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Everything posted by Yaabka-Yaabkiis

  1. Entrepreneurship books.. why somaliland eey u jeceshahay in ay go-do..faa'iidada maxa waaye?
  2. Cuz i like it..lol can u remember the first time u date..and when it was...
  3. ^^ i was answering his Q..Adiga lacala ma sameen laheed...kidding
  4. ^^ if she is non-muslin..waxey rabta eey iska sameenee sax..
  5. if she is non-muslim, she can live with out NiN maxa yeelay she can date another Naaag.
  6. Entertaining place... How do u treat ur enemy?
  7. ^^Xalay saqdhaxe Cunto culus cuntay..Calool Xanuun lee haayo. Why naag eey u necebtahay naag kale in lala guursado?
  8. I'm a bit ashamed to admit that Islam is my least viewed section of the forum, god knows it would take the devil himself to drag me there. . At least you should read islamic section posts, it educates me alot. How are u doing?
  9. Good Morning, I was asking my self why do i mostly like to read and post under- General section :confused: , Finally found General section adds value into my life there are always different kind of topics impart knowledge to me, Hence I can post anything i like or seem to be valuable? Haye which section are we into most? which section and posts do u pertake most? Sn
  10. ^^ Guurarka Noocaas ah success ma noqdaan..i advice you in guriga xoolo ku qalatid..duco laguu duceeyo....Niikiyow Niikisoy beri ayey is furayaan
  11. Duceysane Naagtaada maxdaa ku furi leheed sxb..Xaaska waxa la dhahaa sedex kabadan markee dhasho.
  12. Meeshaan Halko sano waa Jooga weli mana ku arag..xagee ka timid adi. Any woman who marries you deserves you as punishment Just be sure that you are as honest to any prospects as you are here :confused:
  13. ^^ hadii aay ku rabto.sigaar cab, jaad cun shaqdeeda maaha.
  14. Nothing turns them off in men unless she does not like u.