire Samatar ayaa gaadhay Buhoodle iyadoo aan illaa hadda la caddeeynin xilliga ay booqashadoodu qaadan doonto. Ujeedada socdaalkooda ayaa lagu sheegay inay samayn doonaan kormeer dhinaca ciidamada ah, waxaana soo dhoweeyey saraakiil ay ka mid yihiin taliyaha Aagga cabdillaahi Keyse aadan iyo taliyaha qaybta Booliska Maxamuud Maxamed Colujoog. Xuseen Yuusuf Aadan Radiossc.net Buuhoodle
Wafti 30 xubnood ah oo isugu jira xildhibaano wasiiro uu horkacayo madaxweyne C/laahi Yusuf ayaa kasoo degay Bossasso Dec 20, 2005 By:Faysa cabdi dhalac Bossasso(Radiossc.net)Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya,Md:Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo Ra’iisal wasaare Cali Maxamed Geeddi iyo wafdi ay hoggaaminayaan ayaa soo cagadhigtay garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Boosaaso. Ciidanka Baambeeyda oo ku diyaar ahaa garoonka diyaaradaha Boosaaso ayaa Ku soo dhaweeyay Musiga asataanta calanka , ciidanka booliska Puntland ayaa iyana waxay salaan siiyeen madaxwaynaha dowlada fadaraalka somalia iyo wafdigiisa , waxaa isla goobtaasi ay salaan isku dhaafsadeen madaxwaynaha Puntland ,Md:Cadde Muuse madaxwayne kuxigeenka Xassan daahir afqudhac iyo xubno kale oo ka tirsan golaha wasiirada Maamul goboleedka Puntland Wadada laamiga ah ayaa hareeraheeda waxaa tubnaa dadweyne aad u tira badan oo ruxaya caleema qoyan, iyadoo la adkeeyey ammaanka magaalada, lana joojiyey dhaqdhaqaaqa gaadiidka ee wadada laamiga ah. Madaxweyne c/laahi Yuusuf axmed ayaa laxaqiijiyay in ay la’socdeen Wufuud gaaraysa 30 oo isugu jira xildhibaanno iyo wasiiro. Waxaana ay u sii gudbeen xarunta madaxtooyada magaalada Boosaaso Waxaana lafilayaa in ay si toos ah ugu kicitimaya magaalada Carmo, halkaasoo maanta ay ka dhici doonto munaasibada maalinta ciidamada Booliska Soomaaliyeed, isla markaasna xariga looga jari doono xarunta tababarka ciidamada Booliska Soomaaliyeed oo ay hay’adda UNDP ka hirgelisay degmada Carmo. Magaalada Carmo ee gobolka Bari ayaa waxaa saaka u dareeray masuuliyiin ka tisan Puntland iyo dadweyne aad u tira badan, kuwaasoo isu diyaarinaya in ay soo dhoweeyaan Madaxweyne C/laahi Yuusuf iyo Raysal Wasaare .cali maxamed Geedi Madaxweynaha, Raysal Wasaaraha iyo wefdiga kale ee la socda ayaa waxaa ay hadalo ka jeedin doonaan munaasibada maalinta ciidamada Booliska Soomaaliyeed Faysa Cabdi dhalac Radiossc.net Bossasso