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Everything posted by SomaliaRising

  1. Somaliland is a friend and a key strategic ally for Ethiopia. We will spare no expense to defend and protect Somaliland. We are ready to extend an arm of support to our Somaliland brothers every time they are in need of one," he told the Parliamentarians. His message has received overwhelming support throughout Somaliland and residents have welcomed PM Desalegn's strong support. Somalilanders consider Ethiopia the closest ally and their ties traces back to more than 300 years. kkkkk Somali Naagihii Meles SNM gets protection from Xabashis.
  2. Madaxweyne Siilaanyo Oo Xaaladiisa Caafimaad Liidato Iyo Warar Sheegaya In Habeen Madow Loo Duuliyay Jabuuti Siilaanyo-620x330April 11, 2014 Hargeysa(Cadceed) – Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland Mudane Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) ayaa la sheegay inay xaaladiisa caafimaad liidato oo uu ku jiro xaalad goo goos ah oo kala garasho laaan ah. Tan iyo Markii uu madaxweyne Siilaanyo ka soo laabtay safarkii dheeraa ee uu ku soo maray gobolada dalka ayaa la odhan karaa wuu ku soo haftay maadaama ay xaaladiisa caafimaad waxweyn ka bedeshay. Waxaa madaxweynaha si weyn loo tabay maalintii la xusayay ururkii SNM oo aanu Madaxweynuhu goobta ka soo xaadirin taasoo dadkii madasha ka soo qaybgalay dareen weyn ku dhalisay, waana markii ugu horaysay taariikhda ee Siilaanyo ka maqnaado xaflad tanoo kale ah. Madaxweyne Siilaanyo, ayaa ahaa nin looga bartay dhiiranaan kana hadli jiray xaalad kasta oo dalka kusoo korodha, waxaase baryahan dambe soo badanaya aamuska iyo dabacsanaanta madaxweynaha. Waxay ahayd dhowr maalmood kahor markii ay madaxtooyada ka soo baxday qoraal uu ku sexeexan yahay afhayeenka madaxtooyada Saleebaan Dhuxul laguna sheegay in Madaxweynuhu magacaabay gudida qaban qaabada xuska 18-ka may. Waana arrin lala yaabo madaxweynihii qaranka oo jooga oo caafimaad qaba in qoraal ka soo baxo Madaxtooyada oo waliba aanu madaxweynuhu ku sexeexnayn. Dadka qaar ayaa rumaysan in madaxweyne Siilaanyo Habeen Madow la dheelmiyay oo loo qaaday Dalka Jabuuti si loogu soo dabiibo, iyadoo laga cabsi qabo inay dalka ku keeni karto khal khal siyaasadeed hadii ay shacabku ka war helaan xogta dhabta ah ee madaxweynaha. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, waxaa laga warsugu doonaa sida uu Madaxweyne Siilaanyo ama afhayeenkiisu kaga jawaabo eedaymaha badan ee kaga imanaya xisbiyada Mucaaradka iyo odayada ku bohoobay Madasha wadatashiga iyo toosinta qaranka. Cadceednews Hargeysa Office Comments are closed
  3. Hysteria sickness is what mirqaans have. They have cuqdad for southerners. Thats not the worst part. They think they have a country haha Living in a dream
  4. News flash: if they were your family, would they dragg traitors corpses in Taleex and Buuhoodle kkkkk Xaaji Habaar Xun waa mirqaasan yahay? Lol
  5. Niyoow only one laf of hag can punish your sorry ass minoriy clan. Bootada iyo faanka naga yareey. Khatumo clan exposed weakness of your clan enclave. Just thank Allah that he did not made us your neighbours. Waan ku adoonsan laheen. You would be under our feet. Your godane boys were destroyed in guriceel and dhuusomareeb. Taas talo ku qaado kkkk
  6. Not only good people but also warriors. Sxb you know very well ictiraaf without our consultation means nothing, it brings civilwar. Niyoow haddaa dagaal rabtid horta iska celi Khatumo clan haha They karbaashed the seperatists. Iam born of Hag. You are born of snm. Niyoow dont lie about me.
  7. The Khatumo clan killed khatchewing seperatist traitors haha How can they be one when your clansmen were killed and driven out from Taleex and Buuhoodle hahaha You know nothing ninyahow. The only reason flag of mirqaanland waves in Laascaanood is because some traitors works with snm traitors haha
  8. Burahdeer your khatsoldiers were killed and dragged by Khatumo clan alone hahaha If one subclan Hag enters the war , you are finished. It is us(hag) that saved you from the regime. Unwise to bite the hand that feeds you haha We are your boss. Ictiraaf is under our feet. Nothing happens without consulting us kkkk
  9. Xaaji Habaar Xun So when TFG rescued your clansmen from South Sudan that was fake too haha U couldnt even sent one plane kkkkkk
  10. Why would i claim being Puntland clan? Haha It pains you to see that Hag dominates you kkkk Your clan begs me to give them FM. Haha
  11. How did the pathetic smm kill me when i crushed the old regime and you were low without my firm help? How can pathetic snm be effective when the khatumo clan crushed the ictiraafaddicted traitors on many battles? Were it not for the struggle of my people, your clan would face massacre after massacre at the hands of SNA till this day. So go away snm traitor, you and anyone who supports secessionism. We will fight that off. I warn you not to make war between us and your people if you cannot even defeat khatumo clan.
  12. He is still mickeymouse president. Doesnt matter if one minority clan elected him to be president of hargeisa, berbera and burco. Wadan aanan jirin kkkk You mean maamulka snm(traitors)? Guddoomiye SIIL aanyo is nothing but warlord.
  13. Its her president. Mickeymouse president SIIL aanyo is not recognized kkkk
  14. They are slaves sxb. Somali Naago Movement is ethiopian made group.
  15. Xaafado ka tirsan Hargeysa oo aanay Koronto ka jirin iyo Dadka oo Cabanaya Khamiis, Abriil 10, 2014 (HOL) — Xaafadaha dhinaca Koonfureed ee magaalada Hargeysa ku yaalla ayaa ka cabanaya koronto la’aan kaddib markii ay cilladi ku timid martoorradii korontada siin jirtay oo ay leedahay maamulka Somaliland. Maamulka Somaliland ayaa waxay leedahay xarun ay korontada ka siiso dadka magaalada ku nool qaarkood, inkastoo ay jiraan shirkado kale oo korontada bixiya, waxaana xarunta koronto bixinta Hargeysa ay dansan tahay toddobaadkii labaad. “Waxaanu ka cabanaynaa korontada oo 12 maalmood naga maqan, innagu waxaan daggan-nahay xaafadaha ku teedsan saldhigga dhexe illaa Sheekh Madar, koronto la’aanta ayaana ah dhibaatada ugu weyn ee xilligan na haysata,” ayuu yiri Faysal Maxamed Xasan. Sidoo kale, ruuxan ka mid ah shacabka Hargeysa ayaa sheegay inaysan koronto kale gashan karin illaa ay warqado ruqsad ah ka helaan xarunta koronto bixinta maamulka, isagoo xusay inay dowladda ka codsanayaan inay si dhaqso ah ku hagaajiso. Wasiirka howlaha guud ee Maamulka Somaliland, C/risaaq Khaliif Axmed oo BBC-da la hadlay ayaa sheegay in cillad ay ku timid matoorradii korontada siin jiray magaalada, balse ay wadaan howllo lagu hagaajinayo matooralada, loona heli lahaa matoorro cusub. “Matoorro cusub oo dibadda ka imaanaya ayaan sugaynaa; kuwaasoo lagu wado in caawa ay magaalada soo galaan, waana arrin adag in hal mar ay matoorrada oo dhami ay fariistaan, balse sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan ayaan korontada ku sii dayn doonnaa,” ayuu yiri wasiirka. Xaafadaha ay korontada siiyaan shirkadaha gaarka loo leeyahay ayaa ka weyn kuwa ay maamulku siiso, taasoo sababtay in cabashada koronto la’aanta ay ku eg-tahay Koonfurta magaalada Hargeysa. Let there be light in Second capital city of Soomaaliya!
  16. Hawdian, how about the Gaalo Mukbabaraat opering in Waqooyi Galbeed. Guddoomiye Siil aanyo can do nothing.
  17. <cite> @Hawdian said:</cite> Catfights are for pussies ! Do you even lift bro ? Hawdian, what Osman fails to understand is that SNM traitors and HAG nationalists became dominant in the North and South because of Halgankooda. SNM traitors did their own halgan, now almost all of D-subclans in the North is their servants except for some who discovered weakness on the side of snm. The same with HAG, we did major halgan struggle, thanks to that the strongest and most dominant subclan of D is our waterboy. Actually we dominate them politically. And they can never do rogaal celin to capture the Capital City. But we allow them to live there and view Xamar as their capital city. We are more wadaniyiin , opposing clannism. For that reason there is healthy coalition between us(hag) and strongest influential two subclans of D who lives in the South. They have lost any hope in dominating Somali Politics as they used to do in 1960 till 1991. There are sleepercells of USC in Xamar and surroundings to prevent that from happening. You can compare them to the Revolutionairy Guard of Iran except that the USC revolutionairy Guard are watching things from above without interfering the politics. Hag is political tool.
  18. Niyoow Osman, sahal takes orders from us the HAGs. We rule both SNM and Sahal sxb. SNM thugs run towards us for pathetic minister of foreign affairs. The strongest clan within Sahal works for HAG. We appoint who becomes useless pm and who does not. Sxb siyaasada iyo dagaalka waa lagaa sareeya niyoow. We defeated you in 1991 and in 2006 only one laf of one subclan defeated you. Niyoow weak snm is bullying you. If we were the neighbours of smm traitors, we would bully them not the other way around. We would never allow khatchewing feminine militias in our cities and towns if we were their neighbours. Niyoow dont you realize why xaaji habaar xun says he does not want war with HAG, because he knows we have nothing to loose we fight till death. We are warhardened machine. We killed the boys of secessionist Godane and dragged their bodies on the hot soil of Guriceel and dhuusomareeb. Niyoow caadi iska dhig, go first dominate snm before u talk about Soomaaliya, about HAG. Cabdi Weli wants talks with HAG after he saw that Faroole put himself under isolation. Cabdi Weli knows without the spiritual and political support of HAG they wont be able to defeat the SNM. Also Khatumo came to Xamar for begging us to support their cause, we support their cause because we are wadaniyiin. We tell in the face of snm that we are pro-unity, we will always oppose their failed ictiraaf project. Wax ay naga qaadi karaan ma jiro. If they want war jiida hore dagaalka ha is keenaan. What can they do when we are fighting the strongest rebelgroup in east africa? Cleansed them from the ancestral lands of hag(galgaduud). Only HAG can defeat other HAG or put us under stalemate. Some clans from hag support terrorists, that is why u see attacks in Xamar and elsewhere. Niyoow if all hags were anti-shabaab we would cutt the head off of snm traitor godane and sent it back to his khatmaamul.
  19. Correction CiilSNM: Laasqoray, Waqooyi Galbeed, Republic of Soomaaliya
  20. Cadcad are known to be weird people with weird hindi culture. This is caadi in their eyes.
  21. Is it me or reer hargeysa are so feminine. Even Shacabka Burco says that lol