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Everything posted by Yaabka-Yaabkiis

  1. ^^^fiiri wat is the name of the langauge then?
  2. lool..Jey jey waxa maqlay Gooryaan mulaaxeed aay u egtahay...Yaaab. Tuujiye Hal il uu uyaryahay ayey dheheen..Yaab.
  3. ..Maanta maanta maanta waa maalin jaceyle alla. ..maanta maanta maanta waa maalinti Ubaxa, Jaceylka(kii ooo)..Yeah it is maalinta Jaceylka; My mudug gal remind me this morning..Yaab.
  4. Je Jey, Weli waa faraxsanahay, Dabeecad laaay waaye usoo duceeey....lol
  5. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I use to speak Xabashi… I don’t think I can anymore, I just remember all the swear words, and how to buy bread, hello, few other things...there is no one to practice on. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yata baata qushasha!!....? 1.Swahili 2.Somali 3.English 4.Kikuyu 5.Some Espanoel 6.Some Arabic(Hadaa Shuwaya shankaroon ) I like Kikuyu langaugw. FB,Ate'rere,amwega?
  6. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Garam garam waxay?? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is a demeaning word.I don't know why the brother/sister used the word.This is one form of intolerance.The word points to a language of a people called Borana.It is one thing to name a language of a peopl-in a respectful manner-but it is something entirely different to call people's langauge with a superiority undertone. Garam Garam waa luqada magaceeda maaha?
  7. Langauges i speak: Kikuyu Garam Garam Urdu Bahasa Malayu..lol
  8. ^^agree with ya sis, i was wondering if it is reliable...not sure yet
  9. ^^ chu, i met her again this morning; she is my gal now and made me forget all wat she did to me Shalay.... Chu, how is ur day today?
  10. 1. Grill a steak. You may think it's bad for your heart, but you'd be wrong. Beef contains immunity-boosting selenium as well as homocysteine-lowering B vitamins. And up to 50 percent of the fat is the heart-healthy monounsaturated variety. 2. Tell your wife to butt out. People who are exposed to cigarette smoke for just 30 minutes, three times a week, have a 26 percent greater risk of developing heart disease than people who rarely encounter secondhand smoke. 3. Take aspirin. Regular aspirin consumption cuts the risk of coronary heart disease by 28 percent in people who have never had a heart attack or stroke. 4. Drink more tea. Men who drink 2 cups of tea a day are 25 percent less likely to die of heart disease than guys who rarely touch the stuff. The reason: flavonoids in the tea, which not only improve blood vessels' ability to relax, but also thin the blood, reducing clotting. 5. Touch her. Ten minutes of skin-to-skin contact (hand-holding, hugs) with your mate can help keep your blood pressure and pulse from spiking during stressful times, according to University of North Carolina researchers. 6. Go fishing for tuna. Omega-3 fats in tuna help strengthen heart muscle, lower blood pressure, and prevent clotting — as well as reduce levels of potentially deadly inflammation in the body. 7. Pair up. Married men are less likely to die of heart disease than bachelors. Scientists looked at men with mildly high blood pressure and found that after 3 years of marriage, the happily married men had healthier hearts than their unmarried brothers. 8. Adopt a dog. All that love ("You're a good boy, yes you are!") and aggravation ("Bad dog! Don't eat Daddy's crab dip!") makes your heart more adaptable and better able to deal with the stress that can lead to heart disease. 9. Rinse, brush. Rinse your mouth with Cool Mint Listerine and brush with Colgate Total toothpaste. They'll reduce oral bacteria, which can decrease your risk of a heart attack by 200 to 300 percent. 10. Make friends at work. Men with the most work friends also have the lowest heart rates and healthiest blood-pressure levels, even during times of stress. If it helps....
  11. lool@from Mudug, They are trouble-makers; i like the way they talk and convince ppl.... Yaabka
  12. ^^Dadkaan dhega maqabaan miyaa--war she is my deriskeyga hada waakala xoortay..
  13. LOL Yaabka has no problem with adding friends cuz he doesn't have any pictures up Cadaan you did not see my ALBUM yet? lol
  14. ^^ Chu, sorry i can not tell...
  15. ^^and you have the option to say NO..... Every one can add me, it is fun place i like it Yaabka.
  16. lool, i met crazy somali gal--i am still annoyed, you know wat she did.......
  17. She already married and have children....Yeah she is my Deriskeyga...
  18. ^^^ we should not celeberate or appreciate it as Maalinta Jaceylak then....
  19. looooooooooooool.. Jey Jey adiga markaa soconeesid diyaarad camal in aad BII-BIRABTID ayaaa loo maleeyaa DHAGAX IN GADAAL LAGAAGA XERO WAAYE.....
  20. is there any history why it is named Val-day? No plans at all--i will be WALKING
  21. ^^sxb i don't have any negative lowdown on them lakiin as islam they do respect ya and might behave well but as black they might treat ya as Nin aan waxba aheen Yasmo...