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Everything posted by Yaabka-Yaabkiis

  1. loool@curi, by now on qafta gaaban aan arko Curi ku dhaha..hadi wax iga so gaaran adiga lee waaye..
  2. ^^ Curi mukulaal la dhaaa, dadkana mala dhahaa.......cajaaib!!
  3. Reactive Person: Reactive Person behaves like soda bottle – Think what happens when we open the lid. Hear Sounds: Fizzing and Bubbling which finally settles down. They have a inbuilt pressure from inside which pushes them to unpleasant situation because of impulsive choices they make. It is because of their irrational behaviour they create problems for them. They erupt like a volcano as they cannot control themselves and have little idea about the consequences or have not given enough time to thinking, training their mind. When we are reactive we do not have any control over our own language, behaviour and actions. [mind] Animals are controlled by us as their remote control is in our hand. Reactive Person wrongly exercises their choice as their mind is not trained to respond or is not aware about such processes. Hence they land up in more trouble for themselves and create problems for others also. For them it means the remote control remains in others hand. They generally speak the following statements: You ruined my day, You made me angry, Because of you I have to… There is nothing I can do… I CAN NOT… Responsive Person: Responsive Person would think being Proactive – He thinks Positive. It is very difficult to become one but one needs to develop these skills. They are calm, cool and in control. They never let others ruin their day. They try to achieve control over language, behaviour and actions. They will try not giving remote in others hands and controlling their destiny. They will not allow others control, moods and actions. They will assert for their choices. It is their choice to be angry, irritated and frustrated. They can make better choices based on values and best options available to them. They think before they act..They have realized that they cannot control everything or anything-but can control their actions and reactions with the positive attitude. They speak: I am responsible for every action not anybody else. I CAN DO BETTER. I TRY TO CHOOSE Better options and choice. So, Think and ACT friends make your life simple. Do remember the Reality-People-Situation-Life controls our behaviour. Arise, Awake, and stop not till the goal is reached said Swami Vivekananda. Have anyone around here trained him/her self to be proactive person? Guys i am really suffering being reactive person( i am kind of honest, straight person never disturb someone and i can't stand to be disturbed, hmm), stresses, annoyed, hmmmmm.. Anytips please how to change reactive behaviours to proactive, Anyidea, duco or whatever that helps? Yaabka-Yaabkiis
  4. ^^ No you are not kidding.. It is my first night i joined paltalk since 2001, till now i was kicked from three rooms why?
  5. Af-jini qafiif ah ku hadloosa kii kismaayo miyaaa?
  6. Five Defining Characteristics of Great CEOs - Jan B. King 1. Personal insight. Great CEOs are great leaders. They know themselves and what they stand for. They have been called on all their lives as problem solvers because others know them to be fair and impartial. People respect their opinions and look to them for guidance. Great CEOs are mature as people. They can suffer disappointment more gracefully than others and give others credit for their achievements. They don’t come in the office door yelling for something they need. They aren’t as concerned about titles or power structures as they are about the welfare of those who work at the company. They are trustworthy because they’ve always been honest with people and have earned that trust. They care about families, and they know that people are more important than dollars and express it in their actions every day. Finally, great CEOs seek out feedback. They want to know how others see them so that they can understand themselves better and continue to grow as people. They also want feedback about the company from an employee perspective, and they use surveys as a starting point for creating a dialogue to make things better. 2. Resourcefulness. Great CEOs seem to have boundless energy. They come to work with the greatest enthusiasm. Even when they don’t feel like it, they find ways to reenergize themselves and come in ready to go. They take good care of themselves physically and emotionally so that they can be there for the employees and the needs of the company. They give much more than they take every day. They don’t give up. If the wall is too high, they back down and find another way around. They don’t blame, but they do look for solutions to problems so that those problems are less likely to happen again. 3. Courage. The CEO has one of the world’s toughest jobs. No matter how tough it was to start the company, it’s even harder to keep it going and growing. A CEO must decide what he or she stands for and do what is right, all the time. It takes courage to fire the salesperson responsible for the company’s biggest, most lucrative account when that same salesperson drives a company car drunk and causes an accident. There will be many times when CEOs will want to smooth over something that requires decisive action because of the potential consequences or because they just can’t take on one more challenge at the moment. However, CEOs who exercise poor moral judgment will lose their personal integrity with all of their employees watching. 4. Willing to look at risk. A great CEO isn’t afraid to look at the downside and answer the hard questions he or she hopes will never become a reality. The CEO needs a backup plan—one that is designed by looking at the company’s worst-case scenarios. This plan addresses questions such as: What if your industry experiences a slump? What if new governmental regulations affect your business? What if you lose the client that accounts for 50 percent of your sales? Preparing yourself and your company for these eventualities may be the difference between a tough year or two and bankruptcy. If you are in business for 20 years, some of your worst-case scenarios will probably happen. The key is to be ready and able to take immediate action to reduce the loss. 5. Foresight. It seems some CEOs have an uncanny ability to predict the future. They may have unusual insights into their particular markets, and luck may play a part as well. In addition, they are prepared to create their own luck by cultivating an ability to see opportunities for their company and to make the deals that convert those opportunities into realities. Some things that may seem like amazing foresight are actually the result of the hard work and discipline it takes to constantly look forward to build a successful company. Great CEOs must also constantly develop new products to build and retain a customer base. Foresight is also the ability to hire and retain the right people, looking ahead toward the growth of the company. Finally, over time, each company must develop a steady source of business during both good economic times and bad, because there are sure to be bad economic times during the life of a business.
  7. Criteria to become CEO : An article worth reading if you're almost there in becoming CEO is the one by Dan Ciampia (advisor on leadership transitions) in the HBR of Jan 05. In the article, Ciampa shares some of his rich experience and knowledge about how you can distinguished good CEO candidates from the ones that actually make it. According to Ciampa the three most important criteria to become CEO are: Management savvy (a. avoid jumping in personally to solve problems others can handle, b. make the right judgments about what to expend energy on, c. maintain control of the key decisions and a full pipeline of talented people, d. make people feel appreciated and stay loyal) Political intelligence (a. don't be labeled "political", b. recognize how relationships are likely to affect early success, c. get peers and subordinates to go out of their way to help, d. don't seem self-serving) Personal style (a. make success look effortless, b. allow others' performance to be recognized too, c. manage energy to stay on the 'rested edge' and to avoid the 'ragged edge', d. enable peers to improve their performance, e. stay grounded and make sure basic needs are met while mastering new concepts) On top of that, Dan Ciampa recommends to make sure you 1. understand your boss's point of view [whether he is worth it or not ], 2. know your limitations [don't dive in the deep too early], and you 3. manage the shadow organization [grasp the alliances and political realities that come with the top-level job].
  8. Always Take the Job That Offers the Most Money After you have decided what you want to do--whether it is banking, advertising, manufacturing, or something else--go to work for the company that offers you the most money. If you have not decided what kind of career or industry is for you, then take the job that offers the most money. If you are in a corporation, always take the transfer, promotion, or assignment that pays the most money. There are several important reasons why you go for the money. First, all of your benefits, perquisites, bonuses, and subsequent raises will be based on your salary. Corporations give all extra compensation in percentages. Therefore, a 10 percent raise on a $22,000 salary is $200 better than the same raise on a $20,000 salary. Second, the higher paid you are, the more visible to top management you will be. Third, the more money you are paid, the more contribution will be expected of you. This means you will be given more responsibility, tasks, and problems to solve. And a chance to perform is an invitation to success. Fourth, if two people are candidates for a promotion to a job that pays $50,000, and one person makes $30,000 and the other $40,000 the higher paid person always gets the job. The higher paid person gets the job regardless of talent, contribution, or anything else. Corporations usually take the easy way out, and it is easier to promote the higher paid than the lower.* Finally, in business, money is the scoreboard. The more you make, the better you're doing. Simple. *Promoting the higher paid is the path of no resistance in most organizations. Someone approved the higher paid person's compensation. Others concurred. To leapfrog the higher paid diminishes the sponsor of the higher paid. And the sponsors of the higher paid are, themselves, even higher paid. Promoting the higher paid endorses the wisdom of upper management.
  9. My Maybank card--i already re-get it. How is hergasia doing with ya-last-time i been to there was 1999....
  10. My wallet i did mean that....
  11. I lost my _____________ How is SOL Nomads doing?
  12. "Waxaan Soomaali ma quseysee, wax Soomaali quseyso keen, Awyaaboow. A man's bestfriend is a dog kulahaa. Jaamac eey la joogo iska dhaafee, konton tilaabo meel uu fadhiyo ma u dhawaanaayo" Title wuxuu aha 'Funny stuff'..lol
  13. "Cabdi Qaasim speaks at a press conference and calls for the removal of the Ethiopian troops, deployment of UN troops, cease fire, release of prisoners in Moqdisho, return of refugees, and peaceful reconciliation of Somalis of all walks of life including you, the diaspora community. And lastly, America's military intervention in Somali" The guy made his tribe rich during his presidential time and not even capable of solving anything--the worst presedent i head in my life.....darn it
  14. Men vs. Women Women vs. Men The Difference Women have more imagination than men. They need it to tell us how wonderful we are. Women have their faults. Men have only two. Everything they say. Everything they do. A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. A successful women is one who can find such a man. The Style Men wake up as good-looking as they went to bed. Women somehow deteriorate during the night. When women are depressed they either eat or go shopping. Men invade another country. It's a whole different way of thinking. A man is a person who will pay two dollars for a one-dollar item he wants. A woman will pay one dollar for a two-dollar item that she doesn't want. The Workplace When a man gives his opinion, he's a man. When a woman gives her opinions, she's a *****. Women are the only exploited group in history who have been idealized into powerlessness. Relationships Diamonds are a girl's best friend. Dogs are a man's best friend. Now you know which sex is smarter. Most men's primary fantasy is still, unfortunately, access to a number of beautiful women. For a man, commitment means giving up this fantasy. Most women's primary fantasy is a relationship with one man who either provides economic security or is on his way to doing so ( he has "potential"). For a woman, commitment to this type of man means achieving this fantasy. So commitment often means that a woman achieves her primary fantasy, while a man gives his up. It's not true that men prefer foolish women. Rather they prefer women who can simulate foolishness whenever necessary, which is the very core of intelligence. Sex When a man falls in love, he wants to go to bed. When a woman falls in love, she wants to talk about it. I love the lines the men use to get us into bed. "Please, I'll only put it in for a minute." "What am I, a microwave ?" Man's greatest advantage in the battle of the sexes is woman's curiosity. One puzzling thing about men - they allow their sex instincts to drive them to where their intelligence never would take them. Love Men always want to be a woman's first love. Women have a more subtle instinct : What they like is to be a man's last romance. The only way to understand a woman is to love her - and then it isn't necessary to understand her. "A guys know he's in love when he wants to grow old with a woman. When he wants to stay with her in the morning .... When he starts calling sex "making love" and afterward wants a great big hug. When he loses interest in the car for a couple of days. It's that simple, I swear." To women, love is an occupation. To men, a preoccupation. A man loses his sense of direction after four drinks. A woman loses hers after four kisses. To be happy with a man you must understand him a lot and love him a little. To be happy with a woman you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all. Marriage A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't. A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change and she does. Men marry becasue they are tired; woman because they are curious; Both are disappointed. A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband, while a man never worries about the future until he gets a wife. A woman will always cherish the memory of the man who wanted to marry her; a man, of the woman who didn't. There are two times when a man doesn't understand a woman * before marriage and after marriage. Husbands Two days are the best of a man's wedded life, The days when he marries and buries his wife. Only two things are necessary to keep one's wife happy. One is to let her think she is having her own way, and the other is to let her have it. Married men live longer than single men, But married men are a lot more willing to die. Any married man should forget his mistakes - it's no use two people remembering the same thing. Women, deceived by men, want to marry them; it is a kind of revenge as good as any other. Wives A husband is what is left of the lover after the nerve has been extracted. Mahatma Gandhi was what wives wish their husbands were : thin, tan and moral. Some husbands are living proof that a woman can take a joke. Husbands are like cars: all are good the first year. You marry the man of your dreams, but fifteen years later, you're married to a reclining chair that burps. When a man brings his wife flowers for no reason - there's a reason. The Battle A woman has the last word in any argument. Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument. On Men Man is the missing link between the ape and the human being. Adam is but man's first draft. If you women knew what we were thinking, you'd never stop slapping us. Men are like animals, but they make great pets. A man is one who loses his illusions first, his teeth second, and his follies last. When you take away what a man is born with, and what his mother made him all you would have is an ego. On Woman Can you imagine a world without men? No crime and lots of happy fat women. Women have two weapons - cosmetics and tears. Women may be the only group that grows more radical with age. God made man before woman to give him time to think of an answer for her first question.
  15. ^^HI CHU, wat have you done today?
  16. ^^commenting on weddings happening in torono isn't useless, wasting time, maqaayadaha,fadhi ku dirirka ayaaa looga hadlaa. we dont need video segments for that, are u saying in his video wuxuu dhahaa Heblaha dirac bey wadatay.... ps i see my self nowdays not liking ppl call me walalo...
  17. ^^^oo iska hadal camal................waxa rabtid sheeg
  18. Qabiilku waa cudur aan daawa laheen..wuxu ka bilaawda ma anogoo reer hebel baa ree hebel ...
  19. Feynuus, it was march 14 and i had nothing to do so, i was visiting old friends.... U Today, wat u doing ?