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Everything posted by Yaabka-Yaabkiis

  1. no, you did not have a chance to meet them yet----never try to hook up with them at those places---blv me they must be high chance of no
  2. NO NO NO can't do that you dont need to control that much--just do it
  3. May be you don't need Ms. right ,,,,,, Jaceyl ninyow, is not like i dont need Ms.right is their market infrastructure is not properly organized or segmented to assess midee baa fiican---
  4. interesting, scientists are discovering such amizing new Habitable zome while c/yusuf is our president, indhacade is one the of maxkamadha islamka, Muuse suudi Yalaxow is saying "Terroriiistaha waa leeska dhicihaa" and Yaabka-Yaabkiis can't find the ms-right yet Yaabka-Yaabkiis
  6. I dont support neither TFG nor ICU----lakiin waxa suaal ah, hadii lagu badalo ciidamada ethopian ciidamada kale ama PEACE-KEEPERS--malaga yaaba in la taageero TFG? Yaabka-Yaabkiis
  7. Sugbal--do you guys wear such kind of Dhar---ee SOL girls Inaba Caadi maah.
  8. What do you mean art of kissing---Cl i dont get what is your topic all about? Yaabka-Yaabkiis
  9. Abtiyow, i went there for Market research not Naag sheekedaada, waxaana idinla qeebsaday waxyaalaha aan kala kulmay meshaas. Yaabka-Yaabkiis
  10. what ever comes under Protection as you termed is man's responsibility: financial or what ever but that does not maintain a health marriage( we can say it is but less)--mida kale hadi ay tagto hala raaco sida diinta qabta abti waxba ma halaabeen. waxaaan aniga ka hadlaayo waa Morality quality of the marriage that contibutes alot, it is the the morality quality that makes Guurka to stay longer----somehow we can say security is integral part---lakiin ma u maleynaayi hadii healthy morality quality eeey jirin security or protection in si fiican u shaqeenaayo. Yaabka-Yaabkiis
  11. are those short sleaved suits tailor made? loooooooooooool@ that transcends: ninkaan anaga majeclin
  12. CC,Are there no good men at LALALAND?
  13. Val, i think you can read somali language? gues from your comment's level of maturity( qaf weyn oo somali aqri kara)
  14. Valenteenah. A marriage needs equal buy-in from both partners, because they won't get far if one is dragging the other one's dead weight. ---- i agree with ya lakiin fikrada xun waxey ka bilaabataa fikradaaan oo kale mawa aha gebedha in ay ka fikirto waxaas --marka ku leeyahay 85% maka wado wax walba iyada qabneesa lakiin waxa ka wadaa: wuu jiraa mid doqan ah lakin hadi gebedha si fiican u fikirto(optimistic) mar walba ka fikirta horimarka gurigeeda, soo jiidashada ninkaada--farxada ninkeeda(oo aayneen la tartamin ninkaada sida fikradaaada xooga ay dhaheeso ama ka muuqato), ninmanka maaha BEAST animal waa qaf niyad leh asna intoo kale ayuu sameenaa. culture ma jiro qaf bini-aadan ah ku qasbaayo nin xun in ay la joogto mana jiro famil aduunka gebdhooda ku qasbaaya in ay xoog nin xun kula joogto. Main point aan kaso arkay ASIA wuxuu yahay: as far ee gebadha farxada gurigeeda ay raadineeso iyo sameesashada ninkeeda ninka intoo kale ayuu sameena(wey jiraan qaar xun ma tirinaaayo intaas).hadii gebdhahaa somaliyeed saas ahaan lahaayeen furitaanka ma badnaan leheen. Yaabka-Yaabkiis
  15. looooool----haye wararka yaabka waxaa waaye gebdhaha somalida in ay noo fiicnaadaaan lee rabaaaa.
  16. LOOL---ya i was comparing apples with oranges--the point is: if somali girls think the same way as asians think in terms of marriage, were there hight rate of divorces among somalis ? and do you think women can make the large-part in making the healthy-marriage. You get any idea---valenteenah?
  17. I am currently visiting( doing marketing research) some asia countries, what makes me Yaab is how big marriage is in mind of asian girls/ladies, you rarely see Garoobs around, Girls's lives are all about: when & through how she can get marriage! how she can be good wife, they prefer to die instead of getting divorce-----when i saw those asian girls, the first thing came into my mind was: what if somali girls think the same? were there hight rate of divorces among somalis? and the real story i realized during my visit in asia was: Woman make the marriage stay longer then man.they contribute more then 80% while men only make 15%. Yaabka-Yaabkiis
  18. what is wrong with using diana ----using dians is what makes her life happy---let them use i dont see any problem there. Yaabka-Yaabkiis
  19. ya that is right aaliyah.
  20. There are alot right there, i doubt you are not sure or exactly know who is ur mr-right-------that is the problem you ladies can't find ur mr-right. Yaabka-Yaabkiis