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Everything posted by Yaabka-Yaabkiis

  1. listening my favorite song.................
  2. Be easy, Dont make decisions when u mad.
  3. Hate is a strong word ladies. I just dislike Arsenal(Minus Adebayor & Hleb ).... :mad:
  4. Naxdin maaha dee, waxaan fahmi waayay waxa aad qortay?
  5. "Topic: Is having a Wedding Important? " Only if you are ******
  6. after 2009 election, if Abdulah and Geedi eeynaan soo noqon.......
  7. Qosolka tii eeba siiyay, Hadaan Qurux qamar u eegeyn......... ado qald ka gelin heee.............
  8. Here is another cabdi jamac: Qaboojiyee http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5WYVcpdHZk
  9. It appears raggu from time immemorial knew how to talk the talk but lacked the art of walking the walk You head that by chance rite?...........
  10. Can an unmarried lady love two men at the sametime? No it is unfair
  11. Sorry i did mean even if we say 50 richest in somali, there will be fewer women in the list..... IMAN IS LOADED, i agree with ya that..
  12. Afromantic-girl, magac fiicnidaa walaley.... Iman is in the list sis, Markale fiiiri. MyoWnboss Layzie GIRL si reer magaal nimo kugu sheegtay bajaqyaal somali oo Oveloaded ah ineey iran laakin waa ka hoos baxday So You and Lazia ayaa kamid ah sax?
  13. Yaabka Yaabkiisa, ignorance is not an excuse eedo. Just because you don't know something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist, and I will not do your homework for you. After all, you are the poster, so dig up the info, start asking around and you will find answers Lazy, I hope you doing great there( whereever u are ) Secondly, You know why i posted: " Who are the top richest somali guys" is because i was looking for info....other then that even if we say top 50 richest in somalia, i am sure Naag somali maku jirto......Haddi laga reebo Iman and Yaasmiin...
  14. Rageh Omar - million $ book deal - million $ Al-Jazeera deal K'naan - world class artist Iman - CEO of IMAN COSMETICS Nurrudin Farah - one of Africa's greatest writers has sold millions of books in 20 languages Yasmin Warsame - Supermodel - 10 - 20 fashion shows a year, not rocket science..she is loaded Mohammed Ibrahim Yassin Olad - Founder of Daallo Airlines Abdirizak Issak Ido Founder and President of Nationlink Somalia I agree with ya , Thanks for ur info, This wat we supposed to share and know among us...at least we can tell if someone ask who are the top richest in somalia...
  15. is this (above mentioned article) wat somaliz facing nowdays that produce, chewing khat around and so on?
  16. mr ceel dheeroow intee ku ilowday diidi koba laabe jirde hussein iyo kuwa kale maalka meel ay kala geeyaan waysan There were but not now i think so, cuz i dont hear their business activities... ps Hadi aan dhahay Adow was born in Ceeldher, is that make i also was born in ceeldheer--i born in mugdisho and grew up in Qurbo....