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Everything posted by Yaabka-Yaabkiis

  1. You Nomads devided your selfes into TFG supporters and ICU supporters base on tribe. can we think of and discuss what somali future will be alike, for me somalia future is totally lost, no hopes at all----is there any chance we can get red off endless anarchy dilemmea which is dramatically and continuesly changes to new faces/politics----siyaad bare ---> ali mahdi vs ceydiid--->maxakamad vs warlords----ethopian vs terrorist. Miyeey jiri kartaa rajo wadunki ku dago?
  2. At least jaceyl waxa u jeedadaa aniga camal in doobnimada ku dhibtay-----i am sure there are hunderds of somali ladies around here, ee ducaadada raba--guys kaalaya aamiinta ka qeebqaata.
  4. c-on guys--ducada kii aaridinnesay in aad ku heshid ayaa laga yaabaaa ---lool
  5. Sheekada aan isku duceeno ma dhaafsano, geber duceneeso ama wiil duceenaayo ilaaah hada uma jeedo see camal, ani kaligeey maa ooman?
  6. Duke, you are informative guy, but what is in all these efforts for you man---you want abdulaahi yusuf to be president right?
  7. Maqaayada Qaxwada & Kaftanka SOL ee Gebdhaha iyo wiilasha,if you are bored around or there might not be interesting threads which you dont like to post-reply, you are most wlc to come here and say anything in your mind(Kaftan, sheeko , foorjo). Sheekada aniga aan bilaabo: after i read more then 100 posts in Woman forum, waxan jeclaaday in aan dhaho : Gebdho aan isku duceeno Doobnimada in ilaah naga bixiyo. Yaabka-Yaabkiis
  8. Warar naga so gaaraya xamar cadeey ayaa waxey sheegayaan in madaxweyna c/yusuf mar dhow u bixi doona Tabliiq kadibna xilka iska dhigi doona, madaxweyne c/yusuf ayaa si sira looga so weriyay in uu dhahay:: "anigu dagaal iyo malitarinimo cimrigeyga ayaan ku dhameestay guusha lahaayna wan gaaray oo kursigii mar uun waaku fadhiistay, marka ka dib xag ilaah ayaan u cararaa". wariye : adaa jecel email: adaajecel@hotmail.com.
  9. Go,aanki ayuu gaaray lakin weli officially muuna sheegin----waa sugeenee
  10. Warar naga soo garaya magalada xamar ayey waxey sheegayaan in madaxweyne C/yusuf is casilay xalay, Madaxweynihi hore ee dalka somaliya c/yusuf ayaa waxa la sheegayaa in kadib marku dukaday laba ragco saacadaha saqda dhaxaa ee habeenki ayaa wuxuu gaaray go,aan ah in uu is casilo kuna warejiyo jegada wadaad u dhashay beesha W***CESELE ee anan magaciisa la sheeegin. by General Buubaal email: Adaajecel@hotmail.com
  11. Yaabka yaabkiis, saxib maxaad ula jeedaa wax walba oo la isla qabto, hadalka jilci, rabibaa shaqada guuriga ukala sameeyey oo qoloba wax ay ku wacan tahay baa jira? Yes bro waxyaalo ninka ragaa uunaan qaadan karin ayaa jiraa oo base ahaan dhaqan nagu milmay noo diidaya sida cunaga ka badal hoosgashiga iyadoo marti joogta, lakiin wax walba oo ay ku hagagayaan waaritaan guriga waa in la qeebsadaa( dhar dhaqoow iyo raashin karis maaaha, i dont know why horay niyada ugu soo dhacaan marki la maqlo wax walba hala qeebsado). wax walba waxa ey ku xeranyihiin hadi aay jiraan niyado isku nadiif aanan buufis qabin waxyaalo kugu adag aaya fudeed ku noqonaya, nin iyo naagbo.
  12. Yabka Yabkiis, I cannot believe your friend was unaware of his gf's intentions? The problem is every Farax thinks he can change Xalimos mind Dear Lilly, The issue is not aaaaa change your mind, it is i present my self in admirable manner, bahave the way you like me behave..would'nt my applications then have high change or inducing to be eccepted, sure she starts smilling, be happy with the moment she shares with me. Life is easy all it takes is learn pictures they have in mind, act on it, when you see her at " aboowe waku jeclahay stages" you have two options: make her your queen or damp her shyyt, hadii aynaan midi aad rabtey eheen Once i was hell player i used like to damp at letter stages where i feel i can manage her, but the day aan arkay mid iga badiso, waxaa iska noqday caane madaadshe., some of them are hell players
  13. amar doowlo mudiic ninki diido dabal
  14. Captain you missing you points now, every one should care those somalians been killed in mugdisho and there is no way or excuse a govermsnts or ethopians destroy peaple's lives on their way of peace. your points would be right if your opposition is against those clan insurgents.
  15. Captain you missing you points now, every one should care those somalians been killed in mugdisho and there is no way or excuse a govermsnts or ethopians would destroy peaple's lives on their way of peace. your points would be right if your opposition is against those clan insurgents.
  16. captain is right in some points, we have to oppose the indiscriminate killing of innocent somali civilians--------but ya you sold natural rival water that is more then inhuminate act one could not bear in mind.
  17. she is all ures" when he added that bit i got a image of under the hammer in my head, Yes Yes u Sir she is all ures SOLD BANGGGGG.. BLOODY HELL kkkk CL(young girl) i hope oneday i will hear you saying " we belong together" to your husband. Yaabka-Yaabkiis
  18. he proposed to not-ready-for- marriage-girls who are studying or are not into marriages but again if he communicate them in admirable manner they might simple change their mind---------------i believe as man you can convert reluctant once to a ready stage------there is new shukaansi is called " You can make it--> just learn them --->assess and act on what you learnt---> she is all yours" . For reality there is no such thing: " i wanna marry you" if he wants only to marry there are hunderds of desperate somali girls i am sure he can approach them, but i am afraid the feedback will not be well satisfied. Yaabka-Yaabkiis
  19. Salaan to ya all again, Che and Jaceyl xooga saaxibyaal waxbaa isku qaldan, Afsomaliga meeshi loo wado ayuu aadaa, marka aan leeyahay GUURKU WAA DAN waxaan kala jeeday, wax walba ee in aad gaarto aad rabtid aduunka waa Dantaada(your goals) mar walbana waxaa isku dayeesaa sidi aad u gaari leheed(what ever it takes). Guurka waa mid ka mida danahaaga ugu muhiinsan aduunka ee adan ka maarmin, Haddii aan u micneeno as DAN waxa u maleena waxyaalo badan ayaa saxmaaya, hadii aad ogashahay wax walbo ee dantaada aad ku heleesid in aad sameesid maxa noo diiday wax walbo ee uu guurka ama guriga ku saxmaaya in aan sameeno? dhaqan galo waa midka kaso horjeeda diinteena mana laga hadlayo kaas. Yaabka-Yaabkiis