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Everything posted by Yaabka-Yaabkiis

  1. In this Era miss raaliyo is not needed any more---as far as she can fulfill her man's need/preference she is miss raaliyo. Yaab
  2. do you guys not like those types of faraxs mentioned above?
  3. Can you also post Ten best Xaliimos to date....all xaliimoos i date so far had one or two of those characteristics mentioned above. Yaab
  4. my cousins were nomads and still some of them are nomads---though i did not see BADIYO yet that i cant judge what is there ? i prefer Baraxada Holwadag/Biya Aarow(Mugdisho) in aan wax ka foorjeeyo--- i dont prefer non of them. Yaabka-Yaabkiis
  5. LOOL Muniira, of-course he is, when do you usually come there ? i was impressed! i cant wait see ya there again..loooool.
  6. i see Muniir002 sitting infront of 15 elders enthusiastically listening their joks,laughs, i was one of those elder guys who knows. i see Hayam having maasha-allah future-bride --- getting close strong connection with ALLAH--- hope to enjoy on comming summers, i will be with ya on that journey
  7. Ninyahow malmahaan danbe waaba iska sameeyaan intaas----becareful unless eey ii sheegto in aay rabto si kale ma aaminaayi.
  8. Jeceyl, how many times you take coffee a day ?
  9. dating older woman?---ina adeerow waali kuwaan isku Age nahay ayaa iigu filan.
  10. PS: Yaabka, if you gal is from Mudug, u need to keep nuff supplies of oodkca in the house!! that calms them xalimos down!! Thanks for your suggestions saxib-- i will try this with her---they talk too much--they fight too much---they lie too much--what if i sue her for all these. Yaabka-Yaabkiis
  11. Then she simply react bad-mouth to you such as: Do i know you before? Yaabka-Yaabkiis
  12. i see same peaple around me at work place.
  13. They value marriage more then we do.Investing equel effort into marriage is something obviously clear, i dont know why you always say samething at everywhere? are you(guys) competing or wanna be good wives stay in marriage longer and forever. Yaabka-Yaabkiis
  14. Adigaaba raba lacag miyaa ?? Miya ninyow, walalo you see nowdys Isbeesadi kor ayey u kacday marka ninka kaliya malagu deyn karo---naagtuna waa in ay car carartaa. Yaabka-Yaabkiis
  15. Yaabka yaabkiis nowadays women have careers, and thereby can take care of themselves. Just worry about having a decent job walaal. already have a decent job Aaliya---nowadays women have careers: Maasha allah they are developing----but in Uk fewer are educated so far.
  16. Money is very very important---if naagta aan guurso xooga lacag dont have that much money in bangiga----maxa lesku sheegaa---subax walbo too biil rabto uu shopping u dheeryahay vs in this ERA---madax xanuun waaye doob lee ahaana weligeey
  18. kkk sxb waxba ha-iswarerinin meeshana waxa ka socda GAME ma jiraan wax la dhaho dowlad ama dowlad la dagalan---meeshana waxa hestay beesha uuka dhashay c/qasim or qebdiid oo horay u adeegsaday(xoog kaalmeesi ahaan)BEESHA uu ka dhashay dr ismail jimcaale, general duad, salad gabeera and cali mahdi(maxmed dheere.geedi gadaal ka gaar ayaa la dhahaa, sheekadu waxey socoto ayaa beesha ceydiid ku xad gudubtay beeshi ay u adeegsadeen xoog ahaan---oday A/Y meeshaas ayaau ka faaideestay---oo wuxu maanta adeegsaday same BEEL---MARKA suaashu waxey tahay what is next?
  19. you are not allowed to read in bathroom---dinbi waaye
  20. why dont you take jalatada then marka dhameesid simply dhahdid byee---that guy is looser his name is JALAATE GADE
  21. nice---i am sorry beesha c/qasim jilibka---guriyihi iyo beerihi iyo xaqdaradi waa dhamaatay.
  22. c/yusuf, cali maxamed geedi, maxamed dheere---yeeey ayaaa ka talisay meeshaaas