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Posts posted by Hassan1508736697

  1. HSt. Paul, MN – On Monday, February 9th, Governor Dayton announced his latest appointments to the 14 member Metropolitan Airports Commission. One of the two new Commissioners selected was Ibrahim Mohamed from Rosemount, a cart driver who works for Delta sub-contractor AirServ and has been employed at the airport for 11 years. Mohamed will be the first Somali-American to serve on the MAC and will be the only current airport employee.

    In his 11 years at the Minneapolis-St. Paul (MSP) Airport, Mohamed has served many roles, including Baggage Runner, Ticket Verifier and Lavatory and Water Services. He said that his range of experience, on both sides of security, will allow him to serve the residents of his district and be a voice for the workers on the front lines.

    “I am excited to bring the voices of the people that I speak to on a daily basis to the MAC. In my current position as a cart driver, I speak with hundreds of elderly and disabled passengers each day. I hear about their time in MSP and am the first line of response to help,” said Mohamed. “I am excited about this opportunity to serve and to be a leader in connecting new communities to the important work of the Metropolitan Airports Commission.”

    Mohamed and hundreds of other employees of AirServ at MSP have been advocating for improved working conditions over the last few years.

    “There are hundreds of workers like myself who are paid minimum wage, with no benefits. I’ve made up to $12.50 at various positions, but currently make minimum wage, which just went up in August to $8.00 per hour. I will work to make sure that workers at the airport are part of the conversations at the MAC, because when workers have fair pay, decent benefits and a reliable schedule, we are able to provide world-class service to passengers,” said Mohamed. “I will continue to stand together with my fellow co-workers as we fight for dignity and respect for all workers at MSP, and will always fight to make sure the needs and concerns of workers and passengers are part of all decisions made by the MAC.”

    AirServ workers like Mohamed have been fighting for years to have the right to form a union with SEIU Local 26. They have taken direct action with disability rights activists to highlight the need for sub-contractors like Air Serv to value seniors and people with disabilities by paying the workers who serve them a fair wage with decent benefits and a stable schedule.

    SEIU Local 26 President Javier Morillo praised Ibrahim’s work to improve conditions at the airport and his new role as MAC commissioner.

    “We applaud Governor Dayton for insisting that a worker be represented on the MAC, and appointing a great candidate like Ibrahim Mohamed,” Morillo stated. “I am excited to see Ibrahim continue the work he has always done fighting to make the MSP airport the best airport it can possibly be for both employees and passengers.”

    Mohamed’s first MAC hearing will be this Tuesday, February 17th.


  2. Somali-Canadian rapper K’naan has written a film he plans to direct in Somalia by the end of the year, after he spends some time as a student at Sundance Institute’s annual directors and screenwriters labs in Utah. 13 projects were selected to take part in the Sundance Institute’s lab, and K’naan’s Maanokoobiyo happens to be one of the ones to land a coveted spot.


    As Janice previously reported, K’naan was left disappointed that his 2012 album “Country, God, or the Girl” didn’t shed enough light on the struggles of his people in Somalia because he gave into the music industry’s demand for music to be soul-less and catchy rather than indicative of real-life stories.


    K’naan’s debut film is going to be about his uncle, General Farah Aideed, who was wanted by American rangers in the early 90s when Americans accused him of not allowing food delivery. He intends to tell the story from his uncle's close associates' narrative of the battle for Mogadishu when American rangers faced the ragtag militia of General Aideed.


    Explaining that he is not necessarily jumping the music ship in favour of directing altogether, K’naan stresses that he is simply interested in letting his stories play out on a visual medium and he’s excited about working on the audio components of his film as well.


    Are you excited for K’naan’s directorial debut?