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Everything posted by Yoonis_Cadue
Tsunami tradegy: One year on commomeration of the Anniversary
Yoonis_Cadue posted a topic in General
Boxing day 2004 was the day when the big waves hit far off places from Banda Aceh to Eyl and destroyed whole communites and killed numerous lives. May god be with all the muslimg victims and survivors of this great tradegy. Ameen. BBC -
The ambassdor of China to Kenya's capital Nairobi has past on a check of $100000 to the head of the TFG His Excellency Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad. They promised that their finacial help will not finish there but that they've got more in store for the TFG in order to help their long friend Somalia. They also reliefed Somalia of $350 Billion of debt and they said that they want to continue the long friendship with Somalia and help the Somali people. Jowhar: DFKGS oo deeq lacageed ka guddoontay dawladda Shiinaha & Madaxwaynaha Soomaaliya oo casumaad ka helay madaxwaynaha Shiinaha. - Monday, December 26, 2005 at 14:27 Jowhar(AllPuntland)-Magaalada Jowhar waxaa ka dhacay maanta kulan ay kasoo qayb galeen madaxwaynaha Soomaaliya Md: C/laahi Yuusuf , raysulwasaaraha Soomaaliya Cali Maxamed Geeddi iyo safiirka Shiinaha u fadhiya Kenya Mr: Chu Chiang . Kulankan ayaa safiirka Shiinaha ee Kenya uu dawladda Federaalka ku guddoonsiiyay deeq ka timid dawladda Shiinaha oo gaaraysay $100,000 oo doollarka Maraykanka , lacagtaasi oo Jeeg ahaan loogu dhiibay madaxwaynaha DFKGS. Mr: Chu Chiang ayaa sheegay in dawladda Soomaaliya iyo Shiinaha ay boorka ka jafayaan xiriirkii horay uga dhaxayn jiray iyo mashaariicdii uu dalka Soomaaliya ka fulin jiray Shiinuhu . Wuxuu safiirku caddeeyay in dawladda Shiinuhu ay Soomaaliya ka cafisay lacag dayn ah oo gaaraysa 350 Malyan oo lacagta Shiinaha ah oo lagu lahaa tan iyo 1963dii , lacagtan la cafiyay ayaa qayb ka ah lacag gaaraysa 500 oo Malyan oo lacagta Shiinaha ah oo lagu lahaa Soomaaliya. Madaxwaynaha DFKGS Md: C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa mahad ballaaran usoo jeediyay dawladda Shiinaha wuxuuna sheegay in dadaalkaasi uu ahaa mid ay horay uga filayeen , wuxuuna tilmaamay in gar gaarka laga sugayo dawladda Shiinaha uu intaasi kasii badan yahay. Madaxwaynuhu wuxuu sheegay in labada dal ee Shiinaha iyo Soomaaliya ay yihiin laba dal oo isku baahan in badanna soo wada ahaa saaxiibbo wanaagsan , wuxuuna madaxwayuhu ku tilmaamay wax lagu farxo in masuul ka tirsan mid kamid ah dawladaha ugu awoodda roon caalamka uu Soomaaliya yimaado. Raysulwasaaraha Soomaaliya Cali Maxamed Geeddi ayaa asaguna tilmaamay tallaabada ay qaadeen Shiinuhu inay tahay mid ku dayasho mudan asagoo ka codsaday beesha caalamka inay raacaan tallaabada ay shiinuhu qaadeen oo ah caawinta dalka Soomaaliya. Wafdigii Chu Chiang ayaa maanta u duulay magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya ayadoo halkaasi uu ku sii sagootiyay raysulwasaarahya Soomaaliya Cali Maxamed Geeddi. CCC Farayaamo AllPuntland
Cadde Muuse fulfilled one of his promises by appointing a new judiciary that is capable of delivering. They're all professionals and were appointed at their merit and not their clan. That's the way forward for us. Inshallah I hope that when Cadde Muuse comes back from the UAE and Germany in a weeks time that he will also include highly capable people who are chosen because of their merit and not because of the clan they belong too. Anyway its a good start. Golaha Garsoorka lagu magacaabey wareektadan ayaa waxa ay kala yihiin: 1.Dr. Axmed Siciid Cabdi Guddoomiyaha Maxkamadda Sare ee DGPL. 2.Dr.Sulaymaan Jaamac Ciise Guddomiye ku-xigeenka Maxkamadda Sare ee DGPL. 3.Sh.Cali Nuur Axmed aw Muuse (Xubin ) 4. Dr.Burhaan Cabdi (Xubin) 5.Dr.Yuusuf Xaaji Warsame (Xubin) Wareegtadan ayaa waxaa ku saxiixnaa Madaxweynaha DGPL Maxamud Muuse Xirsi. Golahaan garsoor ayaa waxa la horkeeni doonaa Barlamanka Puntland si ay u siiyaan xasaanada.
Halgankii Darawiish Richard Corfield (Koofil) head of the camel corps in British northern Somalia
Hiiraale Yeey marriage? genuine or some clan bonding?
Yoonis_Cadue replied to OLOL's topic in Politics
That's what I call paranoia OLOL. Who are you that scared off to be that hysterical. The government is going to engage itself into reconcilation and nothing short than that. We will appeal to the heart and mind of everyone to not led slip this last chance from our hands. If this doesn't work out than Iam sorry we're off and we will leave you alone in your savage existence until ofcourse you acknowledge your faults and come to your senses. Somalia will inshallah be peaceful and everything will return to normal unless ofcourse you peaople don't get their act together for once in their bare existence and sorrow state of its last 15 years. -
Safiirka China u fadhiya Kenya oo maanta Yimid magaalada Jowhar. Jowhar:- Safiirka dalka China u fadhiya dalka Kenya ayaa booqasho maanta ku yimid magaalada Jowhar ee xarunta Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya. Wafdigan ka socda dalka China ee uu hogaaminayo safiirka ayaa la sheegay in dalka Soomaaliya u yimaadeen sidii ay kulamo ulla yeelan lahaayeen madaxda dowlada Federaalka. Wafdigan maanta kasoo kicitimay magaalada Nairobi ayey Airporka Jowhar kusoo dhaweeyeen xubno ka socda Golaha Wasiirada Federaalka iyo Maamulka Shabeelada Dhexe. Arrimaha uu wafdigan uu u yimid magaalada Jowhar ayaa waxaa kamid ah sidii dowlad China ay xafiis uga furan lahayd magaalada Jowhar, sida lagu sheegay warbixin kasoo baxday Wasaarada Warfaafinta ee Soomaaliya. Dowlada China oo kamid ah dalalkii horey xiriirka joogtada ah ulla lahaa dalka Soomaaliya, ayaa ayadu sheegtay in ay ka qeyb qaadan doonto gacan qabashada dowlada lagu soo dhisay dalka Kenya. China ayaa sidoo kale dowlada Federaalka horey usoo gaarsiiyey deeq la xariirta dadkii wax ku noqday Musiibadii Tsunamiga oo sanad kahor ku dhufatay xeebaha Bari ee dalka Soomaaliya. Maxamed Cabdi HorseedNet.com
Diblomaasiyiin Shiinees ah oo maanta gaaray magaalada Jowhar Jowhar-25.December.2005 Diblomaasiyiintan ka socota dalka Shiinaha ee maanta soo gaartay magaalada Jowhar ayaa isugu jira safiirka iyo qunsulka Shiinaha u fadhiya dalka Kenya. Chin Chowli iyo Le Yuang ayaa markii ay ka soo degeen garoonka dayuuradaha ee magaalad Jowhar waxaa ku qaabilay halkaasi saraakiil ka tirsan wasaaradda arrimaha dibada ee dowladda federaalka kmg ee Somalia. Wafdigan ayaa waxaa loo soo gudbiyay dhinaca gudaha magaalada Jowhar iyagoo xafiiska ra’iisal wasaaraha dowladda federaalka kmg ee Somalia Prof Cali Maxamed Geedi ay kulan kula yeesheen. Wasiir ku xigeenka wasaaradda Warfaafinta ee dowladda federaalka Salaad Cali Jeelle ayaa sheegay in ujeeda socdaalka diblomaasiyiinta Shiinaha ay tahay ay cadeeyaan in safaaradda Shiinaha ee Somalia jowhar laga furayo iyo arrimo kale oo la xiriira mashaariic horumarineed. Salaad Cali jeelle wuxuu kaloo sheegay in saxaafadda ay war buuxa heli doonaan ka dib marka uu dhammaado kulanka dowladda federaalka iyo diblomaasiyiintan. Wafdigan ka socda dalka Shiinaha waa kii ugu horreeyay matala dalka Shiinaha ee soo gaara magaalad Jowhar tan iyo markii ay dowladda federaalka kmg ee Soomaaliyeed ay dalka ku soo laabatay. Wariyaha Idaacadda SBC ee magaalad Jowhar ayaa sheegay in ay u muuqato in wafdigan Shiineeska ah ay isla maanta ka dhoofi doonaan magaalada Jowhar, hase yeeshee ka hor intaanay dhoofin ayaa la rajaynayaa sida uu sheegay wariyahayaga inay qabtaan shir jaraa’id oo ay kaga warrami doonaan ujeedada ugu wayn ee booqashadooda. Axmed Xasan Mahad SBC Jowhar.
Somaliweyn - Jowhar--Somalia - 25/12/05 Wafdi Ka Socda Dalka Shiinaha Oo Soo Gaaray Magaalada Jowhar.... Wafdi uu hogaaminayo safiirka shiinaha u fadhiya dalka Kenya H.E. Guo Chongli ayaa maanta duhurnimadii soo gaaray magaalada Jowhar oo xarun u ah dowlada Federaalka soomaaliyeed. Wafidgani ayaa waxa ay u yimaadeen sidii laysugu afgaran lahaa in xafiis ay ka furtaan dalka Somalia gaar ahaan magaalada Jowhar, iyo inay wax ka qabtaan wadada isku xerta Eraboorka ilaa Madaxtoyada waxa kaloo ay soo hadal qaadeen inay dayactir balaaran u sameeyn doonaan garoonka diyaaradaha magaalada Jowhar. Wafdigan ayaa waxa ay kulan la qaateen Ra’iisul wasaaraha XFKMG ee Somalia Prof. Cali Maxamed Geedi iyo xubno ka tirsan golahiisa wasiiradiisa, iyagoo salaan ugu tagay Madaxweynaha xafiiska uu ku leeyahay Madaxtooyada gudaheeda. Wafdiga dalka shiinaha ayaa waxa ay ka koobnaayeen; H.E Guo Chongli ambassador to Kenya Mr. Li Yuan Counselor Mr. Jian Lin Political Mr. Shen Hui Yong commercial Mr. Yang Lei Journalist Mss. Lin lei Journalist Mss. Sui Yanna Journalist Wafdigani oo uu hogaaminayo safiirka shiinaha Mr. H.E. Guo Chongli ayaa lagu wadaa inay berito saxiixaan heshiisyo badan iyo balanqaadyo ay u fidinayaan dowlada soomaaliya ee u baahan in laga taageero dib u dhiska iyo nabadaynta sidii dalka oo dhan xasilooni looga hirgilin lahaa. Wafidgani ayaa waxaa soo dhaweeyey wasiir k/xigeenka Gaashaandhiga Mr. Cumar Aden Dhebad, wasiir ku xigeenka Maaliyada Maxamed Xasan Qoone, G/G/Sh/Sh/Dhexe Maxamed Dheere, Ganacsade Iimaan Maxamed Cali iyo bulshada Rayidka ee magaalada Jowhar.
Chinese Delegation confirm that they're about to open the chinease Embassy in the transitional seat of Jowhar. Dowladda Shiinaha oo shaaca ka qaadday inay Safaarad ka furnayso Jowhar Posted to the Web Dec 25, 17:45 Jowhar (PP) - Dublamaasiyiin ka socda Dalka Shiinaha uuna horkacayo Safiirka Shiinaha u fadhiya Dalka Kenya oo lagu magacaabo Due Shing ayaa soo gaaray magaalada Jowhar ee Gobolka Shabeellada Dhexe oo ah xarunta Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya. Dublamaasiyiintaan ayaa markii ay soo gaareen garoonka diyaaradaha Jowhar waxaa uga hortagay oo ku soo dhaweeyay xubno ay ka tirsan Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya oo isugu jira Wasiirro iyo Xildhibaano, sidoo kale waxaa wax ka soo dhaweeyay xubno ka tirsan Maamulka Gobolka Shabeellada Dhexe oo uu horkacyo Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Siyaasadda ee Gobolka Shabeellada Dhexe Maxamed Cumar Xabeeb (Maxamed Dheere), waxaana durba loo soo qaaday dhanka Degmada Jowhar. Wafdigaan oo kulammo la yeelanaya Madaxweynaha Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo Ra'iisul wasaarihiisa Prof. Cali Maxamed Geeddi ayaa u jeeddada ay u yimaadeen Degmada Jowhar waxaa lagu sheegay inay tahay sidii ay degmadaas oo xarun ah u ah dowladda Fedraalka Soomaaliya uga furan lahaayeen Safaarad. Booqasho noocan oo kale oo ay wufuud ka socota Dowladda Shiinaha ku yimaadaan degmada Jowhar ayaa noqonaysa middii ugu horreysay tan iyo intii ay dowladdu soo dagtay gudaha Dalka, waxaana xubnaha wafdigaan ku wehlinayay safarkooda Wasiirka Gaashaandhigga Soomaaliya C/raxmaan Cali, iyadoo uu ka soo waday Magaalada Nairobi soona gaarsiiyay Degmada Jowhar. Dowladda Shiinaha ayaa muddo dheer saaxiib la ahayd Soomaaliya iyadoo dalka Soomaaliya ka fulisay Mashaariic kala gaddisan oo ay ka mid yihiin kuso shibil ah iyo kuwo ciidan intaba, waxaana inta badan ay dhisi jirtay jidadka dalka. Maxamed Xuseen Jimcaale (Jantiile) Wakiilka Puntlandpost - Mogadishu - Somalia
Shabelle News extented coverage and news of Moqadishu
It's definately a result of fear of the government which speeded up the process of the establishment of "Benadirland". They would never have agreed in a millions time but thanks to the government and the hysteria of Caato, Yalaxow and Qanyare they finally agreed on something. But will it work I wonder? After all it's not a genuine move but a move out of desperation and hysteria. Caato said that the process should go on so that the people who wish us to stay in anarchy and "gunnimo" savageness may die of stomach pain. But the real question is why does Caato want to switch the blame to the rest of the Somalis who appealed to the concisousness of the people of Benadir for so long to except the rule of law and to get out of their sevage existent. Suddenly it's us who are against their development. In facts it's the contarary we wish the people of Benadir a happy and peaceful existence. We knew that if they would once get their act together than the whole of Somalia would eventaully become stable because right now the most unstable and backward region in Somalia in terms of regional administration, peace, law and order is Benadirland. Please don't waste our time and make the capital a haven for all Somalis and a place of peace, order, transquility and love. For once stop the barbaric killings, the illegal connections and business trades etc. We will stand by your side as long as you remove the roadblocks and all other misseries that is going on in the capital. Stop it right now! However I wonder what this move will bring around as their is already an administration that is in place hopefully it won't come to another fight and standoff like in the days of Aydiid and Ali Mahdi. Peace.
Iam really shocked at the incident that took place in Hargaysa today. Did the reporter exaggerate or is he telling the truth? It seems that the officials used really excessive and unnecessary force. Tanks and heavy military equipment were used to get a dead person out of hospital and forcefully bury him without the consent of the relatives of the killed person. He was beheaded by a member of the police force because they had an argument about who owned a land. The report also says that the cousin of the murdered person lies dead on the street. He was 18 years of age and the security forces killed him whilst throwing stones at them a bullet hit him. It is astonishing that a place of life and treatment awaked to that kind of tradegy because the fighting took place in and around the main hospital of Hargaysa. Anyway illahay ha unaxariisto samir iyo imaan haka siiyo ehelada marxuumka dilka xaqdarrada iyo foolxunka badan loo geestay. Intii kale dhimatanaa illaahay ayagana ha unaxariisto. Cisbitaalka Guud Ee Hargeysa Oo Isku Bedelay Maanta Goob Furin Dagaal: Dhimashadu Waa 2 Qof Dhaawacu 20: Ciidanka Oo Adeegsaday Taangiyo Somaliland.Org — Hargeisa, Somaliland — 24 December, 2005 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cisbitaalka Guud Ee Hargeysa Oo Isku Bedelay Maanta Goob Furin Dagaal: Xukuumadda Oo Adeegsatay Dabaabado iyo Taangiyo Hargeisa (Somaliland.org) Saaka Subaxii hore abaaro 7:00 aroornimo ayaa ciidamo booliis ah oo ku gaashaaman tikniko iyo hub culus waxay ku wareegeen ama isku xeereen Cisbitaalka Guud ee Caasimadda Hargeysa oo uu ku jiray ama yaallay Mayd Ilaahay ha u naxariistee Marxuum ka tirsana Ciidanka Booliiska Magaalada Hargeysa oo uu ku dilay ama qudha kaga jiray Nin kale oo ay isku qabteen dhul, laba cisho ka hor, Gudaha hore ee Cisbitaalka Qolka Maydka waxaa joogay eheladii Marxuumka oo iyagu go’aan ku gaadhay in maadama Ninkii Qudha ka jaray ama dillay ay Dawladdu gacanta ku hayso loo dilo sida shareecada Islaamku qabto, balse Xukuumaddu waa ku gacmo saydhay go’aankaasi, waxaanay raadiyeen Xal kale oo ay ku bad baadiyaan Ninka isagu wax dilay, kuna aasaan Marxuumka oo isagu ku jiray Qolka Maydka ee Cisbitaalka Guud ee Magaalada Hargeysa, ka dib markii ay Ciidamadaasi isku dayeen inay xoog ku soo saaraan Maydka si ay qasab iyo sandulli weliba caga juglayn la socoto ugu aasaan ayaa waxaa taasi diiday oo hor istaagay Eheladii Marxuumka oo u adeegsaday ciidanka Dhagxaan, waxaanay taayiro ku gubeen Waddada weyn ee isku xidha Cisbitaalka ilaa madaxtooyada. Waxaa goobta yimid Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Ismaaciil Aadan Cismaan, iyo Taliyaha Guud ee Ciidamada Booliska oo ay wehelinayeen Taliyaha Ciidamada Qarranka Nuux Taani, iyagoo wata Taangiyo iyo dabaabadaha loo isticmaalo Dagaalada Cul Culus, iyo weliba boqolaal Ciidanka Qarranka iyo Booliiska ah, waxaa argagax iyo sas qaaday shacabkii reer Hargeysa oo iyagu aan weligood arag quwadda intaasi le’eg ee ciidamo ah ee loo dul keenay ehelada Marxuumka Geeriyooday, dabadeed Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudahu wuxuu amar ku bixiyey in Ciidamada oo adeegsanaya Dabaabadaha dagaalku ay hore u galaan Cisbitaalka Guud ee Magaalada Hargeysa oo ay ku jireen wakhtigaasi, boqolaal qof oo bukaan Jiif ahi, rasaasta ayaa cirka iyo dhulka is qabsatay iyadoo eheladii Marxuumku ay adeegsadeen hubka Fud Fudud, xagga ciidamada Qarranka iyo Booliiskuna ay adeegsadeen Hubka Cul Culus, sidoo kale waxaa ay indhaygu qabanayeen Haween da’yar iyo caruur iyaguna adeegsanaaya dhagxaan, weligay ma maqal Dawlad Shacabkeeda u adeegsata taangiyo iyo dabaabado weliba kaga sii darane iyadoo goobtuna ahayd goob Caafimaad. Eheladii Marxuumka ayaa waxaa ku biiray boqolaal qof oo iyagu ka cadhooday ama ka gadooday ficilka foosha xun ee ciidamada Qarranku samaynayaan, waxay indhahaygu ku dhaceen ama qabteen Wiil yar oo da’diisu ahayd 18 Jir oo maydkiisu wadhanyahay badhtamaha Waddada hor marta Cisbitaalka Guud, kaasi oo ay Ciidamadu toos xabbad ugu toogteen, waxaa kale oo ay indhahaygu qabteen tobaneeyo qof oo albaabka hore iyo dariiqa dheer dhaawacoodu wadhanyahay, dhiigga ayaa is qoodhsaday, iyadoo waxaa runta meesha ka dhacay lagu tilmaami karo masiibo fool xun oo ay Xukuumaddu masuuliyadeeda leedahay, waxaa kale oo indhahaygu qabteen tobaneeyo ciidamada qarranka ka tirsan oo iyagana dhaawac ka soo gaadhay dhagxaantii iyo shiidkii, dhimashada la ii xaqiijiyey ayaa ah hadda 2 Qof halka dhaawacu uu kor u dhaafayo 20 qof oo iskugu jira mid halis ah iyo mid sahlan. Rasaasta xoogeeda oo bilaabantay abaaro 9:30 Aroornimo ayaa waxay socotaa ilaa wakhtigani aan war bixinta diyaarinaayo oo eheladii Marxuumka geeriyooday oo yaalla qolka Maydka iyo weliba inaadeerkii oo ahaa wiilka 18 jirka ee ciidamadu toogteen ay is dul yaallaan, weli wax xal ah iyo wax wada hadal ah oo socda ma jiraan, balse dhammaan shacabka reer Hargeysa waxaa ka guuxaya maskaxahooda weli awoodda xad dhaafka ah ee Ciidamada Qarranka oo ka amar qaadanaya wasiirka Daakhliga ay u adeegsadeen maanta Shacab aan waxba galabsan balse keliya la tiiranyeysan Marxuum ehelkooda ah oo maydkiisu yaallay Cisbitaalka, dhammaan shacabku waxay ka sinayeen weedh keliya oo ahayd in weli ficilkani maanta dhacay aanay weli indhahoooda iyo dhegahooda hore usoo marin. Wixii warar ah ee ka soo kordha falkani oo weli tiiranyadeedu ku taalla quluubta reer Hargeysa sida ugu dhakhsaha badanleh ayaan idiinla soo socodsiinayna, aniga oo imika ku sugan goob u dhaw cisbitaalka guud ee Hargeysa waxaa indhahaygu qabanayaan boqolaal askar ah oo ku xayndaaban hareeraha cisbitaalka. MOHAMED ABDI HASSAN (DIRIDHABA) SOMALILAND.ORG INFORMATION CENTER, HARGEISA Somaliland.org@gmail.com
Can we trust the FBI, why would they go around all the mosques and community centers. Are they really that suspicious. Certain things don't add up here. Why would someone go through all the trouble and check mosques for radiation, when it could be hidden anyway. Surely other factors could such the environment could interfere and give a false reading like it has been proven that mobile phones give out a lot of radiation. Once we did an experiment and checked the radiation of one mobile phone with a Geiger counter, which measure's the strength of radiation and it was signalling like mad and radition was detected. You might think that the FBI would have used high-tech sophisticated devices to detect the radiation but I can assure you they didn't even if they did nothing would actually change and the results would be the same. Otherwise they wouldn't present a dossier taken from a students thesis as intelligence that Iraq possessed WMD's. They're not as bright as many of us would like to believe. US mosques checked for radiation The magazine says the targets were nearly all identified by the FBI US authorities have been secretly monitoring radiation levels at Muslim sites amid fears that terrorists might obtain nuclear weapons, it has emerged. Scores of mosques and private addresses have been checked for radiation, the US News and World Report says. A Justice Department spokesman said the programme was necessary in the fight against al-Qaeda. Last week, President George W Bush admitted allowing the wiretapping of Americans with suspected terror links. Mr Bush has defended the covert programme and vowed to continue the practice, saying it was vital to protect the country. No warrants According to US News and World Report, the nuclear surveillance programme was set up after the attacks of 11 September 2001. It began in early 2002 and has been run by the FBI and the Department of Energy's Nuclear Emergency Support Team. The Associated Press news agency said federal law enforcement officials have confirmed the programme's existence. The targets were almost all US citizens Source US News and World Report The air monitoring targeted private US property in the Washington DC area, including Maryland and Virginia suburbs, and the cities of Chicago, Detroit, Las Vegas, New York and Seattle, the magazine said. At its peak, three vehicles in Washington monitored 120 sites a day. Nearly all of the targets were key Muslim sites. "In numerous cases, the monitoring required investigators to go on to the property under surveillance, although no search warrants or court orders were ever obtained, according to those with knowledge of the programme," the publication said. "The targets were almost all US citizens," an unnamed source involved in the programme told the magazine. "A lot of us thought it was questionable, but people who complained nearly lost their jobs," the source said. Muslim anger Federal officials cited by US News and World Report said that monitoring on public property, such as driveways and parking lots, was legal and that warrants were not needed for the kind of radiation sampling it conducted. They also rejected the claim that the programme specifically targeted Muslims. A spokesman for the Department of Justice said the programme was necessary as al-Qaeda remained committed to obtaining nuclear weapons. An FBI spokesman declined to confirm or deny the report. The programme has been denounced by Islamic leaders in the US, who say that once again Muslims are being targeted by the government simply for being Muslim.
Korean scientist resigns over fake stem cell research
Yoonis_Cadue replied to Pig's topic in General
How original. Couldn't come up something written by yourself. Why are you so lazy I'd expected a better reply than a piece of cut and paste. It might come to a surprise to you but I have taken part in numerous experiments in the methods of "scientific research", in which I have stated a hypothesis and tested, reinvented and restated that hypothesis to the need of my research. It is really tempting to falsify your results in order to fit and find a common pattern that are in tune with similiar earlier research but I believe you wouldn't do that. So there is no need for me to retake the ABC's in regards to the methods used for scientific research. Scientific theory is primarily proven by experimentation in which you put a theory into practice before you claim to have a valid "scientific theory" but judging from your incompetent replies everyone can see that you wouldn't know how scientific theory is proven. You couldn't even distinguish the patterns of scientific research and it's logic even when it flew straight into your face and btich slapped you excuse the expression hence your inability to acknowledge that "scientific theory" is primarily proven by testing and experimenting. I would suggest to you, you do a little bit more research into this field. It really would make a good read during the holiday period to enlighten yourself into the different methods used in "scientific research" and how "scientific theories" are proven. Start with the basics Socodbadne then come back that is ofcourse you're not too busy doing other more important things like taking your clothes to the laundry or cleaning your windows. You remind me of Faust may I borrow some words off my friend Goethe to describe your attitude? "No dog could live thus any more! So I have turned to magic lore, To see if through the spirit's power and speech Perchance full many a secret I may reach, So that no more with bitter sweat I need to talk of what I don't know yet, So that I may perceive whatever holds The world together in its inmost folds, See all its seeds, its working power, And cease word-threshing from this hour. No magic in this world can help you or come to your rescue. Especially this line describes you best so listen up: "So that no more with bitter sweat I need to talk (write) of what I don't know yet," Back to the books for you I guess. Enjoy it for as knowledge is power. -
Korean scientist resigns over fake stem cell research
Yoonis_Cadue replied to Pig's topic in General
I knew you had to come to rescue adeer. BTW don't try to hurt me with your new sets of teeth. I knew you'd like to bite and test your new horse teeth laakiin aniga ha igu mudinee qof kale raadso. I don't want to become your guineapig and fall victim to your new big teeth. -
Korean scientist resigns over fake stem cell research
Yoonis_Cadue replied to Pig's topic in General
According to the latest gene study results, chimps are our closest relatives. Apes for that matter as chimpanzee are apes! According to the latest gene study results, chimps are our closest relatives. Good on you! Why don't you pay a visit to your chimpanzee relatives this winter. They may just cool you down. They ain't certainly my close relatives. Another ****** theory. No science theory can be proven, only demonstrated and supported with facts and experiments Well that's not scientic then in the true sense of the word. You're insulting our intelligence by saying that it can't be proven for certain if that's the case you've failed in your understanding of the matter in dispute if you are not able to prove it. Proving and Seeing is beliefing. Yes theories can be proven and the holy Quran has shown that. We didn't evolve from apes as the evolution theory claims. So don't talk out of your back side and present nonsense as fact. -
Korean scientist resigns over fake stem cell research
Yoonis_Cadue replied to Pig's topic in General
So you don't believe that we decended from apes, right? But they are your closest relatives, aren't they? Please prove me wrong. -
Korean scientist resigns over fake stem cell research
Yoonis_Cadue replied to Pig's topic in General
let's not take things out of context shall we? I explained myself very clearly and all you doing is a disservice. Nevertheless I will withdraw that statement. It was a mere expression used in the english language to emphasise an issue. For example if a murderer decides to kill not a whole group of people but instead he decides to kill lets say two of them doesn't he play god because he decides who should live and who should die. It's the same with the big pharmaceutical companies. They decide who gets the life-saving medicine and it is merely a lottery and it also depends on where you were born. Many people on this planet die of curable and preventable disease such as malaria and chorea etc. ofcourse one could argue that they were destined to die in that way and that their time was up but Allaah the exalted knows best. I perfectly understand that you're a little bit thick but I hope you will eventually get it despite your inadequate brain. -
Korean scientist resigns over fake stem cell research
Yoonis_Cadue replied to Pig's topic in General
Evolution is taught as a fact and every biology class you attened tells you that we decended from apes. So therefore Socod_badne you can't deny that. You're only speaking from your own point of view but everyone knows that the "theory of evolution" is everywhere and that the majority of scientists believe in it. I have even seen somali&muslim scientists saying that evolution is a proven theory, so let's not pretend otherwise. The other thing I hate is "opinion-polls". They are really dreadful when I watch the news and they talked about opinion polls. Ofcourse it depends of the kind of question you ask the people and what kind of response you're looking for. Like when they say that 80% of muslims support the 7/7 atrocities and outrage it is simply not true because if you ask a certain group of people like al-muhajiroun etc of course you will get a certain reactions if you ask for example a normal person that respects the law of this nation. -
Korean scientist resigns over fake stem cell research
Yoonis_Cadue replied to Pig's topic in General
Sorry my fault it was meant to say "They also play god and put profit before human life and suffering. What I mean was that they give life-saving drugs to whomever they want. Sometimes they give it away for free and at other times they selled it 1000x of the price it was manufactured for. Some may say it's their right after all they invented it but no-one can morally except that. -
This is the way forward regarding Women Education
Yoonis_Cadue replied to Yoonis_Cadue's topic in Politics
You know the funny thing, I saw some female police officers in the UAE, who worked for the female branch of the police and I got to chat with one of those girls. She told me there are alot of female criminals and we're here to catch them. I asked her "Don't you feel afraid?" and she replied no "it's my duty i.e. pleasure", I was really surprised. Instead of looking after the children she goes around looking for some criminals. It's really amazing stuff. But I like the Iranian Female Commandos best with their black jalaabeeb(jilbaab)and niqaab. Someone posted a video where they were sliding down a rope from a five-storey building really funny. -
Korean scientist resigns over fake stem cell research
Yoonis_Cadue replied to Pig's topic in General
What a patently false remark! It only bespeaks of bigotry on your part or woeful ignorance. If what you say above were true, how do you account for all the technological advancements of our age? No serious scientist worth his salt talks nonsense. Only you. It that is true, how do you then explain Charles Darwin theory of evolution. A lie that is lasting almost hundred years. All scientists I spoke to believe in this irrational and comical view of evolution. BTW do you really belief all the things scientists tell you. Do we really originate from apes. How come what is the evidence. On the other hand you listed major scientific and technological break-throughs no-one is denying that but what Iam trying to say is that science nowadays has replaced religion. A scientists claims something and people believe in it like it is a revelation from god. It is so easy to fabricate and manipulate scientific research. You're lied and fooled everytime without you even knowing what is going on. Big money and profit is at their heart and not human development or health. Those pharmaceutical companies claim to cure people illnesses but a lot of their "science" is really harmful. They also play god and put profit before human life and suffering. -
Korean scientist resigns over fake stem cell research
Yoonis_Cadue replied to Pig's topic in General
We take Scientists for granted. What they say is often portrayed as divine revelation and that it is the truth but nothing the truth. But often sadly it isn't. The other day I had an argument with someone who said that it isn't good for the health of girls to get married when they're 14 years of age because it would hinder and damage their physical development. But surely as long as a girl has her first menstrual cycle she can get married because why would she have it in the first place it clearly shows that she is ready and adult enough to conceive fertilisation. So most of the time scientists talk nonsense. You shouldn't believe all the things they say. -
This is the way forward regarding Women Education
Yoonis_Cadue replied to Yoonis_Cadue's topic in Politics
halkani waa fasalka ay gabdhu ku baran doonaan computerka waxaa dhex yaalla ilaa 10 computer iyadoo la filayo in kuwo kale oo dheeri ah lagu soo daro. Computerradani waxay sidoo kale ka mid yihiin computerrada ay wax ku baran doonaan ardayda gabdhaha ah Gabdhaha dhigan doona Markaz Khadiija Bintu Khuwayli waxaa sidoo kale la bari doonaa habka tolliinka dharka iyagoo Isticmaali doona harqaano lagu diyaariyay Markazka. Harqaanada qaarkood noocoodu waa ZigZag waxayna ardaydu baran doonaa habka loo tolo saraawiisha iyo shaararka. Qolkani waa kushiin ama jiko loogu talagalay in haweenka lagu baro sida loo kariyo cuntada. -
A women only markaz has been opened in Bosaso city called khadija bintu Khuwaylad, in which hundreds of girls will be educated in traditional subjects like cooking and sewing. I will move to Bosaso inshallah because they have implemented what I was preaching and hoping for all along. Markaz ay wax ku bartaan gabdhaha kelya oo laga furay Boosaaso Xarun wayn oo si gaar ah gabdhaha wax uga baran doona ayaa galabta xariga looga jaray magaalada tan Boosaaso Xaflad aad u ballaaran oo lagu qabtay xarunta dugsigaasi oo magacbaxay Khadiija Bintu Khuwayli ayaa waxaa ka soo qayb galay Madax ka socota maamul goboleedka Puntland, Culimaa’udiin, ganacsato, Macalimiin, arday iyo waaldiin aad u fara badan. Xafladdaasi waxaa ugu horrayn ka hadlay Sheekh Fu’aad Maxamuud Xaaji Nuur oo ka mid ahaa hawlwadeennada hirgelisay mashruucii lagu dhisay dugsiga Khadiija Bintu Khuwayli. Salaan ka dib ayuu Sheekh Fu’aad billaabay inuu faah faahiyo kharashkii ku baxay dhismaha Markaz-ka Khadiija, isagoo sheegay in ku dhowaad in inka badan 80,000 oo doollarka Maraykanka ay ku baxday. Sheekh fu’aad wuxuu sharraxay qiimihii ku baxay shay kasta oo lagu dhisay markaska Khadiija Bintu Khuwayli. Dugsiga Khadiija Bintu Khuwayli oo u gaarka ah gabdhaha in wax lagu baro ayuu sheikh fu’aad sheegay inay leedahay qaybo badan qaybo lagu barto shareecada Islaamka oo maadada ugu horraysa ay tahay, barashada Computer-ka, tolista harqaanka, habka cunto karinta iyo wax barasho kale oo dhinaca farsamada gacanta la xiriirta. Xaruntaasi dhulkeeda waxaa bixiyay sida uu sheikh Fu’aad Sheegay Allaha u naxariistee Xaaji Salaad Cali Hogato kharashkii ku baxay dhismaheeda iyo qalabaynteedana aan cidna laga soo baryin ee ay dadka magaalada Boosaaso ay dhisteen. “dibad looma baryo tegin, hay’ad wax lama waydiisan, dadka reer Boosaaso ayaa dhistay iyaga aaana iska leh†hadalladaasi waxaa yiri sheikh Fu’aad Maxamuud Xaaji Nuur. Sheekh Daahir Aw Cabdi oo u hadlay dhinaca Culimada wuxu si gaar ah u taabtay hadallada had iyo goor la sheego ayuu yiri in loogu doodo xuquuqda haweenka, oo uu ku tilmaamay in looga gol leeyahay oo keliya in xishoodka iyo Islaamnimada looga saaro. Sheekh Daahir waxa uu intaa raaciyay in ciddii gacan ka gaysatay dhismaha iyo hirgelinta xaruntan Khadiija Bintu Khuwaylii uusan ajarkoodu weligood dhammaan doonin. Mas’uuliyiintii ka socotay maamul goboleedka Puntland ee ka hadashay xafladdaasi waxaa ka mid ahaa wasiirka waxbarashada Prof. Axmed Siciid Awnuur oo uu ku tilmamay tallaabadan inay tahay mid lagu faani karo oo u muuqato bulshadu in wixii ay ku deeqeen wax lagu qabtay, Wasiirku wuxuu sheegay in dugsiga Khadiija ay tusaale u tahay in bulshada ay iyagu wax qabsan karaan haddii ay isbiirsadaan. Axmed Siciid Awnuur wuxuu kaloo sheegay inuu jeclaan lahaa in la casuumo hay’adaha Ajnabiga ee ka hawlgala Puntland si ay u arkaan in dadka reer Puntland ay iyaguba hirgelin karaan mashaariic la mid ah kuwa ay sameeyaan. Wasiirku waxa uu sheegay in adduunka oo dhan wada gartay in gabdhaha oo si gaar ah wax loo baraa ay sii kobcinayso xirfadooda aqooneed. Sidoo kale waxaa halkaasi ka hadlay wasiirka dowladaha Hoose iyo horumarinta reer Miyiga Cali Cabdi Awaare oo sheegay inuu aad ugu faraxsan yahay sida wax qabadka loogu muujiyay qaaraankii mujtamaha iska ururiyay. Wasiirku wuxuu xusay in xiligii mujtamucu uu wax iska ururinayay in dowladda si kale war loogu sheegay. Wasiirka dowladaha Hoose Cali Cabdi Awaare wuxuu sheegay in dad hadallo iyo fidno la wareegaya ay yiraahdeen, hablihii waxay bixinayaan dahabkoodii, raggiina waxay iska ururinayaan lacago sidaasi darteed meel ayaa duullaan lagu yahay. Wasiirku wuxuu sheegay in maanta ay haboonaan lahayd inay xafladan goob joog ka ahaadaan kuwii warkaasi beenta ah ayuu yiri la wareegayay. Xafladdaasi sidoo kale waxaa goob joog ka ahaa w asiir ku xigeenka hawlaha guud Yaasiin Cartan Maxamed, ku xigeenka Duqa magaalada Boosaaso Maxamed Siciid Xiito, Bashiir Maxamuud Jaamac BalBal oo ka tirisan xildhibaanada golaha degmada Boosaaso, Beel Daaje Cali Faarax, Suldaan Cabdi Salaan iyo dad badan oo bulshada dhexdeeda magac ku leh. Xafladduna waxay ku soo dhammaatay sidii loogu talagalay. Xafladdii furitaanka Markazka Khadiija Bintu Khuwayli markii ay dhammaatay dadku waxay bilaaabeen inay ukala dareeraan guryohoodii.
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