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Everything posted by Yoonis_Cadue
Warbixin Xoog-Ogaal ah! A new Trend, which has been started in the regions of the Puntland State of Somalia to commemorate the genocide that has taken place in Taleex and other regions in the PSS. Altough I do not entirely agree with the stance of remembering what happened in the past, nevertheless I can see what is behind it. I applaud this initiative, which serve's to remember what the British (English) did to us. Many Somalis are not aware of the simple fact that their people and country were the first to be bombed from the air in Africa for simply refusing to be colonised by the white infidels. The purpose of this commemoration is to highlight the difference between the people of Puntland particularily SSC from the people of the Hargays-Burca-Berbera triangle. The differentiation being that this two different-set of people had always had a different history and set of value, hence combating the idea of this two people sharing a common identity. It is time that the people of SSC stood up for themselves together with their brethren in Puntland and to commemorate the genocide on the 19th of December. The lobbying has already started and it is soon anticipated that the Puntland Parliament that has just now returned from its holiday to pass a decree (law) of making the 19th of December a day of Remembrance. Parliament, the President, Vice-President, Civil Society, the Army, Police, TFG-State Officials, NGO's, Amenesty International, Representatives of the United Kingdom, British Church leaders should be invited into a great day of Remembrance of the autrocities committed by the British and their Indian, African and Somali colobraters. Also the british government should be held to account for what they did and lobbyed to compensonate the people (still living) and their relatives with a sum of money that is acceptable for the survivors. Thank you very much, Mr Yoonis_Cadue Garoowe! Genocide committed by the British and their coloboraters Symbol of Somali Struggle
Thanks guys for the feedback you gave to my thoughts! Let me add one or two more thoughts. May I do so gents? Thanks, Firstly Olol brother I don't believe in the "Three strikes and you're out thing you said", I believe this applies to a law that is currently practised in the US. People are trying to bring this Law into the UK however I disagree. The Law applies if you committ three crimes than you'll go to prison for life, which is in my eyes ridicules. However you applied this "saying" to Gheedi being killed if he comes back a third time to Moqadishu. BTW have you ever heard about the saying "Third time lucky". He might be fortunate if he comes back to Moqadishu a third time. On the other Hand I believe in the fate and creed of Allah cazza wa jal for as any man has got a time to die which he can not extent nor shorten. Gheedi dies when his time is up. Also the President dies when his time is up. Many said that he will die because of his poor health a couple of years ago but only Allah knows when someone dies, so let's not go there. You proposal of "banning" certain clans from becoming president is again unworkable. We need a strong leader with a strong power base. Before we attempt to "look" for another President why are you refusing the current one to do his job properly? WHo gurantees if a President is elected from "Baidoa" or Somaliland that you will follow him? No one because your approval and rejection is due to what the Powerful Warlords in Moqadishu think and say. If they accept Yeey tommorro so will you. Simply you follow miserable guys who are loosers. Don't expect Yalaxow or Qanyare to do anything for you because if they could do anything good they would have shown it to us in the last fifteen years. On the contrary Abdullahi Yusuf has done a great deal. He has established law and order into his part of the country, which is ironically much larger than the area the warlords are fighting for. He has forged political alliances such as the SRRC to help other Somali regions to get on their feet. So there is no comparison between the Warlords and President. You also said that you dispice Yey because of him being from Mudug, but in other thread's you said that you like Abdiqaasim and Arta, so aren't you hiding something from us that you don't want to share in here. I guess you don't like him because he is from clan X. Please be honest. ---------- Juma the President will come to Moqadishu peacefully without any armed convoy, my fellow Londoner. Isn't he a citizen of Somalia? He will come and you will be waving and cheering for him under the hot sunlight. You will also carry a huge banner saying "Juma and the rest of SOL are Welcoming the President of Somalia H.E. Abdullahi Yusuf to the Capital of Somalia Moqadishu"! You will also be carrying a large picture of the PM Gheedi and President Yusuf on top of your bleeding and sweating shoulders after you have finished exzibiting the banner.
Lol, You read my mind. However I don't need to do a coup or attempt one because I will use ligitimate democratic means (elections) to get elected to run the show. Whether by direct elections by all the members or a few selected "representatives". I rather choose not to go into the spotlight. Real wealth and power if you've got it is not to be shown. So ill leave you in the dark. May you be iluminated. Come and join the SOL's Grand Freemasonary lodge.
First of all Thank you walaal Olol for sharing with us this article. Secondly I have to disagree with the author of this article. Although he has raised some interesting proposals nevertheless they're unworkable. The author say's that Gheedi shoul avoid Moqadishu the capital of Somalia for good until a vaible agreement between the two hostile "camps" is secured. This proposal is totally unfeasable and unacceptable. Gheedi is a resident of Moqadishu City and no-one can deny him entry to that city. If two distressed warlord decide to assassinate Mr Gheedi for their political miscalculations and shortcomings. It shows how desperate they're. This people don't want to see peace in Somalia. Mr Gheedi will come back to Moqadishu the capital in Somalia so will the President H.E. Yusuf inshallah! This unfortunate "incident" will not deter the affords of this government to fulfill its promise and duty to the Somali people. We will take everything it takes to combat the people who want to hold the Somali people hostage in their own country. I hope this raised an insight into the mindset of Professor Gheedi who said that he will not bow down to this cowardley attack on his convoy by two or three failed warlords.
What this whole fiasko has shown that we need a common ethos coverning the engagement of all the participants in the political section of SOL's fora. One would argue that there are already a set of rules that one is obliged to respect before engaging into a discussion. I have drawn up a common ethos on how to engage one another into the discussions of SOL. 1. We should all respect one another's opinion. 2. We should address the "message" rather than the "Messenger". 3. All personal issues should be not addressed. 4. If you've got a "brotherly advice" please send an PM to the person you think needs this advice. 5.Accusations, Slander and Suspicioun should be avoided. If we had followed all the above agreed rules of engagement I would believe that all this would not have happened. Anyway let's all respect one another and if you don't like certain idea please criticise the idea and not the person. Thanks Yoonis_Cadue!
^^Adiga iga raali ahow. Barwaaqo iyo Bashbash!
May Allah rest him in peace for as he was killed by milicious people who don't care for peace. The perpertraitors should be brought to justice. I remember one interview Mr. Yalaxow once gave when he was asked what he thought about the defection of Mr. Boqorre to Jowhar. He replied Mr. Boqorre is not far from as, as his children and wife are still in Moqadishu with us. This could be a clue but no-one knows for certain. But the same people are behind this killing which was politically motivated as the people who tried to assassinate the PM Mr. Gheedi.
Brazil all the way but hope that the host goes far as possible to keep the atmosphere like when southkorea went into the semifinals the country went crazy.
Iam rooting for Liverpool to defend their title.
Thanks iniga baa salaan mudan, didn't have time to look at all the post and the intial post but I just followed my gut feeling I vaguely know but not fully. Anyhow nice keep them coming.
Nice keep them coming. Didn't bother to read any of it but took a careful look on it. Seems intereting.
Excellent walaal? Alxamdulillah.
It's Somaliaonline political sectionn and not puntland state as you perceived it. Everything back to normal now, your grievances have been resolved. Good joke juma keep them coming.
Iam rooting for Austin and the texans to win the NBA title this year as they did before.
Islam’s forsaken renaissance _Mahathir bin Mohamad
Yoonis_Cadue replied to Muhammad's topic in General
The renaisaunce of Islam has long been awaited and inshallah Islaam will soon dominate the whole world. -
^^They certainly left the city not to complain about lack of payment but to go to the front and to teach any aggressor a good lesson they won't forget for a while.
Nice, I haven't fully read it but I can guess from its title. Keep them coming. A ideal start to your new thread. I just thought to comment on it to give food for more thought, hmm mind you! P.S. people don't start a fight on me because the key in my comments is "fully".
There are numerous Somalis who live around the globe. I myself know a somali dude who is married to a japanese women, how odd don't you think so? There culture's and religions are mile aparts. I also know Somalis who perfectly speak chinese and many other exotic languages, we live in a global world so everything is possilbe.
You're in a mess, bro. Relation issue never seems to amaze me. However if you like true advise I would tell you to change your life-style to a more morally and compatible way with our religion which is Islaam. THe girl is history and the guy that took her asaga maalinta qiyaamo la waydiin dona if he persuits an illegal relationship with a woman who isn't marry to him. Listen to my advice respect our muslim values and don't ever go near zinaa (Fornication) think about your female relatives your mum, sisters, aunts and grannies. Do you want them to suffer from the same fait the girl has suffered when you dumped her. Don't call back the girl and cut all the possilbe links with her unless you don't want a genuine and halaal marriage with her. Don't play with your muslim and somali sisters. We're muslims and not North-americans nor Europeans we have to respect our relgion and if you're not relgious think about the consequeces of your actions. You sleep with a girl and I promise you that someone another dude will sleep with your sisters and other female relatives. Have you ever thought about this Mudug. It's like takin an overdraft for every penny you take you have to pay it back. You can relax and have fun with a young girl in a nice decorated room and nice sheet but I also promis you that one of your female relatives will be taken in some dark corner near the rubbish dump, so think about your actions. And about the dude change friends totally. Only seek Halaal means to satisfy your urge my friend and Iam not implying that you did or do something wrong but the very posibility of having a girlfriend is soemthign accpetable.
I agree with the above conclusion.
Interesting thesis, there is always room for speculation's and conspiracy.
Australia will be attacked by Al-Qaeda because of their unquestioned support to the war on terror and the support they gave to the US-Admininstartion. Britain has been attacked before and now it's Australia's turn. That's the western line of thinking but I believe that is more of panick-mongering on behalf of the australian government.
Pirates Attack US Cruise Liner 100 miles from Somalian Coast
Yoonis_Cadue replied to Keyz 1-8-7's topic in General
Another ship abducted how sad. However there is hope that the criminal perpertraitors of this crime will be dealt with sooner rather than later. -
Everything is calm now and the curfews have been lifted. No more unrests and every day fewer cars are set ablaze.
The entertainment value of SOL is really good. Keep fighting! I only mean good.