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Everything posted by LanderPhillie

  1. Abas, I got sick of the media lying and I had to set the record straight. Ahmed Hassan is the first Somali elected City councilman in America. STOIC, the truth matters Ok. Facts are facts dee. I know his family Ahmed is not a media Whorre. He has all the money in the world and cares less about what you or I say. :)
  2. STIOc, Ahmed Hassan was declared winner few hours before Abdi Warsame. The voting was still underway in Minnesota when Ahmed won in Georgia. There is a time difference between Georgia and Minnesota. My brother knows Ahmed Hassan and he doesn't like attention and the media.
  3. Axmed Xasan ayaa ku guuleystay doorashada golaha deegaanka Clarkston oo ka tirsan gobolka Georgia oo uu daggan yahay, isagoo helay codad gaaraya 59.6% codadkii la dhiibtay, isgaoo aad uga horreeyay xubnihii la tartamayay. Axmed iyo Warsame ayaa la sheegay inay noqdeen labadii qof ee Somali ah oo markii ugu horreeyay ku guuleysta doorashada golayaasha deegaanka dalka Mareykanka, waxaana tani ay indha u soo jeedisay Soomaalida ku nool dalka Mareyknaka. Doorashadan ay ku guuleysteen labadan qof ee Soomaalida ah ayaa waxay noqonaysaa mid taariikhi ah marka loo eego Soomaalida-Mareyknaka oo inta badan halkaas tagay wixii ka dambeeyay burburkii dowladdii Soomaaliya oo laga joogo 22-sano. Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online Muqdisho, Soomaaliya
  4. The result will be certified on Friday.
  5. My brother knows him. He is a hardworking businessman.