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Everything posted by Yoonis_Cadue

  1. Yalaxow got his own place on the net, check it out guys. yalaxow's blogspot
  2. MUUSE SUUDI “Waxaan leeyahay reer CARTE Itoobiya ha ku mar marsiyoonine, aniga oo Muuse ah ayaa idinku filan, dhibka uu wadanku 12 sano ka dhismi la’yahay waa sha’nigiina†Muqdisho,allsomali.com 6.29.02 Muuse Suudi Yalaxow oo ka mid ah asaasayaashii Golaha SRRC ayaa isagoo ka hadlayey xaflad xil wareejin ah oo lagu qabtay xaruntiisa ka sheegay in aysan jirin wax is qabqabsi ah oo ku saabsan xilka guddoonka golaha SRRC isla markaana guddoomiyaha xilligan ee golahaasi uu yahay Hilowle Iimaan Cumar oo isla xafladaasi xilka kula wareegay qadka Taleefanka isagoo kala wareegay Jen. Aadan C/llaahi Nuur (Gabyow) oo ku sugan Itoobiya. “SRRC-du waa intii ka soo hortay CARTA, mana jirto koox kale, sida COGWO, INXA qolobo qolo ayey ku tiirsan tahay, marka SRRC-du waxay ka shaqeyneysaa dib u heshiisiinta dalka†ayuu yiri hogaamiye kooxeedka Muuse Suudi Yalaxow isagoo dhanka kalena eedeyn ba’an u jeediyey xoghayaha guud ee Jaamacadda Carabta Caamir Muusaa oo uu ku dhaliilay doorkiisa ku aadan xal u helidda arrimaha Soomaaliya, isagoo buu yiri istaagay door aan dhex dhexaadnimo ahayn, “Waxay ahayd Caamir Muusaa in uu taageero natiijadii ka soo baxda shirka Nairobi ee ma ahan in uu taageero koox keliya†ayuu yiri isagoo sidoo kalena u eedeeyey dowladda Jabuuti in aysan gudan abaalkii loo galay, “Reer CARTA dhibaato daba dheeraatay ayey ku hayaan shacbiga, waxaana loo baahan yahay in shacbiga Soomaaliyeed ay si shuruud la’aan ah uga qeybgalaan shirka Nairobi†ayuu yiri Muuse Suudi oo ay wejigiisa ka muuqatay dareen uu ku diidan yahay jiritaanka kooxda CARTA “Waxaan leeyahay reer CARTE Itoobiya ha ku mar marsiyoonine, aniga oo Muuse ah ayaa idinku filan, dhibka uu wadanku 12 sano ka dhismi la’yahay waa sha’nigiinaâ€ayuu yiri Muuse Suudi Muqdisho,allsomali.com 6.29.02 Dowlad ayeey sheeganayaan waxay daganyahiin guryihii UUNLAAYE: listen
  3. Shiikh Yuusuf Indha Cadde oo amar ku bixiyay in ay 48 gudahood uga baxaan Gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose dadka u dhashay dalka Kenya Sabti, October 29, 2005(HOL): Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose Shiikh Yuusuf Maxamed Siyaad Indha Cadde ayaa maanta amar ku bixiyay in ay 48 saacadood gudahood uga baxaan Gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose Muwaadiniinta u dhashay Dalka Kenya. Hadalkan ka soo baxay Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose ayaa wuxuu ku soo beegmayaa iyadoo shalay Ra'iisal Wasaare Cali Maxamed Geedi uu shir Jaraa'id kaga dhawaaqay in Dowladaha iyo Kenya iyo Soomaaliya ay ku heshiiyaan in diyaaradaha Kenya ka taga ay ku degaan garoomo laga xusay Ciseleey No. 50 iyo Ceseleey, iyadoo si gaar ahna xayiraad loogu soo rogay Garoomada Dayniile ee duleedka Muqdisho iyo midka Ceel Axmed ee ku yaala duleedka Magaalada Marka ee gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose. Shiikh Yuusuf Indha Cadde waxaa uu intaas ku daray in dadka u dhashay dalka Kenya ay sii joogi karaan gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose haddii ay Dowladda Kenya ka laabato go'aankii ay ku gaartay in diyaaradaha dalkeeda ka duula aysan ku degan labadaas Garoon. Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Shabeelaha Hoose Shiikh Yuusuf Indha Cadde oo haatan arrimo Cimro u jooga dalka Sacuudiga, waxaa uu ku goodiyay in ay diyaaradaha ka yimaada dalka Kenya ay ka joojin doonaan dhamaan garoomada Koofurta Soomaaliya ku yaala, isagoo meesha ka saaray in ay weerar ku qaadayaaan garoomada la sheegay in ay diyaaradahaas u weecanayaan. Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online sxiis@hiiraan.com Mogadishu, Somalia
  4. Dibadbax ka dhacay garoonka Dayniile ee duleedka magaalada Muqdisho Mogadishu 29 Oct. 05 ( Sh.M.Network) Banaabax lagu diidan yahay joojinta diyaaradaha qaadka duulimaadyada ay ku yimaadaan garoonka Dayniile ayay maanta sameeyeen dadka ka beec mushtara qaadka oo dowladda Kenya ka codsaday in aaney wax isbadal ah ku sameyn ganacsiga qaadka Muqdisho yimaada iyo garoonka uu iminka ka soo dago. Dadkan oo u badnaa dumar iyo Rag dhalinyaro ah ayaa basas ay la socdeen markii uu gaaray garoonka Dayniile waxa ay ku hor mudaahiraadeen duuliyeyaasha iyo shaqaalaha 6 diyaaradood oo qaad maanta keenay garoonka Deyniile, iyagoo ku qeylinaya " marabno in garoonka Dayniile laga badalo qaadka soo gaara Muqdisho". Dadkan ayaa markii dambe kala dareeray, iyadoo aan cidna la hadlin, waxaana banaanbaxoodii ay ku badaleen iibka qaadkii ay soo doonteen, inkastoo ay muujiyeen walwalka ay ka qabaan garoon ka fog Dayniile qaadka ka soo daga iyo halista ka imaan karta isbaarooyinka ka sokeeya. Xuseen Guutaale Raage oo ah maareeyaha garoonka Dayniile ayaa Shabelle u sheegay in aysan jirin wali wax amar ah oo soo gaaray garoonka oo lagu weecinayo duulimaadyada diyaaradaha qaadka ee garoonka yimaada, isagoo sheegay in arintaasi ay tahay mid wali ku kooban Ra'isulwasaare Geedi oo uu yiri waxa uu nagu eedeeyay warar la dhoodhoobay oo uu horey ugu dhawaaqi jirey Max'ed Dheere. Maareeyaha garoonka Deyniile Xuseen Geedi Raage waxa uu ka waramay aayaha dambe ee garoonka Dayniile hadii la joojiyo duulimaadyada diyaaradaha qaadka ay ku yimaadaan garoonkaasi, isagoo sheegay in garoonka ganacsi badan uu ka sameynayo duulimaadyada diyaarado aan kuwa qaadka aheyn. cod... Garoonka Dayniile oo mudo 5 sanadood ah laga joogo waqtigii uu howl bilaabay isla markaana ganacsatadu qaadku ay inta badan ugu xishaan udhawaashaha magaalada Muqdisho iyo amaanka ka jira wadada awgeed ayaa hada Ra'isulwasaare Geedi culeyska uu saaray duulimaadyada diyaaradaha qaadka keeni jirey garoonkaasi ay tahay mid fasiraadyo badan laga bixiyay oo ay ku jirto cuuryaamin dhinaca dhaqaalaha ah oo Ra'isulwasaaruhu ku ciaqaabayo raga ka soo horjeeda ee xukuumadiisa ka tirsan. Shabelle Media Network, Mogadishu Juma why are they demonstrating if the airport of Dayniile is still operating? It is because they know that the airport will be shut down in day's time inshallah. Now enjoy the last day's of Duulimaadka airporka daayniile ka hartay.
  5. Ra'isalwasaare Cali Max'ed oo ka hadley xiritaanka garoomada Dayniile & Ceel Axmed Jawhar- 28.October.2005 Ra’iisal wasaaraha dawladda federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa shir jaraa’id oo uu xafiiskiisa ku qabtay maanta kaga hadlay xiritaankii la xiray garoomada Dayniile iyo Ceel Axmed ee gobolka Shabeellaha Hoose. Tallaabadaas ayuu ras’iisal wasaaruhu ku sheegay “waajibaad ay dawladdu ku tallaabsatay sugidda dhinaca amniga†kadib markii Soomaaliya ay noqotay meel ay dunida oo dhammi ku tilmaantay meel ay dhibaatooyin fara badan ka jiraan sida argagixisanimada, mukhaadaraadka iyo hubka la sheego in dhinac walba dalka looga safriyo. Arrimahaas ayuu Cali Maxamed Geeddi ku sheegay in ay halis ku noqotay dawladaha deriska la ah Soomaaliya, sidaa darteedna iskaashi ay labada dal ee Soomaaliya iyo Kenya ay iska kaashanayaan gaar ahaan gaadiidka cirka iyo badda darteed tallaabada xiritaanka garoomadaas la go’aansaday. Ra’iisal wasaaruhu waxaa uu sheegay in ay tahay in ay dawlad walba qaadato mas’uuliyaddeeda qaran labada garoon la la xirayna shaki weyn laga qabo gaar ahaan in ay ka soo degaan waxyaabo wax u dhimaya amniga iyo xasiloonida dalka. Axmed Xasan Mahad SBC Jawhar Listen to it in here, explanation by Prof. Gheedi why they took that discision
  6. Originally posted by Tolstoy: PostScript To: Yoonis I have a niggling feeling that you were on your way to the nearest Monthly Convension for the Shameless Chearleaders of Uncle Yey within the perimeter of SOL village; consequently, it seemed to me, old chap, that you somehow lost your way around the place, and that is the reason, we behold your inanities in here. for you simply have no idea, literally, as to who Count Leo Tolstoy was, and what significant, in historical, literature, and above all else, humanity's larger claim for itself, can one deduced from his well regarded books, that stood the test of time, ever since he start pening them in the middle of 19th century till his daying days of early decades of 20th century; consequently, if I am that minded (which I am not the least bit of it) to enlighten you, as why I chosen, this particular name, as my nick in SOL, I have a feeling, we might be here till the wee hours of eternity's penultimate night; which of course, means, rather difficult task to pull off. However, what you should concern yourself with at the moment, is the lack of space for Uncle Yey's chearleaders, so that their daily drivel can safely be ignored for all of our benefit; consequently, I think something should be done about this glaring oversight, and therefore, a hot memo should be sent to Mr. MMA, in regards to this constantly re-occuring problem of people getting lost in the maze of SOL's political forum, and perhaps, there should be some sort of sign post along the way, that says, any budding chearleader for Uncle yey, this way please; so that their daily inanities, shan't clog the rest of the place; or even better, perhaps we should create a specific section that is similar in form to the other sections of SOL, such as Woman Section, General Section; or for that matter the Politics Section; and we should called it the The Section of Uncle Yey's shameless Chearleaders. And I have a feeling, who would be a prominant posters of that New Section(of course, as in all endevours, a considered bets can be had, as to names of those who are so mentally-warped, that they are shameless chearleaders for Uncle Yey's ever-present mendacity, that we daily-after-day, behold, their un-ending inanities; consequently, if there is anyone interesting to put a bit of flutter as a bet to know, as to who they really are; I can be rely on to lean on the SOL's management team, to open a window, at the General section, which will take all bets from all comers, in order to know and make little money, as to who would be the Names of the most prominant posters of that would be found on-a-night-and-day-basis posting tirelessly latest chearleading drivel on behalf of Uncle Yey, in-that-soon-to-be-new-section-of-SOL. Lastly, I will suggest to you, perhaps, you should cool your heels a bit, till the management of this place decide, to create a Specific Section, for the sort of chearleading drivel that seemed to delight your heart unendingly; consequently, consider yourself to be excuse this time around. Adeer waad mahadsantahay, you really made me feel special with your long reply, what can I say Iam flattered. But next time try to keep it short! P.S. Please don't lecture me in past and contemporary Russian History, Iam an expert on that field.
  7. Originally posted by Tolstoy: PostScript To: Yoonis I have a niggling feeling that you were on your way to the nearest Monthly Convension for the Shameless Chearleaders of Uncle Yey within the perimeter of SOL village; consequently, it seemed to me, old chap, that you somehow lost your way around the place, and that is the reason, we behold your inanities in here. for you simply have no idea, literally, as to who Count Leo Tolstoy was, and what significant, in historical, literature, and above all else, humanity's larger claim for itself, can one deduced from his well regarded books, that stood the test of time, ever since he start pening them in the middle of 19th century till his daying days of early decades of 20th century; consequently, if I am that minded (which I am not the least bit of it) to enlighten you, as why I chosen, this particular name, as my nick in SOL, I have a feeling, we might be here till the wee hours of eternity's penultimate night; which of course, means, rather difficult task to pull off. However, what you should concern yourself with at the moment, is the lack of space for Uncle Yey's chearleaders, so that their daily drivel can safely be ignored for all of our benefit; consequently, I think something should be done about this glaring oversight, and therefore, a hot memo should be sent to Mr. MMA, in regards to this constantly re-occuring problem of people getting lost in the maze of SOL's political forum, and perhaps, there should be some sort of sign post along the way, that says, any budding chearleader for Uncle yey, this way please; so that their daily inanities, shan't clog the rest of the place; or even better, perhaps we should create a specific section that is similar in form to the other sections of SOL, such as Woman Section, General Section; or for that matter the Politics Section; and we should called it the The Section of Uncle Yey's shameless Chearleaders. And I have a feeling, who would be a prominant posters of that New Section(of course, as in all endevours, a considered bets can be had, as to names of those who are so mentally-warped, that they are shameless chearleaders for Uncle Yey's ever-present mendacity, that we daily-after-day, behold, their un-ending inanities; consequently, if there is anyone interesting to put a bit of flutter as a bet to know, as to who they really are; I can be rely on to lean on the SOL's management team, to open a window, at the General section, which will take all bets from all comers, in order to know and make little money, as to who would be the Names of the most prominant posters of that would be found on-a-night-and-day-basis posting tirelessly latest chearleading drivel on behalf of Uncle Yey, in-that-soon-to-be-new-section-of-SOL. Lastly, I will suggest to you, perhaps, you should cool your heels a bit, till the management of this place decide, to create a Specific Section, for the sort of chearleading drivel that seemed to delight your heart unendingly; consequently, consider yourself to be excuse this time around. Adeer waad mahadsantahay, you really made me feel special with your long reply, what can I say Iam flattered. But next time try to keep it short! P.S. Please don't lecture me in past and contemporary Russian History, Iam an expert on that field.
  8. Originally posted by Tolstoy: PostScript To: Yoonis I have a niggling feeling that you were on your way to the nearest Monthly Convension for the Shameless Chearleaders of Uncle Yey within the perimeter of SOL village; consequently, it seemed to me, old chap, that you somehow lost your way around the place, and that is the reason, we behold your inanities in here. for you simply have no idea, literally, as to who Count Leo Tolstoy was, and what significant, in historical, literature, and above all else, humanity's larger claim for itself, can one deduced from his well regarded books, that stood the test of time, ever since he start pening them in the middle of 19th century till his daying days of early decades of 20th century; consequently, if I am that minded (which I am not the least bit of it) to enlighten you, as why I chosen, this particular name, as my nick in SOL, I have a feeling, we might be here till the wee hours of eternity's penultimate night; which of course, means, rather difficult task to pull off. However, what you should concern yourself with at the moment, is the lack of space for Uncle Yey's chearleaders, so that their daily drivel can safely be ignored for all of our benefit; consequently, I think something should be done about this glaring oversight, and therefore, a hot memo should be sent to Mr. MMA, in regards to this constantly re-occuring problem of people getting lost in the maze of SOL's political forum, and perhaps, there should be some sort of sign post along the way, that says, any budding chearleader for Uncle yey, this way please; so that their daily inanities, shan't clog the rest of the place; or even better, perhaps we should create a specific section that is similar in form to the other sections of SOL, such as Woman Section, General Section; or for that matter the Politics Section; and we should called it the The Section of Uncle Yey's shameless Chearleaders. And I have a feeling, who would be a prominant posters of that New Section(of course, as in all endevours, a considered bets can be had, as to names of those who are so mentally-warped, that they are shameless chearleaders for Uncle Yey's ever-present mendacity, that we daily-after-day, behold, their un-ending inanities; consequently, if there is anyone interesting to put a bit of flutter as a bet to know, as to who they really are; I can be rely on to lean on the SOL's management team, to open a window, at the General section, which will take all bets from all comers, in order to know and make little money, as to who would be the Names of the most prominant posters of that would be found on-a-night-and-day-basis posting tirelessly latest chearleading drivel on behalf of Uncle Yey, in-that-soon-to-be-new-section-of-SOL. Lastly, I will suggest to you, perhaps, you should cool your heels a bit, till the management of this place decide, to create a Specific Section, for the sort of chearleading drivel that seemed to delight your heart unendingly; consequently, consider yourself to be excuse this time around. Adeer waad mahadsantahay, you really made me feel special with your long reply, what can I say Iam flattered. But next time try to keep it short! P.S. Please don't lecture me in past and contemporary Russian History, Iam an expert on that field.
  9. Wasiirka Ganacsiga Muuse suuddi Yalxoow ayaa ku hanjabay caawa in uu dhulka soo dhigi doono diyaaradii isku dayda in ay ka weecato meelahii ay horey uga soo dagi jireen asagoona u sheegay shirkadaha Diyaaradaha ee Kenya waxaan ugu digeynaa in ay maqlaan hadalka Geeddi . Muuse waxa uu sheegay garoon aan aheyn hadii ay isku dayaan diyaardaha Kenya laga leyahay Zuuyadeyna ayaan cirka u jeedin doonaa cidii ay soo ridaana ayagaa ka masuul ah ,garoon walbana waan ku weerari doonaa wana ugu tagi doonaa goobkasta ay tagaan diyaradahaasi Hadalka Muuse Suuddi ayaa soo baxay shir qool ay la damacsanyihiin Kenya ,Itoobiya iyo Cabdulaahi Yuusuf oo qorsheynayo in ay isku dhacaan dadka reer Muqdisho oo maalmahii u danbeeyey ka nastay wax dagaal ah . Dadka reer Muqdisho ayaa ku tilmaamay madaxweyne Cabdulaahi Yuusuf dhibkii uu ku haayey Garoowe in uu la soo aaday Muqdisho iyo nawaxigeyda . Qorshaha Cabdulaahi Yuusuf ee ah cunaqabateenta uu la damacsanyahay koonfurta Soomaaliya ayaa horey u sheegay afahayenkiisa Bari Bari in dhamnaan laga soo xiri doono kunfurta Soomaaliya meel walba ay wax kaga soo dagaan ama ay kaga duulaan .
  10. Real classics, those were the good ol'days. Although I didn't knew how life was back in the days but I hear a lot of good feedback from my parents. All I can say is that those picture's have lid up some nostalgia in me. One day I'll be returning to our beautiful country. Soon inshallah.
  11. Alla wuu i fahmay in aan reer Garoowe sax aheyn, my grandfather left that area a hundred years ago to flee the murderous actions of the Sayid and his dervishes and to get himself to the fertile and green lands of the south. Who could survive under the harsh conditions in the North-East apart from Eyl in those days? I would argue that my Grandfather's Grandfather is much more intelligent than yours because he left to better himself whilst yours was stuck in a semi-desert femine-ridden land, looking after some sheep as sheperd in harsh conditions without sufficient water.
  12. Garoowe - 20.October.2005 Munaasabada ballaaran oo caawa lagu qabtay magaalada Garoowe ayaa xarigga lagaga jaray xarun cusub oo ay yeelatay wasaaradda dawladaha hoose iyo horumarinta reer miyiga. Madaxweyne kuxigeenka Puntland, ahna sii hayaha xilka madaxweynaha Puntland, Xasan Daahir Afqurac ayaa xarigga ka jaray dhismahan cusub waxana uu u hambalyeeyey wasiirka dawladaha hoose iyo horumarinta reer miyiga Cali Cabdi Awaare. Xafladdii furitaanka xarunta cusub ee wasaaradda dawladaha hoose iyo horumarinta reer miyiga ayaa waxaa ka hadlay Agaasimaha guud ee wasaaraddaas, Ismaaciil Maxamed Warsame, waxana uu sharraxaad kooban ka bixiyey ujeeddada munaasabaddan, isaga oo ku wareejiyey hadalkii wasiirka dawladaha hoose iyo horumarinta reer miyiga Cali Cabdi Awaare. Wasiirka dawladaha hoose iyo horumarinta reer miyiga Cali Cabdi Awaare, waxaa uu ka hadlay qiimaha munaasabaddan waxana uu u mahad celiyey mas’uuliyiintii iyo marti sharaftii ka soo qayb gashay, waxana uu ku nuux-nuuxsaday marxaladihii kala duwanaa ee ay soo martay wasaaraddu. Waxaa uu sheegay wasiirku in ay wasaaraddani ahayd banka unug dhowaan la yagleeyay haatanna ay marayso meel wanaagsan waxqabadkeeduna uu yahay mid muuqda. Mar uu ka hadlayey hawlaha kala duwan ee ay wasaaraddu xilligan waddo gaar ahaan dhismayaasha golayaasha deegaanka, waxaa uu sheegay in inta lagu jiro bisha Ramadaanka ilaa iyo 4 degmo oo ku yaal Puntland laga hirgelin doono dhismayaasha golayaasha deegaanka iyadoo shuruucdii lagu dhaqi lahaanna horay loo diyaariyey. Madaxweyne kuxigeenka Puntland, ahna sii hayaha xilka madaxweynaha Puntland, Md. Xasan Daahir Afqurac, oo ka hadlayey xafladdan ayaa dadweynaha ka codsaday in amniga la adkeeyo isaga oo xusay in ay beryahan soo baxeen dhallinyaro amniga wax u dhimaya isla markaasna ay dawladdu hawlgal cad oo ay kaga hor tegeyso waxna ay kaga qabaneyso ay soo saartay. Munaasabaddii furitaanka dhismaha cusub ee wasaaradda dawladaha hoose iyo horumarinta reer miyiga ayaa waxaa ka qayb galay xubnaha golaha wasiirrada Puntland, xubnaha golaha wakiillada Puntland iyo marti sharaf kale. Mas’uuliyiintii ka hadashay xafladdan ayaa waxaa ka mid ahaa guddoomiyaha baarlamanka Puntland, Cismaan Dalmar Xaaji Yuusuf, waxana soo xiray munaasabaddan madaxweyne kuxigeenka Puntland, Xasan Daahir Afqurac. Dhismaha cusub ee wasaaradda dawladaha hoose iyo horumarinta reer miyiga ayaa ah dhismihii ugu horreeyey ee wasaaradeed ee Puntland si dhammays tiran looga taago tan iyo sannadkii 1986, waxana uu ku yaal dhinaca galbeed ee magaalada Garoowe gaar ahaan agagaarka garoonka kubadda cagta ee Mire Awaare. Munaasabaddii xarigga looga jarayey caawa dhismaha cusub ee wasaaradda dawladaha hoose iyo horumarinta reer miyiga ayaa waxay ku soo dhammaatay jawi aad u wanaagsan iyo sidii loogu tala galay.
  13. ^^Can't wait sxb, please do feel free to not only post your photo's but also a full report of what you've seen. Is Gaalkacyo as mad as people claim to be? I've been told that 80-90% of the original inhabitants of that city are indeed somehow mad, they all have "Buufis".
  14. Tolstoy, Count Leo(1828–1910): "Russian writer, ascetic, pacifist, and anarchist . Moral critic of tsarism. Advocated the abolition of the state and property—the sources of exploitation—and the creation of a communal society based upon Christian principles. He stressed personal redemption rather than political resistance, and was an important influence upon Gandhi." Tolstoy (SOL) you're one funny guy. Advocating for a fantasy state, whilst going by a nick and pseudonym of someone who was an political anarchist and who wanted to see the abolition of statehood, the same thing you're crying for. Therefore making you the political laughstock in SOL. You refer to historical events but your limited knowledge of yourself i.e. (Tolstoy), your idol shows your lack of history. Shouldn't you be campaign for the abolition of the fantasy state of Somali-land i.e. the land of the Somalis?
  15. Tolstoy, Count Leo(1828–1910): "Russian writer, ascetic, pacifist, and anarchist . Moral critic of tsarism. Advocated the abolition of the state and property—the sources of exploitation—and the creation of a communal society based upon Christian principles. He stressed personal redemption rather than political resistance, and was an important influence upon Gandhi." Tolstoy (SOL) you're one funny guy. Advocating for a fantasy state, whilst going by a nick and pseudonym of someone who was an political anarchist and who wanted to see the abolition of statehood, the same thing you're crying for. Therefore making you the political laughstock in SOL. You refer to historical events but your limited knowledge of yourself i.e. (Tolstoy), your idol shows your lack of history. Shouldn't you be campaign for the abolition of the fantasy state of Somali-land i.e. the land of the Somalis?
  16. Tolstoy, Count Leo(1828–1910): "Russian writer, ascetic, pacifist, and anarchist . Moral critic of tsarism. Advocated the abolition of the state and property—the sources of exploitation—and the creation of a communal society based upon Christian principles. He stressed personal redemption rather than political resistance, and was an important influence upon Gandhi." Tolstoy (SOL) you're one funny guy. Advocating for a fantasy state, whilst going by a nick and pseudonym of someone who was an political anarchist and who wanted to see the abolition of statehood, the same thing you're crying for. Therefore making you the political laughstock in SOL. You refer to historical events but your limited knowledge of yourself i.e. (Tolstoy), your idol shows your lack of history. Shouldn't you be campaign for the abolition of the fantasy state of Somali-land i.e. the land of the Somalis?
  17. Moqadisho University is ranked 221st out of of a little more 300 Universites in Africa. In East Africa they're currenlty ranked 7th. Nevertheless they are good results as Moqadisho leads 33 East African Uni's who are ranked behind the University of Moqadisho.
  18. Maybe he meant police state (boolis qaran) in a weird aussie-somali dialect.
  19. We've been the guardian of "somaliweyn" for a long time now. Our people are people who are true nationalists and pioneers of how to rule a country. Whilst the North-West opted for "independence" because they were afraid of dealing with other Somalis mainly clan x and y because tradionally it was this two clans who have fought for the leadership of Somalia. On the contrary our brothers in the south have chosen a different path, mainly the path of anarchism, which they seem fairly happy with because as someone told me, who recently came from Moqadisho the people are happy with the "chaos", their argument being "we don't want to see clan x back in power and once again sitting on our heads". Also they want to see a "Siyaadstyle" central government with Moqadisho being the only city that is going to profit from it like in the olden days. We've got the best system and proposal because we are once again pioneering the political landscape of our country with the "Federal system", in which every state of the country is autonomous and with it's own parliament and president. That's in fact the middle way, we haven't come all the way to only declare our "sovereignty". However I agree with you that it is quite frustrating to wait for the south to finally accept peace and to stop the anarchism state they have been in for the last fifteen years. So what is the solution, I believe that if we can't defeat them militarily and bring the rule of law to them, then obviously we've to guard our regions and strive for economical development and the expansion of our security forces. With the help of our brothers in the Ethiopian and Kenyan governments respectively and the unification and reconcilation with every Somali clan that wants peace inshallah it will only be a matter of time until the carriers of the Banner of the "Soomaalidiid" of both of the North-West and the South mainly Benadir region are defeated with the help of Allah, godwillingly.
  20. War ileen mucjiso, war waxaan yaa nala qabto, Walaal if a man says to you lets forgive and not look at the past, which was the main aspect of my thread do you think it is appropriate for you to shout like a woman or a child. Grown up men accept any plea for forgiveness but I'am going to forgive you as I put your ill-mannered post due to, to much contact and association with small children and young girls. And by the way when did I make an insencere post that you accuse me off? Also on the other hand do you believe it is right in the tradition of our religion to be suspicious, mistrusting and skeptical to what I have written? You'd be better off with silence because your comments were uncalled for. So once again let me stress to you, that we should forgive each other and look for the future. But the question here is: Are you man enough to accept the hand of your brother and leave the past behind or do still want to hold on to the dreadful past?
  21. Allahu Akbar wal Xamdulillaah! Allah is Great Praise be to him for making us muslims, then somalis, who share one single language, colour and religion and who believe in one monotheistic (God) Allah subxaanah wa tacaala. Furthermore praise to him for giving us one madhahab, which is the shaafici madhahab. In this holy month of Ramadan let's pray for our war-savaged country as we are in the last ten days of Ramadaan, in which also the laylatul qadar is said to be one of the last days of ramadan. It could be on the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th or the 29th of Ramadan although many muslims have reported of being the 27th but Allah cazza wa jal only knows best. Hunger, death, corruption, unfairness, destruction, mass murders, looting, rape, land grapping, natural disasters have all befallen our beloved country which has brought our beuatiful country to it's knees. What has occured has occured, we should forget about the tensions of the last decades, there is no single family from Raas Caseyr to Raas Kamboonis which hasn't seen the death of someone they loved, unlawful killing or rape of someone they knew. Noble people are people who don't talk trash and say every single time when you've a dispute with them "Oh, remember you did this and that to me" We've to remember that there is no perfect brother, sister or even friend, If we look at ourselves we can see that none of us is perfect. If we would say everytime something happens like a dispute or a fight with some of your friends even though it was some years ago and then you mention it don't you think that you brother would feel pain inside. The noble people are the people who forgive, Iam not saying forget but nor am I saying go on and on because one somali proverb is "Xusuuste ma Xiriiriyo", if we always mention the bad things we did to each other then none of us will love each other or atleast that person will only associate himself with his like-minded people (same tribe). We're one nation, one people and one religion. We've got an opportunity these laylatul Qadar and the last ten final day's of Ramadan to make duca' for our lost nationhood. Dowlad xum waxay dhaanta dowlad la'aan. We're all living in exile now and if we're truthful we would acknowledge the fact that we actually have no nation, no embassy to go to when something happens in our country like the British-Pakistanis who after the earthquake in their country got help from their embassy, although they were british passport holders. Let's cease this moment and forgive us all. Iam the first to forgive and I sincerely hope that other will forgive me for my shorcomings. The richness of us and indeed of all SOL fora is our diversity, we've all somali tribes and non-somali tribes but who have their livelihoods and their heart in Somalia hence making them Somali. I sincerely pray for all the sufferings of the muslims where ever they are to be eased especially in our home country of Somalia. I pray for every family in Baidoa, Kismayo, Hargaysa, Bosaso and Moqadisho to be delivered from their hardships. I pray to the god of the universe to bring us Somalis together once more, Oh Allah make us all Somali love each other especially our muslim brothers who are sincere to their religion, deliver them from their desease (tribalism, greed, hatred and ignorance). Oh Allah make us Somalis forgive each other for our mistakes and misgivings. Make us sincere brothers and sisters who love each other. Oh Allah bring our hearts closer together so that we might love for our brother what we love for ourself. We've to give credit where it is due may Allah give guidance to the misguided of us and may your blessings shower on us. Preserve all the good people of the good deeds, who tiredless work hard to bring the hearts of the Somalis back together. Oh Allah make us a single body who cares for each other in pain, distress, hunger and war. Oh Allah give us good leaders and make us tolerate the bad leaders as a nation is only as good as their leaders therefore all we get is the resemblance of our bad actions, Allah furthermore says that he doesn't change the hearts of the people until they change what is in their hearts. We're the folk, people and future residents of Somalia let's for our sake and the sake of our children make peace with each other, let's heal the rifts by forgiving the perpetrators of the crimes committed against us or our family, clan or state members. My vision for Somalia is clear Oh Allah make our country and its people prosperous in spiritual and material matters, so that all of them could worship you according to the sunnah of the last prophet peace be upon him. Oh Allah secure our destiny and remove the plight and misery of the Somali people wherever they might be. Oh Allah make the us the Somalis understand the concept of "alcadaalah" so that we might live in peace and harmony with each other. What has been is past let's look for the future. Oh Allah accept our sincere prayers. I hope that next year inshallah that our prayers will be answered and that we will be discussing our similarities rather than our differences.
  22. Inna Lillahi wa inna illayhii raajicuun, Illaahay ha unaxariisto Abwaanka geriyooday, camalkiisa wanaagsan ha aqbalo tiisina xumaaydana Allaah subxaanah ha ugu dembi dhaafo, aamiin ya allaah, Ehelkiisa iyo qarabadiisa iyo intii taqiinay marxuumka illaah samir iyo imaan ha ka wada siiyo.
  23. It should be called the FSS (Federal States of Somalia)or Federal Republic of Somalia (FRS) rather than United States of Somalia (USS).
  24. Jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya Dawladda Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Qorshaha Daraasada Dib u dhiska iyo Horumarinta Dalka Soomaaliya 15 Sano oo dagaalo sokeeye iyo burburin ay ka socodeen dalka soomaaliya ka dib waxaa DFKMG ah iyo Beesha Caalamku isla garteen in Dib u dhis iyo horumarin lagu sameeyo dhamaan gobolada iyo degmooyinka Dalka. Hadaba si loo fuliyo qorshahaas waxaa loo baahday in marka hore dhamaan gobolada laga soo sameeyo daraasado loogu guur geliyo baahidooda dib u dhis iyo horumar iyadoo gobolka kasta loo dirayo aqoon yahano Soomaaliyeed iyo quburo ajnebi ah si ay ula soo kulmaan waxgaradka degmo kasta ka dibna baahida dib u dhis iyo horumarineed ee dalkoo dhan laysugu keeno. Si hawshaasi u fududaato waxaa dalka Soomaaliyeed loo qaybiyey lix Aag oo kala ah 1) Somaliland 2) Puntland 3) Central ( Hiiraan, Galgaduud, Sh/dhexe and South Mudug) 4) South West( Bay, Bakool, Sh/hoose) 5) South (Gedo, J/dhexe iyo J/Hoose) 6) Banaadir ( 16 degmo) Arimaha Daraasad Cilmiyeedka laga soo samaynayaa waa 6 qaybood oo muhiim ah iyo 3 qaybood oo saamayn ku leh guul ka gaarsita daraasadaha. Lixda Qaybood 1) Xukun Wanaag, Nabadgelyo iyo ku dhaqanka sharciga 2) Hab dhaqaaleedka guud oo Baahsan 3) dib u dhiska iyo horumarinta wadooyinka, Buundooyinka, Dekedaha, Airpordada 4) Daryeelka Bulshada sida Caafimaadka, waxbashada IWM 5) kordhinta Waxsoosaarka Beeraha, Xoolaha, kaluumaysiga iyo Hagaajinta jawiga waxsoosaarka. 6) Kor u qaadida nolosha Dadweynaha iyo xal u helida dadka gudaha dalka ku barakacay Sadex qaybood oo wada Saamaynaya 7) dib u hesheesiinta, nabad ku wada noolaanshada iyo ka hortegida iska hor imaadyada 8) kor u qaadida awooda maamul iyo horumarin lahaa hay’adaha jira ( mid dawladeed ama mid gaar loo leeyahay) loogana hortegi lahaa musuqmaasuqa. 9) dhowrista xuquuqda Aadanaha iyo qaderinta haweenka iyo dadka laga tirada badan yahay. Qaab dhismeedka Hawlwadeenada 1. Hawl wadeenada Heerka koowaad Gobol kasta waxaa laga doonayaa 8 xubnood oo ku salaysan Degmooyinka iyo qaybaha bulshada ee gobolkaas wada degta, marka laga reebo muqdishu oo 16-ka degmo midiiba laga rabo 2 xubnood, kuwaasoo aqoon u leh in ay cabiraan oo quburada u imaan dooonta ka dhaadhiciyaan baahida dib u dhis iyo horumarineed ee gobolkooda u baahan yahay. 2. Hawl wadeenada heerka Labaad Lixdaas aag ee aan kor ku soo sheegay aag kasta waxaa laga doonayaa hal isu duwe iyo 6 xubnood oo midba qabiir ku yahay mid ka mid ah 6 qaybood ee daraasada laga soo samaynayo kuwaasoo awood u leh in ay Quburada Caalamiga ah kana dhaadhiciyaan Baahida Dib u dhis iyo Horumarineed ee ka jirta aagaas iyagoo kaashanaya Hawlwadeenada heerka koowaad iyo dhamaan qaybaha bulshada. 3. Hawl wadeenada heerka sadexaad Dawladda Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya waxaa laga doonayaa 12 aqoonyahan oo hadhow noqon kara Agaasimayaal guud ee Wasaaradaha. 4. Hawl wadeenada Heerka Afraad Ummadda Soomaaliyeed meel kastoo ay joogto waxaa laga doonayaa 12 aqoon yahan oo heer caalami ah isla markaana magic iyo sumcad wanaagsan ku leh ummadda Soomaaliyeed. 5. Hawl wadeenada Heerka shanaad Bangiga Aduunka iyo UNDP waxaa laga doonayaa Quburo heer caalami ah oo tiro ahaan u dhiganta hawlwadeenada 2,3 iyo 4-aad. Cida xulaysa 1. Hawl wadeenada heerka koowaad waxaa soo xulaya maamulka gobolka iyo degmada waana in ay yihiin dad u dhashay degaankaas magac iyo sumcadna ku dhex leh bulshada gobolka ku dhaqan xogogaalna u ah baahida dib u dhiseed iyo horumarineed isla markaana ay ka dhex muuqdaan dhamaan qaybaha bulshada sida culimo awdiinka, Ganacsatada, haweenka, madaxda dhaqanka. 2. Hawl wadeenada Heerka labaad iyo kan sadexaad marka laga reebo Somaliland iyo Puntland waxaa soo xulaya Wasiirada iyo xildhibaanada DFKMG ah ee Soomaaliya ee afarta aag ee kale ka soo jeeda. Shuruudaha laga doonayo Hawlwadeenada heerka 2 iyo 3-aad Waa in uu Soomaali yahay, hawl kale aanu hayn (fulltime) Waa in uu leeyahay aqoon Master Degree ah ama Bs degree 10 sano oo waayo aragnimo ah leh oo la xiriirta shaqada uu codsanayo. Waa in luuqada Englishka si fiican u yaqaan si fududna ugu diyaarin karaa report dheer computerkana adeegsan karaa. In uu daacad u yahay dadkiisa iyo dalkiisa isla markaana leeyahay dareen Soomalinimo iyo aragti dheer oo aqoonyahanimo. Hawl wadeenada heerka 3-aad waa in ay yihiin kuwo u diyaar ah in ay dawladda u shaqeeyaan isla markaana ku shaqayn kara duruufaha jira Hawl wadeenada heerka 3-aad waa in ay yihiin kuwo u diyaar ah in ay dawladda u shaqeeyaan isla markaana ku shaqayn kara duruufaha jira. Hawwadeenada heerka 3-aad waa in uu aqoon u leeyahay guud ahaan dalka Soomaaliya. Waa in uu soo gudbiyaa CV leh raadraac (references). hawl wadeenada Heerka 4 iyo 5 waxaa soo xulaya Bangiga Aduunka iyo UNDP iyagoo la tashanaya DFKMG ah ee Soomaaliya. Waqtiga Hawl galka Talaabada Koowaad- 15 – 18 November 2005 waxaa magaalada Nairobi ka furmaya aqoon is weydaarsi ay isugu tegayaan lixda isu duwe ee hawlwadeenada heerka labaad, hawlwadeenada Heerka 3,4 iyo 5-aad si ay isu soo bartaan, laysula meel dhigo istaatiijiyadii lagu meel marin lahaa daraasadan qiimaha weyn ugu fadhida dalka deeq bixiyayaashuna sugayaan dibna loogu kala qaybiyo lixda Qaybood iyo aag ee aan kor ku soo sheegay. Talaabada labaad- Isu duwaha aag kasta oo ay la socdaan Quburo soomaaliyeed iyo kuwo ajnibi ah ayaa dib ugu soo laabanaya dalka waxayna Hawlwadeenada Heerka koowaad iyo labaad u qabanayaan aqoon isweydaarsiyo ay ugu gudbinayaan sida hawsha loo qbanayo isla markaana waxaa qoraal ahaan laysla meel dhigayaa baahida dib u dhis iyo horumarineeed ee aaga. Talaabada sadexaad- Hawlwadeenada aag kastaa waxay isu qaybinayaan lixdii qaytbood ee daraasadu ku saabsanayd waxayna bilaabayaan in ay soo dersaan oo indhahoodu ku soo arkaan baahida jirta ee degmo iyo tuulo kasta oo dalka ah. Talaabada Afraad Daraasadii la soo ururiyey ayaa aag kastaa goonidiisa isula soo noqonayaa waxaa la qabanayaa aqoon is weydaarsi la mid ah kii talaabada labaad la qabtay kaas oo laysugu geynayo macluumaadkii laga soo ururiyey degaanada ay u xil saran yihiin ka dibna waxaa laga ansixinayaa dadka degaanka. Talaabada shanaad Daraasadihii lixda jaho ayaa laysu keenayaa oo laga ansixinayaa golaha wasiirada ee Xukuumada Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya Talaabada lixaad Waxaa Daraasada loo gudbinayaa shirka Deeq bixiyayaasha Caalamku ku yeelanayaan magaalada Roma ee wadanka talyaaniga horaanta sanadka 2006 waxaana laga filayaa deeq bixiyayaasha in ay ku yaboohaan maalgelinta loogu baahanayo dib u shiska iyo horumarinta dalka. Talaabada Todobaad Waxaa la bilaabayaa dib u dhiskii iyo horumarintii gobolada iyo degmooyinka dalka oo dhan bartamaha sanadka 2006 Inshaa Allah. Sidaas awgeed, waxaa bulshada soomaaliyeed meel kastoo ay joogaan laga codsanayaa in ay gacan siiyaan hawlwadeenada Daraasada samaynaya oo ay u gudbiyaan baahidooda dib u dhis iyo horumarineed ee degaankooda. Sidoo kale aqoonyahanada awooda u leh in ay buuxin karaan jagooyinka kor ku xusan waxaa laga codsanayaa in ay si deg deg ah ugu gudbiyaan CV-gooda cidda u xilsaaran xulidooda. Xigasho Dalka-Somalia.com