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Everything posted by Yaabka-Yaabkiis

  1. Oday, I also Really enjoy reading your replies too bro, no doubts at all. wlc to Johor baru, i will try to help if any needed. as for the somalis case ,i will joing letter, You better then me in that(somalia case)you economist. I will try to read that one, thanks for your recommendation. Yaabka-Yaabkiis
  2. Oday, What makes you curious about that?lol, i am working for entrepreneurial company in Malaysia--as a company we did bring alot of innovations to the market. As economist using Revealed competititiveness theory, yOU first said in your argues ICT is value added industry then again you saying ICT don't support other industries. Though You using Researchs and other articales to validate your argues-i doubt economist argue in such way you do!! Yaabka-Yaabkiis
  3. Waxa jeclahay badankiin in aad maqasheen sheekada dhaxmartay hooyo iyo wiilkeda yar. Wiilka: Hooyo aabe maxa bidaarta u yeelay. Hooyo: Wiilkeyga caqliga waaaye. Wiilka: Hooyo adi Bidaar malihid. Dabaal maa tahay? ........ kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
  4. ^^ and where are u? in malaysia..no they were not for us ............lool
  5. Oday, Bro, argues never end as it never end among econmists, i am entrepreneur. by the way using term called Revealed competititivenessis not bad thing -in that sense you saying ICT is not supporting other indutries?.
  6. ^^^ Our clocks were not changes a month ago, are you really in canada?
  7. ^^Sure you did, mine was like: sleeping in whole days and living at nights. Hayaanku ma meel fogbaa habeenki socod miyaa Harkiina seexo miyaa.
  8. Maasha allah i don't have one in mind now, Highly Valuable Topic. Yaabka-Yaabkiis.
  9. I will not spent my hard-working money for one nite Celebration/wedding, hopefully will have normal events :mad: Yaabka-Yaabkiis.
  10. The notion that china makes inferior products; competes in the lower end is a fallacy. In fact chinese firms are more innovative than many other firms around the globe I did not say chinese Firms are not annovotive firms , they are followers, do IMITATE. does China not compete in the lower end products? I think we need to define what we mean by entrepreneurial; I often opt to define it using Joseph Schumpeter (when he argued that capitalism will fail if it does not renew itself), Those who bring innovations, new combinations; incremental to the market place; On the other hand, many assume that entrepreneurialism is about small business formation Bro, In my life i did not head "entrepreneurialism is about small business formation" entrepreneurialism is what makes one country to be ahead of another, did you not ever hear 'America was built by Entreprenuers'? simply it is what Joseph Schumpeter said. if you think that ICT soft ware is high tech while every other is low-tech then we have a problem. Not ICT software, ICT is not limited to softwares section bro, it is a broader industry.(Information communication technology). Lastly, Are you saying a country should have competative edge/advantage in every industry in order to have economy boom? i assume that is what our argues all about? P S, are you economist by academy, i mean those idealistic guys living in assumptions .
  11. ^^that shows yu were learning...
  12. Beel yahay gadoodayoo go’daydoo gabar ku ciil beeshay Oo inan yaroo guri gashay ay kaga gariirsiisay Oo garan waayay wuxu waa gabar aan wax idin gaarsiinin Ma weydnaan gabdhaha sharaf u hayn garasho yeelkeede Gun iyo baar ma gaangeesigaa gubaya ruuxiinna Gobos-nowdii xabashida miyaa tan idin gaarsiisay Gablan talo adduuneey maxaa galaya Taariikhda Gacal ma lahan nabad-sugiddu waa shuuci gaamuraye God buu idinku riday odaygii aad garabsanayseene Geenyada darmaantaa rag waa gacalo eegaaye Wuu ku ridyay Nabeee
  13. Bro Oday, the indiaN economy is not entrepreneurial economy nor chinese one. When we talk about economy there are three level of economies: Base-economy(Africa, Arab countries economy are more based on Base-economy as well as some asia countries), knowledge-economy( developt asians such Singapore, .. chine and india not in large-part but they are practicing) , and now creativity-economy which usa, japan and some western countries are practicing nowdays( offcourse one would need to google them to understand what differentiates one country to another) Lets differenciate what makes chine more developt then india. In my opinion chine's competative edge is more based FDI, cheap product, cheap technology WITH no quality; that what make them to have surplus exports; but think if all those foriegn multinationals move to african countries that given cheap labor of africa come up with cheap product, cheap technology with quality that competes agains china(remember, china are not fast-to-market-entrepreneurs, they followers), what will happen to chine though they are not good at in any particular area? that is if america want to crash china economy, did you say "The chinese have the ability to ensure the crash of the US economy if they wanted." How sxb? India is good at ICT which is more broader then Software only but currently lets say India is good at Softwares(knowldge economy) what if they stop their Brain Drains, compete in other industriesas as well as chine 'IMITATE' , attract FDI more they do now--do you not think India will bypass China? I am talking the idea of: To be good at one area and boost/compete in others which china lacks is initiatives of healthy-economic-development, i don't see chine's future-well-being-economic development if USA take steps against chine's surplus exports....
  14. Oday, ICT is lucrative industry, i dont know why u consider it as value added? isn't india good at other industries: Texttile, they are have alot world-wide exports--agree one with ya 'social cohesion' they should overcome that.. "On the contrary the chinese economy is based on many spheres. It is a natural resourse based economy, consumerism and very hetrogenous" They entrepreneurs, and they once utilized the opportunity of FDI. What i am talking about is; they are not different in terms of institutional building( they are places in chine where poverty is more severe then in Africa.)
  15. ^^^^What? " The Indian economy has some institutional problems. It will never experience growth as China is doing. It is based on ICT (software)- and that is like laying all your eggs in one basket" As americans good at Service industry as well as technology industry, Arabs for crude oil, Malaysian for Palm oil, INDIA IS GOOD AT SOFTWARE INDUSTRY, i don't see any problem for a country to have one leading competative edge..China is good at attracting FDI as well as they are followers-they simply imitate any product and come up with new one, what i see between india and china is that chine is more strategist then india; they are also entrepreneurs. I dont think they have institutional problems-they are aslo competing in other industries, In the case of somalia, i don't know what to say; all i can say is if we get peace; there will be high chance of rapid ecenomic development as somalis are born entrepreneurs. Yaabka-Yaabkiis.
  16. I like Shirib, weli badgalka mala sameeeyaa.............
  17. i am Malmahan Reading ' Transforming small business to a world class business'