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Everything posted by Yaabka-Yaabkiis

  1. ok let me try to answer then: Convince your Qaraabo or friend about Your Biz plan in order to raise a capital, by telling them potential return of investment, Demand of product you tend to sell in your Bakhaar iwm Location: try to find strategic location where custmers can simply access... Promotion: find all your qaraabo customers also request them to make word-of-mouth for your Bakhaar For the dhuxusha.. You need to find wadanka laga gaato... It does make sense now?
  2. loooooooooooooooooool@iska daa gacan baan ku qoraye...
  3. Odeyga geeska jira Sigaarka cabaaya, Laadar xamar u dhaarsanaa ayuu u egyahay...
  4. Though i am not in that field but again i am based in coutry(malaysia) which is more successive in Islam Banking--particularly in Money market segment which is more developing and attracting non-muslims. Hence there is no big difference between conventional and Islamic Banking--it is the filter( sharia-low which prohibit intrest and Riba and allows matual Benifit sharing) that compels convential financial Banks to add islamic banking to their services.. Would like to know how one would venture islamic equity firm in somalia, is that possible? Isn't Tax one of tools that Goverments use to manage their economic-i mean to increase Tax on middle class employees or wat ever when a goverment wants to slow it's economic growth and other way around when a goverment prefer fast economic growth.. For Financial markets i think we have some Nomads in the field like MDD as well others.. Mob
  5. some of you enjoy reading-i like that but i cant do it..i see my self ee rabta social gatherings... MMA typical somali waaye runtuu sheegay.. Kool kat meeqa xabo kabo ayaa qabtaa.. Aliyah if you do that in ur spare times-maasha allah Ismahan is progressive person.. Umu my spare times i like to go social gatherings...
  6. ^ horta tii kowaad meel kusoo hubso ....ta labaad ha ku danbeese Hunguriga iga batay...ma iga yaabtay..
  7. May we have business articles, ideas overhere and discuss please? wlc guys lets have atleast a place to share what is happening in world business Mob
  8. Lets see if we have common activities in our spare-times, i dont think we totally different( we are one group hadaa ka timid Mugdisho, bosaaso, Hargeyso) Can we share please Yaabka Yaabkiis.
  9. ahha, ma waxa rabtaa inaa ku iraah 1990 diaper aa ii xirnaa? Xaajiyo hadii dabada ugu dhegi jirtay faceey ma ihid...Kool kat iyo JB iyo Tuujiye dadkaas isku factihiin....
  10. i really understand some of Borane language words..it might make u laugh(lool) marka kugu horeeso is like: KUDHUFO, KAJAR KU DHAC
  11. wat is going on......................... [ February 16, 2008, 02:20 PM: Message edited by: SoMa_InC ]
  12. ohhhh ismahan...Caloosha i xanuuntay--mar hore ayaa sabarnay............
  13. i like to see alot if she allow me in aan guursado sedex kale.......
  14. Shukaansigaas hada ma soconaa " Hablaha uma baaro sirteyda because"
  15. I like your comments,Yeah it is the challenge we cant avoid. Is globalization good for islam or islam countries?
  16. "Is Borana language similar to Somali or?"/ Nope They are different..
  17. Today i slept all day and wake up now...it is 12:49 am ....need to chat more.. Yaabka
  18. Happy birthday to ur daughter, gebedhi waalidkeed, dadkeeda, wadankeda waxa tartaa allah ka dhigo..amiin
  19. ^^ by now on let is call it that(Afgreeh), it is one of Those langauges...