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Everything posted by SomaliaRising

  1. Look at this clown. Culusoow is fitna test for Somali People. Our grandgrandchildren will talk about this fitna called Culusoow.
  2. This guy is innocent. Why is SNM so scared to capture Morgan and Maslax? They go after minority. Laangaab going after laangaab haha
  3. <cite> @Hawdian said:</cite> ^ the only reason you are shamed is because you from SOMALiYa Moqadisho where you people kill hate , and are all criminals , Im very proud that my family fought against babaric Cannibals Criminals like you . The British did not do Genocide in Somaliland you family and most like you did 1 million innocent civilians ,Killed by Your Siyad Barre Regime And Still you have the stupdniss to come here and point fingers. Haweyeen fuqul Hawiyaan, I dont feel shame for u I feel pity for you likes. The most humane thng would be to put your likes down. Hawdian the slave of Xabashis and British, go wash their back. Awalba you was a slave. You admit that your forefathers were good houseslaves. lol Kulaha the british loved us and did no unjust to us hahaha The talk of houseslave. The british came and said we are going to rule the cursed descendants of Ham, God gave us the right to rule over savages. You are our dog and slave. That was your relationship with the british, Gaalraacoow.
  4. Odayaashaas ragganimo haka sugin kkkkk They are not hags. The Hag elders already left maamulka snm after telling them that Kismaayo Baidoa and Garoowe are already In Xamar now your turn.
  5. Magaalada Muqdisho waxaa saakay ka socda dhaqdhaqaaqyo iyo diyaar garowga dabaal degga munaasabadda 15-ka May oo ku beegan 71-guuradii ka soo wareegatay asaaska ururka dhallinyarada SYL oo hormuud u ahaa xornimada dalka Soomaaliya. Garoonka K/Cagta Banadir Stadium ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa isugu soo ururay boqolaal dadweyne ah oo ka kala socday qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada, iyadoo barnaamijyo ku saabsan 15-ka May ayna soo diyaariyeen guddiga Olombikada Soomaaliyeed iyo ururrada dhallinyarada halkaasi ay haatan ka socdaan. Dhinaca munaasabadda loogu dabaal degayo maalinta dhallinyarada SYL ee 15-ka May ayaa waxaa la filayaa inay ka soo qeyb galaan madax ka tirsan Dowladda Federaalka, ururrada dhallinyarada iyo xubno magac ku leh dalka. Sidoo kale qaar ka mid ah gobolada dalka ayaa iyana waxaa ka socda munaasabadda 71-guurada ka soo wareegatay asaaska ururka dhallinyarada SYL ee 15-ka May, waxaana maamulada ka jira gobolada dalka qaarkood ay bilaabeen sidii loo maamuusi lahaa munaasabaddaasi qiimaha weyn ku leh dalka. 15May we celebrate how somalis came together for Mother Somalia. On 18May we clean the qashin. I hope it becomes the International Clean Dat.
  6. They are in support of snmland to be maamul state within Somalia. Xaaji qashinka naga yareey.
  7. Dadka doqomada ayaa aaminsan secessionism. Guddoomiye Siil aanyo is hardcore unionist.
  8. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha xaaji somalidiid Ancient visit by gaal queen who doesnt wash her a** means snmland is recognized? Ceebey tacaal. War dadkaan ma xishoodaan?
  9. <cite> @galbeedi said:</cite> Ahmed Diiriye and Dahir Xaad, the two leading members of the " Odayaasha Dhaqanka HAG" have shown to be tough and principled. They stood against A/laahi Yusuf, they confronted Shariif Ahmed and even challenged some of the Jubba policy of Hassan Sheikh. Politely, they stated that they support the peace and progress in Somaliland, but they stick to their one nation stand. These men must be respected by their principle. EXACTLY Maxaa laga qaadi karaa kkkk We hags tell snm how things are. Hate it or love it
  10. Congrats Xaaji Somalidiid! Some xalimo put snm flag in her profile so now that means snmland is recognized!
  11. Faysal waa nin xanuunsan. May Allah give him recovery and sanity. Only a munaafiq or mental person chooses Orthodox Christians over Muslims.
  12. Tillamook ninyahow adaa gar daran. Why are u talking to Xaajiga Soomaalidiidka. That guy rather unites with Xabashis if the world community told them: Listen you blacks wannabe arabs! There wont be recognition so you either join Ethiopia or Somalia! They choose Ethiopia. That proofs how far the somalidiidnimo took them. Just give them this impossible option: You want to secede? Ok fine! Only with Hargeisa Burco and Berbera. The rest of Waqooyi Galbeed stays with us. Naag(1clan) haddaysan ku rabin waa la furaa. This woman(Hargeisa, Berbera and Burco) wants to divorce? She can! But she cannot take away our other wives (Awdal, Khatumo, Makhir) with them! Our 3 wives in waqooyi galbeed still loves their husband. Waa xadgudub weyn. It wont be tolerated. Somalia will slap that woman who dares to take away our other wives. War and Eternal Hatred is better instead of losing Awdal Makhir and Khatumo. The beautiful thing about this option is that Soomaalidiidka or the disobedient woman wont accept that. The Somalidiid(Disobedient woman) believes in the borders of her White English lover. The white English lover with whom she committed adultery does not want her anymore, but she still wants his attention and love. Every year this somalidiid woman sents HBD card to the the mother of the white english lover, in exchange the mother never replies the card and neither does her son. The english lover had enough of the somalidiid woman. He sends messengers to convince her that the days of adultery is over, u must go back to your husband. He tells Somalidiid woman that he wont recognize her love for the white master with whom she did zina.
  13. Wow i iam not gonna read that. Too long. Iam at work till at night. Make it short niyoow.
  14. Drugtoore if Puntland does not need amisom how come Alshabaab rules Galgala mountains? How come alshabaab is king in northgaalkacyo? Sufi towns Guriceel ****Mareeb and CaabudWaaq are more safer than Puntland
  15. I***rism is fake and does not exist. It is card used against the Submitted Group.
  16. The Defeated Group thinks that H Block and I Block are sharpening their political sword against the Submitted Group. The two communities agreed to share the country in two halfs. Northern Half belongs to I-group. Southern Half dominated by the H Block. Yet both halfs will be under One Cuntry, no secession. There will be loose unity. This is the only way.
  17. The Defeated Group is very angry at the Xamar Elders visiting Hargeisa Soomaaliya. WARNING: It contains names of clans!
  18. UCID concerns makes sense. UCID realized that Guddoomiye siilaanyo is unionist at heart. Dhex Gal Shacbi has been accepted by guddoomiye siilaanyo from maamulka waqooyi galbeed Soomaaliya. Dhex Gal Bulsho means reconciliation between the different clans of Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya. Dhex Galka Shacabka Soomaaliya can come after bringing the warcriminals to justice. It means bringing Ali Mahdi,Morgan, Siilaanyo to The Hague War Tribunal.