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Everything posted by Yaabka-Yaabkiis

  1. Yaabka, I have a problem with the title of the thread. Where did you get the notion that there are only rich guys in the somali community and not rich women? If I were u, I wouldn't start segregating the sexes it is not sense of segregation, it is i never head somali-wellknown-richwoman....if you know any tell us please...
  2. what about owner of Nationlink company( it is international company which based in 1-2 african countries excluding somalia)...
  3. I head another guy based in kenya: Sharif Dhagaweyne
  4. lool ok. laakiin you need to pay me for revealing this top-secret info. 1.haji seaman. inta kale will be revealed as soon as i receive my cheque.
  5. hahaha! I say he's full of shit too! why? cheap comment!
  6. Er'..umm...er'..um...How did you know of this Mr Forbes!....Unless you have seen his Balance sheet or you're related to him i say you are full of shit, Man! . lol i did not see his Balance sheet but estimating his current asset value as well as cash flow , i am not related to him i used work for his company, now u are full of shit rite--judging someone with out asking how he come up with that? Yaaabka-Yaabkiis
  7. Though i dont know upto to ten... I head sofar one guy: Adow:(originally born in Ceeldheer) belongs to Maraakiib Badan and also runs other business? Any other guys............
  8. ^^if u been to dubia u can see their are leaders of most lucrative business/industries( those from ceeldheere)...
  9. if i am not mistaking Richest somali tribe are those belong to mugdisho, Balcad, Jowhar, particularly those from CEELDHEER base on Research done recently..
  10. What is wrong with Youtube?
  11. Innovation and entrepreneurship is the leitmotiv of the American economy. It has been the basic for the present growth and prosperity of the country. Societies that have studied and applied innovative and entrepreneurial economy, such as Japan, Australia and some South-Eastern Asian countries, are witnessing an unprecedent economic growth.These countries have moved from a traditional economy, characterized by paternalism or familial management to a dynamic, innovative, future-oriented and entrepreneurial management. These competitive and market-oriented economies are becoming the model of today’s global economy, especially after the fall of the Berlin wall or the communist economy model. The question is then, how can Africa, that young continent, full of dynamism and aspiration, benefit fromthese revolutionary knowledge and practices? In other word, would it be possible for African countries to embarkthemselves in the innovative and entrepreneurial methods and strategies in order to stimulate their economies? Or,how can innovation and entrepreneurship affect African economies? What Do you think guys? what are the triggering events or strategic issues that make africa to lag behind? MyOwnBoss
  12. I'm not interested in either of these types of men that I've met. There is however a third type of man (there could be a fourth and fifth but I don't have time). They are in the middle-ground of the two men described above. They are not too strict and they are not too loose. They are just right. I've seen some American Muslims and Canadian Muslims who are "just right", so I know they do exist. But of course marriage is naseeb. You can't ask why it didn't work out, that's just destiny for you. And they do marry early ages of their 30s..
  13. ^^ warba ku heeysta jaceelow hadi aadleedahay waxbaa ka jidha..
  14. Number aad nasiib aad ku leedahay.....?
  15. And it is crazy as well saxiib. Radical .You are doing yourself a favor by not reading it but if you do you can do me a favor and correct me where i go wrong ? Waa usoo noqonaa
  16. Don't call me walalo(dheh walal), Duqiyooow(dheh bro ama magaceyga), i hate in leygugu waco..hope some words adan jecleen in ay jiraan? Yaabka-Yaabkiis