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Everything posted by SomaliaRising

  1. Somaliland is much and much stronger but........ cant recapture Khatumo State You are so contradicting yourself sxb. If Maamulka SNM is so powerful 500 Khatumo soldiers would be defeated 2 years ago. Ninyahoow your weakness was exposed by Khatumo so beenta meesha kala tag.
  2. XX We are nation that gets stronger through war. Dont worry about Koonfur Somalia. You are the man with dreams. You should make your dream become true. Thats hard because reality(Puntland, Khatumo) are making your dream extremely impossible. Like i said, Somalia from Seylac till Raskambooni is already recognized country. Somalia needs stability alone, thats all. You should focuss on your imaginary country that is threatened with clan war(habar vs habar) and new problems such as the Garowe Threat and the Khatumo State. Anyways, i will report every bad news about Maamulka SNM just like you are reporting every bad news about Koonfur Somalia.
  3. Hhahahah Separatist losing hope What happened to your dream of controling all towns and cities of the former British Somaliland Protectorate. You said the border of former british somaliland is holy hahah Khatumo wants their towns in SSC back. And they will get it back. Once the dabadhilifyo in Laascaanood are taken care of, your snm maamul will never set foot again in SSC dominated lands.
  4. The security in Somalia will be fine. You dont have to worry about Koonfur Somalia. You must really worry about Waqooyi Somalia. Puntland is sharpening their swords and Khatumo Soldiers are ready to defeat you once more again. Habar vs Habar clan war in Burco. SNM is shrinking by day. You had your best chance for independence when Somalia was totally chaos, and you had SSC under control. Now Alshabaab is on the run, security becoming better. SSC is kicking SNM out from their towns. In every country attacks can happen. In UK, Spain, Iraq, Lebanon and Afghanistan there were suicideattacks. You cannot stop suicidebombers when it happens. You must really foccus on that. Dont worry, we will become strong again.
  5. <cite> @Xaaji Xunjuf said:</cite> Somaliland is not going to attack the Khatumo conference the garaad clan are good at one thing holding shirs about shirs its harmless in 2012 SL never attacked their conference. I think Garowe might interrupt their conference. If you could attack them, you would do so long time ago. Battlehardened warriors who never sleeps made SNM run away like chickens.
  6. They gave strong warning to Maamulka SNM not to attack the Khatumo Conference or else face another defeat! The SNM enemy lost every hope to recapture the lost areas after the famous defeats, meanwhile Khatumo soldiers are battlehardened and more united.
  7. XX, You should worry about your clan enclave SNM. Every day the security is getting out of control in maamulka SNM. That police commander was killed because he belonged to the wrong Habar.
  8. AUN According to sick secessionist people filled with clannism they think the dead of koonfurians will bring independence.
  9. CidanSNM, If there isnt why is this police commander killed whahahaha! He was shot dead by mistake when citizens were hunting on animals??
  10. ASMI: Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir iyo duqa Muqdisho oo loo magacaabay Xasan Maxamed Xuseen (Mungaab) War deg deg ah oo goor dhow na soo gaaray ayaa sheegaya in Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ahna duqa Magaalada Muqdisho loo magacaabay Saareeye Guuto Xasan Maxamed Xuseen Mungaab, kaasoo maalmahan la hadalayay in xilkaas loo magacaabayo. Wareegtada ka soo baxday Madaxweynaha ayaa waxaa xilka looga qaaday Maxamuud Axmed Tarsan oo xilka Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir iyo duqa Muqdisho hayay tan iyo bartamihii sanadkii 2010, waana Gudoomiyaha ugu waqtiga dheeraa. Sidoo kale wareegtada ayaa waxaa lagu faray Talisyada Booliska iyo Nabadsugida Gobolka Banaadir inay si toos ah ula shaqeeyaan Gudoomiyaha cusub ee Gobolka Banaadir iyo Duqa Muqdisho Xasan Maxamed Xuseen (Mungaab). Ilo wareedyo muhiim ah oo ka tirsan Xafiiska Madaxweynaha ayaa u xaqiijiyay in magacaabista Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ahna duqa Muqdisho ay tahay mid rasmi ah oo wareegto goor dhow soo baxday lagu shaacin doono. Jen. Xasan Maxamed Xuseen ayaa horay u ahaa Gudoomiyihii Maxkamada ciidamada qalabka sida, waxaana xilkan la sheegay inay kula tartamayeen xubno kale duwan oo ka soo jeeday Beesha Mudullood. Mr Tarsan ayaa ahaa Gudoomiyaha ugu waxqabadka wanaagsanaa ee soo mara Muqdisho, iyadoo lagu xusuusan doono wixii uu ka qabtay magaalada, sida bilicda magaalada, nadaafada iyo kicinta bulshada, waxaa uu ahaa nin cod kar ah oo aan la ganban afkaartiisa. Magacaabista Mungaab ayaa soo afjareysa warar iyo hadal heyn badan oo muddo soo jiitamayay, kaasoo ahaa in loo magacaabi doono xilka Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir iyo Duqa Muqdisho. Dhinaca kale Wareegto ka soo baxday Madaxweynaha ayaa waxaa xilka Gudoomiyaha Bankiga Dhexe Bashiir Ciise loogu kordhiyay muddo labo bilood, isagoo si KMG ah u hayay xilkaas, sidoo kale waxaa la magacaabay Xisaabiyaha Guud iyo Hanti-dhowrka Bye bye Tarsan, he did great job.
  11. Taliyihii booliska degmada Xaaji Saax ee Somaliland oo xalay la dilay Talaado, Feberaayo 25, 2014 (HOL) — Taliyihii booliska ee degmadda Xaaji Saalax ee hoos timaadda degmadda Oodweyne ee gobolka Togdheer, ayaa xalay xalli dambe lagu dilay tuuladda Laan-Mulaaxo oo uuu joogay hawlo shaqo. Alla ha u naraxiistee Hure Sahal ayaa dablay hubaysani ku dileen tuuladdaasi, iyadoo dadkii dilka gaystay markiiba baxsadeen. Gudoomiyaha Degmadda Xaaji Saalax Khadar Cabdi Oday, ayaa sheegay in dilkaasi ahaa mid aad looga naxay, isla markaana u dhacay qaab fool xun oo dadweynihii deegaanku ka xumaadeen. "kowdii habeenimo ayaa Hure Sahal Lagu Dilay Tuuladda Laan-Mulaaxo oo uu hawlo uTagay, sida la sheegayo waxa taliyaha loo dilay aano hore oo ka dhexeysay laba beelood oo walaalo ah oo deegaamadan wada Daga, kuwaasi oo Dilal Hore Isu Gaystay Markaa Hadda Weli Lama aasin"ayuu yidhi gudoomiyaha degmadda xaaji Saalax oo ka tirsan degmadda Oodweyne KHadar Cabdi oo siday wax u dhaceen ka hadlayey. Gudoomiyaha ayaa sheegay inay dawladu usoo dirtay ciidamo ka hawlgala arintaasi, isla markaana odayaal iyo wax garad ku soo fool leeyihiin degmadda si ay u dajiyaan beelaha kacsan. Illaa hadda lama qaban dableydii taliyaha dishay, inkastoo ciidan badan ku soo wajahan yihiin goobtii dilku ka dhacay si loo soo qabto. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, deegaanada bariga Somaliland ayey ku badan yihiin inay beeluhu isku dileen si aargoose ah, taasina waxay keentay inay inta badan beelaha wada degaa isku dhacaan, waxaana taliyaha dilkiisa ka dambeeyey beel hore qof looga dilay. AUN The situation in maamulka SNM is out of control. There is clan war between the snm enemies.
  12. The people of Hargeisa, Berbera and Burco must stick to these three towns otherwise it is you who will take the responsibility of any future war between Puntland and Maamulka Hargeisa. Geeridu waxay dhibeysaa qofkii dhoof ku yimid. The people of Laascaanood are closer to the people of Garowe in ethnicity and culture. They are brothers in blood. So do not come between the brothers.
  13. Our secessionist enemy XX is feeling the heat. Puntland getting mobilized to seize Laascaanood by force!!!! Hate it or love it, Separatist enemies will be defeated in Laascaanood!
  14. It looks Wine to me. Let him drink whatever he wants.
  15. Walaaloow beenta naga yareey. If Puntland had warplanes they would get back Galgala and Laascaanood. Walaaloow ilaahay ka cabso.
  16. Brother Osman, open your eyes sxb. Somalia is under threat of the secessionist enemy. That is why Puntland must do whatever they can to neutralize the separatist movement by submitting SSC areas. These enemies from Hargeisa dream of country based on the borders of their white masters the British colonization in the North. The Somali people supports Puntland's desire to crush the dream of dreamers.
  17. <cite> @Dr_Osman said:</cite> If these rumours are true, I doubt the legend is going to mogadishu with hassan shaykh there, if he will go anywhere before the next somalia election it would be jubbaland, but I highly doubt he is returning to politics and if he does it would be for president of Somalia in the next election. It is undesirable to have Faroole as president of Somalia. It would be adding more fuel to the already fragile political situation in Somalia. He can dream of becoming president of Jubba State. I support that!
  18. All eyes on Puntland. If they fail, the separatist enemies will always laugh at them and accuse them of being cowards and weak in the art of warfare. But if they succeed in uniting the SSC under Puntland banner, attacks the separatist enemy and roots them out from every SSC area then all somalis will show respect for Puntland. The separatist enemy will be stuck within Hargeisa, Berbera and Burco. The attack and victory of Puntland will inspire other minorities oppressed by the Ethiopian Orphans(SNM). Not to forget the people from Awdal will also stand up and pick up weapons to drive out the enemies of unity from Borama and every other town dominated by people of Awdal. So there is a lot of blessing for Puntland to choose the path of War after uniting the divided SSC. Economical blessing and political blessing. The Somali Nation will forgive the mistakes of Puntland in the past and applaud them as the defenders of UNITY.
  19. All eyes on Puntland. If they fail, the separatist enemies will always laugh at them and accuse them of being cowards and weak in the art of warfare. But if they succeed in uniting the SSC under Puntland banner, attacks the separatist enemy and roots them out from every SSC area then all somalis will show respect for Puntland. The separatist enemy will be stuck within Hargeisa, Berbera and Burco. Not to forget the people from Awdal will also stand up and pick up weapons to drive out the enemies of unity from Borama and every other town dominated by people of Awdal. So there is a lot of blessing for Puntland to choose the path of War after uniting the divided SSC. Economical blessing and political blessing. The Somali Nation will forgive the mistakes of Puntland in the past and applaud them as the defenders of UNITY.
  20. Faysal Waraabe to SNM minister: war waxan nacaska LLOLL
  21. kkkkkkkkkkkkkk Cadale Say again? Stable districts? Really? Or is it stable by Amisom tanks
  22. Wararkii ugu dambeeyay weerarkii Madaxtooyada iyo Mas'uuliyiin ku dhintay Warar dheeraad ah ayaa ka soo baxaya weerar culus oo lagu qaaday Xarunta Madaxtooyada xilligii salaadii khudbada ee jimcaha, iyadoo weerarka markii hore uu ku bilowday gaari waxyaabaha qarxa laga soo buuxiyay oo lagu furtay albaabka hore ee Madaxtooyada. Sida ay sheegayaan wararka qaraxa kadib ayaa rag hubeysan oo dharka milateriga xirnaa ay galeen Madaxtooyada, waxaana mid ka mid ah qaraxyada ka dhacay gudaha Madaxtooyada. Wararka ayaa sheegaya in Mas'uuliyiin ku dukaday Masaajidka ku yaal Madaxtooyada oo markii qaraxa dhaca ay banaanka u soo baxeen ay ku dhinteen rasaastii la is weydaarsaday. Sarkaal ka tirsan dowladda ayaa sheegay in madaxweynaha aanu ku dukan masaajidka Madaxtooyada oo weerarka markii hore u badnaa aaggaas, marka loo eego halka qaraxa hore ka dhacay ee albaabka Madaxtooyada ee dhinaca Boondheere xiga. Ilaa iyo hada waxba lagama oga gudaha Madaxtooyada, waxaa loo diiday inay galaan wariyeyaasha, dhamaan wadooyinka ayaa ah mid xiran ciidamo fara badan ayaa ku hareereysan Madaxtooyada. Warar goor dhow na soo gaaray ayaa sheegaya in Taliye kuxigeenkii hore ee Nabadsugida qaranka Jen. Nuur Shirbow uu ku dhintay weerarka Madaxtooyada, sidoo kale Xoghayihii joogtada ee Xafiiska Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Maxamuud Xirsi (Indha Case) ayaa isna ka mid ah mas'uuliyiinta dhintay. Goob joogayaal ayaa sheegaya inay meydadka qaar ka mid ah ragii hubeysnaa ee weeraray madaxtooyada ay yaalaan banaanka iyo gudaha Madaxtooyada. Wasiirka Amniga C/kariin Xuseen Guuleed ayaa sheegay in ciidamada amniga ay ka hortageen isku daygaas weerar ee lagu soo qaaday Madaxtooyada, isagoo cadeeyay in aanay jirin wax qatar ah jirin, isla markaana mas'uul ka tirsan dowladda aanay wax ku noqon. Gawaarida gurmadka deg dega ayaa ku qul qulaya halka weerarka ka dhacay, sidoo kale gawaarida dab damiska ayaa u baxay inay damiyaan dabka ka dhashay qaraxii gaariga iyo qarax kale oo gaariga kooxihii watay ahaa oo banaanka Madaxtooyada yaalay, kaasoo qarxay wax yar kadib markii is rasaaseynta bilaabatay. Weerarkan oo u muuqday mid qorsheysnaa ayaa ahaa kii u horeeyay ee lagu qaaday Madaxtooyada, waxaana lagu soo beegay, xilli albaabka bari ee Madaxtooyada uu ka socday howlo dhismo ah, taasna ay ka mid aheyd waxyaabihii fududeeyay suurgalnimada weerarka maanta lagu qaaday. Wixii warar ee dheeraad kala soco wararkeena dambe The selfstyled TFG claims proudly that they rule the capital city. If that is the case, how can terrorists attacks the heart of the TFG? How can they do whatever they want in districts like Yaaqshiid, Heliwaa, Kaaraan and many more? Either they are liars or we are blind!
  23. Ninyahow i told you years ago. There is no govt in Somalia. The TFG is papergovt that does not even exist. What govt do you know that cannot guard their own city? What govt do you know that cannot even survive 1 day without Shisheeye? The threat of Axmed Godane who is supported with money and sympathy by his separatist clansmen in the North and supported by brainless Footsoldiers from Galgaduud, Hiiraan, Jubba, Gedo and Banadir regions. Reasons why this socalled govt is biggest joke since 1960: 1) Alshabaab terrorists operate freely in Xamar 2) TFG officials (Hassan Sheikh) arming the shababa with new brought weapons 3) Separatist enemy in the north supports Godane with money to gain Independence 4) TFG gives weapons to Mooryaan Thugs in Shabeellada Hoose 5) Jubbaland takes orders from Nairobi 6) Puntland threatened by Terrorists sponsored from Hargeisa Clan Enclave 7) Corrupted TFG officials stealing the UN donations 8) TFG soldiers addcted on drugs, killing and robbing civilians they are supposed to protect so they can buy Khat Alcohol and Cocaine.