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Everything posted by Yaabka-Yaabkiis

  1. Val,Talk to her mannerly by showing Disadvantage of working in team of two
  2. I today was asking my self how much our primary culture shaped or interacted our lifestyles: our attitudes, values, out-going behaviours, the way you wear, the way you shopping, the way you treat your boy/gal(if you married your children/wife). I came across alot of books DHAHAYA: Your life attitudes base on or rooted from three factors: Your primary culture which can't be changed simply. Your Secondry culture( which can be simply changed by the environment you are at ) Upbringing's(The environment You grew up). Waxaa la yaabay; i see my slef flexible i couldn't notice any attitude and values base on or rooted from my Primary culture--i can be wrong but i also oberved most Somali are flexible and adapted to the environment they are at( you never notice any primary culture into their lifestyles). SOL Nomads Do you really notice any Cultural behaviour or primary cultural behaviour into your lifestyles as well as into your dialy activities..if there is please share with us...
  3. No.. if you were Bill Gates what would you do ?
  4. Most-known African Entrepreneurs. where is the best place you visited before?
  5. lool Xidigo..Anyone seen my lost gal from Borame..lol...ereyga Huuno naagta in ay dhahdo ayey ku fiicantahay..lakin raga reer borama xataa weydhahaan
  6. Ismahan you forget alot of heroes like SYL hereos. and also: General daud Ismail Jimcale Salaad Gabeere
  7. lacala hadi Oil lasoo saaro xaalada sidee isku badali doontaa?
  8. why u disturb ur self ..spent it and work ..you only need savings for u to be risk-planner..
  9. I'm reading the 7 habits of highly effective people(that and 3 other books at least lol) and finding that I'm pretty effective anyway. Read it! i am impressed ..you are rite sis 7 habits of highly effective peaple is very helpful book--one of my profs recommended me before..what are the three others please?...
  10. "I want to know how to make savings ...... does it exist horta ??" ya you google bro:)
  11. Thanks you guys, am not good with time management. I love to procrastinate everything to the last minute. wa salaamu alaikum Even your husband's dinner at friday nite? ..joking please
  12. lool....boorama gals have one problem ..most of them ilkahooda gaduuud
  13. you mean somaliz became YUUDAAN..include you abti ilaa hada meeqa qaf ayaa cuntay