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Everything posted by SomaliaRising

  1. Dowladda Talyaaniga oo sheegtay inay ka caawinayso Soomaaliya Tababarka Booliiska iyo dhinacyada Wax-soo-saarka Talaado, Jannaayo 08, 2013 (HOL) — Dowladda Talyaaniga oo muddo dheer gumeysanaysay gobollada Koonfureed ee Soomaaliya ayaa shaacisay inay ka caawin doonto dowladda cusub ee Soomaaliya tababarka ciidamada iyo wax-soo-saarka. Wasiirka arrimaha dibadda ee Talyaaniga, Guilio Terzi ayaa hadalkan ka sheegay xarunta Talyaaniga ee Roma kaddib markii uu kulan la qaatay wasiirka arrimaha dibadda Soomaaliya, Fowziyo Yuusuf Xaaji Aadan oo safar shaqo ku joogta dalka Talyaaniga. “Talyaanigu wuxuu ka taageeri doonaa Soomaaliya xoojinta ammaanka, tababaridda ciidamada booliska iyo wax-soo-saarka beeraha iyo kalluumeysiga,” ayuu Terzi wariyeyaal ugu sheegay magaalada Roma. Sidoo kale, wasiirradda arrimaha dibadda ee Soomaaliya, Fowziyo Yuusuf ayaa iyaduna sheegay inay ku faraxsan tahay in dib loosoo nooleeyo xiriirkii u dhexeeyay Soomaaliya iyo Talyaaniga. “Innaga iyo Talyaanigu waxaan ku heshiinnay in loosoo nooleeyo dhammaan heshiisyadii dowliga ahaa ee ay labada dal horay u galeen, taasna waa guul weyn oo lagu faani karo,” ayay tiri wasiiradda arrimaha dibadda Soomaaliya oo iyaduna saxaafadda la hadashay. kkkkkkkkkkk Xaaji Xun did Italy mention Maamulka SNM? Then why is Maamulka SNM there on the training? loool The Training is for Republic of Somalia from Seylac till Raskambooni. If snm are separatists why did they go there kkkkkkk Xaaji Xun will also spin this out. " well training is part of Istanbul agreement, well we need the training, it does not damage our ictiraaf programm, well wanlaweyns must stop claiming us, well we go to Italy as seperate country. Italy called on us as seperate country. Well where do you see the evidence that Italy only called Somalia. Well Wanlaweyn are so ignorant of politics. As for the Turkish Airlines and the Somali ambassador, well the somali ambassador entered the wrong door, he was not welcome there because two Qarans(Turkey and maamulka snm) were talking". And Xaaji Xun sleeps better at night by feeding himself lies lol
  2. """""We dont care what Whites do, but we care what Pakistanis in Shefield do"""""""" kkkkkkkkkkkk Xaaji Xun is so angry from inside. He knows this very well Tillamook. Laakiin he wishes so badly to change this humiliation fadeexada weyn into Something Good. He is happy for the Turkish Airlines to come to North Somalia but forgets to mention that Somali Ambassador was present there kkkkk He is happy for the Police training but forgets that Puntland stood next to him and that the whites knows only one country. Also one uniform was giving to them as in One Uniform for One Country kkkkkkkkkkkk
  3. Every Somali is happy for Caasimada Labaad of Somali Republic. This proofs that Hargeisa will always be part of Somalia. They cant built their own "Qaranka Plane" lol
  4. Original Poster though this was guul for maamulka snm. He forget to mention Somali Ambassador lolllll Thread backfire classic
  5. kkkkkkk snm plot backfired Without Somali Ambassador nothing can be signed loooolll SNM thugs humiliation part 6
  6. CidanSNM, I salute maamulka SNM! They are good as regional state. Alhamdulilah they accepted that reality.
  7. BLABLABLABLABLABAL The fact is and will always be that Maamulka snm accepted being regional state.
  8. You Somalidiids are so lost from reality. War ninyahow you are equal to Puntland. Both of you are Regional states in Somali Republic. You live in lala world.
  9. It harms your failed ictiraaf project. The whites sees you as part of Somaaliya, Somaalidiidoow haha If they saw you as different from Somalia, they would make for you different appointment. Laakiin you and Puntland are equal. Both are maamul Goboleedyo. No matter how much khats the random people in Hargeisa chews, nothing can change that fact.
  10. kkkkkk waryaa snm project has failed. The SNM thugs officially recognized being Federal Clan state within Somalia.
  11. looooooooooool xaaji xun you are funny. You take every humiliation as good news kkkkkk I think Saalax disagrees with you lol This is huge scandal. Waa fadeexad weyn. Because the Whites see there TFG and regional states lol. They dont see "Jamhuuriyadda SNM" as you want us to believe.
  12. Xaaji Xun making marmarsiyo excuses for this scandal <cite> @Xaaji Xunjuf said:</cite> They are in Europe receiving training from the Europeans how is this a form of unity, Puntland army operates independently even though puntland claims to be part of Somalia. But Puntland wishes to have the same training the damuljadid government receives. Somaliland and Somalia already agreed in the talks to boos their securities and receive training's so i think this is part of the wider range. This is how ever not unity Somalis cannot unite there is to much unfinished business. Have u not seen Europeans visiting Hargeisa garowe and Mogadishu the same guy from a EU commissionery and other officials this is the same. Soomaalidiid Allah ha jabiyo.
  13. Aaway ictiraafkii baa soo dhow:D Niyoow Mooge the snm surrendered without 1 bullet being fired.
  15. The sarakiil are from Waqooyi Galbeed, Bari and Koonfur. Masha Allah, midnimada Soomaaliya waa muqadas
  17. Wallahi niyoow Mooge dadkaan waa dad inkaar qaba ma is moodey? Doing things always wrong kkkkkk Sheffield wants snm votes, they dont care about ur clan enclave. Do things right and deal this with the UK Govt and do that in London. Not some worthless city that has lots of snm refugees lol Let warlord Siil aanyo go to Vatican City embrace Catholism in exchange for ictiraaf:D
  18. Xassad Xussain is famous terrorist cleric. He preaches hatred and death from his safe house in Kenya. He supports Suicidebombing. Devil must be dissapointed that some people are worse than him.
  19. There is no freedom in SNM towns. First Press and now Doctors.