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Everything posted by miles-militis

  1. Indeed a process of debating contested issues and vigour discourse on ideas of variant proclivity are in due process in the land of Punt. Putting the interest of the people ahead of thou ones' – what was the descriptive term of practice of this genre? Perhaps Mr oWeyne could take his best shot at that! If only you could find him - Ooops, I forgot, Mr oWeyne has gone AWOL again as usual in the first round of of a bit of, dare I say, southpaw chapping? Do I not know my people, or is this the Midland syndrome getting the better of the camel tandem here. None the wiser I suppose! “Kulankaan oo ay saakay fadhiyeen 41 Xildhibaan ayay ahaayeen kuwo ku kala duwan fikirka ku aadan Qoraalkaan, iyagoo ay qaar kood ku adkaysanayaan Go'aan koodi horre, raacinaya in ay sidaas door bideen maadama aysan jirin wax dhaqaalo ah oo laqabto doorasho ayna wadanka ka jirto wax ay ugu yeereen Colaad, halka ay qaarkood ka aamin san yihiin in la taageero Qoraalka Col:ka hadii uu isago keenaayo dhaqaalaha ku baxayo doorashada, isla markaana la bixiyo Mushaarooyinka. Muran badan kadib markii ay sii daba dheeraatay kala qayb sanaantii ka dhex jirtay Golaha dhex diisa, ayaa Godoomiyaha Golaha Wakiilada, Yuusuf Xaaji Siciid soo hor dhigay Go'aan sheegaya in uu saarayo 11 xubnood kuwaas oo ka tala bixiya Go'aanka C/laahi Yuusuf isla markaana wixii ay isla gartaan ay ku soo celiyaan Golaha Wakiilada si ay mawqif adag uga is taagaan”
  2. My sentiment indeed! Puntland oo ku dayasha mudan!! Livan Cadur ------------------------------ Madaxweyanaha Puntland, waa Col. Abdullahi Yusufe, iyo ku xigeenkiisu waa Mohamed Abdi Xaashiye, iyo Gudoomiyaha Parlamanka Puntland, Enj Sacid waxay u fureen baal dahab ah Puntland. Waxay tuseen shacabka, iney dood sharcigii maamulkooda hagayay uu dhex mari karo. Maamulkiina sii socon karo!!?? Waxay ku guuleysteen, nin kasta xilkiisa inuusan kan kale ku tagri falin! Waxay talaabo fiican u dhigeen kala madax banaanida heyadaha dawliga oo loogu tala galay, iney is miisaamaan si aan awoodda loogu tagri falin! Puntland waxey gaartay, heer ninna uusan awood gaar ah u yeelan inuu sidey la tahay, uu sharciga u fasirto! Waxay gaartay, heer ra'yiga iyo fasirka sharciga si ba'an la isugu diido, wada shaqeyntii heyadhana ey sidooda u sii socdaan! Waxaan jeclaan lahaa inaa halkan ugu hanbalyeeyo shacabk Punt, khaasatan Madaxweyne xigaha Punt, at last we arrived! Alloow yaa ku adkeeya; Intaas baan idinka dooneynay; sharcigii aad dhigateen oo aad u hogaansanataan, heyadaha dawliga oo kala madaxbanaan wadana shaqeeya, fasirka sharciga oo nin kasta uu ku dhaganaado sey la tahay illaa heyadda shareciga ey kala saarto! Intii u dhimatay, ama u naafoowday, ama ugu bara kacday, soo celintii midnimadii iyo xasilloonideeddi waxaa la oran karaa maaheyn mira khasaaray, mar haddii dooddu tahay; Danta Punt waa sidan iyi maahee waa sidan waayahaye sharciga ha na kala saaro! God pless Punt Livan Cadur
  3. "Car Hadal Waa Wixii Laga Dagalamay" Is Osman Kaluun on to something? How do the general public in Togdheer view his views? Is the Hargeisa administration justified in banishing his return, in other words revoking his status as a rightful citizen ordering his arrest on arrival? Is this Machiavellian doctrine on its final leg? This is my favourite line here, but will the sons and daughters of Northwest got the stomach to listen to the wisdom of this maverick political Casanova? “Woqooyiga waxaa maaska laga geliyey Koonfur baa idin dishay. Koonfurma may diline, waxaa dilay regime ay la dagalamayeen. Markaa in cudur dadki laysu geliyo maaha. Waa walaalahood, waa kuwii dadka Aduunka ugu xigay. Markaa haddaan walaalkay oo aan waxba i yeelin lagu yidhaahdo waxbuu ku yeelay, waa dambi weeye. Way isu wada damqanaysay Somali. Way isu wada hiilisay Somali. Reer la odhan karo …. xittaa reerka Mohamed Siyaad ka dhashay ayaan anigu daafacaa … oo odayaashooda ayaa odhan jiray burburkaa Hargeysa lagu wado ma ogolin” Wasiirka Hawlaha Guud iyo Guriyeynta ee maamulka Soomaaliland, Mr. Siciid Sulub oo u hadlay maamulka Soomaaliland ayaa .... sheegay in dib loola noqday cafiskii lasiiyey Mudane Cismaan Jaamac (Cismaan Kaluun) oo horey u ahaan jiray Ra'iisul Wasaare kuxigeenkii maamulkii xilkiisu dhacay ee DKMG. War-saxaafadeedkan ayuu ku sheegay Mr. Siciid in cafis horey loogu fidiyey Cismaan Jaamac Cali inuu yimaado dalka Soomaaliland, mar hadii uu kasoo noqday koonfurta aqbalayna gooni isu taagan Soomaaliland tasoo uu Mr. Siciid ku micneeyey sababtii loogu fasaxay in Cismaan uu yimaado Soomaliland.
  4. My dear Mr oWeyne, To default further detail with regards to my original questions, I ask of the honourable gentleman from the Midlands to make an attempt and answer the questions please. Is Boqor Buurmadow's imprisonment legal? Is the harassment of elders and civilians permissible? If so, on what grounds? Could Mr OWeyne challenge any of these, or could he offer a more honest opinion? Or is that too much for the intellect of our own balderdash orator who only spews out suger-coated noughts and halves. Again in another sliding of the slope only privy to yours truly, you speak of a jurisprudence and legal system where the appellant could litigiously mount a just trial. Where in the world do you live, man? Have you not read the following excerpt? Are these the court systems you were referring to? Or were you in a moment of memory loss thought the good Boqor was going to be tried at the Old Bailey? I must admit I do recall, with less dramatic effect I might add, the story concerning the collapse of Barings Bank, yet hardly remember the bout 'ween K Clarke and D Skinner you speak of, but I'll take your word for it. Me, in a dark room, not in this life time old chap. Try another line all right. Perhaps you are mistaking me for one of your favourites, a man who used to chew on a bar of soap when not being watched. A relation of yours was he? Pleasure would have been derived had I had the fortune to cross my Es and Js for the website in question, but unfortunately as a custom in that part of the country you had your Ds and Gs all entangled old bud. Now, this line here is truly worrisome. " … you feeling the fever of hatred coming it's way to your head against all that Somaliland stand for ….. I beg of you for your own good to take this brotherly advice to heart, it may save you what small dignity that you have so far left with yourself, lest, unfortunately you disrobe yourself of it altogether at the political service and the altar of that third-rate murderous megalomaniac misfit, namely col Yey, to whom sadly you have chosen as profession to be his modern day scribbling pamphleteer" Tell me mate, I knew you were having nightmares about the old man (Col Yey) in question, but since when did you add me to the list of those who keep you awake at night. We are only entertaining one another here mate, are we not? No hatred. Or did I read the cue incorrectly so far as you are concerned? Again, could you be a good chap for once to address the issues at hand, and quit the “calaacal” and “qardajeex”? Enough for the day old chap, And sleep tight, Cheers.
  5. I am actually looking forward to Riyaale’s visit to Britain. If ever it were to take place, how would he address the floor of the House of Commons if he were to secure a few minutes? What would he say? He could hardly say much in Somali let alone in English. He is neither an orator, not a charismatic person who could stage the floor let alone good command in the spoken word. Not a suave with finesse, not presence. Or it the bet that Ms Edna would the talk whilst he spreads his rather soaring, camel-like limps. I can imagine some real funny experience similar to the old encounter: Opening: My name is Bill Clinton. I am Hilary’s husband. Comeback: Me too. One must see the fun side of it.
  6. The matter at hand my dear Mr Oodweyne (rather endearing, would not you say?) is whether Boqor Buurmadow’s imprisonment is lawful, or not? And since you seem supportive of the former, why not offer defence on that front. What was the old expression - “Marka Fardo Loo Heeso, Ayuu Geel u Heesaa” - aaaaah how so befitting in the case of our dear Mr Oodweyne – the progeny of the Northwest. A trend in Mr Oodweyne’s narrations is that “reality on the ground” is never observed, rather a fictitious portrayal of what is desired only in the titillating rounds of ale-gulping unorthodox regulars are being presented instead, lest realism injuriously depletes the mode and psyche of the raconteur. Nothing more excruciatingly agonizing than waking up in the midst of the night only to suss out your nicely partitioned chip is no longer, and doom has rather settled in whilst asleep - I guess those chaps is the Midlands were not familiar with the “mind the gap” idiom, thusly perhaps a prepaid tour to the South East courtesy of HR R II is overdue. Here an attempt is being made to draw attention to the plight, the illegal arrest, suppression of freedom of thinking and movement, and concoction of fallacious writs to harass and persecute civilians and worse of all traditional leaders, yet the said gentleman sees it fit to go on a branch-munching, scruff-bruising, toeing-type crusade to sideline the subject matter and turn the stage into vis-à-vis kind of pantomime platform for mediocre theatrical performance. An enthralment, if you will of being satisfied with the status quo - an awfully calamitous one, mind you - and rhetorically asinine retort of “you are no better than us” mindset is being adopted NOW, and sadly replaced the once “we are better than you” frame of mind of the yesterdays. A clear despondency and culling of the spirit from the within is sensed, and is deemed to validate the gruesome realities affront. Check my dear Oodweyne’s obsession with Col Yey (as he so kindly refers to the out-going President of Puntland). As regretful and unfortunate as it has been that the late Sultan Hurre died (not killed as being alleged) in the most ungallantly fashion that one could possibly have, it does neither justifies, nor supports similar dishonourable acts to take place in Hargeisa today. Yet, Mr Oodweyne’s argument seems to support the practise of imprisoning, if not dishonouring elders whilst placing fear in the heart of the ordinary persons in Hargeisa – we are not to speak of other cities for Riyaale’s authority reaches no further than Sheikh Barkhadle to the delight of the locals. And thank God for that! Audacity that only his kinsmen rejoiced in the late 70s and early 80s when civilians were being torched, tortured in parts of Somalia. A repeat of you will of the ugly mantra and politicking of the old days. One would have thought, a lesson had been learnt, and the voice of reason and protest against human bellowing will have been heeded. Instead, as unfortunately as it is, support for the brute force and pugnacious bellicose is being exulted. How sadistic! Not so long ago, a more realistic daughter of the land in question, Ms Khadra Ibrahim (Warqad Furan .Ku: Dadka Somaliland ee U damqanaye Dalkooda) who actually visited the area in question summarised her experience in few words: “Yaa u maqan wadankan” whilst truly in a heartfelt rendition capturing the lamentable state of affairs in the said regions. From experience, we also know that matters are in direst of state in any aspect one observes, yet on the books a rather colossal, rosy picturesque ala Britannia is being drawn. How regrettable! “Nasiib daro, waxan tegay, wadan dadla’ani hayso, waxa dankalihi aanu jirin, waxan tegay, wadan sida loo dhaco mooyee sida wax loogu taraba cidi ka talinaynin. Waxan tegay, wadan xataa odayaashiisii dad cun noqdeen, oo lakala iibsanayo. Waxan tegay, wadan dadkiisii rajadii ka tagtay, oo lagu kala fogaaday, oo la ilaaway dhibaatadii la soo maray. Waxan tegay, wadan xataa buurihiisii, cidi yeelatay. Maanta hadal iyo dhamaantii, reer Somaliland oow waxan idin leeyahay, cidi uma maqna ceelna uma qodna. Wadankiinii, wax xoreeya ayuu u baahanyahay, haddii uu sidan ku sii socdona, way inoo dhamaatay” Again, you speak of democracy. So, let us unpeel the surface for a mo, shall we? Democracy, an imperfect system in itself could only be deemed a system of governance should the right technocrats are at the helm of its implementation. A mere cosmetic force or élan vital by itself could hardly inspire hope, devotion and conviction. It could not offer comfort to the hearts of the distressed, nor courage to the embattled souls. Riyaale et al could hardly fit the bill. It has been argued that because of gluttony and opulence, men are not content with simple life, thus pine for what have they not. Seldom do men desire something unless it belongs to others. The result is the encroachment of one group upon the territory of another, the rivalry of groups for resources of the soil, and consequently war. Check Hargeisa’s ambitious, yet ill-fated plan to attack SS &Ayn for further spoils. What you have in Northwest today is “plutocratic oligarchy” where a few opulent and tribal mercantile traders rule the state. Here, a division amongst people is established, and there arises a political order which replaces genuine body politik as a mode to political grouping, thus lust for the spoils of the office. Check Riyaale and his administration in Hargeisa. That my dear chap could hardly be described as a fair and just system of government where the distribution of resources are confined in the coffers of the ruling family, and within the outskirts of the city. The underlining principle of democracy as a system of government is for the neglected to overcome the ills of resource deprivation, rid of disparity and inequity, and secure exposure to equal share of freedom and power. Neither unfortunately could be observed in Northwest today. What is being seen, however is accumulation of wrongs, abuse of power, social ills and negligence on the rise all of which tends to precipitate the downfall of the state institutions, if ever there were any. Further, disoriented clamber for wealth and resources by the strong ones could be observed in Hargeisa. Consequently, narrow circles to uproot the ruling family are reticently being formed. Do you await only to react to the tumultuous calamities afterwards, or formulate a strategy beforehand to weather gathering storms? Could Mr Oodweyne challenge any of these, or could he offer a more honest opinion? Or is that too much for the intellect of our own balderdash orator who only spews out suger-coated noughts and halves. Again in another sliding of the slope only privy to yours truly, you speak of a jurisprudence and legal system where the appellant could litigiously mount a just trial. Where in the world do you live, man? Have you not read the following excerpt? Are these the court systems you were referring to? Or were you in a moment of memory loss thought the good Boqor was going to be tried at the Old Bailey? Got to dash, Cheers.
  7. Detention Of A Prominent Traditional Somaliland Leader: A Threat To The Rule Of Law And Its Future Stability Dr. Mohamud Jama — New York,USA — 17 February, 2004 On January 26, 2004, local police took into custody Boqor Osman Mohamud Aw Adan (Buur Madow). On January 27, 2004, the police brought Boqor Osman before a local judge, who ordered his continued detention at the request of the local prosecutor. Boqor Osman is being detained to humiliate him and discredit his peace efforts within Somaliland and reputation as a peacemaker. He is diabetic and is being held under unsanitary and degrading conditions. The Minister of Internal Security of the Somaliland administration has accused Boqor Osman of aiding and abetting the enemies of Somaliland and posing a threat to Somaliland's separation from the rest of Somalia. The Minister also accused Boqor Osman of maligning the President and other officials of Somaliland. The official accusations against Boqor Osman are based on a newspaper article in one of the local newspapers, Jamhuurya. The article cited a press statement Boqor Osman issued in response to a series of articles in local newspapers in which local officials questioned his motives and patriotism. In the press statement, Boqor Osman re-stated his belief in dialogue and commitment to a peaceful resolution of the current dispute between Somaliland and Puntland. He proposed mediation by traditional leaders of the affected communities and called on the officials of both Somaliland and Puntland to give mediation by the traditional leaders from communities in the disputed areas a chance to seek a political solution. Boqor Osman is one of the traditional leaders of the eastern regions of Somaliland- Sanag, Sool and Togdheer. Somaliland formally announced its secession from Somalia. Parts of all three regions are home to some clans who have clan affinity to the communities across the border in Puntland (Northeast regions of Somalia.). This has made the border areas a source of dispute between Somaliland and Puntland, and rivalry among representatives of these areas in the Somaliland and Puntland and local politicians aligned with the two administrations. Boqor Osman has consistently worked for peace in Somaliland and among the Somali communities in general. In 1996, he was one of the principal leaders who successfully mediated a peace among the communities of Sanag. That peace has helped stabilize the region. During 2002 -2003, he led successful mediations between rival wings of Puntland administration, after militia of one of the sides sought safety in his ancestral homeland. He provided safety but also started a dialogue that led to reconciliation between the two sides. Boqor Osman is widely credited with facilitating peace in Sanag, and among neighboring communities in Puntland. His arrest and continued detention directly challenges those who prefer dialogue and peace to fomenting local conflicts for narrow political interests. The pretext and procedures used to silence Boqor Osman pose a real threat to the rule of law in Somaliland and therefore to its unity, future stability and the credibility and legitimacy of its institutions and leadership.
  8. Twisted Vingeance On Jan 26 Buurmadow was arrested by police officers, led by the Somaliland police commander Mr. Ige, from the Hargaisa Club hotel where he was staying. Court charged that Buurmadow had committed “Qaran Dumis” threat to national security. It is now six weeks since Buurmadow, the prominent traditional leader, was arrested and jailed. Efforts by the mass to free him have proven to be in vain. The arrest and jailing of Boqor (King) Buurmadow of Sanaag, is the latest episode in an ongoing political vingeance that is increasingly threatening the rule of law and our new emerging democracy in Somaliland . Riyale has been rolling back the clock since he took power two years ago. This was demonstrated last year by the killings of Dr. Anatolia and Briton couples and continues to manifest itself in the arresting of opposition party members and a prominent tradional leader, Boqor Buurmadow. In a democratic society like ours, i t is only natural that everyone not become a leader. For the first time this natural law is been broken, and we are reaping the consequences. Since he rigged the election, Riyale has been engaging malicious activities including deciet, systmatic manipulation and overt vengeance to suppress the internal opposition. He appointed incompetent cabinate ministers who are wrecking virtually every institution we have built so far. This new course of action will undermine our democracy and will trivialize our nation. As long as dictatorship and corruption exists in Somaliland , democracy cannot flourish. And as long as the ruling power suppresses and oppresses freedom of speech, Somaliland cannot move forward. Oppression only breeds more resistance, it’s a proven law, and if you have any doubts ask Afweyne. Maybe will answer you from his grave. Riyale has been using the only book he knows how to read. The book Afweyne drafted to opress the people. The CID book. In it Riyale is the judge, the presecutor and public defender, while his Jackels are jailing and opperssing the people. I am very disappointed, but what have amzed me the most is that the land of the poets i.e Tima Cade, Xaaji Adan Afqalooc, Hadraawi, to name a few, have chosen this inarticulate “Afgarooc” incompetent and introverted person as their leader. If it’s done right, history teaches us that wars are fought either to preserve or to gain certain values. We overthrow the dictatorship of Afweyne and created what we have out thin air, restored our values not to replace it with just yet another uglier dictatorship. Riyale has to recognize that we are still here and our wounds are still fresh. And as a survivor of the Ceel Afweyn Massacre, I will not allow to sit back and watch in one disastrous incident after another. I love Somaliland, fought for it’s most fundamental interest, FREEDOM and will alsways uphold that fundamental interest because there is no higher purpose than that. This is not a threat, it’s a promise. Ibrahim S. Yusuf-Bulay Potland, OR USA
  9. Riyaale’s invisible and behind the scene drivers (the true power in Somaliland) realised that recognition for Somaliland is a distant prospect – a dream that is unlikely to come true and then they began drums of war – buzz word revenge (If we can’t get recognition, let us take revenge). I ask readers what the word revenge reminds you? You got it – late Aideed’s hate–campaign message and we are fully aware of how in ended and its legacy. Is that the smell, sight and the sound of history once again repeating itself, an attempt of yet another mission impossible with its certainty for failure? Start fight with Putland and say good-bye to your political career. One thing is for sure – the good neighbourly and brotherly co-existent that we take for granted will be history, inter-clan movement will be thing of the past; current peaceful places will become frontline for never-ending bloody and costly civil war, and tribal borders will be enforced and worse of all you will take a full responsibility for the consequences of your aggression. As for the warmongers – let me give you a flavour of the opponents you will face in battle and the kind of war you are likely to fight should my call and the call of peace loving people for peaceful co-existence is ignored, when efforts to resolve our differences in peaceful means is exhausted and war becomes an immanent – then you will have face your most feared enemy the Darwish, short tour back into history may refresh your forgetful memory, Darwish fought and defeated you and colonial master, a struggle humiliated you and lead Somalia into independence and granted Somalia to its rightful place in a community of nations, also granted your rightful place in Somali history as defeated blood-broker and colonial collaborator. History tells us that war alone lasted more than 2 decades. In recent civil war Darwish once again taught you a lesson in combat, The same or worse defeat and humiliation is your destiny, once again the forces of Darwish and its kinsmen will defeat and overcome the forces of evil (Riyaale drivers). Writer:Dawlad Read it here
  10. Excellent indeed. Forces of free market economy, and economies of scale at work – benefectors are the consumers and local markets. I understand high speed internet (download 365mb, 256mb upload) and wireless technology (G-rated 56mb data transfer) is being deployed in Bosaso and Galkayo at the moment.
  11. Stashed away some savings? Wish to purchase a retirement home? Hilaac is your best bet. here it is
  12. Natural habitat at its best - my favourites.
  13. Horn –I am as always supportive of peace talks warts and all, thus need not defend my position. Now, with the phobia and paranoia aside, do you wish to play another hand as I am in a generous mood to throw you a life line? Or is that all you had to offer dear boy?
  14. Fraud and Irregularities in the Somali National Reconciliation Conference at Mbegthi, NAIROBI by Alessandro Natta Before organizing the Somali National Reconciliation Conference at Eldoret and Mbagathi, Nairobi, the IGAD Technical committee for Somalia, latter on, the Facilitation Committee and IPF (IGAD Partners Forum) have visited all Somali regions and major cities in the country distributing the delegates according to the existing administrations and entities whether armed or organized as movements. But later on, the Kenyan administrators within IGAD and some interested parties in the IPF attempted, or are now attempting to include new delegates and handpicked leaders into the conference who are not representing existing organizations or political entities. They have also invented 'stragemma' or engineered tricks to seclude on what was first termed as 'retreat' and later as consultation meetings, a process which is aimed to marginalize the existing or the legally recognized leadership in the conference. This is illegal per se; and is contrary to the internationally accepted norms and rules of procedure. It is also aimed to annul all agreements previously signed by the Somali leaders in Eldoret on 15 October 2002. This seclusion was aimed at getting interpretation ambiguous and extravagant interpretation FLUENT BOTH IN WRITING AND SPEAKING (interpretatio pre distinata). The article 30 of the approved charter and some other articles of the same charter endorsed by the leaders and the document approved by the leaders which we hereby attach was fraudulently altered, probably because of an incentive not known to us. The article 30 which was before agreed upon by the cross section of the leaders including the civil society and women leaders. It reads as follows: Article 30 - Proposed amendment. 30 (i) The parliament envisaged under article 28 above shall be selected by the sub clan political leaders as recognized by the Transitional National Government, existing regional administration and faction leaders by the conference and must be endorsed by genuine sub-clan traditional leaders. (ii) Any vacancy that arises after coming into force of this charter be filled through the same procedure as stated in 30 (i) above. Such agreement was altered after the leaders signed and is as follows:- 30. (i) The parliament envisaged under article 20 above shall be selected by the sub sub sub clan Somali political leaders invited to the consultation meetings in Nairobi as from 9 January 2004 comprising: Transitional National Government (TNG II of Abdikasim), National Salvation Council (NSC), Group 8 (G8) Political Alliance and Civil Society and must be endorsed by genuine traditional elders. 30 (ii) Any vacancy that arises after the coming into force of this charter shall be filled through the same procedure as stated above. The Kenyan team of IGAD came ahead with 39 leaders which does not conform to the existing procedural rules in the conference and who have no respective political, military or civic organizations. Therefore unlawful and is an obstacle to the success of the reconciliation process. In the altered document, there is a clause that sanctions that the agreement should be taken to the plenary of the conference for approval and final endorsement and the Kenyan staff in IGAD administration are proposing the selection of the MPs without passing through the legal procedure of the plenary. The rules of procedure signed in Eldoret cannot be erased or abolished by secret meetings and some foreign benefactors to overrun the rules. It is necessary to do away with them wholly or annul or repeal the laws and procedures. To abrogate or dispense with other rules or enacting new rules and procedures. The document says also, that Transitional National Assembly should pass this agreement; but anyone who has a minimum knowledge on matters of law and politics knows that the power of legislation or ratification resides in parliament since its term has not expired and everyone knows that from 12 August 2003 the term of office of TNG in Somalia has expired. If this reconciliation conference fails, and it will if major discrepencies are not addressed, the responsibility will fall on Kenya and the host country's shoulders. Sadly, as a result of this fraudulent scheme, the foreign minister of Kenya, Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka, has on 4 February 2004 threatened the Somali leaders who are signatories to the peace process not to express their rightful views of his last minute scheme of January 29 2004.
  15. Indeed the only Radio Station that one could tune to throughout Somalia, and here is Radio Galkayo at its best - Conditions in Las Anod On the Somali peace talks
  16. Nice come back Nasir. Honestly though, you do not believe this line, do you lad? "...freedome of speech is one thing we somalilanders adore" And I though the good Boqor was put behind bars for doing just that: speaking his mind. The Sultan was refused to travel: for doing just that. Journalists in Hargeisa have given up composing editorials lest imprisoned: for doing just that. And I get flashbacks of yester regime era whenever I hear about what is going on in northwest Somalia. Best of luck.
  17. Nasir - Is it not way past your bed time, sonny? Or is not there a homework you should be doing? Or are the US family bearing practices so lenient, none of the above are required? Multiple choice, you know?
  18. Baashi – Indeed “Ayax Teg, Eelna Reeb” - thank you for the observations mate. The trouble is the Western empire (US) is believed to be at its infant stage, (though some in the academic circles would argue that it has reached its maturity, hence onward downward spiral is the natural process). Indeed, it is at its peak judging from its newly acquired confidence in technological, modern warfare, and has a long way to go before the chips begin falling. Thusly, could be argued that our generation and the next dozen generations are unceremoniously doomed. However, and more pertinent and state of melancholy as it is, what is more distressing is that when, not if, the doomsday beckons upon us, and it will as nature would have it, Arabs/Muslims are improbable to rein in to seize up the moment. It is not if an opportunity will have been offered that matter, it is if one could capitalise fully, or exploit to one's advantage once it presents itself that makes the difference. I see that not to be on the cards for the Arabs. Perhaps yes, for the once trodden sons and daughters of Bosnia & H, impoverished Albanian, others in far East Asia, and in other likely places in Europe and North America.Having said that, lack of interest by the young in devouring true Islam (to see what I mean one only has to observe the attitudes by our youngsters here in SOL – no different elsewhere whether of Asian, Arab or African origin) in these potential corners will have proved detrimental at those eventful days, only should the Arabs were to be left behind. Then, the end result will NOT have been what would have been desired, rather a Dijali in disguise. More the reason to encourage Arab nationalism and unity, which is where I disagree with Zakaria's argument in portraying Arab nationalism as racism, and only tenable at the expense of Muslim nationalism. The sight of young Muslims mainly from the Middle East so passionate about live here in the West doing every possible thing that Islam condemns, only to be ridiculed unbeknown to them, albeit thinking they would be accepted if marooned, is ghastly to say the least. As for damning Arab leaders, to the contrary, I see no point in condemning Arab leaders for theirs is beyond redemption, and any energy to that respect in a waste of space. Academes and intellectuals as Zakaria argues are lackeys on leash for their maestros from afar. The public which appears gutted and discounted to the extent of seeming to have caved in to the evil will and desires of the Bushes and Blairs of this world is what must be invoked. Utopic, it sound I know, but perhaps a symbolic form of Arab nationalism enshrined in Muslim unity, if that is what it takes to rekindle the dream of Islamic warriors must be had, and is a must. In the distant, I was hoping some parallel connection could drawn with relation to our own dismal predicament and failure in existing, let alone faring in the Dark Continent. Does not Zakaria bring the issue home, not only for the fateful Arabs, but to the ruinously predestined Muslims. More importantly, one might want to reflect on historical events to draw esteem and clarity in correspondence of the occurrences of the present in relation to those of the past. Cheers.
  19. Quick to judge, yet do not know much, are not you, lads. Well, well, well ... let is see how others reported that news. This is from Radio LasCanod – one of the most reliable source of news one could lean towards on that front... ..... Haddaba waxaa jirtay maalintii Salaasada ee aynu ka soo gudubnay in ay isku sigteen laba ciidan in ay isku dhacaan , ka dib markii afar tigniko ah oo uu watay Fu aad Aadan Cade iyo Taliyaha Malayshiyada Riyaale ee Gobolka Sool , C/laahi Xaaji Dabayare ay soo gaadheen Tuulada Lagu magacaabo Canjiid oo magaalada Laascaanood u jirta 20km, halkaas oo ay sahan ku yimaadeen, arrintaas oo ay ka war heleen Ciidamada Daraawiishta ee Puntland, Waxaana isla markiiba ku baxay Sagaal Tikniko ah oo uu Hogaaminayey G/sare Siciid Dheere. Dad Goob joog ahaa oo ku sugnaa magaalada Cadhi Cadeeye oo iyana u jirta Laascaanood 35 km waxay sheegeen markii ay ciidamada Riyaale Dhaqaaqeen in ay kuwa Puntlandtuna Soo gaadheen Halkaasi, arrintaas oo noqon lahayd isku dhicii labaad ee ay isku haleelaan labad dhinaca tan iyo markii uu Riyaale iyo Golayaashiisu Go'aanka Ku Gaadheen in ay guluf colaadeed ku ekeyaan Gobolada Sool, Sanaag Iyo Cayn. And how was it reported on the Northwest side.... SomalilandNews (SNN) - Ciidamada Qaranka Somaliland, ee ku sugnaa Jiidda hore ee degmada Yagoori ee gobolka Sool, ayaa subaxnimadii hore ee shalay ku ruqaansaday duleedka magaalada Laasaanood oo ay si rasmi ah u dul fadhiisteen. Sidaa waxa u sheegay ilo Milatari oo rasmi ah, waxaana ay ilahani intaa ku dareen in gutooyiinkan Qaranka Somaliland ee ruqaansaday, ay hadda gaadheen meel aan wax badan ka dheerayn magaalada Laascaanood. Ruqaansigan Ciidamada Somaliland kaabiga ugu fadhisteen magaalada Laascaanood ayaa waxa ay sababtay inay dib u gurtaan Maleeshiyadii Maamulka ******teeniya goobihii ay hore u fadhiyeen, gaar ahaan sida loo sheegay Maleeshiyadii fadhiday dhinaa galbeedka Magaalada ayaa iyagu dib u gurtay oo difaac ka galay Garoonka Diyaaradaha ee ku yaal dhinaca Koonfureed ee Magaalada Laascaanood. Now, tell me, is it not better to confirm, absorb a little, before passing on premature judgments? Or is that not part of the training that is being offered at seats of learning these days. MMA- I like the detective work - a lot to be desired if that is all one has to go on to reach deductive assertions. I guess one must feel a sense of comfort to know that you will not be assigned to suss out the fate of the WMD in Iraq, or the death of Dr Kelly for that matter. What a relief? Despair not,indeed you would have made a brilliant spinmaester for Dubya or for the Gov'r. Am not sure yet what to make of the lad who claims to be from Dangoroyo's take on the matter though. Cheers.
  20. This is for the eyes of Lixle & Co – Read the last line and tell me son, who seems to have the upper hand in the psychological warfare here. Do you notice how the original document actually read Mr Abdiqassim, and had to be edited later to appease “you know who”? - But then, there is stark differences in the literary application of the terms “Mr” and “H E” in the diplomacy round tables. Then again, you could hardly be expected to be privy to such matters despite claims of insider insight analysis. Wonder, eh? Press Statement - Current state of the Somali peace talks by Kenya's Foreign Minister
  21. The war on Iraq was probably the final test case for the allegiance of the Arab masses towards the idea of Arab nationalism (pan Arabism). Arab nationalism gained prominence during the reign of Jamal Abdul Nasser in Egypt during the 1950s. In 1958, Egypt formed the Untied Arab Republic with Syria and North Yemen, which was an attempt to kick-start the process of unification in the entire Arab world. However, the experiment collapsed shortly after in 1961, subsequently the ideology of Nasser began to wane rapidly. The defeat in the 1967 war against Israel sealed its fate permanently. The other main strand of Arab Nationalism was initiated in Syria in the 1940s by Michel Afleq, Zaki al-Arsuzi and Salah al-Din al-Bitar. They established the Baath (renaissance) Socialist party, its operation was extended to Iraq, with its slogan of: "Wahdah”, “Hurriyah”, “Ishtirrakiyah" (Unity, Freedom, Socialism). The party took power in Iraq and Syria in 1963. Thereafter, internal feud led to the bitter rivalry between the two countries. Consequentially, this made it difficult for the parties to appeal or preach to the rest Arab world for greater unity under its leadership. The subsequent defeat in 1967 and 1973 war, coupled with the lack of economic progress, marginalised the Parties to the extent that they became insignificant in the eyes of the Arab masses. The idea of Arab nationalism was initiated in the last 100 years of the declining Ottoman state. Much of it originated in the writings of the Christian Levantine writers, at the time it was used as a weapon of disintegration against the Ottoman State. The European colonisers aided in its propagation, in parallel with promoting Turkish nationalism. The plan bore the fruits as deep schisms were created between the Arabs and the Turks. Therefore, the Arabs revolted, which contributed towards the defeat of the Ottoman State in the First World War. Then the Turks followed by symbolically abolishing the Ottoman state in 1924. Arab nationalism by its very nature is exclusive to the Arabs and has created a line of segregation with the rest of the Muslim non-Arabs. In pursing Arab unity, it has naturally led to discrimination and marginalisation of the Muslim non-Arabs. The end result has been the weakening of the Islamic world as a cohesive force. No wonder it is being eaten into, piece-by-piece, by the greedy Capitalist vultures. Europeans are forging unity despite having differences in language, culture and religion with deep historical feuds. Simultaneously the Arabs, despite possessing a common language, religion and culture are moving in the opposite direction, as each state attempts to uphold the new forms of national identity engineered by the former colonialist. Yet, this is supposed to be an anti-Imperialist programme to create the Arab revival! It is pertinent to note, that the colonialists of today are enthusiastic in sowing the seeds of further division (Shia, Sunni, Salafi, Turk and Kurd) in the Arab/Islamic world whilst they are busy forging greater unity in their own lands. Therefore, it necessitates to pose the question, what does ‘Arab nationalism’ really represent! The declared objectives are to create unity, economic and social progress, eventually enabling the Arabs to flex their muscle as a block to liberate Palestine. The basis of this unification is the common Arab heritage, language and culture manifested in the Arab civilisation. A cursory examination of the Arab history informs us that nothing significant existed prior to the advent of Islam with the exception of their mastery over the Arabic language. Geographically they were confined to the Arabian Peninsula, consisting primarily of nomadic tribes and some cities. It was only through the Islamic conquest and conversion that gave the Arabs its present day homeland from the Persian Gulf to the Atlantic coast. Only during the Islamic rule they (Arabs) were able to advance in every sphere of human life, from the arts to the sciences, creating the first and the only civilisation. Which contributed significantly towards the European renaissance, despite the assertion of Kilroy-Silk and his ilk. Therefore, it is simply absurd to contemplate reviving the Arab civilisation, whilst excluding Islam. The essence of being an Arab is intrinsically linked with Islam. Thus, revival of the Arabs in any sense means a revival of Islam. The Arab civilisation is rather a subset of the greater Islamic civilisation, which encompassed Arabs and non-Arabs. It is utter ********* for the Arab nationalists to attempt to ‘Arabise’ an idea by simply attaching the word ‘Arab’. Conversely Islam demolishes the raison detre of the Arab nationalists, since Islam negates the racist notion of putting allegiance to a certain race above the divine revelation. Consequently, the Arab nationalists have been forced to marginalise Islam in order to maintain self-preservation. This has been on the main problems for the Arab nationalists, so they manipulated history, projecting Islam as a product of the Arabs as oppose to the Arabs being a product of Islam. The entire gamut of Arab nationalism has the common central message of secularism, which presents another predicament. The idea does not have any origin in the Arabic/Islamic culture and values, nor is it the product of the Arab minds; rather it has been the wholesale adoption of an European idea. Note most of the founders and thinkers of the Arab nationalist movements have been educated with European thoughts. Therefore, there is noting inherently ‘Arab’ about these movements, which are, suppose to revive the Arab civilisation. Further evidence of this imitation is that the Arab nationalists have tended to reflect the idea(s) of the dominant foreign powers of the time. Therefore, not surprisingly many are calling for the right wing, Capitalist orientated brand of Arab nationalism today, reflecting the American influence. It is for this reason at various times the Arab nationalists have made superficial references to Islamic heritage and culture to conceal its foreign identity and to acquire support of the unsuspecting conservative Arab masses. Now let us examine their track record in some of the areas. One of the fundamental aims was to remove Israel. It failed miserably in this cause, despite the overwhelming size of the Arab population and its rich resources. As they say, no use in having the ingredients without the chef. The chef is the one who would unite the Arabs into a cohesive force. In fact, the stone throwing Palestinian children, motivated by Islam have provided greater heroic resistance. Overall the relative power of Israel has increased in the region, particularly as the Jewish lobby was able to influence the US in dismantling the Iraqi military capability. In the sphere of economics is a greater disaster. Despite possessing such valuable raw materials, the Arab world has a poor economic infrastructure. Most of the resources have been squandered into palaces, imported goods, shopping centres and of course the few cosmetic mosques. Japan is one of the largest economies in the world, relies upon the base material of oil of which it posses none. Hence it would fair to say that despite being gifted with this precious commodity of oil not much has been achieved. All the Arab nations combined exports very little. Most of its investors prefer to put their money in European and US markets. Lacking the economic infra structure and political vision, the Arab world has not been able to develop its military capability other than what has been imported. There is also virtually no rule of law. It is particularly bad in countries like Saudi Arabia and the Arab Bantustan (Gulf Countries). Anyone not belonging to the ‘royal’ family or having good connection can be arbitrarily imprisoned, tortured and even executed. Many Palestinians will testify that they have greater rights in Israel than in many of these Arab countries. It can be fatal, if you happen to be from a poor Muslim or non-Muslim country, but a native European or a US citizen most likely would get a special pardon from the ‘King’, as the track record clearly shows. In general nepotism, bribery and corruption is rife. The Arabs never experienced a medieval period (the dark ages) in the European sense, and perhaps the current period would best fit to be described as the Arab medieval period. As for unity, the only experiment between Egypt and Syria did not even take off. Much of the rhetoric of unity has been proven to be hollow. Nasser, Hafiz Al-Assad, Saddam, and including the schizophrenic clown of Libya epitomises failure of the rhetoric of Arab Nationalism. On the contrary, the Arabs have excelled in disunity, demonstrated by the circus of their leaders during the eleventh-hour meeting before the recent war on Iraq. The main ‘achievement’ of Arab nationalists has been the series of treacherous acts. Egypt the founding father led the way when she signed the peace treaty with Israel in 1979. Subsequently other Arab countries like Jordan, Palestine (PLO recognition) and Morocco have followed the example of Egypt. Every other Arab country secretly yarns to sign the peace treaty with Israel but for the fear of the backlash from within. Likewise, during both the Gulf wars, every Arab country was either purchased like cheap prostitutes or simply bullied into submission. Some of them behaved worse than prostitutes. Instead of being paid, they paid the Americans to bomb the Iraqis without reservation or remorse. Turning the entire country into a US military base, all that remains is legal ‘fatwa’ to ‘service’ the US soldiers by providing bars, brothels and of course the liberated women performing the lap dances or belly dances for them. The failure of Arab nationalism has finally manifested in the Arab world shrinking in size and influence. Libya is now seeking the African identity. Which may encourage other African Arab states to follow the same path in the future. The Kurds in Iraq isolated by the message of the Arab nationalists have been forced to align with the extreme Kurdish nationalists, who are now sponsored by the US. They lived amongst the Arabs for centuries, and produced the likes of Salahuddin Ayubi but thanks to the poison of Arab nationalism, many of them are seeking a separate homeland. There is already discussion on dividing Saudi Arabia into three blocks. Who are its greatest proponents and encouraging the US, no surprise the pro-Israeli ‘Jews’. The Arab world now faces a turning point in its History with the destruction of Iraq. So, in which direction they will look? Many of the academics inspired by the US are calling for the full adoption of democracy and capitalism shaping every sphere of society. Bill Clinton’s recent speech in Saudi Arabia urging the Saudis to conform to the ‘tide of change’ is a veiled threat. Either embrace the Jerry Springer hamburger culture willingly or be prepared to swallow it by the force, as we have just demonstrated in Iraq. Bill Clinton addressed the women issue in Saudi Arabia but does he have any moral authority to talk on the subject after his encounter with Monica? Or was he proposing the liberation of the Saudi women by emulating the likes of Monica Lewinsky? There are two possible choices. If the Arabs want to revive themselves as Arabs, then necessities examining the meaning of Arab, which has already been demonstrated to be a product of Islam. Therefore, selecting this option will led to the call for the return of the Islamic State (Khilafah). Which has a genuine track record for creating Arab unity and progress. Alternatively they can adopt the American inspired Capitalism and liberalism whilst maintaining Arabic/Islamic pretensions. This will cease to have any meaning, despite attaching the word ‘Arab’. A belly dancer is no different to a lap top dancer. They serve the same purpose. There is no difference between the seedy world of Christina Aguilera, Madonna or Haifa Wahbi. If however, the former path of reviving Arab/Islam were being contemplated, then this would naturally require the Arab masses to give full support to the Islamic movements. It would also require a change of attitude towards the Miskeen or the Abid (derogatory reference to the poorer Muslims by the oil-rich illiterate Bedouins). These poor Muslims love Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem more then oil, given the opportunity they would shed their blood, like the Palestinian youths to protect it. The Mujahideen are the ones providing real resistance in Iraq, Palestine and Afghanistan. They were not the ones fattened up over the years on State salary only to run like cowards from the battlefield. Despite their genuine faults and mistakes, no one can doubt their sincerity, integrity and their proven track record in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. Those Arab regimes and nationalist ought to remember, that it is only a matter of time when the US comes knocking on their doors with the same demand for ‘democracy’ and ‘liberty’, which would translate into their demise, their children would go back to herding goats in the desert. Yamin Zakaria London, UK Other articles by Zakaria
  22. Well, all right then Lixle - Interesting how you so lavishly go on the attack where Hassan (Arta Premier) & Derow (its Speaker of the Parliament) as concerned, yet wholeheartedly promote if not dotting over AQassim (its President). I always though they were the same. Then again, what do I know, except one happens to be of USC whereas the others are not. Could you spot the NOT! What would a right-thinking person call your approach? Let the jury decide, eh! Let us review the rest, shall we? IGAD and IPF reps thought an agreement could be reached if bury contentious issues in the fine prints. Did not do the trick, did it? Deemed fraudulent in principal by the majority of those at the meeting, it only brought matters to ahead that avoidance to deal with issues head-on, in other words pushing ugly body parts under the mask only to be discovered at dawn, only prolongs the process. In fact, if anything it will further complicate things, and minimise the influence that IGAD and IPF reps have with Somalis. I suppose we shall find out pretty soon as to where this latest impasse all ends. Now, AQassim is seeking one thing and that is for him to be seen as the saviour of the USC factions. It is very unlikely this will happen since there is no clear, undisputed leader amongst the USC. This might seem on the onset, and to some, a good thing with dozen of them at the table, but it is the epitome that saw the collapse of their faction heads, and shall precipitate their downfall in the future. I see no difference 'ween the AQassim of Nov 03 and that of the 29th of Jan. Period! A sense of security, resilience, perseverance and credibility are what is required in these negotiations. Unfortunately, none are in AQassim's repertoire. Any leader who succeeds in building multi-platform, cross clan coalitions will win the jackpot. I very much doubt AQassim possesses traits of a first class striker to put the ball behind the net. A mediocre winger with a name, but no talent to match it, or stamina to get past the mid fielder – that is where he fits amongst Somalis! As for the speech, it is no more than repetitions - and if you really take the trouble to read past the first few lines, you will notice it is confined to the last few days of the meeting. It speaks to those at the gathering, but fails to reach out to those it matters to the most – the people of Somalia. A sign of disjoint and disparity in AQassim's Somalia – his greatest letdown to capture the heart and minds of the people, and failure to win grassroots supporters. It addresses NOT the issue of future rounds, what to expect and what might come next. A sign of rejoicing the moment, and failing to envisage what is to come. It concentrates upon ill-feelings of why and how the Arta malferious TNG had failed, yet sidesteps the reality in Somalia of today. It is a speech written by someone who considers the 29th of January agreement to be the last and most important phase of the talks. Conditions and the political situation in Mbegathi would advise us otherwise. It is a speech that might have perfectly suited the final day of the Somali peace talks, not at the end of a 10-day consultation rounds. What can I say, both you and AQassim feel the final whistle to have been blown albeit the first round of a 90-minute match has just been concluded. I must admit I enjoyed reading the diplomatic bits and pieces you managed to throw in as though certain of yourself – that Uganda, Kenya and Jbouti all in favour of Aqassim. I suppose we shall never be the wiser until cash-in days beckon, if ever. For further elucidation regarding the event, and who signed what, and as what, perhaps you want to refer to the last paragraph of the Feb/4 press release by Kenya's Foreign Minister. And by the way Lixle - before you haemorrage some internal organ, which might prove debilitating in the long-run (and we would not want that), in trying to unearth a phenomenal theorem with regards to AQassim & Co, read the attached remarkable note which precisely depicts the dilemma facing USC faction heads. Note how I refer to them as “faction heads” as opposed to leaders- rather telling, would not agree? Here is the miidii .... Bal u fiirso C/qaasin, xuseen caydiid, siciid bulbul, Cismaan caato, cawaale qaybdiid iyo qaar kaloo badan intaasoo isku jufo ah iyo Muuse suudi, maxamed dheere, cumar finish, bood, faarah Wahaliye, iyo qaarkaloo badan oo isku jufo ah iyo Qanyare oo jufo ah iyo rag kale oo wadada kusoo jira sida ILqayte, xeef, deelaaf, intaas oo isku beela oo dhamaantood doonaya inay kursi helaan mid walibana doonayo saami. Miyaan dadku arkayn maxaa loola hadli waayey oo loo odhan waayey isku beel ayaad ka soo jeedaana isu tanaasula. Cheers. Here it is