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Everything posted by Yaabka-Yaabkiis

  1. .......................... me at big parties with old friends...
  2. sheek yeah waa wax kuligeen wajib nagu ah abti. Ms how come they can know early then others?
  4. Everyone seems to eat "Cambuulo" for cashoo, what on earth is Cambuulo people? So many things I aint every heard of. Ghanimo, i advice you if you eat everynight you will see your brain cells capacity increasing and you will not confuse whether you do your Thesis on somali economic development or others you will simply pick up the best one and ku baashaalee
  5. Falfaliir macaan waaye, laakiin malala joogi kara qafta cunaa gadaaal ayuu saaid uga neefsanaa.. Lool koool
  6. gues canjeeero is just one of those that is good to cook if you have more than one person at home i don't get ya, you mean is kind f big task that one person can't handle, or you need your husband to be there oo aad canjeero u karisid(if so good wife). f you have seen me you would say that, waa is caatenoysaa aaaa, bisinka i eat when and how i want to.. so there,,, it;'s just my day begins,, 0800---untill 2300... I could give a thought if you would want to be my cook, and i can think about hiring you . lol Thanks for yur offer sis, then again i am not professional in that(cooking) but i can pass your comments to one of my friend who is cooker as well as single lol, hence your job begins 0800 untill 2300 i think that is not white colour job and i term it slavery job i don't know if labour union at your area have some rules against that by the way you must be hardworking person have some goals in life. Yaabka-Yaabkiis
  7. I wanna know where ya'all find, " Beer" becaue what i see here is discusting frozen one, and i cetrtaily wouldn't eat that. however, who has time to make cajeero daily.. i certainly don't, I gave plot, for those of you that has time or the dedication to make it. usually ma day goes like this... A cup of tea !!! have to have my tea, and Cereall,,, some times don't even got to have luch and if do.. it's braiis or baasto... casho would be like a soup and yougurt.. if i made it a head of time. but otherwise i don't got to have decent meals through out the week may be the weekend. working class life sucss!! specially if you are in the heath care field.... thanks It seems that you don't manage your time properly and lazy to cook--joking( sorry if i am disturbing personnally). but otherwise i don't got to have decent meals through out the week where on the earth pple don't have time to have decent meals or waa is caatenoosa...
  8. Yaabka, waxaan umaleynaa cuntadaan waa ku riyootaa those dishes, because I can't believe inaad maalin walba cunto these dishes you described in that order, unless you have a cook on the payroll. . Mar walbo ma helo sis--mostly on weekend ayaan sameesta Qaarkood. So here we can notice Beer & Canjeero and Moos is N0#1 FAVORITE somali dishes---lakiin gebdhaha saas maa wax u cuntiin ---dacad camal meey idinka tahay..lol. I don't see anyone mentioned: Muufo plus saciid macsaro iyo laba xabo moos ah iyo Suqaar IS CALLED QAMIIR---
  9. Saaxib waa Runtaa, Aduunyoy magaca ba' dadkaas ayaa somaliya u talinaya
  10. My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is: Very Sir Lord Abdirehman the Unctuous of New Invention Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title
  11. i know macne kale ayey leedahay in reer waqooyi lanG, chicken baan ka wada abti yacni DOORO..LOL
  12. Though i don't like Dooro, somalida badankeeda cunitaankeeda wey ku raaxeestaan.
  13. Can anyone provide solution to the dhibka uu ka hadlay? i don't think Yaabka
  14. i was asking my self: are most of somalians have same preference in QURAN, QADO AND CHASHO, and what they like to eat? and if other races habit of eating already influenced ours? Aka ME, the best somalian food i like is : CANBUULO. Qurac: Canjeero(laba xabo) iyo Suqaar am Beer. Qado: Baasto ama Bariis amd Muufo raacsan Qudaar and Hilib. Dooro amd Malaay Aka cASHO: Alla Canbuulo. Yaabka-Yaabkiis
  15. sharafta-guurka waa laga tagyoo....halees furo jidadka salaxan...waala soo furay, naagti ayuu furay, wekala tageen Folkways ayey noqdeen. Yaabka.
  16. where is my gun then...toloow hadaan hadaan ku dharbaaxo(the gun) miyaa lee heesta