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Everything posted by Yaabka-Yaabkiis

  1. wife on benefits+husband working, it is good if they are making money and have future goals like: investing, start business in africa, otherwise lets say london welfare system created Moral hazards it blocks ppl creativities, hardworking,progressiveness , it doesn't allow them to go out of their logic bubbling thinking and contribute to their future well-being. Sa
  2. it is special kind of food i think u never eat it in ur life--u missing wax layaableh-you can ask ur local restuarants..or u can catch it in your home(dul duleelada iyo luuqyada ka raadi) and cook it...
  3. Yaa muslimiin markaa degenaaa Kastuumo waa xeran jireeen...
  4. ^^inadeerka waa iska heli kartiin dhib maleh--lakiin Habeeenka ugu horeeso xooga xishoood ma jiri laheenoo..
  5. In any form under RACE i write Somali cuz i am somali
  6. ^^ we should take it as serious, we need need to know obstacles..
  7. UMU: my favorite word: EEY HAKU QANIINO. Who is the first Nomad registered Sol?
  8. UMU: my favorite word: EEY HAKU QANIINO
  9. If u like so.. We need those question...Would u like to ask(i mean practical questions we could benefit from) please?
  10. Not really, I am questioning why she has to play mind games while i am not interested in them Why do you appear confused? If they make me so... what do u do in spare-times?
  11. ^^ and u watched.. what is the name of last Filin u watched?
  12. Marqaan waaye. if she playing with psychology when u liking her biology, is that mean u are in love with her?
  13. Cuz they are moving to mugdisho-isn't Bosaaso and Hargeyso laba gobol?
  14. Inclined Tribe philosophy. warlords, uneducated leaders, majority of ppl are uneducated. Somaliz are not patriotic
  15. lastime i been to toronto.. what do u like to wear most?
  16. Lets Go back our times we spent overnet..Do you remember your first time you browsed internet-is ur today's targets of browsing internet is different from the first time you started browsing? what are ur gains sofar(knowledge, got good friends, got ur behalf) from it? In terms of relationships and marriages Do u think it becomes dating place where u can meet ur Hebel/Heblo right-what Do think; where it goes to? Do you think it will be the best place to approach ur behalf... Sa