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Everything posted by Yaabka-Yaabkiis

  1. Malmahaan Somali ladies have problems of how they will conduct/manage Guriga-gurka..everywhere i go whether it is real life or on the net..they seem like they have conflicting ideas cycing in their mind whichs not base on empirical fact exist around...i am sure they can make it out what they want...lakiin i don't know what is wrong with them? Yaabka
  2. I everyday see somali students willing to join a Un or enrolling subjects at uni, when i see those students the questions came into my mind that i would also like to share with ya guys is that : Do somali student encounter or consider how those subjects will help their personal goals(or it is just we need to be educated) , their quality of life and our contry somalia(lost country). I can take one example as MBA, Though we are all into MBAs nowdays---it at least can help our country shifting to K-ECONOMIC FROM B-ECONOMIC(waa wadanka hadu nabad noqdaa)...share your ideas please. Yaabka-Yaabkiis
  3. Xooga malamahaan MBA ayey somalida u badatay..does it mean it will help DHULKEENA alot? Yaabka.
  4. Nomads cunto cuntoow ayaa haaaya----iska suga yaaqay bacdul IID. Yaabka-Yaabkiis
  5. ...get the gun and fight then i don't see any lame commect in my words ..i only asked question ..mind ur langauge naayaaaa...and for real i don't know wax laascaanod dago. Plus you also need to keep ur lame commects to your self ... Yaabka.
  6. ...get the gun and fight..i only asked question ..mind ur langauge naayaaaa... Yaabka.
  7. Thanks Bob for the advice abti..lakin somali waxey dhahaan WAANO ABUUURIS BAA KA HOREESAY... Yaabka-Yaabkiis
  8. lool..AAliyah Are you from Laascanood..yaa dago laascaanood? if there is something good in there(laascaanood) i will also motivate mt tribe to WEEERER there ILAAHEEY AMARKIIS. Yaabka.
  9. lool..i am on night shifts 2nite...malmahaan waxa noqonaa Real Sheekeeye on the net. adiga, how was ur day today? Yaabka.
  10. shyma and chub, i was sleeping all the day----go to work hada ----i am on night shift nowdays hmmmmmm hate that . Yaabka
  11. to ur new husband's house?
  12. loooooooooool i like these pple ..ayagee lee isku sacab tumooyo
  13. lool, if you don't mind asking ya guys: May i know about somaliland's Bop(balanace of payement)..
  14. lool, if you don't mind asking ya guys: May i know about somaliland's Bop(balanace of payement)..
  15. Acuudi Bilaahi waxey sheegto mey weesay maxaa waaye dhimashada eey sheegeeso....Yaaab Yaabka-Yaabkiis
  16. shaxshaxleey adiga xaata shansano ma qarisidoo marka lagu dhaho meeqa jirtaa... Yaabka
  17. i tried before i could'nt found..i am working on project in large-part about s=africa economic development, would you like to join me..lol Yaabka