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About Cadale

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  1. <cite> @galbeedi said:</cite> Wax kasta oo dhaqaale iyo dhismo Aduunyadu bixisay Xamar baa la galiyey. Dadka Sommaaliyeed ee Zaylac iyo Baidhabo iyo Bulaxaar jooga waxba kama soo gaadhayaan. Dadka Soomaaliyeed Ayadoo ay didaas tahay ayey raali ka noqdeen. Iyagoo Rumaysan Hadii Caasimadu nabad noqoto in Qaran Soomaaliyeed hagaagayo. Isbitaalo, wadooyin, iskuulo, Airpor iyo adeegii halkaas ayaa lawada geeyey. Dadka maanta ku hadaaqaya Muqdisho Hiiraan halagu daro, kumanaan Soomaali ah ayey Muqdisho Siyaabo kla duwan uga qixiyeen. Waxay dhaheen Hadaan Madaxweyne anaga la naga dhigin nabad la heli maayo. Maantana waxay leeyihiin Muqdisho waa dhul reer hebel ee Caasimad Soomaaliyeed oo loo wada siman yahay ma ahan. If Mogadishu is going to be the nations capital, it must be a neutral seat of all Somalis. I can't imagine the greed of certain politicians. President Hassan and his clansmen control the Intelligence service, the national police, and Benadir regional government, yet they can't improve security. No way. Somalis should never allow one clan to control the resource of the national capital. Remember, it is the Somalis and former national governments, including " Kacaanka", who built Xamar before and today , it is mostly Turkey and the resource donated to the national government by the donors who are mostly responsible for the new Mogadishu. They want to take all that to themselves. What a punch of greedy people. If they do not change their character " WAdankan Waa laka Diri". Enough is enough. Waxaad ii sheegta waxey kacaanku dhiseen? China iyo talyaani ayaa kacaan noqday miyaa? Adeer dadku ma inaa ka caqli sareysidaa mooda? Zeylac adigu iney gooni ku noqoto oo iska lahaatid Sow ma rabtid? Hade ilahay ayaan kugu dhaariyay unuka hala yaabin hee! Anagu somali oo dhan ayaan hore gacmo furan ugu so dhaweynay xamar . Derisnimada suubaan caado iyo dhaqan waan uu leenahay oo waa tii sayidkii ku gabyee. Hadane mar labaad diyaar waan uu nahay inaa so dhoweyno somaliweyn. Laakinse hal wax yey ka hoosbixin kow dheh, xamar maamulkeeda dad baa xaq uu leh. Waana unuka iyo dadka cadcad. hadaanan taas aqbali karina hal wado ayaa ku furan taaso ah in taako ka mid ah soomaliya aysan qabiil lahaan karin. adeer anagu ma keenin federalism Kow dheh, banaadir iney state gooni noqoto ama state kale ka mid noqoto waa alternatives ku xusan dastuurka marka hadii turubkii la Wada bartay xabad ha cabaadin. Lol@ wadanki waa laga saari. Adeer plz try do that
  2. hahah ina lilaahi sxbyaal turibkii waa la Wada bartay. this is the beauty of federalism. Ka xaaxaabiya hee. :D
  3. <cite> @Holac said:</cite> Muungaab will be sacked by the President anytime now. Yup. He lacks the administration skills that is needed. Ina Ali Amerika might replace him.
  4. I do not welcome this. MMA nin sharaf leh ayuu ahaaye maxaa dhacay? Government and parliament is full of shady and corrupt officials. I hope he got bodyguards lol
  5. <cite> @ismailJabar said:</cite> What're you doing is deceitful! Far from reality Ciil uu dhimo hater.
  6. <cite> @Holac said:</cite> A brand new port in Mogadishu to be constructed by China Very good. The port will be located in Ceel macaan.
  7. Cumar abdirashid is a good man and i'm very happy for him. Thank god Yuulka is gone. There has never been a more corrupt pm.