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Everything posted by Yaabka-Yaabkiis

  1. ^^You having good day...
  2. All this reminds me a Wadaad friend shaked the hands of gay Jabouti. My friend glazed towards me, and said war waysada ma jibiyaa. Saas maaha bro waana ogahay in Gay la guursada--laakin wxaa la yaabanahay sida eey kaaga dhaadhacsantahay--Nin hadlaa wuxu ka Odhay: Qaniis lama yaabani ee nin u K**csanaya ayaa ka yaabanahay.
  3. I don't know he is married though. Oo waaba la guursana--you must be joking abti(Gaal aan mehered leheen wuu guursan karaa)
  4. My gay coworker is married to Arab guy. Anaga wax aragnay--hope midka kale ee kula shaqeeya in mid somali ah guursan doona--xata adiga yaa og.. :confused:
  5. and i hope it will be consumed much in Hargeysa or Somaliland
  6. Denbi miyey noqon hadi la cabo markaaa..
  7. Quran is important for me ooooooooooooops! waxa ka waday QUrac is important for me
  8. They should do that instead ay is dil dilayan.
  9. Odayga Indha-yarka ah si fiican bey ugaleen..
  10. i don't think there is luxury life in somali..
  11. gues what will happen if remittance is stoped--how many companies will be closed--start from Xawalada--i don't think country's economy will survive as well as ppl,economy entities are inter-dependent from equilibrium veiw of point , Somali economy is in large-part based on remittance, You don't have exports nor your imports employ alot of ppl...the one who prefer to stop remittance dadka ayuu gaajo ku dili rabaa meesha Warlords xabad ku dileen.
  12. Remittances sent to somalia is also investemnt--cuz ppl spend it in the country--Remittance helps alot such small economy country--where jobs don't exist...
  13. B_analyst: all your Hall of fame pple used to work for Siyad Barre except Adan Cade. why not include him your list Duceysane, They used to work for somali goverment..not for Siyad bare..weyka horeeyeen dowlada siyaada bare lakin wey la shaqeeyen.
  14. Hall of Fame: Dr Ismail Jimcale, General Daud, Xuseen Kulmiye afrax, Salaad Gabeere, Aadan Cade. Hall of shame: dagaal oogayaasha oo dhan
  15. I like UAE lifestyle--any opportunity for entrepreneurship graduates...
  16. One likely consequence of the genetics revolution is an increased tendency to understand human behavior in genetic terms. How might this "geneticization" affect stigma? Attribution theory predicts a reduction in stigma via reduced blame, anger, and punishment and increased sympathy and help. According to "genetic essentialist" thinking, genes are the basis of human identity and strongly deterministic of behavior. If such ideas are commonly accepted, geneticization should exacerbate stigma by increasing perceptions of differentness, persistence, seriousness, and transmissibility, which in turn should increase social distance and reproductive restrictiveness. I test these predictions using the case of mental illness and a vignette experiment embedded in a nationally representative survey. There was little support for attribution theory predictions. Consistent with genetic essentialism, genetic attributions increased the perceived seriousness and persistence of the mental illness and the belief that siblings and children would develop the same problem. Genetic attribution did not affect reproductive restrictiveness or social distance from the ill person but did increase social distance from the person's sibling, particularly regarding intimate forms of contact involving dating, marriage, and having children I don't know i am into social issues nowdays--I think You don't mind share with ya --comments please: what Do you think about the article? For those who like to read different articles concern this issue, see please: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=PubMed&Cmd=Search&Term=%22Phelan%20JC%22%5BAuthor%5D&ito ol=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVAbstractPlus BA
  17. I agree with new Sol friend idea at Youtube but sorry to say Direct critizing might not hopefully result in Recovering--but again it depends Misions/reasons Mr mack had beyond his talk. Ba