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Everything posted by miles-militis

  1. No such thing as a perfect leader - humans are flawed in nature with inherent strengths cum weaknesses; what is a strength in one could be a weakness in another and vice versa, thusly no perfection in its being ((marriage of adverse variables is the nearest one comes to superficion, and not perfection), unless of course one wish to drink from the same well as David Ike in claiming to be the good lord himself, in which case, no arguing there.
  2. The question is, 'fore one could give examples, whose standards is one to use in measuring what is acceptable and what is not to start with: Western, Islamic, Somali or else? If western, who cares; if Islam, then a huge problem; if Somali, a beheading is in order; if else, mmmhhh, one scratches one's head?
  3. From what I hear short temperament got the better of the Mudug lads whose defense got engaged in a wresting match with an oncoming striker, cruise on and all, Sool star striker who was likely to touch the net ;--)
  4. Sool thru to the final, Mudug out of the tournament; awaiting Bari to pull thru now for a Sool vs Bari final.
  5. Garowe, Dec 18 - Wareeggii labaad ciyaaraha gobollada Puntland ayaa galabta ka bilawday garoonka Mire Awaare ee magaalada Garoowe, waxaana ciyaartii furitaanka wareegga 2-aad ay galabta dhexmartay gobollada Mudug iyo Sool oo ay guushu raacday gobolka Sool. Ciyaartaan oo ahayd mid aad u kulul ayaa labada kooxood ay is mariwaayeen wakhti dheer, waxaana daqiiqadihii ugu danbeeyey ee ciyaarta xulka gobolka Mudug lagu helay rigoore kadib markii birta goolka horteeda ay ku lagdeen mid ka mid ah ciyaartooyga gobolka Sool, waxaana rigooraahaasi oo loo dhigay xulka gobolka Sool ay uga faa’idaysteen si wanaagsan iyagoo shabaqa xulka gobolka Mudug ku hubsaday kubaddaasi.
  6. Here is the trouble with Sanaag: some of their finest players went to play for Haylaan, and with Haylaan out of the contest, Sanaag is weakened, and is likely to end in disappointment. But then again, the same could be said about Sool with Cayn nicking some of its finest, and Bari with Karkaar pinching some of its own; And with that equation, Mudug with its original team intact is the likely winner. O’ well, may be not …
  7. Swimming, eh? Not only that, but 'cos of their aquatic vertebrate dietary, they have got good heads on their shoulders, and the skill to match, no? All in all, it appears a Sool vs Bari final is on the cards.
  8. I like both of these: That is Cismaaniya manuscript, you bloody hutu? "btw wat is with writings? is it Amhari or Hibrew? just curious!"
  9. I like both of these: That is Cismaaniya manuscript, you bloody hutu? "btw wat is with writings? is it Amhari or Hibrew? just curious!"
  10. Where ever it goes, we'll follow the trophy For we are Bari and we are supreme, We'll never be mastered by no northern or southern minnows, And we'll keep the blue flag flying high, Flying high, up in the sky, We'll keep the blue flag flying high From Awaare Stadium to Bossaso & Laag We'll keep the blue flag flying high For we are Bari and we are supreme
  11. No need for mantra; sing along ... Where ever it goes, we'll follow the trophy For we are Bari and we are supreme, We'll never be mastered by no northern or southern minnows, And we'll keep the blue flag flying high, Flying high, up in the sky, We'll keep the blue flag flying high From Awaare Stadium to Bossaso & Laag We'll keep the blue flag flying high
  12. The Mudug team seemed a bit erratic struggling at times; and after all, they qualified on goal numbers unlike Bari which appeared to have dominated, except against Sool; but as you said, never say never. And my money is on Bari to sweep the stakes ...
  13. The odds are highly in favour of Bari lifting the trophy, even tho' Sool was said to have been the dark horse; but since these 2 are pitched against one another, then either Sanaag or Mudug stands a chance.
  14. Hamse, Billaahi, please delete your comments, for the comments are inappropriate; under these types of threads, please contact the agency, give, volunteer, but do NOT mock it. Later,
  15. Cakuye dhallaan; this was not intended to be a dig, but rather to highlight a Somali pickle, and it matters not whether it is Hargeisa or elsewhere, it is still a problem that which demands serious attention. btw, where is Oodweyne, since you were one of his helping hands? And what happened to that infamous thread where he was given a good skinning? “LOOL What a lame attempt to get back at Somaliland. Miles Oodwayne must have hurt your feelings for you to post this old news. Are we getting desperate now?” Oodweyne is a good adversary, albeit unfortunately on a losing mare, for he seems to be betting on a 2-two-legged foxhound, as it were, with a frail line of reasoning which hardly ever propels its rider to the finishing line, but then again, you would not know that, would you, mate? Later,
  16. As of today, Bari, Sool, Sanaag & Mudug qualify for the semifinals. Next, Sool vs Bari, Mudug vs Sanaag, Let us see who passes thru to the finals. Till then,
  17. Flag: Music: listen to the music Lyrics: Label: Geyi udug u noqo bilic --- Calanyohow barriinsaday Baallaha qurxoon iyo Bogga dahabku kaga yaal Samadaa ka biliglee Calanyohow bulhamayee Barwaaqada astaystee Nabadduna u tahay baaq Xaqa abid ha baal marin Nasiib kaaga bari iyo Bogox laga tilmaan oo Geyi udug u noqo bilic Eebbaheen ku barakee ••• Bilahaa is biirsadey Waa bishaaradaadoo Islaam beegsanaysee Barashada ha moogaan Weligaa bidhaan oo Midnimada ha baayicin Burhaantaada lagu farax Beesha khayr laguu mari Nasiib kaaga bari iyo Bogox laga tilmaan oo Geyi udug u noqo bilic Eebbaheen ku barakee. Credits: Lyrics by: Anwar Maxamed Diiriye Pianist: Mukhtaar Oromo Vocalist/Music Composer: Axmed Sheekh Daahir Producer: Axmed Sheekh Daahir Recording Engineer: Jaamac Maxamuud Yuusuf Director: Jaamac Maxamuud Yuusuf Till then,
  18. Damn'd if you do, damn'd if you do not, no? But the dichotomy herein is: what is one to do? It is one thing to revile Punt admin for not keeping the peace on one hand, but when they do by way of arresting, in some cases killing villains caught red-handed in broad day light, and releasing the identities of the guilty party, who in most cases, unfortunately happen to be of other regions deep in proxy malfeasances; Conversely, if the general public chooses to adopt a “we have had it” dictum, , rightly or not, in smelling foul amongst IDPs, thereby indiscriminately targeting innocent persons, then what is the right approach? Till then,
  19. How unfortunate; a troubling trend, if indeed that is the case. War and poverty are known commodities with Somali speaking peoples, but now add drug abuse to the list; o' dear o' dear, Health officials in Somalia's self-declared independent region of Somaliland have expressed concern over a rise in mental illness, which they attribute to post-war trauma, joblessness, drug abuse and khat use.
  20. C/risaq C. Xareed: the mayor of Bosaso Minister of homeland security: Gen. C/llahi S. Samatar